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subjecting the bone to calcination, or by exposing it for some time to the weather; for, by either of these means, the gelatine is destroyed, and nothing but the earthy part remains, which is brittle, hard, and of a white co

INTERESTING PHISIOLOGICAL FACTS ON lour. But, by continuing, for a length of time, either THE HUMAN BONES.

[Written expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

The bones are the hardest parts of the human body. When dried, they retain their natural shape and figure: ey are of a whitish yellow colour; are totally destitute f sensation, in the healthy state; and have the property fresisting putrefaction for a much longer time than any her part of the animal frame.

It is easy to account for these different properties. or their chemical analysis teaches us that they are imposed of mineral and animal matter: the phosphate Time, and the gelatine of chemistry.

PRICE 34d.

O! that the earth which kept the world in awe, Should patch a wall to expel the winter's flaw." Virgil, in his description of the Pharsalian Plains, alludes to the lasting quality of the bones, in these beautiful lines:

"Scilicit et tempus veniet, cum finibus ills
Agricola incurvo terram molitus aratro,
Exesa inveniet scabra rubgine-pila:
Aut gravibus rastris galeas pulsabit inanes,
Grandiaque effossis mirabitur ossa sepulchris."


of these experiments, the bone gradually crumbles to
pieces and perishes. A deficiency in the quantity of
gelatine, or a superabundance of phosphate of lime, is
the cause assigned by physiologists, for that frightful
and melancholy disease, called Fragilitas ossium; by
which the miserable patient is, every moment, liable
to fracture of one or more of his bones, from the slightest
fall, or any unusual motion. There is, at present, in
Liverpool à case of this nature, in a poor boy, who has
had both bones of the thigh, those of the leg and fore-
arm, fractured at different times, and in different places.
He, however, enjoys tolerable health, is good tempered, On behalf of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland
and even cheerful.
delivered at Newington Chapel, Liverpool,

The opacity of the bones is owing to the earth which they contain; for, in the infant state, they are cartilaginous and semi-diaphonous. and their opacity gradually increases in proportion to the quantity of earthy matter they receive, until they become completely opaque, hard, and firm.

Their white colour is to be referred to the same cause; for, by depriving them of their gelatine by calcination, they assume a pure chalky colour. Some dies, such as madder, have the remarkable property of imparting their colour to the bones of those animals which feed upon them: from whence we may conclude, that a continued action of absorption and deposition is going on in these parts. Platner, and Kerckring, two celebrated German anatomists, assert that the bones assume a yel. low colour in severe attacks of jaundice; but I do not find this fact mentioned in any of the works of French or English physiologists.

The presence of the latter ingredient is demonstrated - macerating the bone in any one of the mineral acids; -each of them has the power of dissolving the phosate of lime. Thus, the gelatine remains untouched, d retains the figure of the bone. But, being divested that ingredient which gives it hardness and solidity, is soft, cartilaginous, and pliable. A deficiency of mis earthy matter in the bones gives rise to that disease, common to the children of the poor and profligate in sur great towns, called, by physicians, Mollities ossium, but better known by the name of Rickets. The most armidable case of this nature, on record, is that of Madame Supiot, a Parisian lady. In the year 1751, this son, after having suffered from a number of unpleaat symptoms, which she dated from a fall in 1747, was ized with such violent heats, that she was almost connually in a sweat, and could not endure any covering en in the coldest weather, From this time, she herved her limbs, begin to bend; and their soft- It is agreed amongst all anatomists that the bones, gradually increased till the time of her death, hich happened in the November of 1752. In the onth of April of the same year, the trunk of the body d not exceed 23 inches; the thorax was exceedgly ill formed: and the bones of the upper and wer extremities very much distorted. The thigh-bones came so pliant, that her feet could be easily laid on ch side of her head. It was surprising to observe ← various shapes which the limbs assumed, as stiffness of the bones encreased, and, if I recollect ht, three or four curvatures were observed in the spine er death. She died after enduring the most dreadful ferings from fever, spitting of blood, and convulns. A more circumstantial detail of this case will - found in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences of Cance. It may be worthy of remark here, that the nes of children contain a greater proportion of gelatine an those of adults, andthat it is more viscid and softer its consistence.

The presence of the other ingredients is detected by

in a healthy state, are devoid of sensation: this is owing to the want of nerves; for nature seems nowhere to have gifted a mere earthy substance with this power Their faculty of resisting putrefaction is, in a great measure, to be referred to the presence of earthy matter. Experiments prove that gelatine has no such property; for, when the bone is deprived of its earth, by maceration in acid, it very soon yields to putrefaction, particularly if it is immersed in water.

I shall refer their immutability of form to the same cause. Of all the parts of the body, therefore, the bones are most easily preserved, and for many ages retain their size and figure: and we are sometimes permitted, after the lapse of centuries, to contemplate these remains of the mighty dead, who have filled the world with their fame, and have left a name that will live for ages after their mouldering relics have crumbled to dust, and are no more.

