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For in this beautious face thou hast bestowde
A world of pleasures to my perplexed soule.
Queene. Th' excessiue loue I beare vnto
your grace,

Humphrey. Braue Peeres of England, Pil-
lars of the state,

To you Duke Humphrey must vnfold his griefe,
What did my brother Henry toyle himselfe,
And waste his subiects for to conquere France?

Forbids me to be lauish of my tongue,
Least I should speake more then beseemes a And did my brother Bedford spend his time


Let this suffice, my blisse is in your liking,
And nothing can make poore Margaret miserable,
Vnlesse the frowne of mightie Englands King.
Kin. Her lookes did wound, but now her
speech doth pierce,

Louely Queene Margaret sit down by my side:
And vncle Gloster, and you Lordly Peeres,
With one voice welcome my beloued Queene.
All. Long liue Queene Margaret, Englands

To keepe in awe that stout vnruly Realme?
And haue not I and mine vnckle Bewford here,
Done all we could to keepe that land in peace?
And is all our labours then spent in vaine,
For Suffolke he, the new made Duke that
rules the roast,

Hath giuen away for our King Henries Queene,
The Dutches of Anioy and Mayne vnto her father.
Ah Lords, fatall in this marriage canselling
our states,

Reuersing Monuments of conquered France, Queene. We thanke you all. [Sound Trumpets. Vndoing all, as none had nere bene done. Suffolke. My Lord Protector, so it please Card. Why how now cosin Gloster, what

your grace,

Here are the Articles confirmde of peace,
Betweene our Soueraigne and the French King

needs this?

As if our King were bound vnto your will,
And might not do his will without your leaue,
Proud Protector, enuy in thine eyes I see,
The big swolne venome of thy hatefull heart,
That dares presume gainst that thy Soueraigne

Humphr. Nay my Lord tis not my words
that troubles you,

Till terme of eighteene months be full expirde.
Humphrey. Imprimis, It is agreed betweene
the French King Charles, and William de la
Poule, Marquesse of Suffolke, Embassador for
Henry King of England, that the said Henry
shal wed and espouse the Ladie Margaret, But my presence, proud Prelate as thou art:
daughter to Raynard King of Naples, Cyssels, But ile begone, and giue thee leaue to speake.
and Ierusalem, and crowne her Queene of Farewell my Lords, and say when I am gone,
England, ere the 30. of the next month. I prophesied France would be lost ere long.
[Exet Duke HUMPHREY.
Card. There goes our Protector in a rage,
My Lords you know he is my great enemy,
And though he be Protector of the land,
And thereby couers his deceitfull thoughts,
For well you see, if he but walke the streets,
The common people swarme about him straight,
Crying Iesus blesse your royall exellence,
With God preserue the good Duke Humphrey.
And many things besides that are not knowne,
Which time will bring to light in smooth
Duke Humphrey.

Item. It is further agreed betweene them, that the Dutches of Anioy and of Maine, shall be released and deliuered ouer the King her fa. [Duke HUMPHREY lets it fall. Kin. How now vnkle, whats the matter that you stay so sodenly.

Humph. Pardon my Lord, a sodain qualme came ouer my hart,

Which dimmes mine eyes that I can reade no


Vnckle of Winchester, I pray you reade on. Cardinall. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, that the Duches of Anioy and But I will after him, and if I can of Mayne, shall be released and deliuered ouer Ile laie a plot to heaue him from his seate. to the King her father, & she sent ouer of the King of Englands owne proper cost and charges without dowry.

[Exet Cardinall. Buck. But let vs watch this haughtie Cardinall, Cosen of Somerset be rulde by me,


King. They please vs well, Lord Marquesse Weele watch Duke Humphrey and the Cardinall kneele downe, We here create thee first Duke of Suffolke, & girt thee with the sword. Cosin And put them from the marke they faine of Yorke, We here discharge your grace from being Regent in the parts of France, till terme of 18. months be full expirde.

would hit.


Thanks cosin Buckingham, ioyne thou with me,

Thankes vnckle Winchester, Gloster, Yorke, And both of vs with the Duke of Suffolke, and Buckingham, Somerset, Sals- Weele quickly heaue Duke Humphrey from his bury and Warwicke.

We thanke you all for this great fauour done,
In entertainment to my Princely Queene,
Come let vs in, and with all speed prouide
To see her Coronation be performde.

[Exet King, Queene, and SUFFOLKE, and
Duke HUMPHREY staies all the rest.


Buck. Content, Come then let vs about it straight,

For either thou or I will be Protector.

[Exet BUCKINGHAM and SOMERSET. Salsb. Pride went before, Ambition follows after.

