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No. 253.

No. 254,

Pope probably did not think SO well of the Spectator's "benevolence" in its puffs of the volumes of Ambrose Philips. The advertisement of the Essay re-appears opportunely in No. 263. PAGE 8. Boileau. "Un bon mot n'est bon mot qu'en ce qu'il dit une chose que chacun pensait, et qu'il la dit d'une manière vive, fine, et nouvelle" (Preface to the edition of 1701).

PAGE 9. These equal syllables, etc. Essay on Criticism, 11. 344-7A needless Alexandrine, etc., ll. 356-7. 'Tis not enough, etc., 11. 364-373.

kal μny Eloupov, etc. Odyssey, xi. 593-8. PAGE 10. The Essay on Translated Verse, by the Earl of Roscommon, 1681. The Essay on Poetry, by the Duke of Buckingham (Earl of Mulgrave), 1682.

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Motto. Phocylides, 1. 62.

Græci, p. 411.

Winterton's Poeta Minores

Madam in her Grogram Gown, an echo from Swift's Baucis and Philemon (1706)—

"Her petticoat, transformed apace,

Became black satin flounc'd with lace.
'Plain Goody' would no longer down;
'Twas 'Madam,' in her grogram gown."

Will Honeycomb confesses, in the 530th Spectator, that his humble-born wife "did more execution upon me in Grogram, than the greatest Beauty in Town or Court had ever done in Brocade. PAGE II. The Ring. PAGE 13. Motto. PAGE 15. Sallust.

See i. 335.
Horace, Epist. I. i. 36-7.

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Quo minus gloriam petebat, eo magis illum adsequebatur." (Bell. Catilin. lvii.)

No. 255,

No. 256.

PAGE 17.

PAGE 21.

Motto. Hesiod, Works and Days, ii. 379-80.
Cicero. Oratio pro M. Marcello, viii.

PAGE 22. 'A' adds, at the end, "I shall conclude this Subject in my
next Paper."

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No. 257.
No. 258,

PAGE 26.
PAGE 27.

Motto. Stobæus, Anth. I. iii. 9.


As the Latin has
PAGE 28. Kitt Crotchet.
Rope-dancers, etc.

[ocr errors]

it. Horace, Ars Poet. 334. Christopher Rich. See vol. i. p. 314. "But he (i.e. Rich) having no Understanding in this polite Way, brought in upon us, to get in his Money, Ladder-dancers, Rope-dancers, Jugglers, and Montebanks, to strut in the Place of Shakespear's Heroes, and Johnson's Humourists" (Tatler, No. 12).

[blocks in formation]

- Mr. Clayton. See vol. i. p. 322, and B. I. For Nicolino Haym and Charles Dieupart, see B. I. Clayton and his friends started the Concert-room at York-buildings, Strand, after Handel had ousted them from the theatres. Steele was interested in their venture, and wrote to Pope "to know whether you are at leisure to help Mr. Clayton, that is me, to some words for music against winter (July 26, 1711)." Pope, writing on August 2 to Caryll, refers to Steele's request in behalf of Clayton "whose interest he (Steele) espouses with great zeal. His expression is Pray oblige

Mr. Clayton, that is me, so far as, etc. The desire I have to No. 258,
gratify Mr. Steele has made me consent to his request, though it
is a task that otherwise I am not very fond of." Steele had also
persuaded John Hughes to adapt Dryden's Alexander's Feast for
a musical setting by Clayton.

PAGE 30. Charles Lillie's. See vol. i. p 335.

No. 259,

PAGE 31. Motto. Cicero, De Officiis, i. 27.

-Salutations. See the reference to the Spectator's


humour" in No. 454.

No, 260.

PAGE 34. Motto. Horace, Epist. II. ii. 55.

Gay's Shepherd's Week, 1714, p. 9—

"As at Hot-Cockles once I laid me down,

PAGE 37. Hot-cockles. See vol. iii. p. 323. Mr. Dobson adds from

And felt the weighty Hand of many a Clown;
Buxoma gave a gentle Tap, and I

Quick rose, and read soft Mischief in her Eye."