"Imperious Cæsar, dead, and turn'd to clay,
Might stop a hole to keep the whud away :

The Philanthropist.


on St. Andrew's Day, 1820.


"Agreeably to your patriotic wish I appear before you, to plead the cause of the Gaelic Circulating Schools Society. The feelings with which I enter upon this task will be best described in the language of heart for my bretheen, my kinsmen according to the Paul: I have great heaviness and continual sorrow of flesh."

"It is not, believe me, from any want of lively interest in the festivities of this high day, nor with any view to damp your enjoyment, that I select a motto so doleful, and declare that the spirit it breathes is the uppermost feeling of my soul towards the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. No one approves more cordially than I do of the recreations peculiar to this anniver sary: no one participates more fully in the nationa feelings expressed by its

Pomp and circumstance :' the garb and banners of old Gael delight my eye an dilate my heart; but not so that I can forget for a me ment that 300,000 of my kinsmen are incapable of reading any language! This is no sweeping assertion; no exaggerated account: but the melancholy and mortifying fact is now authenticated by the official documents of resident clergymen, and I myself have compared these reports with the actual state of the country. They are literally true. I blush to say so; but the fact cannot be hidden, and ought not to be overlooked.

"When this gloomy picture began to be talked of in England, I pronounced it a vile caricature; the pro duction of some modern Johnson, with eyes which saw not, and ears which heard not.' In the presence likeness, and with gloomy complacency held up the of princes, peers, and senators, I denied the asserted education of Scotland as a model worthy of England and of the world to copy. I wot that through ignorance I did it!" But such was my honest and ardent conviction of being in the right, that I undertook a solitary tour to the Highlands and Hebrides, for the express purpose of collecting facts, to refute what I then thought a base calumny. rull of this project, I travelled day and night until I reached the borders of Ar gyleshire. My first enquiry, at the first hamlet, was for the schoolmaster. He spent the evening with me; and, to my unspeakable satisfaction, I found that his school was well attended. It was, indeed, too small;

for groups of little Highlandmen were approaching in itself a family on a large scale, hereditary feuds and every direction; not as Shakespeare's tyro

⚫ Crawling like a snail, unwillingly;' but, like their own mountain deer, bounding through the mist and the heather. Thus far my hopes were realized; but, before that day's journey closed, I had begun to collect facts, not to refute, but to confirm the report which galled me. Such were the results of one day's observations, and before embarking for the Hebrides, I had great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart for my brethren.'

"I offer no apology for thus speaking of myself: my only motive for doing so is, to remove from your minds the unbelief which once occupied my own That Scotsman lives not who is more unwilling than I

was to believe that 300,000 of his countrymen cannot read any language. I resisted conviction until overpowered by the evidence of my own senses on the spot. Judge, then, with what rapture I now hail this first opportunity of pleading the cause of the Highlands in Liverpool: that opportunity you have furnished; and were any one but myself their advocate, I would congratulate the North Britens' Society on being the first to originate in this town, a public measure in behalf of the Gaelic Schools. The credit of having done so is exclusively your own; for, however anxious I was to call the attention of the public to this object, I durst not have ventured even to suggest it to your society, knowing and approving, as I did, of your prior


were provided. In 1738, the stock of the society amounted to £29,000, and the number of their schools to 112. At this period, a second patent was obtained from the crown; and their plan embraced schools of female industry, as well as of general education. But it wonld occupy too much time to trace the progress of this excellent society; suffice to say, that in a period of eighty-seven years, it educated 287,000 persons in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

mutual jealousies have hitherto prevented any effec-
tive union of the whole, in behalf of the whole. For,
even now, their respective chieftains do not all act to-
gether in promoting any national object but loyalty.
There are, indeed, noble exceptions to this charge;
but I regret to say, that even the national pride of
some does not seem wounded, by the exposure of
500,000 Highlanders unable to read! I could speak
daggers on this subject, but I forbear: you do not need "Since the year 1725, there has been in operation
them, and they could not reach the consciences of another society, if such it may be called, I mean the
Committee for managing the Royal Bounty. George 1.
those who remain unmoved by such a spectacle.
"The political causes which have contributed to per- gave a donation of £1000, to be employed by the Ge
petuate the reign of ignorance in the Highlands, al-neral Assembly, for the reformation of the Highlands
though no longer in operation, I pass over in silence. and Islands, and other places where popery and igno
Their embers are yet too hot to be safely handled by rance abounded. In 1796, this Committee employed
any party: and both political and theological questions twenty-six missionaries and twenty-two catechist
are equally foreign to the purpose and spirit of our In 1811, the Royal Bounty was increased to £2000 per
annum; and thus the scale of operation has been en.
meeting. I proceed, therefore, to remark.
"3. That public attention has been diverted from the larged, and the plan rendered more efficient.
ignorance in the Highlands and Islands, by the
advanced state of education in the Lowlands of

