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Mrs. E. Filliter-Rev. Mr. Barker-Mrs. Powell.

dowed with such qualities, it is scarce necessary to add, that under those sufferings peculiar to her disorder, she awaited with patience and resignation the termination of her mortal life, which happened on May 9, when she expired without a groan, in the full and assured hope of a glorious resurrection.


May at Wareham, Dorset, Mrs. ELIZA FILLITER, youngest daughter of Thomas Brown Esq. of the same town. This amiable lady was married in the beginning of the present year, to Mr. F. a respectable attorney at Wareham. Her prospects on her entrance into active life were singularly pleasing; but alas! such is the instability of all sublunary good, that she was destined to live with her affectionate partner only the short space of seventeen weeks. An inflammation of the bowels carried her to her last home. Like young Timothy of old, however, it was her happiness, to have known the scriptures from her childhood She was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Wareham, under the pastoral care of the Rev. T. Thomas. The calmness with which she met death, demonstrated the worth of religion in a dying hour. She was willing, yet not anxious to live-ready, but not importunate to be eased from her pains by death. Often, during her illness, did she express her thankfulness for youthful piety. Death-bed repentance,' (would she say) I always thought very dangerous, because very uncertain, and now, I am more than ever convinced of its fatal impropriety. Let me die the death of the righteous."

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'June 28. The Rev. Mr. BARKER of Burslem, an occasional preacher at the Methodist Chapel, in Stafford. In the midst of his discourse on Sunday evening, he expired suddenly, without any previous symptoms of illness, and fell from the pulpit, to the great terror and amazement of the congregation."


manners, which would have secured her
a gratifying reception in the circles of
gaiety and fashion, and, at the same
time, endowed with talents which would
have qualified her to shine in the pur-
suits of mental culture, she gave herself
up to the faithful discharge of the do-
mestic duties. Her abilities and good
sense, were, for some time, exercised
in the early education of two promising
children. Maternal tenderness did not
in her degenerate into foolihsly indulgent
fondness; he was able to give up her
own gratification for their future good.
Indeed she could bear any thing for her
children, as she has been known to say,
but she did not think she could bear
their loss. That trial, however, was
About the middle
in reserve for her.

of 1805, in the space of a month, both
were taken away from her. It was a
heavy stroke; for a time it was over,
powering; but she knew the hand which
inflicted it; she learnt to trust though
she could not trace, and she bowed sub-
mi sively to the appointments of Provi-
dence. Again her hopes were raised
by the birth of another child: but, be-
fore the bud of intellect and affection
had begun to open, that too was remov-`
ed from her. At first she seemed to
sink under the accumulation of sorrow;
but it was not for a long time; she rose
superior to it with the placidness of re-
signation. Father, not my will, but
thine, be done,' was now the language
of her heart. It was a noble instance of
the power of religious principle; and a
noble example she has set to those who
are now called upon to deplore her loss.
Another, and a healthful babe, produc-
ed a renewal of maternal pleasures and
anxieties. For a little time they were
her's; and then she suddenly sunk into
the silent slumbers of the tomb.
Thy ways, O Lord, are little known

To our weak, erring, sight;
Yet shall our souls believing own,
That all thy ways are right.

"Her religious belief coincided with "On Monday, July 6th, after an ill- the Unitarian system. It would have ness of less than two days, Mis. POW- been unnecessary to mention this, were ELL, wife of Mr. Joseph Powell, Mer- it not the fact, that numbers cannot chant in Exeter. The loss of this truly think the Unitarian tenets capable of excellent woman, will long be deeply felt, not merely in the domestic circle, affording consolation in the hour of disbut among these who had the privilege those tenets, felt their efficacy both in tress. The great modern defender of of her friendly regard. Posessed of an elegance and a genuine polish of Purifying the heart, and in supporting under afliction: it has been feit, too

Miss Martha Fordham.

by many who, beyond the little circle youth, health, and beauty are as the of their friends, have been unknown flower of grass, the grass withereth, and both in their life and in their death; it the flower falleth; thus do human beings was felt by her whose loss we mourn. fade away in their ways. It seemed to be her earnest desire and aim, to regulate her affections and actions by the will of God; and though we mourn her loss, and sympathize with those who must most feel it, we sorrow not as those who have no hope; for we look forwards to a period, when, with all who have faithfully acted up to the light they possess, she will be received, by her Great Master, into those regions where sin and sorrow will be known no


Feb. 18, at her brother's house, at Ashwell, near Royston, in the 17th year of her age, Miss MARTHA FORDHAM, daughter of Mr. George F. of Sandon.

