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not two miles distant from the little town above men-machines of all descriptions, admirably adapted to the ruins and other noble remains found still in great abur tioned. It was also overrun in the same way, some 1700 uses intended, and often displaying a fineness of work. dance, and which seem to attest that the glory of this odd years ago. The fiery fluid entered the town, and manship not to be found in such homely things among world was carried here to its highest pitch. The Stygian choked it up completely. Streets, squares, temples, us! There are many little domestic utensils (particularly Lake, and the Elysian Fields (the Hell and Paradise of houses, all were sealed up and forgotten, and now the one for doing eggs) the sight of which would teach a the ancients) are also in this neighbourhood; but the town lies seventy feet under ground. Several fine vil-lesson to the best housewife among you. In some pas- former has now lost, as well as its terrors over the mind, lages stand on the top of it. Some century back, ex- try forms there were even found pies, and they met also all the gloom and horror which once envelloped cavations (at great trouble and expense) were made into with some good jolly loaves of bread, with letters marked The latter is covered with flourishing vineyards and or the ancient city, and many curious objects of the fine on them, as is the fashion now-a-days. Likewise nuts, chards, although you see the remains of a vast number of arts, &c. which the fire had spared, were rescued. The figs, corn, flour, &c. In some houses they found the tombs, where the blessed were buried. But nature has famous Herculaneum manuscripts were found here. tables ready laid for supper, untouched, for the erup-made this tract of country more interesting even the Sir Humphrey Davy superintends, in part, the develop- tion began about that hour. In the college of medi- man. The whole of it is volcanic, and its surface in ment of these papers, and I have often seen him work-cine, besides a large quantity of pills and boluses, many places disfigured by the torrents of laya which ha ing at them. I descended into the ancient town, but lit- was found; also, a complete set of surgical instruments, been precipitated along it in former days from sa tle of which has been cleared, as the lava which had amongst which there is a very curious one for the numerous volcanoes, whose craters are now become choked it up is as hard as a rock. Not so with Pom- extraction of the human fœtus. They have preserved, many lakes. One of these volcanoes is not yet qui peii, another ancient town, about eight miles further off. likewise, an entire lady's toilette, one of the chief ar- extinguished, although the ancient crust of the mo This was also destroyed by the mountain, about seventy ticles of which, it would seem, was the same then tain has fallen in, and it now forms a circular pit of a years after Christ, but in a different way. Vesuvius, as now, rouge. And, indeed, why should there be a mile in circumference, supposed to be supported by for eight days and nights, vomited forth mud and stones, difference, women from mother Eve downwards have vast. arched caverns, which the action of the fire ha in such quantities, as not only to choke up Pompeii, always been vain, and red cheeks always pretty. But formed underneath; and in fact the ground treabies which lies about five miles from the mountain, but also it appears they were put to a terrible push to con- as you walk, and if you dash a stone against it, a bearse to fill up the sea for a great distance. Thus the town trive a means of seeing their pretty faces, for in lieu echo is heard from below. Flames and smoke ril lay, for many ages, with cornfields and vineyards flou- of looking-glasses, they were obliged to make use of issue from betwixt the crevices, and also a scaling rishing over it. Some 150 years back, curiosity prompted polished brass! But if I were to describe to you all steam which they reckon to be hotter than being certain antiquarians to dig there; and they were highly the things that are to be seen in this most curious collec- water. Great quantities of sulphur, allum, and vira, repaid by the objects they found. Many years after- tion, a dozen long letters would not be enough, there- formed by the exhalations from the volcano, art ti wards, the government commenced regular excavations; fore, we will say nothing at all about the statues, the lected here. At a mile's distance from this spot, in a but the progress made was very insignificant, until Mu- paintings, the idols, the skeletons, the instruments of mountain which rose up in a night, and just as the rat's time, who set to work seriously: a thousand men sacrifice, the armour, the swords, the lamps, the combs, back of it are what are called Nero's baths. You de were employed daily at it. The present government are the inkstands, the play-tickets, the gold ornaments, scend to these by the light of torches, through a leg also still carrying on the same operations; but, on so and a thousand other such like things, only I must and very narrow passage cut out of a rock, until you limited a scale, that there is no hope of the present mention, that there is one room which is very curious, arrive at a little pool of water which boils an egg generation seeing the work completed. I imagine about but which decency will not allow me to describe, nei- few moments. But the steam and heat in the narrow a fifth of the town is cleared; the remainder is still co-ther would your modesty permit you to read it if I passage is such that most people are seized, in spite of vered with fields and gardens. A stroll through the themselves, with the idea of suffocation; and I have streets of Pompeii (where you may now walk as freely seen some stout-hearted fellows shrink back at half way." as through any of your Liverpool streets) is one of the most singular and gratifying things in the world, and in fact quite unique in its kind. Time has spared nothing of the ancients in other places, but temples, theatres, aqueducts, and such like works, which were made of a strength to stand for ages; but of their dwellings and their domestic customs, little was known beyond the imperfect details scattered through the works of their authors. This interesting link has been supplied by Pompeii, which the eruption of Vesuvius has preserved almost entire. You enter the town by a long street lined with magnificent tombs, agreeably to the customs of the Romans, who buried their dead at the entrance of their towns. It produces a most curious effect to stroll through the streets. The marks of cart wheels are still visible in the pavements, and there are but few of the houses and shops that do not exhibit the names of their former proprietors, written in red letters by the sides of the doors. You see, also, on the walls, in different parts of the town, what we should call play. bills, as well as various advertisements of the sale of houses and lands, &c. You encounter, also, taverns, public mills and bakeries, soap-houses,