"I now lay before you a brief account of the society whose cause I am engaged to plead. The Galic Cr culating Schools Society was formed in the year 1811, "Until lately our national character for general know- at Edinburgh, under the patronage of the Earls of ledge, like the pillar of cloud to the Jews, presented Moray, Selkirk, and Breadalbane. In 1817, they had only its bright side to England. England, dazzled and upwards of sixty schools, containing several thounds delighted by its "sweet influences" on the community of both old and young, learning to read the word of in the Lowlands, never dreamt that the side fronting God in their native language. This rapid progres, in the Atlantic was as dark as the side which that pillar so short a time, is interesting; but as yet the glory presented to the Egyptians. How could she? Even of the society is its plan I pray you mark it: the Scotland overlooked or forgot the condition of her schools are not stationary, but circulating. Euth Having thus secured a mutual understanding on the subject, allow me now to enumerate some of the Highlands. Until this day, some of you had no accu- schoolmaster, like the sun when he sets on cer causes which have contributed to keep our Highland rate idea of that condition. In fact, we have all con- hemisphere, rises upon another with healing undir and Island kinsmen in a state of deplorable ignorance. confiding England has long given our country credit pupils in one quarcer forward enough to read the nived at public mistakes on this subject. Generous, his wings. When the teachers have brought their "1. The local situation of their residence is unfavour- for being generally enlightened, and we were proud to Bible with some ease, they leave them to the charge af able to the general diffusion of knowledge. bear our peasantry applauded: we joined in the eulo- some benevolent neighbour, and proceed at once to "Our northern mountains and lakes, sounds and ra- gium, without qualifying its terms; and were too much break up new ground. Thus they literally f vines, while they present to the eye of taste scenes of flattered by Scotland's fame, to think seriously of Scot-Isaiah's prophecy, that many shall run to and fro that imposing sublimity and stupendous grandeur, present land's defects. Thus we have all, unintentionally per knowledge may be increased. Oh! that my lips, ke to the heart of the philanthropist appalling obstacles: haps, but actually, assisted in keeping up delusion on Isaiah's, were touched this morning with a live poul while they expand the soul with strong emotions, this subject: for which of us has not spoken more of from the altar of God, that I might convey, in and elevate the thoughts to high communion with the knowledge in the Lowlands, than of the ignorance "Thoughts that breathe and words that burn,' the presiding spirit of the scene, they also depress in the Highlands? Iblush for myself, and you are not what I have seen and heard of these Galic School both, by creating a deep sense of danger, as being in-guiltless. These things ought not to be. Methinks Such groups collected around the Bible, learning separable from all attempts to universalize the know- the genius of our country, CALEDONIA! frowns from read, were never seen so diversified, so in carcer ledge of that spirit in the Highlands. It seems as if her cloudy throne on Bennevis, and cries in thunder, Picture to yourselves, for a moment, in one group, the it could only be heard there in the thunder of his Let my sister Albion know the truth concerning my lyart veteran of fourscore and ten, and the ping power; only read in the works of his hands; only en- Gælic children: the polar splendours which shoot and child; the spectacled granny, and the snooded joyed through the medium of visible nature. I shall ne- circulate around me, are not the emblems of their the nursing mother with her babe in her arms, and the ver forget the force with which this discouraging idea education: the mists of Morven, the vapours of Tirec, father with his sons at his knee; all at one least, pressed on my own heart, while, from a series of lofty are just emblems of their ignorance. I, therefore, one time! Such is the fact; and if the rehearsa eminences, I surveyed the stormy gulphs which in-charge you to own and to announce this in future, conception of it thrill the soul with extacy, judge y tersect the Hebrides; the cloudy mountains and path- until your kinsmen cease to perish for lack of know- what must be the effect of gazing on this scene less wilds which distinguish the Highlands. My eye ledge!" Allow me now to lay before you a brief listening to these sounds, in a school where gra was searching out a path for the missionary; central sketch of what has been done in behalf of the High-parents and their grand-children; parents and the spots for schools; channels of safe communication, be- lands and Islands of Scotland. tween island and island, between valley and valley. But "There are in Scotland about a thousand parishes. at first sight, such was the conviction of impossibility, To furnish each of these with a parochial school was that with all my fondness for the mountains and valan object of early and earnest attention soon after the leys of Caledonia, I could have wished, at the moment, reformation. By an act of James VI. in 1616, he reIsaiah's phrophecy literally fulfilled: every valley ex-quested the bishops to solicit the heritors to make proalted, and every mountain made low: rough places vision for a school in every parish. This proposal was made plain, and crooked straight, that the glory of the ratified by his son, Charles I, in 1663. And by a Lord might be revealed, and all my kinsmen according second statute in 1646, the heritors were bound to proto the flesh see it together.' But when I recollected that vide a school-house, and a salary for the schoolmaster, he who had made of one blood all nations of men, which, with the quarterly fees, should be adequate to had also appointed the bounds of their habitation, his support. During the Commonwealth, the parliaI felt that the difficulties, though great, were not in- ment of Scotland enacted, that a school should be essurmountable. The ancient seminary at Jona, and the tablished in every parish, for the education of the modern one at Lisurora, reminded me that Catholics had surmounted all the local obstacles; and the exist- poor. But this wise statute was repealed at the resto- Highland minds, like Highland mountains, may

