Dictionary of Christian Biography and LiteratureDelmarva Publications, Inc. This is a dictionary of Christian biography and literature from the first to the end of the sixth century A.D., It also contains an account of the principal sects and heresies. This extensive dictionary contains of over 900 early Christian figures. This volume is designed to render to a wider circle, alike of clergy and of the laity. It comprises many admirable articles on the great characters of early Church history and literature Cross-references are inserted, where needed, on the principle adopted in Murray's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, namely, the name of the article to which a cross-reference is intended is printed in capitals within brackets, but without the brackets when it occurs in the ordinary course of the text.Cross-references are inserted, where needed, on the principle adopted in Murray's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, namely, the name of the article to which a cross-reference is intended is printed in capitals within brackets, but without the brackets when it occurs in the ordinary course of the text. |
Common terms and phrases
Acacius Alexandria Ambrose Anastasius Anomoean Antioch apostles appears Arian Arius Athanasius Augustine authority banished baptism Basil Basilides bishops Caesarea canon Carthage Catholic cent Chalcedon Christ Christian Chrysostom church Clement clergy communion condemned consecrated Constantine Constantinople controversy council council of Chalcedon creed Cyprian Cyril deacon death deposed Dionysius Dioscorus Divine doctrine Donatists Ebionites Eccl ecclesiastical edict emperor Ephesus Epiphanius episcopate epistle Eusebius Eusebius of Nicomedia Eustathius Eutyches exile faith Fathers favour Felix Flavian Gnostic Gospel Greek Greg Gregory Haer heathen heresy heretics Hippolytus Hist Holy Homilies Irenaeus Jerome Jerusalem Labbe letter Marcion martyrs monastery monks nature Nestorian Nestorius Nicaea Nicene original orthodox Patr patriarch Paulinus Pelagian persecution Peter Photius pope prelates presbyter probably Roman Rome says Scripture sect sent shews Socr Sozomen spirit synod Theod Theodoret Theodosius Tillemont treatise Valens viii words writings wrote