We have taken the first opportunity which our limits would allow, to give an interesting account of this young lady, with which we have been favoured. She was accustomed to worship in a small congregation in her neighbourhood, chief. ly Unitarians. These with a consistency which we wish were less uncommon, instead of joining any of the Trinitarian Societies around them, assemble together for prayer, reading, and exposition of the scriptures, different members taking a part without the assistance of a settled minister. To this congregation, on the Sunday after Miss F.'s interment, the following address was delivered by one of her near relations.

"In the 9th year of her age, she was attacked with a fever, from which she very slowly recovered, and from that period symptoms of the decline of which she died, began to make their appearance. The remainder of her life (which comprehended 9 years of sickness, with few and short intervals of health,) were years of great interest to those who delight in the contemplation of religious and moral improvement, considering it not only as the one thing needful, but as the chief ornament of our nature, and the only foundation of lasting happiness. Of her it may be truly said, that as her outward man decayed, her inward man of intellectual and moral improvement increased.

"To her young companions it may not be improper here to remark that her life was a complete confutation of the stale objection so often urged, that a close attention to religion in youth, destroys the spirits, and creates gloomy di positions. Alive as she always was to the subjects of religion, I appeal to all who knew her, if she was not habitually cheerful, even to gaiety. Indeed no persons can have so just reason for cheerfulness as they who by the exercise of a good conscience live in a good degree to their own approbation. There were certain dispositions so pre-eminent in her, that you need not be reminded of them, they will always be associated with her remembrance; such as the most child-like simplicity, the most pure disinterestedness, and friendship the "It will be recollected by most present most ardent; dispositions it should be that our dear young friend (whose de recollected, which if not found in youth, parture from this life, we have assembled are rarely the growth of maturer years. ourselves together, not so much to de- Another trait of her character fre-h in plore as to improve) was during the first every one's recollection, was the lively 8 years of her life, the very picture of interest she took in conversing with, health, and her days promised to be and usefully amusing children, or perextended as long as that of any who now sons much inferior to herself in years hear me. But it pleased the all-wise and understanding. Considering the Disposer of events, who numbereth our culture she had bestowed upon her own days, to call her away in the morning of mind beyond her years, this may aplife, adding another instance to the pear a little extraordinary. It often hap many we have witnessed, that health pens in society, that the elderly part of is no security against the stroke of death; the company converse upon subjects only thus verifying the sentiment of inspira- interesting to themselves, and the young sion, that all flesh is grass, and that are consigned over to neglect. The

Miss Martha Fordham.

benevolence of her mind disposed her at all times to take up the neglected and forsaken She also found them docile disposed to receive happiness, and to be the instrument of diffu ing it, was to her a pure source of joy, making good the saying o her great is more blessed to give than to receive.' It will be years before I can forget, how her countenance was lighted up with benevolence the most tender and sweet, at the unexpected sight of her young acquaintance.

Although she was far from exalting the instrumental duties beyond the moral, her conduct in this respect was worthy of imitation. As far as health permitted, and sometimes beyond it, she attended public worship, nor did she come in late, to the disturbance of 'those assembled, nor discourage by drowsiness those who were employed in laying before the society the fruits of their meditations. On the contrary, she took heed both how and what she heard, always happy to repeat the subject, stating her opinion in a way that could offend no per on, but edify all. A letter written to her father, which passed through my hands more than two years ago, proves how much she made religion the business of her life. At the time of writing it, she was only 15 years of age, removed from the eye of her parent, being 70 miles from home, attended by a female friend about her own age. Being,' as she observed, a stranger in a strange place, we have no vi its to pay or receive, and we therefore devote our selves to two great objects, health and mental improvement, and as nothing is done well which is not done with regularity, we divide our time between bathing, books, and walking, regularly reading every day, in order, a portion of the scriptures, also some good theological work. The work now reading is Dr. Priestley's Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion' After making a variety of observations equally interesting, the letter is concluded by saying, I do not write these things through vanity, but amongst the many reasons why I wish to be found in my duty, one is the desire of your approbation.'

