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MOTHER, no one forgets his; S. P. L. 19. | NATURE, gifts of; Rogers, 211.

longing for; Ellen Gates, 293.

MOTHERS with living children; Chr.

Union, 325.

MOVEMENTS, living; Newman,"51.
MUSIC, what gives us; Herbert, 19.

speech of heart; Wagner, 221.
has its grammar; Forney, 222.
of art,-of nature; Robertson,


sacred; Smith, 222.

when, grieves; Smith, 222.

a pensive memory; Swing, 222.
in the front; Swing, 222.

its effects; Beethoven, 222.
will last; Smith, 222.

the devil cannot stand; Luther,

man without; Shakespeare, 223.
luxury of; Belle Brittain, 223.
martial; Smith, 224.
sister of Poetry; Schaff, 224.
impressive,-expressive; San-
key, 224.

we love; Letitia E. Landon, 224.
night filled with; Longfellow,

[blocks in formation]

human; Johnson, 232.

nutrition in; Whittaker; 233.
book for genius; Mad. Delusy,

has caprices; Macaulay, 301.
NEGRO, image of God; Fuller, 268.
NEGRO-QUESTION, the, on the brain;
Prentice, 269.

NEPTUNE, not blamed; Preault, 242.
NEWSPAPERS, not a private enterprise;
Bonney, 373.

man who reads; Bonney, 374.
teachers of disjointed thinking;
Rush, 65.

educator of the age; Babb, 129.
mirror of the times; Babb, 129.
Sunday; Pittsburgh Catholic, 129.
hostiles; Napoleon, 302.

NEW TESTAMENT, beginning of books;
Parker, 86.

highest style of thought;

[blocks in formation]

knowledge of; Locke, 374.
NEW YEAR, a happy; Plumer, 232.
NIAGARA, ode to; Mrs. Sigourney, 209.
NIL ADMIRARI, a motto; Brydges, 328.
NIGHT, darkest; George Eliot, 440.

its blessings; Burton, 399.
NOBLENESS will rise; Lowell, 30.

of bearing; Huntington, 48.
NOBILITY, essence of true; Froude, 321.
NOBODY, willing to be; Payson, 30.
NOT YET, O friend! Bret Harte, 326.
NOTHING, Worth getting angry; Ray-
mond, 30.

too hard; Herrick, 300.
dies; Byron, 331.

NOVELS, popular, of the day; Greyson
Letters, 65.

poisoning home life; Dix, 66.
sensational; McCarthy, 65.
sentimental; Lord, 67.


O EURIPIDES; Epitaph of Euripides, 250.
O LORD, is this the way? Beadle, 271.
OCCUPATION, according to man's nature;
Smith, 113.

Он, keep their memory green; Vena-
ble, 161.

OH, let us carry hence each one;

- 225.

PANGS, thankful; Johnson, 244.
PARADISE, how I entered; Zoroaster, 31,

OH, it is hard to work for God; Songs PART, we silently; Richter, 420.

of Devotion, 280.

OBSTINACY, heroism of little minds;
—— 21.

ODOR from tainted goodness; Thoreau,


OFFICE-HOLDERS, rarely die, never re-
sign: Jefferson, 55.

ON, on, forever; Harriet Martineau, 401.
ONE hand and the other; Proverb, 262.
OPERA, an experiment; Edwards, 68.
OPINION, & Confession of character;
Emerson, 44.

corrupt public; Curtis, 81.
independent of will; Castelar,

public; Murray, 150.

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unwritten law of society; Mur-
ray, 150.

reasons for; South, 364.

OPINIONS, Sick of; Wesley, 137.

never, without loving words;
Richter, 416.

PARTING, too petty; Shakespeare, 417.
sweet sorrow; Shakespeare, 417.
PARTY, how not to base; Greeley, 78.

burn idols of; Dougherty, 155.

spirit; Curtis, 158.
PASS, let us, over; Friends' Review, 334.
PASSAGES, favorite; Parker, 13.
PASSIONS, of tragedies; Johnson, 191.
PAST, gone forever; Robertson, 241.
comprehension of the ; —,



the results of; Robertson, 251.
a bad thing once; Schiller, 241.
comes not again; Longfellow,

the, is past; Smith, 276.

PATIENCE, we need; Phebe Carey, 126.
PEACE, the way of; Moody, 276.

troublesome to modify our; PEARL, our whitest: Holmes, 420.

George Eliot, 108.

OPINIONS, popular, braved, Greeley, 21.
the greatest lie; Carlyle, 21.

like frost; Townsend, 45.

final sentence of; Murray, 151.
OPPORTUNITIES, wait not for; Goethe,


make your own; Gough, 241.
OPPOSITION, christened persecution;
George Eliot, 121.

brightest tribute; Hayes, 352.

ORTHODOXY, at present; Chalmers, 142.
Bourbon of thought; Huxley,


PACIFIC, empire of; The Argonauts, 350.
PAGAN, I'd rather be a; Wordsworth, 70.
PAGE, digested; Macaulay, 14.

beautiful quarto; Sheridan, 268.
PAINT, to, a look; Preault, 228.
PAINTER, has but one moment; Rey-
nolds, 228.