-Motto. Menander, Monost. 102 (Winterton, p. 505).

PAGE 40. Motto. Ovid, Tristia, ii. 566.

PAGE 41. A Black Man. Cf. No. I. Steele " was, in fact, what in

those days was called a 'black man (Dobson's Selections from
Steele, xliii.). Surly John Dennis made pointed reference to his
dark complexion and his black periwig. Pepys always calls a
brunette a 'black woman.'

PAGE 42. The Procession of his Holiness had taken place annually on
the 17th of November, in commemoration of the accession of
Queen Elizabeth. Dryden frequently refers to it in his plays,
nobably in the Epilogue to Edipus. A print of the ceremony in
1679 is reproduced in Scott and Saintsbury's edition of his Works
(vi. 240). These processions were the occasion of much party-
tumult, especially after the Trial of the Bishops, and of Dr Sache-
verell. The celebration of 1711 was planned on an elaborate
scale. The Tory Government however intervened, and seized the
images. Swift describes the episode in his Journal to Stella, Nov.
17 and Nov. 26, 1711. See also The Relation of the Facts and
Circumstances of the Intended Riot, written at Swift's request; and
The March of the Chevalier de St. George, or an Account of the
Mock Procession. intended. .. on 17th Nov. 1711 (adver-
tised in No. 271 of the Spectator).

-Tubs. Probably suggested by Swift's recent book, the Tale of a Tub (1704).

PAGE 43. Criticism upon his Paradise Lost. See note in vol. i. p. 319; to which we may add that, in the 6th Tatler, Steele's Sappho discourses enthusiastically on Milton.

-Horace, Epist. I. vi. 67-8.

No. 261.

No. 262.

-Motto. From a letter by Trebonius to Cicero, in the Epist. No. 263.

ad Fam. xii. 16.

PAGE 48. Heads. Cf. p. 54 (1. 3); also vol. ii. pp. 328-9.

-Motto. Horace, Epist. I. xviii. 103.

PAGE 51. Long-lane, a mart for cast-off clothes in West Smithfield. "Hung with tatters, like a Long-lane penthouse" (Congreve, Way of the World, III. i.).

-St. John Street. St. John's Street, Clerkenwell.

No. 264,

No. 264.

No, 265,

No. 266.

No. 267.

PAGE 52. The Bumper Tavern. Richard Estcourt, of the Beefsteak Club (ante, vol. i. p. 317), had advertised in Nos. 260, 261, and 263 of the Spectator that he would on Jan. I open the Bumper Tavern in James Street, Covent Garden, where the best wines, from Brook and Hellier, would be delivered by "trusty Anthony' in "the same natural purity that he receives it from the said merchants."

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PAGE 53. John Sly's Best. Sly was a tobacconist, as well as a haberdasher of hats. See No. 526.

-Motto. Ovid, De Arte Amat. iii. 7.

PAGE 54. A good Head. Ante, p. 48 (note).

-Improvement of their Petticoats. See vol. ii. p. 333.

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-Philomot (filemot), a corruption of 'feuillemorte,' the colour of a dead or faded leaf.

(Winterton, p.

PAGE 56. Tuvaιkl, etc. Menander, Monost. 92.
507). Meineke reads où тà xpuola. Cf. Spectator No. 271.
PAGE 57. Motto. Terence, Eunuchus, V. iv. 8-11.

-The Man of the Bumper. 66 'Trusty Anthony"; probably
Anthony Aston, as Genest suggests. See p. 52.

PAGE 58. Fletcher's Humorous Lieutenant. Steele quotes II. iii. 15-26.

PAGE 59. An Inn in the City. We are reminded of the first plate
of Hogarth's Harlot's Progress (1731), which may have been
inspired by this paper.

PAGE 60. Dedication to the Plain Dealer. Wycherley's play was
dedicated "To My Lady B[ennet]," in the form of a billet-doux.
Cf. Pepys's Diary, May 30, 1668 ('Globe Edition,' p. 656 note).
-Motto. Propertius, Elegies, III. xxvi. (34), line 65.

