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concluded with, Vive la Liberte?—Liberty for ever! Who would believe that the people, who suffered this mandate to be stuck up about their city like a play bill, had sworn to live free or die *?

In spite, however, of all their menaces, they still found, that remorse would sometimes follow the murder of a friend or relation. Conscience is a troublesome guest to the villain, who yet believes in a hereafter. The deputies therefore were resolved to banish this guest from the bosoms of their partizans, as it had already been banished from their own.

With this object in view, they ordered a solemn civic festival in honour of CHALLIER. His image was carried round the city, and placed in the churches. Those temples which had, many of them, for more than a thousand years, resounded with hosannas to the SUPREME BEING, were now profaned by the adorations paid to the image of a parricide.

All this was but a prelude to what was to follow the next day. It was Sunday †, the day consecrated to the wor

* Under the most extravagant professions of liberty, the French are now become the greatest slaves in Europe. Wherever they go, they pretend to offer the people liberty; but no sooner do the silly folks listen and believe, than they find themselves plundered and enslaved.

+ The French, before the Revolution, were extremely inattentive to the sanctification of the sabbath; and by a most striking retaliation of Providence, they are now entirely deprived of the sabbath! Many in this country, especially the nobility and gentry, are almost universally treading in the same steps; and have we reason to suppose we shall not, ere long, be treated in the same manner? Were I an Infidel in principle, I would observe the sabbath day, for the sake of example. For if religion could be proved to have no foun-' dation in truth, it must be allowed to be extremely convenient for the purpose of keeping mankind in order. 66 I go to church some

time," said the late infidel Earl of Oxford," in order to induce my servants to go to church. A good moral sermon may instruct and benefit them. I only set them an example of listening, not of believing.". And what injury would his Lordship have sustained, if he had both listened, believed, and obeyed? All hypocrites are base and contemptible characters, whatever specious attainments they may possess of a literary, philosophical, or political kind. It does not appear that his Lordship, any more than HUME and FRANKLIN, ever gave Christianity a serious and conscientious investigation. They were all too busy in life, and had little inclination to religious pursuits. The carnal minds of a Nobleman and a Philosopher are equally at enmity against GOD.

ship of our blessed REDEEMER. A vast concourse of democrats, men and women, assembled at a signal agreed on, formed themselves into a sort of mock procession, preceded by the image of CHALLIER, and followed by a little detached troop, each bearing in his hand a chalice, or some other vase of the church. One of these sacrilegious wretches led an ass, covered with a priest's vestment, and with a mitre on his head. He was loaded with crucifixes and other symbols of the Christian religion, and had the Old and New Testaments suspended to his tail. Arrived at the square called the Terreaux, they then threw the two Testaments, the crucifixes, &c. into a fire, prepared for the purpose, made the ass drink out of the sacramental cup, and were proceeding to conclude their diabolical profanations with the massacre of all the prisoners, to appease the ghost of CHALLIER, when a violent thunder-gust put an end to their meeting, and deferred the work of death for a few hours.

The pause was not long. The deputies, profiting by the impious frenzy with which they had inspired the soldiery and the mob, and by the consternation of the respectable inhabitants, continued their butchery with redoubled fury. Those who led the unhappy sufferers to execution, were no longer ordered to confine themselves to such as were entered on the list of proscription, but were permitted to take whomsoever they themselves thought worthy of death! To have an enemy among the democrats, to be rich, or even thought rich, was a sufficient crime. The words nobleman, priest, lawyer, merchant, or even honest man, were so many terms of proscription. Three times was the place of the guillotine changed; at every place holes were dug to receive the blood, and yet it ran in the gutters! The executioners were tired, and the deputies, enraged to see that their work went on so slowly, represented to the mob, that they were too merciful, that vengeance lingered in their hands, and that their enemies ought to perish in mass!

Accordingly, the next day, the execution in mass began. The prisoners were led out, from a hundred to three hundred at a time, into the out-skirts of the city, where they were fired upon, or stabbed*. One of these massacres deserves

*See much more to the same purpose in PETER PORCUPINE'S Bloody Buoy, and in BARRUEL's History of the French Clergy.

particular notice. Two hundred and sixty-nine persons, taken indiscriminately among all classes and all ages, were led to Brotteaux, and there tied to trees. In this situation they were fired upon with grape shot. Numbers of these unfortunate prisoners had only their limbs broken by the artillery; these were dispatched with the sword or the musket. The greatest part of the bodies were thrown into the Rhone, some of them before they were quite dead. Two men, in particular, had strength enough to swim to a sand-bank in the river. One would have thought, that, thus saved as it were by a miracle, the vengeance of their enemies would have pursued them no farther; but no sooner were they perceived, than a party of the dragoons of Lorraine crossed the arm of the river, stabbed them, and left them a prey to the fowls of the air.

Among others, who fell into the hands of the democrats, was Mons. CHAPCIS de Maubourg, one of the first engineers in Europe. They offered to spare his life, if he would serve

CARRIER alone, deputy from the Convention, put to death at Nantz and other places in the south of France, more than 40,000 persons, including men, women, and children.

Such men are to be considered in the light of JEHUS, who are appointed to execute the Divine vengeance upon those persons and places, which have incurred the displeasure of the ALMIGHTY. Nantz contained the richest merchants in the kingdom, and carried on a very considerable trade in the blood of human creatures.

