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phraseology in describing the divine inRuence "You say, you hope it is not necessary for salvation to undergo the game afflictions that I have undergone. No, my dear cousin, God deals with his children as a merciful father; he does not, as he himself tells us, afflict wil lingly the sons of men. Doubtless, there are many, who having been placed by his good providence, out of the reach of any great evil and the influence of bad example, have from their very in fancy been partakers of the grace of his holy spirit, in such a manner as never to have allowed themselves in any grievous offence against him." It is remarkable that Cowper, while with his favourite divines, Messrs. Newton, Bull, &c. he entertained the tremendous doctrines of Calvin, could yet delight in the society of those whom the system of that theologian would teach him to regard with horror. Such besides Lady H. and several others was probably Dr. Cotton, author of "Visions in Verse," whom he describes as a benevolent physician and a pious Christian friend. Such too was the late Mr. Row, whose life and death, as described by Mr. Hayley, would have done honour to any communion.

Jan. 25, aged 68, Mr. LILLY, sublibrarian at the Subscription Room, Stamford. Early in life he embarked for America. In an excursion up the country, he and his companions were seized by a party of unsubdued Negroes, [more prob. bly Indians] and those who

were not massacred were detained as slaves. In this situation he was for a long period held, being repeatedly transferred from one savage chieftan to another, at the price of a few skins of wild beasts. Having endured innumerable hardships, he at length effected his escape, and after spending some time as a school-master in America, he returned in indigence to his native country, and was indebted for a moderate subsistance to the situation he was charitably put into by the Public Library.


The following communications from a valuable correspondent were accidentally omitted in our last Obituary.

the misfortunes of the individual proved of essential benefit to the Public; as they led her to devote her valuable life to that important profession in which the soundness of her judgment, the extent of her information, and the dignified gentleness of her manner, particularly quulified her to excel. Her plan of edu cation was not confined to the mere ornainental accomplishments; but extended itself to the regulation of the mind and heart, on the principles of rational piety, and with an enlarged view of the importance of the female character. Her great success is abundantly testified by the many excellent and amiable members of the ociety who have been trained up under her direction; by the warm attachment which they have uniformly continued to shew, to the precep trees and friend of their youth; and by the deep regret which not only they, but the public at large, have expressed for her sudden removal from that scene of active usefulness, in which she continued till the moment of her death. Let others teach the meaner course of

Dec. 8. 1806, died suddenly, at Newcastle upon Tyne, in the midst of her Pupils, Mrs. WILSON (aged 59.) Born to affluence, she was early visited. by the severe vicissitude of fortune; under the pressure of which, her exemplary conduct engaged the high esteem and respect of many judicious friends. But


To give the polish, but neglect the heart;

To point to female youth life's flow'ry


And tell them, pleasure dwells but with

the gay

On Beauty build their influence and

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The commercial, literary, and religi- he will ever be remembered with the ous public, have lately sustained a severe deepest regret. He perished in the Broloss in the death of Mr. THOMAS thers, Capt. Poad, of Shields, with whom BLAYLOCK, of Newcastle upon Tyne, he was going a passenger to Copena young man of superior talents, excel- hagen, on business of importance to his lent principles, and amiable manners. family. The ship foundered off StroomAs a son, a brother a friend, and an active stadt on the coast of Norway, and all member and manager of useful institu- hands were lost, except a boy who was tions, (particularly of the Literary So- washed ashore on the sky-light hatchciety of Newcastle, whose general and way. Such events are among the most committee-meetings he constantly at mysterious dispensations of Providence; tended; of the New Institution for Phi- but we confidently trust that the time losophical Instruction, of whose lec- will come, when not only these, but also türer he was ever the ready, cheerful, more extensive calamities, which at and intelligent assistant in every case of present baffle our limited comprehendifficulty; and of the Sunday Schools sion, will be seen to be parts of one supported by the Unitarian Society in great scheme, and, in ways as yet inexHanover-square, of which he was the plicable, "working together for good." Treasurer and faithful Superintendent),




The Report of the Committee of the UNITARIAN FUND is now published, and may be had either with Dr. Toul min's sermon, preached before the Sodicty at their first annual meeting, or separately. It will give the public full information concerning the object and operation of the Fund, and will, we trust, be the occasion of a great augmentation of the list of Subscribers..