Whilst these do seeke their owne preferments thus, | To graffle with the House of Lancaster:
My Lords let vs seeke for our Countries good, And force perforce, ile make him yeeld the Crowne,
Oft haue I seene this haughtie Cardinall Whose bookish rule hath puld faire England

Sweare, and forsweare himselfe, and braue it out,
More like a Ruffin then a man of Church.
Cosin Yorke, the victories thou hast wonne,
In Ireland, Normandie, and in France,
Hath wonne thee immortall praise in England.
And thou braue Warwicke, my thrice valiant

Thy simple plainesse and thy house-keeping,
Hath wonne thee credit amongst the common sort,
The reurence of mine age, and Neuels name,
Is of no little force if I command,
Then let vs ioyne all three in one for this,
That good Duke Humphrey may his state possesse,
But wherefore weepes Warwicke my noble sonne.
Warw. For griefe that all is lost that Warwick


Sonnes. Anioy and Maine, both giuen away

at once,

Why Warwick did win them, & must that then which we wonne with our swords, be giuen away with wordes.

Yorke. As I haue read, our Kinges of
England were woont to haue large dowries
with their wiues, but our King Henry giues
away his owne.

Come sonnes away and looke vnto
the maine.

(Act I. Scene II.)

[Exet YORKE. Enter Duke HUMPHREY, and Dame ELLANO R COBHAM his wife.

Elnor. Why droopes my Lord like ouer ripened corne,

Hanging the
What seest

head at Cearies plenteous loade,
thou Duke Humphrey King Hen-
ries Crowne?

Reach at it, and if thine arme be too short,
Mine shall lengthen it. Art not thou a Prince,
Vnckle to the King, and his Protector?
Then what shouldst thou lacke that might
content thy minde.

Humph. My louely Nell, far be it from my

[blocks in formation]

And ile interpret it, and when thats done,
Ile tell thee then, what I did dreame to night.
Humphrey. This night when I was laid in
bed, I dreampt that

This my staffe mine Office badge in Court,
Was broke in two, and on the ends were plac'd,

War. Vnto the Maine, Oh father Maine is The heads of the Cardinall of Winchester,


Which Warwicke by maine force did win from

Maine chance father you meant, but I meant
Which I will win from France, or else be slaine.
Yorke. Anioy and Maine, both giuen vnto
the French,
Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France,
Euen as I haue of fertill England.

A day will come when Yorke shall claime his owne,
And therefore I will take the Neuels parts,
And make a show of loue to proud Duke

Humphrey :

And when I spie aduantage, claime the Crowne,
For thats the golden marke I seeke to hit:
Nor shall proud Lancaster vsurpe my right,
Nor hold the scepter in his childish fist,
Nor weare the Diademe vpon his head,
Whose church-like humours fits not for a Crowne:
Then Yorke be still a while till time do serue,
Watch thou, and wake when others be a sleepe,
To prie into the secrets of the state,
Till Henry surfeiting in ioyes of loue,
With his new bride, and Englands dear bought

And Humphrey with the Peeres be falne at

Then will I raise aloft the milke-white Rose, With whose sweete smell the aire shall be perfumde,

And William de la Poule first Duke of Suffolke.
Elnor. Tush my Lord, and signifies nought
but this,

That he that breakes a sticke of Glosters groue,
Shall for th' offence, make forfeit of his head.
But now my Lord, Ile tell you what I dreampt,
Me thought I was in the Cathedrall Church
At Westminster, and seated in the chaire
Where Kings and Queenes are crownde, and
at my feete

Henry and Margaret with a Crowne of gold
Stood readie to set it on my Princely head.
Humphrey. Fie Nell. Ambitious woman as
thou art,

Art thou not second woman in this land,
And the Protectors wife belou'd of him,
And wilt thou still be hammering treason thus,
Away I say, and let me heare no more.
Elnor. How now my Lord.
What angry
with your Nell,

For telling but her dreame. The next I haue
Ile keepe to my selfe, and not be rated thus.
Humphrey. Nay Nell, Ile giue no credit to
a dreame,

But I would haue thee to thinke on no such things.
Enters a Messenger.

Messenger. And it please your grace, the King and Queene to morrow morning will ride a hawking to Saint Albones, and craues your company along with them.

Humphrey. With all my heart, I will attend his grace: Come Nell, thou wilt go with And in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke, vs vs I am sure. [Exet HUMPHREY.

Elnor. Ile come after you, for I cannot go Enter the Duke of SUFFOLKE with the Queene,


But ere it be long, Ile go before them all, Despight of all that seeke to crosse me thus, Who is within there?

Enter sir IOнN HUM.

What sir Iohn Hum, what newes with you? Sir John. Iesus preserue your Maiestie. Elnor. My Maiestie. Why man I am but grace.

Ser Iohn. I, but by the grace of God & Hums aduise,

Your graces state shall be aduanst ere long. Elnor. What hast thou conferd with Margery Iordaine, the cunning Witch of Ely, with Roger Bullingbrooke and the rest, and will they vndertake to do me good?

