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which he attaches the principal value.

should be the result of their com bined pressure. The recollectiont It is obviously impossible to of the work which he has now acpronounce at present upon the complished is well suited to ani. accuracy which the editor has dis- mate his hours of languor, and played in his quotations. His alleviate his sufferings, whether work must have been in use for he considers its utility to the cause several years before we can judge of religion and learning, or its of it; but the high character which tendency to exalt his own reputahe bears as a critic affords a very tion. strong presumption in his favour.

lect, with sentiments of esteem and gratitude, that the patronage of the noble is rarely bestowed on the learned; but still more rarely directed to the diffusion of truth and the improvement of knowledge.

The public owe to the Duke of We cannot speak in terms of Grafton whatever benefit they decommendation of the typographi- rive from this handsome and usecal execution of this volume. We ful edition; and they will recoldo not refer to literal errors, from which we believe it to be meritoriously free; but either the type is broken, or the paper has not been duly moistened, or the ink is bad; for frequently parts only of letters are visible. The eye also is offended by the frequent substitution of the diamondshaped German period for the proper round point. The paper is so good that it deserved better printing.

We cannot close our account of the work before us better than by offering to our readers a reflection, which should ever be present to the minds of those who investigate the legitimate interpreWe congratulate all who are tation, or the genuine text of engaged in theological studies on scripture, to call them back to the the completion of this useful only object which gives value to work. We may be permitted al- such pursuits. "Nos ergo scripso to congratulate the venerable turas sacras plenas inviolatas, ineditor on the conclusion of his tegras habemus: nos bene legitoil. He speaks in the preface mus; atque utinam quam bene of broken health; and no one legeremus tam bene adimplerewho knows any thing of an edi. mus*!" tor's task, or of the laborious duties of a German profes

sorship, will wonder that this

Salvian, apud Wetstein, vol. ii.

P. 851.

ART. IV-A Summary View of the Evidence and Practical Importance of the Christian Revelation, in a Series of Discourses addressed to young Persons, by Thomas Belsham, Minister of the Unitarian Chapel in Essex Street. Johnson, 1807. pp. 204. 8vo.

(Continued from page 208.)

ness and credibility of the books of the New Testament, and from these premises infers the truth and divine authority of the christian religion. (p. 35.)

THE DIRECT HISTORICAL EVI- The DIRECT HISTORICAL argu DENCE OF THE CHRISTIAN REVE- ment first establishes the genuineLATION forms the subject of the second discourse, from Luke i. 1-4, in which, says Mr. B, 66 We may observe upon what grounds the sacred historian rests the credit of his narrative: not upon those of plenary inspiration, or divine suggestion, but upon the common foundation of direct historical evidence." (p. 31.)

Of the genuineness of the books of the New Testament the proofs are the same in kind with those of Deserved praise is bestowed, in the genuineness of other ancient a note, (1) on Marsh's translation writings, and in degree at least of Michaelis's invaluable Intro- equal, in many instances, and upduction, &c; and a wish is ex- on the whole, superior (pp. 35pressed, in which we most cordi- 45.) A distinction, however, must ally join, that the learned anno- be made, in this respect, between tator and translator would com- different books of the christian coplete what he has so ably begun. venant. From the information of Avocations very foreign to the Eusebius that the ge it appears clerical profession seem to have nuineness of some of them had, diverted him from an undertaking in his time, never been called in which, though not perhaps highly question, while that of others had profitable to himself, in a secular been controverted by the earlier view, would, nevertheless, have writers: yet no books were adbeen of considerable benefit to ma- mitted into the canon of apostony of his countrymen. lical writings without due and imIn the same note Mr. B. can partial previous examination.— not forbear adding, that it would Some moderns (among whom are be a most desirable accession to Dr. Lardner, and, more recently, English biblical literature, if some Dr. John Jebb)† have contended scholar equally qualified, if such for the genuineness of the epistle there be, would perform the same of Barnabas: but it is generally office for Eichorn, which Mr. rejected as spurious. To that of Marsh has performed for Micha- Jude Michaelis, like Mr. B, elis. To this opinion also we objects that it appears to contain unreservedly subscribe; and we trust that in the rising race of biblical scholars among us some one will be found who answers to this description, and who will fulfil this service.

Of Cæsarea.

+ Works, Vol. II. pp. 143, 154. Introduction to the N.T. Vol. iv. pp. 363-394.

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some things which are unworthy exemplary Christian*: his heart c of an apostle of Christ; and, with and his pen were devoted to the this exception, our author admits cause of truth; and, in receiving the received canon, though he the narratives of Luke and the properly intimates that, in our epistles of Paul, he received testicommon editions of the New mony which, in Mr. B.'s words, Testament, it is desirable to dis. is amply sufficient to establish tinguish between the books which the gospel history +." To abanwere universally admitted and dou any of the evangelical writthose which were disputed: Mr. ings which are capable of a just Evanson's Dissonance he informs and satisfactory defence, would inus, (39) has not operated (pro- deed be pusillanimous: let not duced) conviction upon his mind, the memory of Mr. E. however, in opposition to the unanimous be stigmatized with the odious. voice of Christian antiquity. names of heretical and unbeliev,