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oil and wine shops, and gin shops, or perhaps of some still stronger and more corrosive liquor, for the marks of the glasses are visible in the marble counter. There is also a custom-house, a college of medicine, halls of justice, &c. not to mention a variety of temples and theatres. As you may suppose, a vast number of objects have been found in the houses in the course of the excavation. These are all carried to the museum in Naples, where they are deposited for the admiration of the curious, and an inspection of them is not less gratifying than that of the town where they were found; what lots of pots and kettles and cooking

did. This room is entirely filled with obscene objects
found in Pompeii, and in no small number I assure
you; and as to the nature of them suffice it to say
that the most depraved modern existing could not
conceive any thing half so bad. Yet these things were
all for public view. They appeared in their tombs, or
in the temples, (where they were objects of adoration)
or else, as ornaments round the necks of women. How
is all this? We are told, that however religions may
vary, the nature of virtue never changes, and that the
great code of morality has been acknowledged the
same by all nations. But I must say, that this axiom
appears to be quite in opposition to what is observable
of the manners of the Pompeñans, from which one
would infer that there exists a virtue more, now-a-days,
than formerly.

The places I have hitherto been describing to you
lie all to the east of the town; but the country to the
westward is not less prolific of marvelous objects. The
exit from this side of the town is through a grotto about
three quarters of a mile long cut through the solid rock.
They are obliged to keep lamps burning here all day
long, otherwise full two-thirds of it would remain in
perfect darkness. Past this grotto you enter inmediately
on classic ground, which has been greatly celebrated by
many of the Roman authors, especially Virgil, whose
tomb is hard by. This neighbourhood was the favourite
resort of the Roman Emperors, and all the other Latin
big-wigs of that day, who were attracted by the softness
of the climate, and the beauties of the situation. This,
indeed, was the scene of all that was known in those
days of pomp, luxury, and refinement. Dissipation,
however, was the order of the day, which it seems was
carried to excesses unknown to us sober-minded mo-
derns. The whole coast was strewed with the most
magnificent palaces, temples, theatres, aqueducts, baths,
&c. which is sufficiently proved by the numerous fine

The remainder of this entertaining letter is taken up with political reflections, the introduction of which are, of course, foreign to the plan of our work. set of the passages were given in the front page of the a Mercury, and others are reserved for the next nume of that journal.-Edt. Kal.


Dreadful effects of Fright.-A short time young woman of Exeter, named Whicker, w the habit of going out to day work at her neik, vu passing through a field which the servants of the she had left had represented as haunted, and the of the credulous girl being thus awakened, a blac having wrapped himself in a sheet, concealing was too strong for her reason-she became raving his face and hands, met her in the path. The and about a fortnight since was conveyed to the 2 near Exeter, deprived of all those noble powers intellect which dignity human nature above the be creation; and though the dreary void of her min occasionally irradiated by lucid intervals, she soon lapses into insanity, from which it is feared she wis never recover! We need not add a single word way of caution to this terrible example.