A sufficient sum has been already raised for beginning the New Version of the New Testament, proposed by the Unitarian Book Society; and the work will accordingly be proceeded on immediately, by the Committee appointed for the purpose.

The conductors of the Missionary Society," established in 1795, are seeking to augment its wealth and enlarge its powers, already grea, by the establishment of "Auxiliary Societies," in London and throughout the country, for the purpose of raising subscriptions from the poorer friends to the Society, in very sinall sums. As these Auxiliary Socie ties are to meet annually, as they are to choose their own officers, as the reports of the Missionary Society are to be regularly laid before them, it is not improbable that they may be the occasion of introducing a manly habit of thinking among the Whitfield Methodists, and a

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As a few enlightened minds may possibly feel interested in the fate of the Jews, a very great revolution among then seeming to be at hand, I am encouraged to throw a little light upon the latter part of their history in France, since the establishment of the Sanhedrim, at Paris. To this assembly the continental papers inform us, members are hastening from all parts, even from Constantinople; and their waiting for their full complement may have prevented them from proceeding any further than passing a decree, consisting of 27 articles, for organizing their worship, and appointing à Consistorial Synagogue in each department that contains 2000 individuals professing the religion of Moses-(for the appellation of Jews is to be laid aside,) and a grand Rabbi is to be chosen by the Consistorial Synagogue, and to have a salary of 3000 francs per annum, paid him by government. To the Jews in


France a vast accession of numbers will where but in Berlin, a Jewish academy

be made from Prussia and Poland. In of Sciences, and a Jewish Literary Jourthe latter country they are generally nal, composed in Hebrew.(See Vaurier, rich and great money-lenders to the or the Sketches of the Times, Vol. II. Peo- 249,-A large number of Jews at BerLords, the Farmers and others. ple who suspect the motives of the lin, heads of families of respectable chaFrench government relative to the Jews, racter, have subscribed and published a urge that their interest being once ob- letter to M. Teller. Provost of the Upper tained in favour of France, they by their Consistory, (the department of governextensive connections, their wealth, and ment which has the superintendence of partly by interest, will be exactly that ecclesiastical affairs,) in which they de to the netu, which the Jesuits were to clare, that being convinced the laws of the old government of France. Some Moses are no longer binding upon them, of the Jews in France and Germany are as not being adapted to their circumendeavouring to write themselves into stances at this day, they are willing and favour and consequence. A small work ready to become Christians as far as rein Hebrew, which has been translated lates to the moral doctrines of Chrisinto French, entitled "Who is this, but tianity, provided they shall not be rebn Israelitish Cbristian?" was lately ad- quired to believe the miraculous part of the vertised in the Moniteur, and therefore Christian creed, and above all, the divinity cannot be disagreeable to the French go- of Jesus Christ; and provided they may vernment, particularly as the author, be admitted to participate in all the who is a Lieutenant in the invalids, ad- rights and privileges enjoyed by the memvi-es the young Israelites to range them- bers of the established religion. Their selves under the standard of Napoleon, confession of faith would be something that they may retain Jerusalem and re- less than Unitarianism, but approaching build the Temple. A very recent ad- nearly to it. They ask M. Teller's address from the Jews at Francfort to their vice on this plan, and whether he thinks brethren, exhorting them to join in the it practicable? M. Teller has published present measures, stiles Napoleon their an answer in which he informs them, Illustrious Prince, and quotes the twenty- that they do well to believe as much of second Psalm v.30, 31, as upon the point Christianity as they can, and that if they of being fulfilled. The Prince Primate, cannot in conscience believe more, they on the 4th of January, published a de- do well to profess it: but as to the ques cree in which he abolishes all those hu- tion whether their fragment of faith miliating distinctions by which the Jews ought to entitle them to share the civil in that city used to be stigmatized. and political privileges enjoyed excluThe Jews at Francfort have addressed sively by entire Christians, it is not his a letter to the Sanhedrim at Paris on this province, but belongs to the civil auoccasion. It is but justice to the Jews, thority of the country to decide.-M. to acknowledge that the learning and De Lue, a celebrated chemist and theoliberality of sentiment exhibited by se- logian, has published a letter to these veral of their nation upon the Conti- Jews, in which he boldly advances to nent, particularly in Prussia, have pro- meet them on the ground which M. Telbably paved the way for the notice that ler declines: he tells them that far from has lately been taken of them, and at scrupling points of Christian doctrine, the same time proved them worthy of they ought not even to abandon the the attention paid to, and the indulgence standard of Moses: that the history of promised them. In Berlin, for several the earth and its present appearances, years past, men of learning and genius are the strongest of all possible testimo among the Jews have been enjoying sin- mies to the truth of the Mosaic history, gular honours. The late Moses Mendel- and that if they will only take the pains sohn, for the force of his reasoning, to be better natural philosophers, they was surnamed the Jewish Socrates; for will not be so ready to renounce their the amenity of his diction, the Jewish faith as Jews.-There have been numerPlato-Bloch, a Jewish physician, was ous pamphlets written and published upthe first naturalist of the age: Herz is on this subject, which make, as the a professor, with 400 auditors: Mai- French term it, a great sensation in the non, a profound metaphysician. There North of Germany. (See Letters from are Jewish poets and Jewish artists of an American resident abroad on various eminence, and, which perhaps exist no topics of foreign literature, &c.)

