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THIS book is intended to give, first, a simple account of the elementary facts of English Grammar, so far as they relate to the construction of sentences; and, secondly, a short sketch of the fundamental principles of English Composition. I have attempted to explain these matters in a manner that may be both useful and interesting to young students; to teach them to write with accuracy and clearness; and to lead them to the study of the masterpieces of English Prose and Verse. In fixing the limits of the work, I have been guided chiefly by the requirements of the University of Cambridge in the Local Examinations.

In preparing myself for a task, for which I had no special qualification, I learnt much from Professor E. Mätzner's great work on the English language, and I have had the further advantage of constant reference to Dr. A. Schmidt's copious and accurate Dictionary of the Language of Shakespeare.

I am greatly indebted for corrections and suggestions to many friends, who have assisted me in the

revision of the proof-sheets.

I shall be grateful for

any advice that readers of the book may be disposed

to give.

I fear that I have trusted too much to memory in citing passages from the poets, and that some slight errors-like that in the quotation from Dryden on page 15, where untainted is put for unspotted-have yet to be discovered.

CAMBRIDGE: April, 1876.


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