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shot. Two of them, who, notwithstanding the menaces of the democrats, still had the courage to persist, were tied during six hours to the posts of the guillotine; their own husbands were executed before their eyes, and their blood sprinkled over them!

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M. SERVAN, a lovely young woman of about eighteen years of age, was executed, because she would not discover. the retreat of her father! "What," said she nobly, to the democratic committee, "What! betray my father! impious villains! how dare you suppose it?".


M. COCHET, a lady equally famed for her beauty and her courage, was accused of having put the match to a cannon during the siege, and having assisted in her husband's escape. She was condemned to suffer death. She declared herself with child; and the truth of this declaration was attested by two surgeons. In vain did she implore a respite. In vain did she plead the innocence of the child that was in her womb. Her head was severed from her body, amidst the death-howls of the democratic brigands!

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To this long account of horrible villanies must be added. another, if possible, still more detestable—libidinous brutality! JAVOGUES, one of the deputies from the Convention, opened the career. His example was followed by the soldiery and the mob in general. The wives and daughters of almost all the respectable inhabitants, particularly of such as had emigrated, or who were murdered, or in prison, were put in a state of requisition, and were ordered, on pain of death, to hold their bodies-I spare the reader the term made use of in the decree-in readiness, for the embraces of the true republicans!-Nor were they content with violation: the first ladies of the city were led to the tree of Liberty-Of Liberty! and there made to take the hands of chimney-sweepers and common felons*.

If to these deeds of blood committed at Lyons, we add the murders perpetrated in other parts of France-at Nantz, 27,000; at Paris, 150,000: in La Vendee, 300,000; and, in short, through the whole extent of that unhappy country,

*The facts here related are taken from Mr. JOHN PHILIPS'S small pamphlet on the subject, as his is extracted from a French treatise, and PETER PORCUPINE'S Bloody Buoy.

two millions of persons, within six or seven years; among whom are reckoned 250,000 women; 230,000 children; besides those murdered in the womb; and 24,000 christian priests *; if, moreover, we consider, in what man ner the French, without just offence, have treated the small independent state of Genevat, and how many of its most

* The serious Christian will remember these are the days of vengeance for the innocent blood which was shed in that wide-extended kingdom, under the predecessors of the late unfortunate King. The doctrine of retaliation, though little attended to in general, is an undoubted law of God's kingdom in the government of the world. A moral governour must be morally just. He that sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed. Consult SIMPSON'S Key to the Prophecies, for a large number of instances, wherein the retaliating providence of GOD is visible to the most inattentive observer. BARRUEL'S History of the French Clergy during the Revolution, and PETER PORCUPINE'S Bloody Buoy, contain an awful counterpart to CLAUDE's Complaints of the Protestants of France. The French Philosophers have scarcely been more cruel to the Clergy of France, during the Revolution, than the Clergy of France, at different periods, have been to the Protestants of France. We are all crying out against the wickedness and cruelty of the present governours of that great kingdom, but we forget that the Kings, Bishops, Clergy, Nobles, and Gentry of the land played the saine game, and acted the same tragedy, not very many years ago.It is the LORD's controversy for the blood of his servants.-The above two millions is the number of persons murdered, besides those' who have fallen in battle.

+ "Let the mal-contents in every nation of Europe look at Holland, and at Belgium. Holland was a hive of bees; her sons flew on the wings of the wind to every corner of the globe, and returned laden with the sweets of every climate. Belgium was a garden of herbs, the oxen were strong to labour, the fields were thickly covered with the abundance of the harvest. Unhappy Dutchmen ! ye will still toil, but not for your own comfort; ye will still col lect honey, but not for yourselves; France will seize the hive as often as your industry shall have filled it. Ill-judging Belgians! ye will no longer eat in security the fruits of your own grounds; France will find occasion, or will make occasion, to participate largely in your riches; it will be more truly said of yourselves than of your oxen, ye plough the fields, but not for your own profit."

See Bishop WATSON's well-timed Address to the People of Great Britain, for the above extract. I exceedingly approve of the spirit of the whole, but I much question whether Mr. WAKEFIELD's objections to two particulars may not be just, viz. the comparison between 200 pounds a year and the 2000l.; and the similitude concerning the gradual sinking of the several parts of a large structure.

wealthy inhabitants fell a sacrifice to satisfy the rapacity of the deputies from the Convention; we shall obtain a pretty clear idea of what we may expect, if they should succeed in their designs against us. We should not only see Bibles and Priests removed out of the way, an event, as some affect to think, devoutly to be wished, but the country must undergo every possible calamity. Great Britain and Ireland would become either a province of France, or be divided into two or three small contending republics, like Holland, dependent upon them. Our navy * would be conveyed into their ports. London, and all our great mercantile Most of the other parts of Mr. WAKEFIELD's pamphlet are extremely unworthy of his talents.

We may now also call the attention of the mal-contents of every nation of Europe to the situation of Italy, Rome, Malta, Naples, but, above all, to the brave, yet unoffending Swiss.

The learned Bishop, however, forgets in his Address to take into his estimation the state of religion in this country. In my judgment, the corrupt state of the Established religion is the grand and original cause of much of our immorality; and these two together are the only true and genuine sources of our national distress. Let us remove out of the way every unevangelical stumbling block, and turn unto God in good earnest, and he will soon make our enemies to be at peace with us. Could this be done, the throne of King GEORGE should be as the days of Heaven!

The French revolution is a most amazing and tremendous event, and will probably be a means of new-modelling the face of Europe, if not of the whole world. The extraordinary efforts which people are making in the arts and sciences, are as vigorous as those they are making in war. The GOVERNOUR of the universe has formed them for great purposes, both of judgment and mercy; of judgment to the present race of men; of mercy to the generations which shall follow. This, however, we know, in every event of things, it shall be well with them that fear the LORD.