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The charge which David Levi brought The fifth and last book proposes reasonagainst his nation, in 1796, of their be- able and possible expedients to draw the ing greatly affected with scepticism, by Jews to us" And in this book," saya reading Bolinbroke, Hume and Voltaire, the author, "I offer proper and plausible so as scarcely to believe in a revelation, reasons for recalling and reuniting in the much less to have any hope in their fu- bosom of the Church the Chrsitian Sects ture restoration, is by no means appli- who have separated from it."-This is cable to the present time! The press, the summary of the contents. It is not as well as the pulpit, always begets the illiterate or enthusiastic Jew only proselytes, and this we shall find has not who indulges the idea that the head of been idle. Among other singular pro- the French government is a temporal ductions of the day, there is now circu. Mes jah-The same cause engages the lating in France a work originally print pens of the learned! A metrical transed in 1643, without the name either of lation of the Psalm, Quare fremuerunt author or printer-but which is believed gentes:" "Why do the nations rage," to have been composed by Isaac Lapeyree, &c. was published at Paris, in March of Bourdeaux. It is entitled "THE last, 1806, written by M. Crouzet, ProRECALL OF THE Jews."-The follow- viseur du Prytanée, &c. &c. Of this proing is a transcript from the preface to the duction, the Redacteur of Le Publiciste reader: "My design is to make it ap- observes, "The intention of this transpear that the Jews will be called to the lation is not difficult to discover. M. knowledge of the Gospel; and I shall Crouzet, struck with the singular coralso demonstrate that the salvation of the Gentiles is connected with that of the Jews, and that all the people of the earth shall be at the same time converted to the knowledge of the Christian faith." This is the subject of the author's first book"I shall afterwards prove that when the Recall of the Jews, which I understand to be spiritual (Que je pose spirituel,) takes place, they will be collected from all parts of the world where they are scattered, in order to be led and settled temporally in the land that is promised them. I shall also prove that this Recall and establishment of the Jews will be effected by a temporal Prince, who sha!! provoke the Jews to a holy jealousy in the knowledge of the Messiah and in his service. I shall also make it appear, that this temporal King shall be the universal King foretold by the prophets, to whom all the Kings of the earth shall do homage. And this King 1 hall prove will be a King of France." This is the argument of the second book.-The third book exhorts the Christians to do every thing in their power to persuade the Jews to become Christians; to which Christians are called and solicited by the duties of Christian charity and their own interest. The fourth book declares the Messiah to the Jews and makes it appear that Jesus Christ, come in the flesh to the Gentiles, ought to be looked upon as having come in the spirit to the Jews. This is demonstrated by passages quoted from the ancient books of the Jews, and even the articles of their own faith,

respondence between the Psalm and the extraordinary events which astonish Europe, wishes to make the public sensible of the propriety of the application. The translator was under no necessity to alter or pervert the text, to adapt it to the circumstances in view.-The Psalmist's ideas and expressions naturally offer themselves, and his version is so faithful that one might suppose it had been translated a century ago, and of course without any intention of applying it to the affairs of the present time.-On the other hand, if one could divest oneself of the idea of a Psalm, one might easily suppose it to be a panegyric upon the Emperor (of France,) or, an imitation of the Hebrew manner; and the appli cations are perfectly in character, com pared with the original. M. Crouzet's first strophe exhibits a proof that he does not stand in need of much indulgence→ it runs thus:

Quels sont ces apprets formidable?
Pourquoi d'un vain Orgueil enfiles,
Ces flots de peuple innombrable
Sont ils en tumulte assembles?