-Addison's papers on Milton's Paradise Lost, of which this is the first, were reprinted in 1719, under the title of Notes on the Twelve Books of Paradise Lost, Collected from the Spectator. For the bibliography of later issues, see Arber's Reprint, p. 8.


Gildon, in his Laws of Poetry (1721), endeavoured to controvert Addison's application of "the rules of epopoeia.' Gottsched having in his Critische Dichtkunst (1730) expressed the dislike of the French school of critics to Milton's Epic, Bodmer was prompted to reply, in 1732, with a prose translation of Paradise Lost, in the preface of which he gives Addison the honour of having aroused the eighteenth-century writers to an interest in Milton. In 1740 Bodmer published his Critische Abhandlung | vom dem | Wunderbaren in der Poesie und dessen Verbindung mit dem | Wahrschein lichen | In einer Vertheidigung des Gedichtes | Joh. Miltons von dem verlohrnen Paradiese; Der beygefüget ist | Joseph Addisons Abhandlung von den Schönheiten in demselben | Gedichte. His friend Breitinger, also of the opposing Zurich School, supported the same views in his Critische Dichtkunst (1740).

-I shall therefore examine it by the Rules of Epic Poetry. Though the Spectator pokes fun at the English critics who earn their reputation by the unacknowledged help of the French, its editors can hardly escape the charge of having borrowed from the same quarter without acknowledgement. Addison is indebted in No. 70, to Le Bossu's Traité du Poème Epique, 1675 (see

i. p. 342), and he must be suspected of another borrowing here in No 267. his "Rules of Epic Poetry.' Addison's 'Aristotle,' too, is at secondhand, from the translation and notes of André Dacier. Aristotle had said that "Epic poetry.. is an imitation. . of characters of a higher type " (ch. 5); that "the Epic action has no limits of time" (ch. 5); and that "it should have for its subject a single action, whole and complete, with a beginning, a middle, and an end" (ch. 23). Le Bossu formulated this, as follows,-"L'action épique a quatre conditions. La première est son Unité; la seconde, son Integrité; la troisième, son Importance; et la quatrième, sa Durée" (Book II. ch. 7). Addison's "one action,' """entire action," and "great action" correspond, and in the same order, with Le Bossu's "Unité," 66 Integrité,' and "Importance"; and though 'Duration' is not mentioned here, it is discussed, at considerable length, at the end of the paper.

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Likewise, when Addison remarks that "Aristotle himself allows that Homer has nothing to boast of as to the Unity of his Fable, tho' at the same Time this great Critick and Philosopher endeavours to palliate this Imperfection in the Greek Poet, by imputing it in some Measure to the very Nature of an Epic Poem," he is probably indebted to the sixth chapter of the second book of Le Bossu ; and the remark, at the end of the paper, that "modern Criticks have collected from several Hints in the Iliad and Eneid the Space of Time, which is taken up by the Action of each of those Poems," may be a direct reference to the eighteenth chapter of the same book.

PAGE 61.

As Horace has observed. Ars Poet. 147. Cf. Vida, Ars
Poet. ii. 74-108; Scaliger, Libri Poetices Septem, Idea, xcvi. ;
Spenser's Faerie Queene, "Letters of the Author's."

PAGE 62. The Spanish Fryar or The Double Discovery, by Dryden
(1681). It is also praised by Johnson "for the happy coincidence
and coalition of the two plots" (Life of Dryden).

PAGE 63. Simile of the Top. Æn. vii. 378-84.
PAGE 64. The following Similitude. Poetics, vii. 4.
PAGE 65. Motto. Horace, Sat. I. iii. 29-30.

-Mr. Wilks. His histrionic "skill" is praised in the 19th
Tatler; and in the 182nd Mr. Bickerstaff contrasts " his singular
Talent in representing the Graces of Nature," with that of
Cibber in showing "the Deformity in the affectation of them."
See B. I.