At the occurrence of this re. ing, in consequence of the New spected name, we trust that we Testament which he used being shall be excused for adding a few smaller than our own: it is the words upon the publication and New Testament still;-for it is the character with which it is the history of Christ's death and associated. We, too, have re- resurrection! In the volume bepeatedly read the Dissonance, but fore us the writer of the Disnever with conviction. It con- sonance is properly styled learntains, undoubtedly, some weighty ed and excellent, and his indusremarks and some ingenious cri- try, ingenuity, and exemplary inticisms: yet, in the main, we can- tegrity, are spoken of with adnot assent to its reasoning; nor do miration: but we have witnessed we always admire its spirit and its with disgust the style and tem, language. The testimony of the per of some recent attacks on early Christian writers it wholly his religious opinions; and we sets aside, because many of their cannot but wish that men who opinions were weak and childish; profess to be separate from the and therefore they could not be church of Rome would not even competent witnesses of facts! appear to claim a portion of her Several passages in the gospels of assumed infallibility. Matthew, Mark and John, it To such of our readers as are charges with inconsistency, if not impressed by Mr. Evanson's arguwith contradiction; although most ments in favour of the gospel of of them are explicable, and have, Luke exclusively, we strongly rein fact, been explained, on the commend the considerations adprinciples of judicious and candid interpretation! Much, nevertheless, as we differ from this author, we are among the first to do justice to the integrity of his character and the purity of his views. He was a sincere and

See the Memoirs of his Life, &c.

prefixed to his Posthumous Sermons, especially pp. xxxviii, xxxix.

tianity might subsist without a single re Marsh says, "The truth of Chriscord. Ib. Vol. I. p. 378.

duced by our author to prove found in the power of fixed printhe genuineness of the books of ciples and inveterate prejudices to the New Testament in general. repel and overcome the most palIt would have been wonderful pable evidence,--a triumph suf if the learned work of Jeremiah ficiently visible in regard to the Jones upon the canon had been doctrine of transubstantiation and omitted among the books of re- to the Athanasian hypothesis of ference under this head. A me the trinity. (69-74.) rited encomium is passed upon In p. 68, we meet with some it, and praise is justly bestowed very sensible remarks on the evi on the university of Oxford for dence furnished by the epistles of re-printing it, (notwithstanding Paul in behalf of Christianity, it is the production of a nonconformist) at the Clarendon press: to the honour of the managers of that establishment it may be added that they fix a very mode. rate and easy price upon this publication, as well as upon others over which they have control; giving, in this respect, a fair example to the sister university.

The credibility of the history contained in the New Testament is argued by Mr. B. with concise ness and strength, upon the usual principles. (pp. 45-53,) In the list of books to which he directs his readers for further satisfac. tion concerning it we are happy to perceive Dr. Maltby's Illustra tions of the truth of the Christian religion, which are a fine specimen of the aid afforded by classical taste and learning to the study of theology.

and on the wisdom of Divine Pro vidence in permitting those fierce contentions and gross abuses to spring up in the primitive Church, which are often the wonder of believers and the scoff of sceptics, (note 26.) As to the continuance of miraculous powers after the apostolic age, Mr. B. affirms that no intelligent and well-informed person now contends for it (note 27.) We doubt, however, whe ther it have not still advocates whose intelligence and informa tion, on other subjects at least, it would be difficult to deny.

We now proceed to our author's third discourse, in which the prophetic and internal evidence of the Christian revelation is placed before us, from John xx. 31.

The prophecies contained in the Christian scriptures are first


From p. 53 to 69, the preacher To the validity of an argu treats on the evidence of two ment from prophecy three confacts of peculiarimportance, name, ditions are here stated to be rely the resurrection of Christ, and quisite.

the gift of the holy spirit; and "First, that there [should] be in the remainder of the discourse sufficient evidence that the prohe endeavours to account for the phecy was delivered previously light and limited impression that to the event ;-secondly, that was made by the Christian mira- the circumstances predicted be cles; the true solution of which beyond the reach of human sadifficulty, he observes, is to be gacity to foresee;-and, thirdly,

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that the prophecy receive its com testimony. Those sources of it plete and appropriate accomplish. to which he directs his readers ment in the event to which it is are, the character of Christ-the applied." (p. 76.) history of the miracles of our The Christian religion appeals Lord-the nature and limitation to prophecy, and in the New of the Christian doctrine, and its Testament are prophecies which wise and accurate adjustment to were delivered by Jesus himself, the circumstances and wants of and by his apostles and other au. mankind-the purity, sublimity, thorised ministers. These are and perfection of the Christian enumerated from 77 to 86; the morality-the professed design enumeration being accompanied of the Christian religion-and the by judicious remarks on their tendency of the Christian scrip. nature and accomplishment. Of tures. Upon all these topics Mr. the Apocalypse Mr. B. asserts, B. enlarges with considerable that, in general, though not with- force of thought and language. out some eminent exceptions, it (86-109.) There is no part has been valued most by those of his undertaking which, as apwho have examined it with the pears to us, he has executed greatest care, and who are most with more success; and nothing competent to judge in the case. but want of room prevents us He likewise styles it a venerable from gratifying our readers and and mysterious volume. With- ourselves, by copious extracts. out dissenting from this opinion, The picture of Christian morality we wish that he had referred in pp. 100-103 is particularly his readers to the reasonings of excellent; but what will more Abauzit and Michaelis. fastidious critics say to a senInternal evidence is described. tence extending through three by the preacher as arising from pages? the consideration of the contents We hope to of the books of the New Testa- ticle in the next ment, unconnected with external pository.

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resume this arNo. of the Re

ART. V.-Physical and Metaphysical Inquiries. 8vo. pp. 335. 7s. Longman & Co. 1806.

(Concluded from page 159.)

THE author's next inquiry will shew the drift of the au (which occupies 30 pages) is con- thor's reasoning. cerning the origin of matter, which he pronounces to be " selfexistent and indestructible." For the arguments in support of this conclusion wd must refer to the work itself. An extract or two

What is self-existence? It is an existence that cannot be destroyed. Every thing that has been made may be un

made; but that which cannot be de

stroyed must have the cause of its existence in itself, and therefore must be eter

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