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ing Protestant Kirks and schools, proved that the enterprise of the Gaelic Society was not hopeless. The localities of the country have, however, operated as hindrances; but now that natives are employed to teach the native language, there is no rigour in the climate, no risk in the sounds, no maze in the wilderness too

formidable to them.

children, are thus employed. In some places there
classes of mothers; and those who can leave th
infants at home, nurse in the school the infan
could not be left, while their mothers read a
At Glencalvie, in Rosshire, the school presente
the winter of 1815 the strange but touching spectac
of the veteran Iverach, in the 117th year of his ope
learning to read by the side of a young mother, wh
in the ardour of her desire to learn, had brought 5
cradle and child to the school. O my country, the
neglected in some parts, thy native spirit burns in all

Even in thine ashes live thy wonted fires;' for, though smothered by neglect, they are not exti ration, by Charles II It was forgotten during the covered by clouds and mists; but let the sun of k reign of his brother James; but was re-enacted in the ledge arise and shine, and they will be the first to cate Scottish parliament, after the revolution by Wilham his beams, and the fairest to reflect them. Before and Mary. Its benefits, however, extended but slowly cluding this part of the discourse, let me remind you and slightly to the Highlands. The first grand na- that in all the schools of this society, the BIBLE is the tional effort in their behalf, originated in the British class-book; the sole object of the society being to parliament, in the 4th session of Geo. I. Then it was the inhabitants of the Highlands and Islands, to enacted, that €20,000 of the monies arising from the the sacred Scriptures in their native tongue. This Scottish estates, forfeited in the rebellion of 1715, the grand characteristic of the institution the m should be converted into a capital stock; the interest glory of the plan. On this fact I ground its princ of which should be employed in erecting and main-claim; and the weight of that claim you cannot i taining schools in the Highlands of Scotland.

« 2. The general spirit of clanship has contributed to the reign of ignorance. "Clanship, viewed at the distance we contemplate it from, and under the influence of hereditary feelings, which hallow the abstract idea, is a very different "Nine years before this, however, the society in thing from the sober reality, even now. Hoary as its Scotland, for propagating Christian knowledge, had native mountains with age, it seems to us as a vene- been incorporated, by letters patent, under the great rable fragment of the primitive world. But, like seal, by Queen Anne. But, even with this patronHindoo cast, it once lowered the general character of age, and an act of the General Assembly, recommenthe clans, in almost every thing except bravery, hospi-ding collections to be made in all the churches within tality, and endurance. In these public virtues the their jurisdiction, only £1000 were raised for this clans have always been proverbially eminent, and con- national object. This was in 1709. In 1712 the funds stitutionally strong. But while each clan has been in of the society amounted to £4000, and five schools

feel: for you know that the Bible in her schooli been the purifying and preserving salt' of Sco And England should know, that whatever she ad of talents or morals in the sister kingdom, origite chiefly from the rank which the Bible held in car f rochial schools. England should be aware that relaxing in the tone of northern morals, is to be tra in the first instance, to the melancholy fact, the many schools the Bible has become unfashionale. proceed

"To enforce the duties we owe to our long-neglected and ignorant kinsmen.

the Gaelic thanksgiving 'Gu dthugadh Dia mor nargras | THE FOLLOWING WAS THE STATE OF THE CALEN-
paidh dhaibh o nach urain sinn a dheanamh !'”
London. Middlesex.

The following is the speech delivered by Mr. Phillips at the public dinner at the York Hotel.

You are,


"Mr. President and Gentlemen,-If the subject
which I introduced to your notice this morning were
one of ordinary interest I would not intrude again;
but content myself with acknowledging the thanks
you have thus warmly presented to me.
however, affected by the melancholy details you
listened to, and there are Englishmen present, upon
whom an appeal will not be lost. I cannot, therefore,
sit down without appealing to this large and harmoni-
ous meeting. It is, itself. a fine miniature of that
UNION which now subsists between Scotland and
England: and the principles and purposes of that union
will furnish additional motives to enforce the claims of
our kinsmen on Britons of every name.
"Scotland and England are no longer rivals, except in
the arena of laudable emulation. The rose embalms
the thistle with fragrance, and the thistle embosoms
the rose amidst sheltering foliage. Nor is this an union
of symbols only: our sentiments are united-our affec-
tions joined. And after indulging, as we have done
to-day, our nationalities in the presence and with the
applause of our townsmen, it is impossible not to ex-
claim Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity.'