Sir John. I haue Madame, and they haue promised me to raise a Spirite from depth of vnder grounde, that shall tell your grace all questions you demaund.

Elnor. Thanks good sir Iohn. Some two daies hence I gesse

Will fit our time, then see that they be here:
For now the King is ryding to Saint Albones,
And all the Dukes and Earles along with him,
When they be gone, then safely they may come,
And on the backside of my Orchard heere,
There cast their Spelles in silence of the night;
And so resolue vs of the thing we wish,
Till when, drinke that for my sake, And so
[Exet ELNOR.
Sir Iohn. Now sir Iohn Hum, No words
but mum.

Seale vp your lips, for you must silent be,
These gifts ere long will make me mightie rich,
The Duches she thinks now that all is well,
But I haue gold comes from another place,
From one that hyred me to set her on,
To plot these Treasons gainst the King and


And that is the mightie Duke of Suffolke.
For he it is, but I must not say so,
That by my meanes must worke the Duches fall,
Who now by Cuniurations thinkes to rise.
But whist sir Iohn, no more of that I trow,
For feare you lose your head before you goe.

(Act I. Scene III.)

Enter two Petitioners, and PETER the
Armourers man.

1. Peti. Come sirs let vs linger here abouts a while,

Vntill my Lord Protector come this way,
That we may show his grace our seuerall causes.
2. Peti. I pray God saue the good Duke
Humphries life,

For but for him a many were vndone,
That cannot get no succour in the Court,
But see where he comes with the Queene.

[blocks in formation]

Peter Thump. Marry sir I come to tel you that my maister said, that the Duke of Yorke was true heire unto the Crowne, and that the King was an vsurer.

Queene. An vsurper thou wouldst say.
Peter. I forsooth an vsurper.

Queene. Didst thou say the King was an vsurper?

Peter. No forsooth, I saide my maister saide so, th' other day when we were scowring the Duke of Yorks Armour in our garret.

Suffolke I marry this is something like, Whose within there?

[blocks in formation]

And his proud wife, high minded Elanor,
That ruffles it with such a troupe of Ladies,
As strangers in the Court takes her for the

The other day she vanted to her maides,
That the very traine of her worst gowne,
Was worth more wealth then all my fathers lands,
Can any griefe of minde be like to this.

I tell thee Poull, when thou didst runne at Tilt,
And stolst away our Ladaies hearts in France,
I thought King Henry had bene like to thee,
Or else thou hadst not brought me out of


And as for the Regentship of France,

I say Somerset is more worthie then Yorke. Yorke. Ile tell thee Suffolke why I am not worthie,

Because I cannot flatter as thou canst.

War. And yet the worthie deeds that York
hath done,

Should make him worthie to be honoured here.
Suffolke. Peace headstrong Warwicke.

War. Image of pride, wherefore should I


Madame content your selfe a litle Pray God

Because here is a man accusde of

the Duke of Yorke do cleare

As I was cause of your comming to England, Ho, bring hither the Armourer and his man.
So will I in England worke your full content:
And as for proud Duke Humphrey and his wife,
I haue set lime-twigs that will intangle them,
As that your grace ere long shall vnderstand.
But staie Madame, here comes the King.
Enter King HENRY, and the Duke of YORKE
and the Duke of SOMERSET on both sides of
the King, whispering with him, and enter Duke
HAM, the Earle of SALSBURY, the Earle of
WARWICKE, and the Cardinall of WINCHESTER
King. My Lords I care not who be Regent
in France, or York, or Somerset, alls wonne

Enter the Armourer and his man.

If it please your grace, this fellow here, hath accused his maister of high Treason, And his words were these.

That the Duke of Yorke was lawfull heire vnto the Crowne, and that your grace was an vsurper.

to me.

Yorke. My Lord, if Yorke haue ill demeande himselfe,

Let Somerset enioy his place and go to France.
Somerset. Then whom your grace thinke
worthie, let him go,

And there be made the Regent ouer the Ftench.
Warwicke. Whom soeuer you account worthie,
Yorke is the worthiest.

Cardinall. Pease Warwicke. Giue thy bet-
ters leaue to speake.

Yorke. I beseech your grace let him haue what punishment the law will afford, for his villany.

King. Come hether fellow, didst thou speake these words?

Armour. Ant shall please your Maiestie, I neuer said any such matter, God is my witnesse, I am falsly accused by this villain here. Peter. Tis no matter for that, you did say so. Yorke. I beseech your grace, let him haue the law.

Armour. Alasse my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the words, my accuser is my prentise, & when I did correct him for his fault the other day, he did vow upon his knees that he would be euen with me, I haue good witnesse of this, and therefore I beseech your Maiestie do not cast away an honest man for a villaines

War. The Cardinals not my better in the accusation. field.