The gardeners may now make a profit of their p ings of the vine, by selling them to the makers of t mers for breaking stones, as it is found that a han made of the vine is not only more durable, but that elasticity is such that a boy can break stones with same facility, and nearly as fast as a man.

A tree, of the elm kind, is now growing st Ri Hall, near Bingley, which has no appearat ce of dat and the dimensions of which are as follow: S9 feet ba circumference, taken at one fout above the grou feet 6 inches ditto, taken at 6 feet ditto; 12 feet in ha before it comes to the strong boughs; some of are 9 feet in circumference, and it is estimated to tain, in the sole and boughs, from 1000 to 12 feet of timber.

The Naturalist's Diary,

For MARCH, 1821.

[Concluded from our last.]

Oar gardens begin now to assume somewhat of a eheerful appearance. Crocuses, exhibiting a rich mixture of yellow and purple, ornament the borders; mczereon is in all its beauty; the little flowers with * silver crest and golden eyes,' daisies, are scattered over dry pistures; and the pilewort is seen on the waist banks of ditches. The primrose too, peeps from beneath the hedge.


Come, simple floweret of the paly leaf!
With yellow eve, and stalk of downy green,
Though mild thy lustre, though thy days are brief,
Oh, come and decorate my cottage scene!
For thee, I'll rear a bank where softest moss

And tenderest grass shall carelessly combine;
No haughty flower shall shine in gaudy gloss,

But azure violets mix their buds with thine. Far, far away, each keener wind shall fly,

Each threatening tempest of the early year!
Thy fostering gale shall be the lover's sign!

The dews that gem the bud the lover's tear!
And ere thou diest, pale flower, thoul't gain the praise
To have soothed the bard, and to have inspired his
C. Lloyd.

The sallow now enlivens the hedges with its yellow
ad silve y shaggy flowers; the aspen and the alder
ave their Gowers full-blown; the laurustiuus and
se bay begin to open their leaves. The equinoctial
ales are usually most-felt, both by sea and land,
bout this time.

The leaves of honeysuckles are now nearly ex. anded: in our gardens the buds of the cherry-tree be peach, the apricot, and the almond are fully prved in this month. The buds of the hawthoru

cure, and giving the finish to the combs. The first
of these substances is the pure fluid secreted in the
nectarines of flowers, which the length of their tongue
enables them to reach in most blossoms. The tongue
of a bee, though so long and sometimes so inflated,
is not a tube through which the honey passes, nor
a pump acting by suction, but a real tongue which
laps or licks the honey, and passes it down on
its upper surface, as we do to the mouth, which
is at its base concealed by the mandibles. It is
couveyed by this orifice through the œsophagus |
into the first stomach, which we call the honey bag,
which, from being very small, is swelled, when
full of it, to a considerable size. Honey is never
found in the second stomach (which is surrounded
with muscular rings, and resembles a cask covered
with hoops from one end to the other) but only
in the first in the latter and in the intestines the
bee-bread is not discovered. How the wax is se-
creted, or what vessels are appropriated to that pm-
pose, is not yet ascertained. Hubert suspects that
a cellular substance, composed of hexagons, which
lines the membranes of the wax pockets may be
concerned in this operation. Observe a bee that
bas alighted on an open flower. The hum produced
by the motion of her wings ceases, and her employ-
meut begins. In an instant she unfolds her tongue,
which before was rolled up under her head. The
object of this industrious animal is not, like the
more selfish butterfly, to appropriate this treasure
It goes into the honey-bag, as into a la
boratory, where it is transformed into pure honey;
and when she returns to the hive, she regurgitates
it in this form into one of the cells appropriated

to herself.

to that purpose.

This botanical plunderer is not satisfied with robbing the nectarines of their saccharine juices, to be elaborated into honey and wax; it next visits the anthers, to pilfer the pollen, from which the bee. bread is made. If the integument, which holds this

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produced. This animal is as destructive in a pond, as a polecat in a ben-house. It seems to form a link between terrestrial and acquatic animals, resembling the former in shape, and the latter in being able to continue a considerable time under the water, and in being web-footed, whereby it swims so fant as to overtake fish in their own element: but he is not, strictly speaking, amphibious: for if he gets entangled in a net, and cannot free himself by cutting the meshes by his teeth, he is drowned. T. usual length of the otter, from the tip of the uore to the base of the tail, is 23 inches, and the tail itself is rather more than half the length of the body; the weight of the male from 18 to 26, of the female, from 13 to 22 pounds.