Uttering forged Notes................
Highway Robbery....................
Stealing a dwelling-house.............



Receiving stolen goods...............
Stealing from the person...







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"The duties themselves are obvious: we owe to our brethren, tender sympathy and prompt assistance; and that not merely on this occasion, but during the whole emaining period of our lives: for many years must lapse before the Highlands, and, especially, before the lands can be evangelized. Look at the wide and wild eld to be cultivated: several of the parishes are larger han some of the lowland counties. Lesmore and Appen, Kelmanivaig and Kilmorac are each of them bout sixty miles long. The parish of Lochbroom, he wildest in Scotland, is as extensive as the whole Synod of Ross, which employs 23 ministers, besides Teachers and catechists. Time would fail me to describe: but turn to the map. I beg pardon, I am peaking to natives: turn to your memory, and say what is a parish school-what, a few stationary schools, in the vast districts which rise to your view? And now while they are stretching before you in long and lonely vision think of the dreary winters in glens, where there is no bible nor any one able to read it: think of the cheerless sabbaths, in hamlets separated from the Kirk by gulphs often impassible even in summer: think of the sick and dying in, huts which the micister can visit but seldom, and where the inmates annet supply his absence by using the word of God. Thinking of these privations and hardships cannot fail o embue your minds with the spirit of Paul; "I have great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart for my "It was not always thus between the two nations; rethren-my kinsmen according to the flesh." Bear with me for a moment while I enforce the duty of and to their long separation may be traced much of the ignorance which has hitherto prevailed in the Highssisting them. I urge it "By our intimate relationship. They are our kins-lands. Nothing effectual was done for them until the union was completed. Allow me, therefore, to trace en: and when was this appeal ever lost on the for a moment, the rise, progress, and consummation of mearts of Scotsmen? We boast of the tenderness and that glorious league. htenseness of our love to our country and to our ountrymen. We have become proverbial for the freency and fervency with which we speak of them. very badge and banner which now meets my eye ttests an enthusiastic regard of some kind for them :nd shall we wave their national banners with tri. which was to incorporate the two kingdoms. From THE BANDITTI OF CALABRIA AND THE ROMAN

"The first overture of union was made by Edward I to the Regency of Margaret of Norway, the only child of Alexander III and the sole heir of the Scottish crown. But her sudden death prevented the marriage that time until Henry VII. no other overture was made by either side. No wonder! It was the period of Wallace and Bruce, and whether their treatment or their triumphs be considered, concessions could not be expected from them. Peace existed for a time between

The following was the State of Newgate on the 1st inst.
Males. Females.
Convicts under the sentence of death...
-upon whom the judgment of the
Court has been respited.......
under sentence of transportation
for life.......

for fourteen years..................
for seven years.............







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Prisoners under sentence of imprison-
ment for felony and misdemeanors... 23.
Committed by Commissioners of Bank-
For trial at the present session............
Admiralty session.......................................................................................
For the Assizes....................................................................................




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These bands are chiefly composed of disbanded soldiers concealed within the mountains bordering upon the great roads; the intrepidity, the coolness, and above

mph, but forget their spiritual wants? Shall we xpend our money on the garb of Old Gael, and ithhold it from Gael themselves, when they are peishing for lack of knowledge? Forbid it Patriotism! Sarbid it Presbyterianism! Nature forbids it, and is low almost forcing from every heart the high resolve James IV. and Henry VII.; and their relationship all the tactics of these men, too plainly betray the former

--my kinsman shall not perish for lack of knowledge! I urge the duty of assisting them