Les rois, les Princes de la terre
Se sont leves; des cris de guerre
Ont frappe la voute des cieux.
O crime ! O sacrilege audace
C'est l' oint du Seigneur que menace
Cet armament seditieux.

To this information, though I have never read Dr. Allix's tract De Duplici Messia Adventu, I beg leave to add, that exclusive of all the vanity and parade attached to the idea of a Military Mes-iah, or harbinger to his kingdom, there secin


to be some very serious grounds in the sacred writings for the Jewish belief of the Messiah's appearance in a two-fold character; first, as a sufferer; and, se condly, as triumphant over his enemies. In a philosophical or rational point of view, the Mellenium is nothing more or less than the golden age of Christianity. We have promably had nearly enough of its brazen and iron ages. Nor is it by for their apostacy, and their alliance any means surprising that one extreme with the Antichristian interest, which should produce another. Scripturally was only to prevail for a time. Grantspeaking, what may happen to the mys- ing that Christianity may still be propatical Babylon of the New Testament, is gated in a much greater proportion than no more than that which formerly oc- ever it has been before; it must first of curred to the proud, over-grown, oppres- all be purified at home. When Chrissive, and domineering empire of the As- tians have reformed themselves, they syrians. And this, as mere names can- may probably reform others. Proselytes not alter the nature of things, may occur shall no longer be made by the spirit of again, and continue ad infinitum; as long persecution. When the true greatness as the character of God and goodness and liberality of the ruling powers, in shall stand in opposition to evil and op- imitation of what we have lately seen pre-sion. The Divine gift of Christia- on the Continent, (though in the midst nity shall be wrested out of the hands of its abusers; and though it be admitted in Daniel, vii. 27. that the kingdom or power shall be given to the people of the Saints of the Most High, it is positively said, in verse 18, that the Saints or worthies shall take the kingdom; an idea which implies force, or making war, Thus in a correspondent portion of Scripture, Rev. xxi v. 18. an angel takes up a stone like a great mill-stone, and casts it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence, shall Babylon, that great city, be thrown down; not with the foolishness of preaching, as too many still dream; nor yet like the walls of Jericho, by the sounding of rams' horns; but by the agency of great and mighty angels or messengers; numerous armies, hailstones of fire, horses, and them that sit upon them.

Here, if I thought Jewish authority
would weigh against Christian prejudice,
I would urge the opinion of Philo De
Pram, et Pan. "For as the oracle saith
a man shall go forth, and wairing against
great and populous nations, shall over-
come them; God sending help to the
godly. This man shall extend his con-
quests for the good of the conquered, so
as to be the strength of the empire, and
the head of the human race
-Here, by the Oracle, Philo under-
stands the Holy Scriptures. The reve-
ries of the Jews in imagining their Mes
siah shall rule all the world, are ridicu-
lous; but Christians cannot now escape
censure, if they think the phrases "all
nations and all the kingdoms of the

of every excess) shall discourage and de-
privesti disant Christians from persecut
ing each other, and teach liberality and
forbearance even towards Jews and Pa
gans, then shall missionaries cease to go
forth with mystery in one hand, and me-
nace in the other. Then probably it may
be that a man shall only be as a heathen
and a publican, when he will not hear
reason; and not merely for his rejection
of the rant of blind zeal, and the whine
of affected piety. In fact, many great
events will by and by unite in recalling
Christians to the use of their judgment,
and a due regard for the sacred charac
ter and attributes of the Deity. Among
these I allude to the political restoration,
or rather toleration, of the Jews, whom
Christians have hitherto deemed blas-
phemeis; I allude to the nullity of all
the calculations relative to the supposed
destruction of the world and its inhabi
tants. Surely those much abused Chris-
tians who have long been in the habit
of calling down vengeance upon each
other, will be much disappointed when
they find that God neither comes down
from heaven to avenge their quarrels, nor
yet destroys his beautiful work of crea
tion under their feet. Surely when they
find this judgment deferred and pro-
tracted beyond the clue of all its contra-
dictory calculations, they will cease
judging each other. Surely it is not too
much to expect that they may then re-
collect that the Priestleys, the Lindseys,
and all the great and good advocates for
peace and charity had long since warned

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