* In the year 1693, the royal navy of England consisted of 111 ships of 40 guns and upwards. In the year 1793 it consisted of upwards of 300 ships of war, from the first to the sixth rate, besides near 200 sloops, &c.

+ London is now what Tyre was in ancient times. One cannot help entertaining strong apprehensions of its sharing the same fate. The trade and riches of it are immensely large, and the corruption and iniquity of the place are in like proportion. See the account of Tyre in the Prophets.

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This metropolis is unparalleled, in extent and opulence, in the whole habitable globe, except, perhaps, Pekin, in China, Jeddo, in Japan, and Houssa, in Africa, which are all said to be larger.

It comprehends, besides London, Westminster, and Southwark,

towns* would be exhausted of their riches. Our foreign
no less than forty five villages, of considerable extent, independent
of a vast accession of buildings upon the open fields in the vicinity.
Its length is nearly eight miles, its breadth three, and its circum-
ference twenty six. It contains above 8,000 streets, lanes, alleys,
and courts, and more than 65 different squares. Its houses, ware-
houses, and other buildings make 162,000, besides 246 churches
and chapels, 207 meeting-houses for Dissenters, 43 chapels for
Foreigners, and 6 synagogues for the Jews; which in all make 502
places of public worship. The number of inhabitants during the
sitting of parliament is estimated at 1,250,000. Among these are
found about 50,000 common prostitutes, and no less than 60,000.
thieves, coiners, and other bad persons of all descriptions. The
annual depredations on the public, by this numerous body of pil
ferers, are estimated at the sum of 2,100,000 sterling. In this vast
city, there are, moreover, upwards of 4000 seminaries for educa-
tion-8 institutions for promoting morality-10 institutions for
promoting the arts-122 asylums for the indigent-17 for the sick
and lame-13 dispensaries-704 charitable institutions-58 courts
of justice-7,040 professional men connected with the various de-
partments of the law.-There are 13,500 vessels trading to the river
Thames in the course of a year; and 40,000 waggons going and re-
turning to the metropolis in the same period, including their repeated
voyages,- -The amount of exports and imports to and from the
Thames is estimated at 66,811,932. sterling annually; and the
property floating in this vast city every year is 170,000,000 pounds
'sterling. These circumstances may be sufficient to convince of
the amazing extent and importance of the capital of the British
empire. See these things detailed more at large in an excellent
Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis by--COLOUOHON, Esq.
And is all this national opulence and grandeur to be buried in one
general ruin, through the transgression and growing depravity of the

* About the year 1700, the town of Manchester contained only one church, and in 1717 the inhabitants were 8,000. The number of churches and chapels of the establishment of Manchester and Salford is now twelve, and about the same number of dissenting chapels of various descriptions. The inhabitants are between 60 and 70,000.

In 1700, Liverpool had only 5,145 inhabitants. In 1790, it had 70,000. In 1709 it had 84 ships; in 1792, it had 584.

Several other towns in this country are increased nearly in the same proportion. O happy England, if thou didst but know thy happiness! The ingratitude and rebellion of the country, however, against the laws of the DIVINE BEING must terminate in our severe chastisement. The wickedness of the inhabitants is inconceivably great. Compare the lives of the Clergy--the Lawyers and Attornies the Medical class the Soldiery-the Sailors-the Common people with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, and how alarming the contrast! The Nobles and Gentry of the land, with some few ex

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possessions would fall into their hands. Our trade would be annihilated; our real estatest change masters; our personal property be swept into France: our poor would languish and die in the streets for want of bread, none having it in

ceptions, are become incurably immoral, as well as irreligious. The trading part of the nation are all set upon their gain. Serious, uniform, and conscientious godliness, is only found among a few solitary individuals. The sabbath-day is fashionably, and very generally, prostituted to secular purposes. The public worship of ALMIGHTY GOD is grievously neglected by all ranks of men. The Sacrament of the LORD's Supper is very thinly attended, and this only occasionally, and not as a serious duty and privilege. In short; the signs of the times are such as to give the most serious apprehension to every well-wisher to his King and Country. In London there are, I believe, near a million of souls, including children, who seldom or never attend public worship under any denomination!-Manchester contains near seventy thousand inhabitants; and between forty and fifty thousand of them absent themselves totally from every place of public worship on the sabbath-day!

Birmingham is said to contain about 70,000 inhabitants. There are five churches, and fourteen meeting-houses, of different descriptions. It is not supposed that more than 5,000 persons attend any place of public worship on any one day; not more than 10,000 attend any public worship at all; so that there are 60,000 souls in that town, who may be said not to have any religion at all; that is, about one in seven, or seven to one. This is a very affecting


Macclesfield and its environs contain 9 or 10,000 people. We have two churches and five meeting-houses. Not more, however, than 3,000 of the nine attend public worship, in all the places put together. So that here are 6,000 souls, ineluding children, who may be considered as Infidels in principle, or practice, or both, the same children being exempt from the charge.

* In 1700, England had 2,281 trading vessels, carrying 261,222 tons burden. In 1792, Englund had 10,423 do. carrying 1,168,468 tons.

In 1692, Scotland had 8,618 tons of shipping. In 1792, Scotland had 2,143 ships, carrying 162,274 tons.

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In 1793, the trading vessels of the British dominions were 16,329, manned with 118,952 sailors, and carrying 1,564,520


History furnishes us with nothing equal to this account.

The quantity of land cultivated in England and Wales is about 32 millions of acres. The gross produce of the same is about 75 millions of pounds sterling annually; and the neat rental about 24


The average annual gross produce of the kingdom, arising from land and animals, stands nearly according to the following esti


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