laid the foundation by which the English crown devolved on the Royal line of Scotland. Henry VIII. profession of their leaders. They have their spies in the made one overture to James V.; and after his death, towns, in the inns, and on the roads. The moment "By their generous hospitality, that touched even the another to the Regency; but both were frustrated by their prey presents himself, already acquainted with the heart of Johnson himself, and for a moment vanquished the intrigues of France, although both were popular in bis inveterate prejudices. And we all know what a Scotland. From this time until the death of Elizabeth, value of the prize, they pour down upon him, and Highland welcome is: there is nothing more cordial the very idea of union was abandoned and forgotten. their number and resolution render resistance useless, the best seat at the fire is vacated for his comfort-the nothing was contemplated beyond a junction of crowns. fact, want nothing but your purse, are not generally so on earth. Nothing is thought too good for the stranger: Even when James was called to the throne of England, and even extremely dangerous. These men, who, in best battle is opened for his refreshment-the best bed An equitable union of kingdoms was indeed talked of proffered for his repose, and when he departs benedic- and urged by the Monarch; but while he seemed to ferocious as their appearance would seem to announce tions are bestowed upon him in tens of thousands promote it, he was secretly encumbering its progress Never, or at least very rarely, do they proceed to acts You know that in the Highlands every house and every by legal subtleties and dexterous manœuvres. It was of cruelty, except when their personal safaty demands heart would be open to you, were you benighted, or reserved for CROMWELL to bring forward a liberal such acts: in a word, they never kill but to avoid being bewildered, or weary. Aid would be delicately offered and equitable plan of union. The light he shed upon before you could ask it: your wants would be antici- its object, and the bias he created in its favour, indem-killed. As soon as they see the traveller's carriage appated by your looks. And is this a people to be neg-nify our national pride for the conquests he achieved in proaching, they draw a strong cord across the road in lected? If they are such diamonds in the rough, what Scotland: for, if we bear the scars of his sword, we front of him and this throws or stops the horses. One would their radiance be were they polished by educa-have also the marks of his impartiality. He was the ion, and enchased by religion? This you may assist first who would allow Scotland to have an equal weight of the gang goes to the head of the horses, others cut En doing. I urge it, in the balance of the kingdoms. Even William came the traces, and others seize the luggage and carry "Bour obligations to them. And these are neither short of this impartiality at the revolution, and inter- it off; meantime two of them open the doors of the few nor small; but extend alike to Britons of every posed his laconic "not yet, not yet," to the plan of an mame. Highlandmen are happily no longer in the equitable union. In a word-the thistle and the rose carriage, make the travellers descend, and, in the most ented field; but when the crowns of Europe and the could never be placed in one vase so as to share alike profound silence, with their pistols at their breasts, dependence of Britain were the stakes in that field, in its waters until Anne undertook the task: she formed keep them in awe, while others search their persons, hey were rapid as their northern lights, and restless as and filled a vase for them, and now they embrace and and sometimes abridge their work by cutting the travell heir mountain storms in the mighty contest. Their embalm each other, and present to the world a junction mame is on every leaf of Wellington's laurels and of beauty and strength unparalelled. May it be eter-er's clothes, by pieces from off his back. All this is the mperishably engraved on the eternal pillars of Moore and Abercrombie. And shall that emblazoned name be blotted from the Lamb's Book of Life? Shall the word of the Spirit, which is the word of God, be withheld from the hands that wielded the claymore in our defence? I see your answer in your looks: an impassioned negative flushes your cheeks and flutters on your ps. My object is gained, if you will now act upon your present convictions; for if this excitement is not allowed to subside with St. Andrew's day, then the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for you; and the desart shall rejoice and blossom as the rose: the glory of Lebanon' shall be given to Bennevis; the excellency of Carmel and Sharon' to Rona and Schiehallion. All your native mountains will ring with

nal! Our King to the credit of his acknowledged
taste, has just issued a new coinage, on which the rose,
the thistle and shamrock are equally blazoned, and
what must gratify us the thistle is uppermost! And
now, shall it blossom under the shades of ignorance,
and in a soil of intellectual barrenness? Shall 300,000,
beings who glory in it as their symbol dear,' be left to
perish for lack of knowledge? Spirit of the union,
forbid the thought! Catch that spirit, and out of this
society may grow an union in behalf of the Highlands
which shall materially further their improvement.
Spread in your respective circles the facts which have
been submitted to you this morning: they are facts."

For confirmation of these facts, the reader is
referred to the Edinburgh Christian Instructor of 1817.

business of a few minutes: and all this occurs regularly two or three times a month, in spite of pretended guards, placed at distances, to escort the traveller.—The banditti of Rome, Naples, and Calabria, make not only your liberty but your life dependent on the payment of your ransom. By an audacity, which is shamefully suffered to shew itself with impunity, they treat daily with the relatives or friends of those who have fallen into their hands: a bill of exchange, extorted from the captive, is coolly presented by one of the robbers to his relations, or his banker, and the prisoner's head answers to the banditti for the payment.


The following interesting piece was written by Miss Lydia Huntley, (now Mrs. Sigourney) of Connecticut. The American critics observe that there is seldom found, even in the vaunted English publications, productions of superior merit.

Being the first number selected as a specimen of a series
of pieces on scripture objects, intended for the use of
young people.

When Night and Chaos reign'd with awful sway,
And o'er the unform'd earth thick darkness lay;
The Almighty VOICE awoke the kindling strife,
And call'd the dormant elements to life.

"Let there be light!" a sudden ray there came,
Like ether, pure, and piercing as the flame.
"Let day arise!" a blush of purple flow'd;
The young dawn trembled, and the morning glow'd.
"Let night divide the empire of the day!"
And frowning darkness claim'd his ancient sway.