Bishop BURNET was in France at the time of the horrible persecution of the Protestants under LEWIS XIV.

"I do not think," says he, "that, in any age, there ever was such a violation of all that is sacred, either with relation to Gop or man; and what I saw and knew there from the first hand, hath so confirmed all the ideas that I had taken from books, of the cruelty of that religion, that I hope the impression which this hath made upon me, shall never endi but with my life.-From the circumstances, it may be well termed, The ACT of the WHOLE CLERGY of FRANCE." Tracels, Let. 5. p. 210, 247.

If we would see other accounts of what may be expected from a successful invasion of this country by the French, we may be amply gratified by ANTHONY AUFRERE'S, Esq. Warning to Britain against French Perfidy and Cruelly towards the Peasants of Suabia; by PETER PORCUPINE'S Democratic Principles Illustrated; and by Anecdotes of the conduct of the French in Franconia. To these may be added TURREAU'S History of the Vendran War; LAVATER'S Remonstrance with the French Directory; and a work called, A Rapid View of the Overthrow of Switzerland.

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They repeated this offer,
No," replied this gallant

in the armies of the Con ention. with their carabines at his breast. man, "I have never fought but for my GoD and my King : despicable cowards! fire away


* The dying behaviour of various of the victims was very noble and animated. Where so many merit praise, it is difficult to select. The King acquitted himself extremely well in the last trying scenes of his life; but he was a main support of the Beast; and though he died piously, he died a determined catholic; not knowing that this was one of the main causes of his destruction.

It is but justice to his character to observe, what I believe is not generally known, that it was the late Queen of France's party, which forced on the King the treaty with America, in the view of depressing Great Britain. LOUIS considered it as an unfair measure, and threw away the pen, when urged to sanction it with his signature. But in an evil hour for himself and his family, he relented, on repeated importunity; he signed the fatal instrument which involved both hemispheres in the horrors of war; and, in so doing, he .remotely signed the warrant for his own execution. What a lesson is this to men of all ranks to be just and honourable in their dealings!

The princess of LAMBALLE was, after the royal family, one of the most illustrious victims of that bloody period. She was first confined in the Temple, and was afterwards sent to the prison of La Force, where the massacre began early in the morning. At three o'clock she was witness to the preparations making for her destruction. At seven she was dragged by the hair of her head into the court where the victims waited their final sentence. Here she continued, in a standing posture, to witness all the horrid proceedjugs till nine o'clock, when she herself was called before the bloody tribunal. They asked her a few questions; all which she answered with firmness. They charged her with certain crimes; all which she denied. Being in a very short time condemned, without any proof of guilt, she was dragged to the gate; and from the gate conducted through a double line of assassins to the place of execution, through a variety of insults and reproaches. By the side of a pile of dead bodies, she was commanded to kneel, and ask pardon of the nation. Firmly she replied, "I have not injured the nation; and will not ask pardon!"--Your release is the price of your obedience. "I expect

no favour from the hands of ruffians, who dare to call themselves the nation."-Once more, obey; kneel down, and ask pardon, if you wish to live."No: I will not bend my knee-No: I will ask no pardon, no favour from you."--Kueel down and ask pardon, was re-echoed by a thousand voices; but in vain. She remained superior to fear. Two ruffians seized her by the arms, and were ready to tear her in pieces. With all the strength she could gather, she exclaimed, "Go on, ruffians, I will not ask pardon.” Being enraged at her firmness, the fellows rush on her with drawn

The murder in mass did not rob the guillotine of its prey; there the blood flowed without intermission, Death itself was not a refuge from democratic fury. The bodies of the prisoners, who were dead of their wounds, and of those, who, not able to support the idea of an ignominious death, had given themselves the fatal blow, were carried to the scaffold, and there beheaded, receiving thousands of kicks from the sans culottes, because the blood would not run from them. Persons from their sick beds, old men not able to walk, and even women found in child-bed, were carried to the murderous machine. The respectable Mons. LAURAS was torn from his family of ten children, and his wife big with he eleventh. This distracted matron ran with her children, and, threw herself at the feet of the brutal deputy COLLET D'HERBOIS.No mercy! Her conjugal tenderness, the cries of her children, every thing calculated to soften the heart, presented themselves before him; but in vain. "Take away," said he to the officious ruffians by whom he was surrounded, "take away the she-rebel and her whelps." Thus, spurned from the presence of him, who alone was able to save her beloved husband, she followed him to the place of execution. Her shrieks, when she saw him fall, joined to the wildness of her looks, but too plainly foretold her approaching end. She was seized with the pains of child-birth, and was carried home to her house. But, as if her tormentors had shewn her too much lenity, the sans culotte commissary soon after arrived, took possession of all the effects in the name of the sovereign people, drove her from her bed and her house, from the door of which she fell dead in the street!

About three hundred women hoped, by their united prayers and tears, to touch the hearts of those ferocious deputies; but all their efforts were in vain as those of M. LAURAS. They were threatened with a discharge of grape swords, lay open her body, cut off her head, take out her heart, bite it with their teeth, put it in a bason, lift the head on a pike, and carry them about the streets of Paris. Her body was stripped, and exposed naked to the populace.-For a fuller account sea BARRUEL.

This lady was a person of the most amiable manners and benevolent heart; faithful to her friend, and kind and liberal to all. During the whole time she passed in the prison of La Force, she supported all the poor who happened to be there.


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