"Those of you, my young friends, who have read biography, must have obse v"ed that many persons of ordinary natural

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capacity, have acquired great eminence by simply adhering to a wi e division of time. To the want of this it often happens that the great duties of private devotion, self-examination, and reading the scripture are so imperfectly performed, and sometimes altogether omitted, even by those who look upon their performance as indispensaore christian obligations. Though it is chiefly in a religious and moral point of view, I wish to exhibit her example, yet her persevering industry in a qui ing useful knowledge is worthy of your imitation It is genera ly said, God has made us rational beings; it is more correct to say, he has given to us the materials by which if we be not wanting to our elves, we may become truly rational. Con-idering, say some, the shortness and uncertainty of life, is it worth while to pres, upon the minds of children, any knowledge except what is necessary for trade, or purely religious? Our young friend was cut off in the spring time of life, yet who could regret her attention to general knowledge, or did not perceive the benefit she derived from it? The pursuit of knowledge afforded occupation to her mind; idle amusements were not desired, retirement was disrobed of its gloom, the foundation of a so`id and thoughtful mind was laid; constant exertion led to penetration, and judgment, induced habits of diligence and patience; and thus it was, she brought to the sacred volume a mind strengthened and matured, better prepared and qualified to distinguish the important truths of revelation from the creeds and comments of fallible men. As a proof of the use of past mental labours, at some periods of the greatest extremity of pain, she hit upon the expedient of imposing upon herself the intellectual exertion of repeating the first elements of the different sciences she had learnt, endeavouring by a voluntary task, to abstract her mind from the pains of the body.

"Let us now approach the concluding scenes of her life. Wearisome days and nights were appointed her; seven weeks she was confined to her bed, enduring much pain, with only short intervals of comparative ease; did she give way to unavailing lamentations? to murmurings and repinings? No; on the contrary, if a sigh or a groan escaped her,

she was dissatisfied with herself, so perfect was her conviction of the divine wi dom and goodness, that she endured affic ions with the most exemplary submis ion. With her it was a favourite sentiment, that a Being absolutely wise and good, could have no other end in creating man, but the happiness of man. For the same reasons she would argue, were afflictions appointed, that by the proper exercise of patience and submission to the divine will, we may be better prepared to enter his presence. Such was her confidence in the parental goodness of God, and his essential mercy revealed through the Son of his love, to all who sincerely and diligently desire to know and do his will, that he never at any one time expressed the least fear of death or its consequences. On this subject her mind was perfectly at ease. Nevertheless I shall not conceal from you, her attachment to, and preference for life, if it had been the will of God; and this can easily be accounted for. Notwithstanding ill health, she had a great relish for human life; books, with which she was liberally supplied, afforded her great pleasure. The ill state of her health required frequent journies to distant parts of the island, which gratified her curiosity. Her good sense, vivacity, the suavity of her manners, and above all, the virtues of her heart, gained her friends both at home and abroad, and during her last illness, she had sketched out with care and attention, plans of usefulness, to which she seriously designed to devote herself in the education of the children of the poor, from which she promi ed herself much happiness.

Besides, affection did not bind others to her more closely than she was bound .to them. When she saw the solicitude

of her friends in doing for her what she could no longer do for herself, when she observed their anxiety, perceiving that if any human care or intercession could avail, they would snatch her from impending danger; when she beheld them sacrificing health, ease, and rest, to administer to her comfort, holding nothing dear to them, that if it were the will of God she might be re-tored and retained; actuated by gratitude and affection the most lively, death was an undesirable event, only because it was a temporary, separation from her friends. On these and other accounts had it been the Divine wil, she would have been well pleased with a further extension of her day. But if she was desirous of life, when the Divine will was signified, when the messenger arrived, she was not unwilling to die. A-ked by her father, only a few minutes before her departure, how she was? she replied with a composed and happy countenance, I shall soon be released,' and after waving her hand for her sister, (who had most affectionately watched over her through every stage of her illness) to leave the room, she fell asleep. I doubt not but some present under the first impression of their loss, may be disposed to adopt the language of Thomas, on hearing of the death of Lazarus, his friend,

Let us go, that we may die likewise;" but other desires and language are more suitable, Let us live as she lived, that when the night of death comes, having fini hed our task, we may retire as calm, composed and happy as he did; let us not be slothful but followers of those, who through faith and patience now inherit the promises."

