| Edward Herbert Baron Herbert of Cherbury - Ambassadors - 1770 - 192 pages
...the Summer, my Cafement being opened towards the South, the Sun mining clear and no Wind ftirring, I took my book De Veritate in my Hand, and kneeling on my Knees devoutly faid thefe words, Thou Eternal God, Author of the Light which now fhines upon me, and Giver of all... | |
| Thomas Percival - Moral education - 1781 - 106 pages
...fummer, my cafement being opened " towards the fouth, the fun mining clear, and no " wind ftirring, I took my book De Veritate in my " hand, and kneeling on my knees, devoutly faid, " O thou eternal God, I am not fatisfied enough, whether " I jhall publijh this book ; if it... | |
| Uzal Ogden - 1795 - 366 pages
...the f'ummer, my cafement being open towards the South, the fun fli'ming clear and no .wind ftirrir.g, I took my book de veritate in, my hand, and kneeling, on my knees devoutly faid «j«<?Hon 'only of that Be'wg: of all Beings, whom tfeefe words. O -then eternal God/ a^th^r... | |
| 1806 - 500 pages
...publication of it. His words are these : " Being thus doubtful, in my chamber, one fair day in tha summer, my casement being opened towards the south,...the sun shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took ray book " De Veritate" in my hand, and kneeling ou my knees, devoutly sai4 these words: " O thou eternal... | |
| Johann Lorenz Mosheim - Church history - 1803 - 534 pages
...Paris, ti'lxre It was ambassador in the year 1624), one fair " day in the summer, my casement being open towards the " south, the sun shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took " my book LJe I'rritate in my hands, and, kneeling on tny ** knees, devoutly said these words : 0 tbou Eternal... | |
| George Burnett - English prose literature - 1807 - 1152 pages
...sufficient proof: Being doubtful (says he) in my chamber on* fme day in the summer, my casement being open towards the south, the sun shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book De Veritate in my hands, and kneeling on my knees, devoutly said these words — ' O thou eternal God, author of this... | |
| George Burnett - 1807 - 556 pages
...sufficient proof: Being doubtful (says he) in my chamber one fine day in the summer, my casement being open towards the south, the sun shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book De Verllate in my hands, and kneeling on my knees, devoutly said these words — 'Othou eternal God, author... | |
| John Watkins - Authors, English - 1808 - 568 pages
...against the authority of the scriptures.— But let his lordship speak for himself. ' Being thus doubtful in my chamber, one fair day in the summer, my casement...shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book'' De Vent ate,' in my hand, and kneeling on my knees, devoutly said, 'O thou eternal God:, I am not satisfied... | |
| John Watkins - Authors, English - 1808 - 752 pages
...the authority of the scriptures. — ' But let his lordship speak for himself. ' Being thus doubtful in my chamber, one fair day in the summer, my casement being opened towards towards the south, the sun shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book ' De Feritate,' in my... | |
| 1812 - 560 pages
...were not better for me a while to suppress it. Being thus doubt! ul, and in my chamber one fair day in summer, my casement being opened towards the south,...shining clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book in my hand, and kneeling on my knees devoutly, said these words : — O thou eternal God, author of... | |
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