PAGE 66. James Easy. Ante, vol i. p. 336.
PAGE 69. Motto. Ovid, De Arte Amat. i. 241-2.

-Gray's-Inn Walks. Gray's-Inn Gardens are frequently
mentioned in plays of this time as a fashionable resort or place
of assignation. See the note in W. Henry Wills's Roger de
Coverley, p. 211.

-Prince Eugene had come to England (on 5th Jan. 1712) to endeavour to arrange for the active alliance of Austria and England against France, and also to reinstate the Duke of Marlborough. His visit caused intense excitement, especially among the Whigs, who welcomed him with enthusiasm. (See the advertisements in

No. 268.

No. 26.

No. 269.

'A,' Nos. 279, 286, and 291.) He was received by the Queen; but failed in his mission. References to the visit will be found in Swift's Journal to Stella (Jan. 13 and Feb. 10). The character of Prince Eugene is the subject of the 340th Spectator. No. 471 of the Spectator contains an advertisement of a Whig pamphlet, Prince Eugene not the Man you took him for; or a Merry Tale of a Modern Hero. A doubtful tradition says that the Prince stood sponsor to Steele's third son, Eugene. (See Mr. Dobson's Selec tions from Steele, p. 498.)

PAGE 69. Thirty Marks, i.e. £20.

-Will had been busie. Cf. vol ii. p. 96.

-Moll White. See vol. ii. p. 129.

PAGE 71. Late Act of Parliament. A Bill against Occasional Conformity was passed without opposition in December 1711. -Pope's Procession. See p. 42. (note).

PAGE 72.

Baker's Chronicle. See vol. i. p. 330.

-Squire's. See vol. i. p. 336. It was noted for its coffee, and was frequented chiefly by the Benchers and Students of Gray'sInn.

-Motto. Horace, Epist. II. i. 262-3.

-The Scornful Lady, by Beaumont and Fletcher.

PAGE 76. Motto. Virgil, En. iv. 701.
-The Greek Verse. See No. 265.

No. 270.

No. 271,

No. 272.

No. 273.

PAGE 79. Motto.
PAGE 82.
PAGE 83.


Virgil Æn. i. 341-2.

Horace, Ars Poet. 156.

More new. Dennis's praise of Paradise Lost was founded on its originality. "His Thoughts, his Images, and, by conse quence too, his Spirit are actually new, and different from those of Homer and Virgil" (Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, 1704). PAGE 84. The Dispensary, by Sir Samuel Garth (see vol. iii. page 299); Le Lutrin, by Boileau.

-Admired by Aristotle. Poetics, xvii. and xxiv.

PAGE 85. The Angels. respective Characters. Not in ‘A.'
PAGE 86. Observations out of Aristotle. Poetics, xiii. Cf. Le Bossu
Du Poème Epique, II. xvii.

PAGE 87. Motto. Horace, Sat. I. ii. 37-8.

Horace, Ars Poet. 300.
Motto. Horace, Sat. I. iii. 42.
The Tea-Table. See vol. i. 313.

Scowrer, etc.

See vols. i. p. 328, ii. 329.

Liken unto Tulips. Ante, No. 265.

-Motto. Ovid, Metam. iv. 428.

No. 274.

No. 275.
No. 276.

PAGE 90. Motto.

PAGE 93.

PAGE 94.

PAGE 95.

PAGE 97.

No. 277.

[blocks in formation]

-All their Fashions from thence. Cf. vol. ii. p. 339.
Mr. Powell. See vol. i. p. 319; also B. I.
Motto. Horace, Epist. II. i. 250-1.

Ending a Paper in Greek. See No. 265.

Second Application. See No. 258.

"A neat Pocket Edition of the Spectator, in 2 vol. 12" is advertised in ‘A.'

PAGE 104. Motto. Horace, Ars Poet. 316.

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PAGE 105. The Criticks the times in which he lived. Cf. Le
Bossu, Du Poème Epique, VI. iii.

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