In March, the farmer dresses and rolls his meadows; spreads ant-bills; plints quicksets, osiers, &c. sows flax-seed, artificial' grasses, beaus and pear, broom and whin seeds, and grass seeds among wheat.


King's Cock Crower.-Among the customs which formerly prevailed in this country during the season of Lent, was the following:-An officer, denominated the King's Cock Crower, crowed the hour each night, within the precincts of the palace, instead of proclaiming it in the ordinary manner of watchmen. This absurd ceremony did not fall into disuse till the reign of George I.

Origin of the Name of Charing-Cross.-It is not generally known, that the name, Charing-Cross," originated from the fond epithets bestowed by Edward I. on his beloved Queen, to whom no less than fif een crosses were erected, and from the prevalence of the French language at that time; Charing being nothing more than a corruption of Chère Reyne, often applied by Edward to his Queen; of course, the cross gave the name to the spot. A similar corruption occurs in

id of the larch-tree begin to open; and the tansy fertilizing dust, be already burst, it is immediately Blanch Apple Court, in the city, which has long been

merges out of the ground; ivy berries are ripe

e coltsfoot, the cotton-grass, wood spurge, butch broom, the daffodil in moist thickets, the rush, id the spurge laurel, found in woods, are now in om. The common whitlow grass on old walls; yellow Alpine whitlow grass on maritime rocks; sad the mountain pepper-wort among limestone 1ks, flower in March.

The sweet violet sheds its delicious perfumes in

is month.

brushed off by the first pair of legs, transferred to
the middle pair, and then to the hinder, where it is
deposited, in the shape of a small pellet, in baskets,
formed by the hairs with which they are furnished;
but if the auther be not already burst, the animal
opens the cell with her mandibles, and extracts the


The ganuets, or Solaud geese, resort in March to the Hebrides, and other rocky isles of North Britain,

to make their nests and lay their eggs.

In the latter end of March, chickens run about: Towards the close of the month, bees venture out a brimstone-coloured butterfly appears; black beetheir hives. The hum of this little animal, thoughtles fly about in the evening; and bats issue from bund by no means musical, and a tone without idulation, is delightful to the ear, and tranquillizes mind, being powerfully associated with the ideas rural peace and of happy labours, and vividly als to memory some of the early scenes and most ocent puruits of childhood.

Sheltered from the piercing north, Pure and meek, like modest worth, See the Violet peeping forth. See her ope her dark blue eye, Like a midnight frosty sky, Changeless hue of constancy. Oft in shades sequestered found, Dwelling lowly on the ground, Scattering sweetest odours round. Sweeter still when softly prest To the maiden's spotless breast, Near her gentle heart to rest. Other flowers with her may vie, To cheer the sense and charm the eye, Then fade, and unregretted die. The principal object of bees is, to furnish them ve with three different materials:-the nectar of wers, from which they elaborate honey and wax; pollen or fertilizing dust of the anthers, of hich they make what is called bee-bread, serving as od both for old and young; and the resinous subance called by the ancients propolis, and pissoceros, e. used in various ways in rendering the hive se

called Blind Chapel Court; and a district near St. Catharine's, first called Hammes Guisnes,' being inhabited by people from the neighbourhood of Calais, has long borne the curious appellation of Hangman's Gains.


Is the Tuesday after Quinquagesima Sunday, or the day preceding the first of Lent; and is so called because the Saxon word, shrive, signifies to confess; hence Shrove Tuesday, signifies Confession-Tuesday.