PAINTING, my wife; Michael Angelo, 248.
PAINTINGS, adieu, dear; Mazarin, 214.
PALEY, turning point of his life; Barnes,


PEN, brings the; Bulwer, 29.
PEOPLE, feeling of a great; Kossuth, 39.

to sway masses of; McCarthy, 52.
will talk; Wash. Capitol, 114.
second thought of; Van Luren,

government of, by, for the; Lin-
coln, 159.

English; Voltaire, 232.

most difficult to know; Haw-
thorne, 237.

not all, discreet; Cervantes, 238.

that give up God; Bismarck, 277.
PERFECT, the most; Boyes, 375.
PERFECTION, we may not demand;
Miss More, 239.

no trifle; Michael Angelo, 308.
PERFUMES, the seller of; Proverb, 46.
PERISH policy; Macleod, 230.
PERSEVERANCE, a Roman virtue; Hav
ard, 241.

PERSON, a tedious; Jonson, 331.
a startled; Holmes, 271.
PHILOSOPHER, stone of; Randolph, 264.
stone of; Franklin, 317.
PHILOSOPHY, practical; Swing, 103.

forgetting God; Bancroft, 146.

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each his own;
PLAGIARISTS, their merit; Disraeli, 26.
in the pulpit; Buckley, 137.
PLAIN-LIVING, no more; Wordsworth, 28.
PLAN not, but wait; Macduff, 290.
PLATO and Socrates; Coleridge, 268.
PLEASURE, poor material; Wendte, 35.
in pathless woods: Byron, 211.
the greatest; Lamb, 236.
reflex of energy; Hamilton, 245.
PLEASURES, like poppies; Burns, 264.
POEMS, clear-cut crystals; Bellows, 12.
I have lived my; Wilde, 178.
POET, I come to touch thy lance; Long-
fellow (to Tennyson,) 211.
POETRY, truth flying; Beecher, 75.

language of gods; Rogers, 211.
music married to sentiment;

in literature; Parson, 173.

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POINTS, to command life from; Shelley,

POLICY, no, like politeness; Magoon,

POOR, poorer, poorest; Jean Ingelow, 280.
POPULAR, what is, deserves attention;
Thackeray, 30.

discontents abroad; Curran, 53.
POPULARITY, care not for; Chalmers, 58.
no test of merit; Robertson, 260.
POSITION, a lowly; Hall, 32.
POVERTY, the sixth sense; Proverb, 266.
despised; Colton, 272.

POWER, is everything; Whipple, 26.

repeated effort; Baldwin, 262.
POWERS, Mirabeau's; Dumont, 261.
the heavenly;

PRAISE, undeserved; Broadhurst, 299.
the breath of; Miss More, 322.
PRAY more,-worry less; Moody, 250.
PRAYER, how the Lord answers;
- 202.

a helper; Melanchton, 322.
neglect of secret;


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necessary to a man; Farrar, 397.

unanswered; Grace Aguilar, 397.
PRAYERS, not heard; Jean Ingelow, 394.
of Christ; Tholuck, 392.
PREACHING, mere professional; Hamil
ton, 132.

its province; N. Y. Herald, 133.
preparation for; Woolsey, 133.
"foolishness of"; Hamilton, 133.
most effective; Parker, 133.
alluring to better worlds; Gold-
smith, 134.

to the conscience; Princeton
Review, 134.

to the conscience; Goulburn, 185.
ineffective; Alexander, 135.
effective; Spurgeon, 135.

a lifetime of; Gough, 135.

[ocr errors]

PREACHING, like lightning; Pond, 136.

rule for; Paxton, 136.

may treat all vital questions;
Robertson, 136.

must be brief; Carlyle, 138.
what we want in; Shedd, 138.
simplicity in; Savonarola, 139.
needs our energy; James, 142.
utterance of personal convic-
tion; Cook, 144.
PRECEDENT, tenor of second rate men;
Parker, 19.

PREJUDICE, prejudgment; S. P. L., 354.
PRESENTIMENT, Mary A. Barr, 396.
PRESERVED by posterity; Stanley, 361.
PRESS, the friend of reason; Colton, 302.
productions of; Chapin, 302.
like gunpowder; Phillips, 302.
cradle of reformation; Agnes
Strickland, 302.

a new element of power; Whip-
ple, 302.

liberty of; Macaulay, 372.
PRETENSION is nothing; Whipple, 26.
PRETENSIONS, our; Mad. Girardin, 301.
PRIDE, a noble; Richter, 322.

PRINCIPLES, independence of; Jacobus,


defection in; Dickens, 81.
PROBLEMS, to speak the; Emerson, 248.
PROCRASTINATION, a thief; Young, 240.
PROFESSION, estimate of; Burke, 364.

PRISONERS to fancy;

of faith, my; Pascal, 254.
of faith, my; Tilton, 255.
PROFESSIONAL accomplishment; George
Eliot, 109.