Buc. All in this place are thy betters farre. War. And Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.

King. Vnckle Gloster, what do you thinke

of this?

Humphrey. The law my Lord is this by case, it rests suspitious,

Queene. My Lord in mine opinion, it were That a day of combat be appointed,

best that

Somerset were Regent ouer France.
Humphrey. Madame our King is old inough

To giue his answere without your consent.
Queene. If he be old inough, what needs
your grace

To be Protector ouer him so long.
Humphrey. Madame I am but Protector
ouer the land,

And when it please his grace, I will resigne
my charge.

Suffolke. Resigne it then, for since that thou
wast King,

As who is King but thee. The common state
Doth as we see, all wholly go to wracke,
And Millions of treasure hath bene spent,

And there to trie each others right or wrong,
Which shall be on the thirtith of this month,
With Eben staues, and Standbags combatting
In Smythfield, before your Royall Maiestie.


Armour. And I accept the Combat willingly.
Peter. Alasse my Lord, I am not able to fight.
Suffolke. You must either fight sirra or else
be hangde:

Go take them hence againe to prison.

[Exet with them [The Queene lets fall her gloue, and hits the Duches of GLOSTER, a boxe on the eare. Queene. Giue me my gloue. Why Minion can you not see? [She strikes her. I cry you mercy Madame, I did mistake, did not thinke it had bene you.

Elnor. Did you not proud French-woman, Could I come neare your daintie vissage with my nayles,

Ide set my ten commandments in your face.
King. Be patient gentle Aunt.

It was against her will.

Elnor. Against her will. Good King sheele
dandle thee,

If thou wilt alwaies thus be rulde by her.
But let it rest. As sure as I do liue,
She shall not strike dame Elnor vnreuengde.
King. Beleeue me my loue, thou wart much
to blame,

I would not for a thousand pounds of gold,
My noble vnckle had bene here in place.

Enter Duke HUMPHREY.

But see where he comes, I am glad he met
her not.

Vnckle Gloster, what answere makes your grace
Concerning our Regent for the Realme of France,
Whom thinks your grace is meetest for to send.
Humphrey. My gratious Lord, then this is
my resolue,

[blocks in formation]

The Duke yet liues that Henry shall

But him out liue, and dye a violent death.
Bullen. What fate awayt the Duke


Spirit. By water shall he die and take his

Bullen. What shall betide the Duke of
Somerset ?

For that these words the Armourer should speake,|
Doth breed suspition on the part of Yorke,
Let Somerset be Regent ouer the French,
Till trials made, and Yorke may cleare himselfe.
King. Then be it so my Lord of Somerset.
We make your grace Regent ouer the French, Spirit. Let him shun Castles. safer shall
And to defend our rights gainst forraine foes, he be vpon the sandie plaines, then where
And so do good vnto the Realme of France. Castles mounted stand.
Make hast my Lord, tis time that you were
The time of Truse I thinke is full expirde.
Somerset. I humbly thanke your royall

And take my leaue to poste with speed to
King. Come vnckle Gloster, now lets haue
our horse,

For we will to Saint Albones presently,
Madame your Hawke they say, is swift of flight,
And we will trie how she will flie to day.
[Exet omnes.

(Act I. Scene IV.)

Enter ELNOR, with sir IoHN HUM, KOGER


Now question me no more, for I must hence
againe. [He sinkes downe againe.
Bullen. Then downe I say, vnto the damned

Where Pluto in his firie Waggon sits.
Ryding amidst the singde and parched smoakes,
The Rode of Dytas by the Riuer Stykes,
There howle and burne for euer in those flames,
Rise Jordaine rise, and staie thy charming Spels.
Sonnes, we are betraide.

Enter the Duke of YORKE, and the Duke of
BUCKINGHAM, and others.
Yorke. Come sirs, laie hands on them, and
bind them sure,
This time was well watcht. What Madame
are you there?

This will be great credit for your husband,
That you
are plotting Treasons thus with

Elnor. Here sir Iohn, take this scrole of The King shall haue notice of this thing.
paper here,

Wherein is writ the questions you shall aske,
And I will stand vpon this Tower here,
And here the spirit what it saies to you,
And to my questions, write the answeres

Sir Iohn.


[Exet ELNOR aboue. See here my Lord what the diuell

hath writ.

Yorke. Gine it me my Lord, Ile show it to
the King.

downe. [She goes up to the Tower. Go sirs, see them fast lockt in prison.
Now sirs begin and cast your
spels about,

And charme the fiendes for to obey your wils,
And tell Dame Elnor of the thing she askes.

[Exet with them. Bucking. My Lord, I pray you let me go

post vnto the King,

Vnto S. Albones, to tell this newes.

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