E. F.



The Annual Meeting of the SOUTHERN UNITARIAN SOCIETY appointed to be held at HORSHAM, SUSSEX, on the eighth of July, was very respectably attended, not only by the members of the society in the neighbourhood, but also by several members and friends to

the cause, from Hampshire and London and it is with pleasure we hear that ma ny volunteered their aid towards promoting the extension of the pure and simple doctrine of the go pe, by adding their names as annual subscribers to the society.

The sermon in the morning was VI. That the UNITARIAN FUND for

preached by the Rev. Mr. Parker of
Lewes. It was much approved, and is
to be printed for the use and at the ex-
pense of the society
The evening
service was numerously attended. The
Rev. Abraham Bennet of Dichling de-
livered a discourse, which was plain,
simple and impressive. The meeting
was conducted with much zeal and una-
nimity. The conversation was interest-
ing and animating On the whole, there
could not well be a more useful or plca-
sat assemblage of friends.

John Chatfield, Esq. was called to the chair. After the ordinary business of the meeting was transacted, and the state of the funds with the accounts of the society explained by the secretary, and agreed to by the treasurer, the following resolutions passed unanimously. 1. That it is the opinion of this meeting, that a monthly periodical publication, supported by men of ability, and open to writers of all denominations, may have a powerful influence in promoting a spirit of liberality, and serving the cause of rational religion, among persons who may want time or inclination to peruse long and elaborate treatises.

II. That the MONTHLY REPOSITORY is a work which answers the above description.

III. That impressed with a sense of its utility, we recommend it to the attention of the members of Unitarian congregations, and particularly advise that each congregation purchase one or more copies, for the purpose of circula⚫ting among those of its members who may not find it convenient to purchase it for themselves.

IV. That it is highly desirable, that proper steps be taken to introduce into the public worship of Unitarian congregation, the edition of Archbishop NewCome's Translation of the New Testament, which is now preparing for the press.

V. That as it is of the utmost importance that christian ministers should be well furnished with useful knowledge, particularly those branches of knowledge, more immediately connected with their profession, we earnestly recommend to the patronage of the public, the Aca DEMY AT YORK, under the able direction of Mr. Wellbeloved.

the support of itinerant preaching, having been attended with greater success than could have been expected, but wanting additional pecuniary aid to make it more extensively useful, it is the opinion of this meeting that it ought to be zealously supported.

VII. That a number of books to the value of ten pounds, be given by this society to the managers of the UNITARIAN FUND, for the purpose of being distributed by their preachers.

VIII. That a number of books to the

same amount, be given to the WELSH UNITARIAN SOCIETY, for the purpose of distribution.

IX. That the WESTERN UNITARIAN SOCIETY, with whom we wish to cherish a friendly intercourse, be invited to concur with us in the promotion of these several objects, and that our secretary be desired to commence a correspondence with their secretary for this purpose.

X. That our secretary be desired to make known to the Western Society, the sentiments we entertain respecting the two Societies holding their annual meetings occasionally at the same place.

XI. That wishing to see an increase of such valuable practical works, as contain nothing inconsistent with the Unitarian doctrine, we recommend to the public attention, two volumes of Family Sermons, partly selected, and partly original, which the Rev. James Hews Bransby, of Dudley, in Worcestershire, is now preparing to publish by subscription.

XII. That the thanks of the meeting be given to the chairman, for his able conduct in the chair.

XIII. That the thanks of the meeting be given to John Kirkpatrick, Esq Treasurer, and John Fullagar, Esq. Secretary, for their zealous and diligent attention to the interests of this Society.

XIV. That our next annual meeting be held at Dicbling, in this county, and that the Rev. Mr. Blake, of Crewkherne be invited to preach on the occasion; or in case of his failure, the Rev. Russel Scott, of Portsmouth.


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