PROMISE, SO infinitely; Falstaff, 263.
in vain; Goulburn, 135.

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READING, easy; Parker, 324.
READY for death;
REALITIES and illusions; Richter, 23.
and dreams; Moore, 397.
REASON, things above; Sidney, 85.

test of ridicule; Warburton, 327.
RECOLLECTIONS, pleasant; S. P. L., 286.
REFLECTION, to master; Coleridge, 331.
REFORM, Work of, Whately, 64.

of Christianity; Chapin, 153.
REIGN of law, the; Garfield, 270.

PROPERTY and labor; ———, 105.
PROSE, truth looking on the ground; REGRET, the vain; Whittier, 345.

Beecher, 75.

[blocks in formation]

RELIGION, Motives to; Butler, 81.

professors of; Bethune, 88.
built on introspection; Canon
Mosely, 393.

in walks of life; Jaggar, 86.
what is; Luthardt, 87.
enemy to vices; Massillon, 393.
now required; Swing, 87.

[blocks in formation]

RELIGION, never fashionable; Moody, | ROMANCE, poetry of literature; Mad.


ally of science; Parker, 328.
and science; Holmes, 327.
men without; Franklin, 302.
essential to society; Laplace, 301.
assent to God; Martineau, 271.
choicest philosophy; More, 368.
master piece of; Vinet, 363.
RELIGIOUS indifference, Robertson, 85.
might; Robertson, 138.

REMORSE needs a comforter; Mrs. Sig-
ourney, 320.

characteristics of; Froude, 131.
affects some minds less; Rud-
der, 392.

REPENTANCE, man after; Spurgeon, 890.
most divine act; Carlyle, 392.
shuns the evil; Shakespeare, 393.
on the death bed; Dow, 412.
REPLY, impromptu; Moliere, 308.
REPUTATION beyond merit; Beatty, 79.
RESOLUTION, irrevocable; Seward, 79.

native hue of: Shakespeare, 411.
RESPECT for those not succeeding in
life; Hillard, 41.

position of; Kane, 149.

he that does not; Herbert, 242.
REST, in a corner; Thomas a Kempis, 14.
no, in the ministry; Moody, 154.
do not; Goethe, 310.
RESURRECTION, the; Caroline Leslie, 209,
RETICENCE, & judicious; Chesterfield, 238.
RETROSPECT of youth; Landon, 401.
REVIVAL, genuine; Cuyler, 139.
REVOLUTION, fruits of; Rollin, 306.
REVOLUTIONS, like volcanoes; Hugo, 28.

RHETORIC, talent of decaying states;
Phillips, 66.

flowers of; Macaulay, 209.

RIGHT, test of everything; Wise, 38.

on the scaffold; Lowell, 49.

Necker, 302.

ROME, the church of; Murray, 142.
ROSES have thorns; Shakespeare, 234.
ROUNDS, to ascend by; Longfellow, 298.
RULES, golden; Dickens, 37.
RUMOR precedes tidings; Taylor, 292.
RUT, getting into a; Price, 231.


SABBATH, benefit of; Ganse, 83.
well spent; Hale, 394.
school; Duryea, 140.

a rainy; Christian at Work, 245.
a golden clasp; Longfellow, 321.
SACRIFICE, no heroic, ever lost; Gar-
field, 370.

it was no; Livingston, 324.
SADNESS, most unutterable; Brooke, 123.
SARCASM, language of the devil; Car-
lyle, 266.

sharpened; Chesterfield, 266.
SATISFIED, I shall be;
SAVIOR, to Thee, their; Hymnal, 413.
voice of; Sarah Doudney, 215.
SAXON cruelty; O'Connell, 22.
SCAN gently; Burns, 281.
SCHOLAR, the devout; Alger, 13.
SCHOOL, the Manchester; McCarthy, 59.
SCHOOLS, necessity of; Mann, 217,
SCORN spent in vain; Foster, 260.
SCIENCE, ally of religion; Parker, 328.
topography of ignorance;
Holmes, 330.

SCRIPTURE, gold mines of;


passages of; Greyson Letters, 17.
the version of; Rogers, 42.
constructions of; Whedon, 85.
confirmed; Herschel, 362.

read in two hundred languages;
Cook, 382.

rather than President; Clay, 79. SCULPTURING of character; Beecher, 19.

an eternal ray; Hugo, 232.

to be in the; Lowell, 325.
doing; Beecher, 344.

RIGHTEOUS, become-do; Luther, 328.
RIGHTEOUSNESS, turning to; Boy e, 304.
RIPENING Without shriveling; Boyd, 84.
RISE, for the day is passing; Adelaide
A. Procter, 356.

what we, by; Holland, 315.

SCYTHIANS at feast; Bancroft, 82.
SEE, easy to; Franklin, 27.

to,-not to; Goethe, 243.
SELECT, to, well; Troublet, 265.
SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, not always awake;
Emerson, 45.

SELF-DENIAL, teach; Scott, 299.
SELF-EASE is pain; Whittier, 315.

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