Then like an arch the azure skies were rear'd;
The seas were gather'd; and the earth appear'd,
Clad with fresh flowers, and plants of gentle root,
Herb yielding seed, and tree presenting fruit.
Then, where the curving skies the ocean prest,
The sun, all glowing, darted from his rest,
Pale cast the moon her first and timid glance,
And the stars sparkled o'er the blue expanse.
Mild ocean's wave with scaly silver glow'd;
Birds soar'd in air, and hover'd o'er the flood eve
Above, around, the tones of rapture sigh'd
"Live, and rejoice," the forming God reply'd,
"Sport on the cloud, and thro' the waters glide"
Next rising slow, a mix'd and varied birth,
Unnumber'd beasts came moving o'er the earth:
They crept, they sported wild, they stalked with pride,
'Or cropt the grass, or drank the limpid tide;

Some with aw'd gaze the wond'rous scene survey'd,
And some lept fearless, in the cooling shade.
Serene, the great CREATOR clos'd his plan,
And stamp'd HIS IMAGE on the form of man;
Gave life and motion to a mass of clay,
Eye speaking thought, and brow denying sway;
Reason to judge, and majesty to awe,
Some monarch, holding sway o'er all he saw.
Last came a Female Form, more soft and fair,
And Eden smil'd to see the stranger there.
The tones of joy from harps seraphic rung;
The stars of morning in their courses sung;
Earth echo'd back the shout of grateful love,
From hill, and valley, cavern, stream, aud grove:
Man, fill'd with praise, in silent rapture stood:
GOD bow'd to view his work, and GOD PRONOUNC'D



The shape alone, let others prize,
The features of the fair;

I look for spirit in her eyes,
And meaning in her air.

A damask cheek, an iv'ry arm,
Shall ne'er my wishes win:
Give me an animated form,

That speaks a mind within.

A face where awful honour shines,
Where sense and sweetness move,
And angel innocence refines

The tenderness of love.

These are the soul of beauty's frame,
Without whose vital aid,
Unfinish'd all her features seem,

And all her roses dead.

But Oh! when both these charms unite,
How perfect is the view!
With ev'ry image of delight,

And graces ever new.

Their powers too faintly to express,
All language does despair;
But go, behold my Margaret's face,
And read them perfect there.


[Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sin. gular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mine ralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; to be continued in a Series through the Volume.]

NORTHERN EXPEDITION. (Continued from our former Numbers, pages 177 & 185, and to be continued in our future Publications.)

"We have at present very little to add upon this subject in the shape of narrative; but even a few gleanings and some obser vations may be acceptable.

"It would appear from the hardihood with which our countrymen bore the excessive cold to which they were exposed, that a good deal of exaggeration must be long to the accounts previously given of the sufferings endured in frozen regions. We never read of human beings existing at 55 below Zero, at more then 12° below the point at which mercury becomes solid; not, indeed, at any thing like that temperature,

In the peninsula of Abeberon, in the province of Schirwan, formerly belonging to Persia but now in Russia, there is found a perpetual, or as is there called, an eternal fire. It rises, or has risen from time immemorial, from an irregular orifice of about twelve feet in depth, with a constant flame. The flame rises to the beight of six or eight feet, unattended with smoke, and yields no smell. The Aperture, which is about 120 feet in width, consists of a mass of rock, ever retaining the same solidity and the same depth. The finest turf grows about the borders, and at the distance of two toises are two springs of water. The neighbouring inhabitants have a sort of veneration for this are, and celebrate it with religious ceremonies.

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looking in his neighbour's face" as they went, warned his companion when he s his nose grow white in consequence of the frost. Turning from the wind, and a few minutes gentle friction with the hand, (ori very much injured, with snow,) invariably restored the circulation, and the tone of the part: and unless allowed to go too far, no pain whatever was felt. But when seriously affected, the agony of restoring the circu lation was dreadful.

beer was destroyed, but the wine and spirits "Beer, wine, and spirits became ice; the were tolerably good when thawed.

"The ship's timbers were of the tempers ture of the surrounding element, and wher

ever the iron bolts and fastenings ran through, | famed North-West passage. It has been shoot up 8 or 10 inches: and these green they became studded with rosettes of trans- suggested, that as Cook could not enter stalks were the only green peas they devourparent ice. The most comfortable sleep Behring's Straits, no other navigators could was obtained by converting the blankets into large bags drawn at the mouth. Into these the slumberer crept, and some comrade, who kept the watch, closed him in by pulling the strings.

ed as vegetables. Raddishes got to the second leaf on the soil of Melville Island. Onions and leeks refused to grow. In the ships small salad was produced for invalids; happily, the scurvy never got the ascendancy.

issue thence; and therefore, that though the Polar Sea was attained from Baffin's Bay, that sea must be the limit of the utmost voyage. For the above reasons, we are inclined to question this theory, and especially "The visit of the great bear, formerly as Hearne and Mackenzie both speak of "Other officers were engaged in erecting mentioned, was a grand event. He came open seas on the northern coast of America, monuments upon the heights to commemosmelling up to the Hecla, when Captain to which, supposing the Prince Regent's rate the extraordinary circumstances of the Parry got out his gunsmen to dispatch him. Inlet of Parry to lead, there will then be expedition. Huge cairns, by these means, Owing to some misconception of their di- no impediment to a passage into the Pacific rections they fired in platoon, and only except in Behring's Straits themselves; and wounded the shaggy monster, who retired we see no reason for thinking that these, growling and bloody. But the sport con- following the same rules as Lancaster's sisted in the general chase given by the crew Sound, may not be as practicable as that of both vessels, who ran after him two or Sound has been ascertained to be, though three miles, till he secured himself by cross-till now held impassable. ing some ice. This chase was famous fun for our jolly tars, and enlivened their spirits when below Zero..

crown the most obvious hills, and remain the rude but proud monuments of British daring, with inscriptions to tell the date, and inclosing bottles, in which the principal events of the voyage are written and sealed up.

"It was on their way home, when far down "We have not many other particulars to Davis's Straits, that Captain Parry fell in state. Captain Parry, when out from the with two families of Esquimaux, of whose ships for three weeks, went entirely across residence he was apprized by a whaler. « We omitted the notice of one very ma- Melville Island, and beheld the sea on the He accordingly visited them, and they in erial fact in our last, a fact, which may be other side. It is evident, that the icy ocean turn visited the ships. They betrayed none considered the most important of any ascer- here contains a mighty archipelago of is- of the terror which filled the tribe seen by ained, in so far as relates to the prosecution lands, of which Greenland is probably the Captain Ross; but accepted the beads and of future inquiries in these seas. Through- greatest. When travelling on land, our knives presented to them with inconceivable ut the year, the wind blows almost con- gallant countrymen hunted, and rested in joy. Indeed their raptures were so excessive tantly, either from the North, or from tents like those of hucksters at a village that it was with the utmost difficulty one of Northern points of the compass. And as fair. They were formed of boarding pikes, them could be made to sit still while his Don as the sun begins to produce an effect, &c. and covered with sails and blankets. portrait was sketched. He was continually radiation of heat from the land ensues, Sometimes they tried to eat the produce starting and jumping up, shouting augh! which by the height of summer, July and of their guns: but the foxes were very augh! and playing off the most violent August, becomes very powerful and active.- disgusting, and the musk-ox resembled the contortions of joy; which were participated The result of these two operations of nature, toughest beef stewed in musk sauce. The by his comrades, when they witnessed the is the loosening and release of the ice on cause of the fox being so much more dis- picture. Several of the officers accompathe Northern coasts; and its consequent tasteful than we have been told they are nied Captain Parry to their huts, where Iriving towards the South. Thus, instead about Spitzbergen is, we presume, the want they saw their women and children. The of the southern sides of bays, straits, and of that abundance of food from the seal, former, instructed by their husbands, who eas, where navigators would plausibly look morse, &c. which their species find in the had learnt it from their visit to the ships the for channels of open water (under the sup-latter country. day before, ran out and shook hands with osition that they would be most likely to the strangers. There was one pretty looke found in the milder latitude), it actually borealis was but once or twice slightly visi-ing girl of twelve or thirteen years of age. appens, that the openings exist on the ble to the voyagers, towards the north. Lorthern sides, where the radiation of heat, Towards the south it was more vivid ; but ided by the prevailing north winds, de-about the latitude of 60° seems to be the aches the frozen mass from the shore, and seat of this phenomenon; and its appear lowing it off, leaves a tolerable passage be-ance is not only much more brilliant ween the ice and the land. On their re-from Newfoundland, but from the Northern urn up Lancaster's Sound, the expedition Scottish Isles, than from the Arctic Circle. reaped the benefit of this discovery, sailing Only one flash of lightning was observed >n the north side while the south was com- by our sailors. >letely blocked up. Vessels hereafter sent

"During their perhiemation, the aurora

"When the fine weather set in, several o explore the arctic regions will, of course, of the officers employed themselves in atbe guided with reference to this principle; tempting to garden. Forcing under mats, and thus, we doubt not, be enabled to reach as well as growing in the free air, was Dore distant points, if not to achieve the tried. One succeeded in getting peas to

The children were horribly frightened, and roared lustily in spite of beads and toys. The whole number of natives was about twenty. They had probably seen or heard of Europeans before. No arms were ohserved among them; but one of the little boys had a miniature bow and arrow, which showed their acquaintanc with this weapon. The skins of the animals they had killed seemed to be pierced with arrows as well as spears.

"Taking leave of them about the end of the first week in September, the expedition steered homeward. The ships were separate ·

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