This cruel custom is now, to the credit of our coun

their places of concealment. Roach and dace float
near the surface of the water, and sport about in Mayor of London, made a Pancake-feast on Shrove
One Simon Eyre, a shoemaker, being chosen Lord
pursuit of insects; peas appear above ground.
The Cæsarian Kale a valuable and excellent vege-came a custom. He ordered, that, on ringing a bell
Tuesdays for all apprentices in London; hence it be-
table, though little known, produces, very early in in every parish, the apprentices should leave work, and
the spring, vast numbers of large delicious sprouts shut up their shops on that day, which being ever
for the table, equal in sweetness to the asparagus; since yearly observed, is called pancake bell. He made
so that it may be said to afford two crops. Cows them a large feast of puddings, pies, and pancakes;
fed on this plant give a greater quantity of milk, and what remained when all had dined, was given to the
the butter is of a richer flavour, than when fed on poor. In that year (1446) he built Leadenhall.
any other vegetable. A matter, also, of great utility
is that of its comforting and cheering qualities in the
feeding of ewes in winter, while suckling house-
lambs. The mode of using it for cattle is by cut-
ting off the large leaves, as wanted; when a regular try, generally laid aside; and as we consider COCK-
succession takes place continually through the the following Obituary from the Gentleman's Maga
FIGHTING equally a barbarous diversion, we introduce
winter. It should be sown in the spring, or begin-zine, for April, 1789, as authentic. Died April 4th,
ning of summer, broad-cast, and transplanted at the at Tottenham, John Ardesoif, Esq. a young man of
distance of about two feet. When sown with tur large fortune. Mr. Ardesoif was very fond of cock-
nips, it answers an admirable purpose, as few crops fighting; and had a favourite cock, on which he had
are more subject to failure than that of the turnip, won many profitable matches. The last bet he made
whereas the Cæsarian kale-seed may be depended on. on this cock was lost, which so enraged him, that he
It is so prolific and hardy, that it will vegetate well had the bird tied to a spit and roasted alive before a
in almost any soil or climate, and prosper even in
large fire. The screams of the miserable animal were
the shade of fruit or other trees. The male blos-interfere; which so enraged Mr. d. that he seized a
so affecting, that some gentlemen present attempted to
soms of the yew tree expand, and discharge their poker and with most furious vehemence declared he
farina in this month.
would kill the first man who interposed. But in the
midst of his passionate asseverations, HE FELL DEAD

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1 cast a charm, but not by night,

I cast it by the day-star's light;
Nor ask the grave a shade to give,

But bid the dead come forth and live.-
By spell is over land and sea:-
List: Shaughnasey O'Shaughnasey.

Lo! thrice, and thrice, and thrice I mingle
The milk of Erin pure and single, (1)
The fruit which growing none can see, (2)
The leaves that cluster three and three, (3)
The Sprig more strong than misletoe (4)
To still the fight and charm the foe:
And when the mystic sympathy

In true predominance I see,

I blend the influence of that star,
Which Erin's patriots feel afar;
The spirit of the glance that flies
From Erin's maidens" dark blue eyes;
That spirit of the holiest love,
That Erin's lovely daughters prove;
That spirit which is Erin's part,
The spirit of the open heart,
That spirit which is Erin's too,
Which fires her sons, proud deeds to do.
And now I draw the circle round:
The spell is fixed; the charm is wound.

Shaughnasey O'Shaughnasey!

If thy spirit wander on the sea,
Or on the land, or thro' the air;
Nay, if it wander any where,
So it be not in heaven or hell,

I charge thee yield thee to this spell.

I charge thee by the rugged mountains
Where Erin's rivers have their fountains;
By Wicklow's fair romantic hills,
With verdant spots and chrystal rills;
By Tipperary's mountains high,
That knew thy own supremacy;
The twelve that rear their summit's bald,
Phelim the Madina called.

1 charge thee by each spreading lough
Bordered by woodland or by rock :
By Neagh's mystic waters, known
To turn the tree, immersed, to stone;
By fair Killarney's waters bright,
The lake of beauty and delight,
Where the water-nymph's light bower
Is gemmed with the arbutus' flower;
And last by Allen's tide, the source
Of Shannon's majesty and force.
I charge thee by each lucid stream,
Where Erin's pictured beauties gleam;
But chief by Liffey's mournful tide,
Where Alpin's Auliana died;

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[blocks in formation]

Where friendship, frankness, warmth preside; Like this where sons of Cambria come, Linked arm in arm, and side by side, With music and with banners gay To keep St. David's holiday.

St. David was a nountaineer;

He recked, not he, the wintry blast:
St. David's day has dawned severe,
And snows are white and skies o'ercast:
But Cambria's children smile at cold;
And, lo! their banners are unrolled.
Forward! what is winter's snow?

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It cannot fade the bright green leek: It cannot damp the patriot glow

That fires the honest Cambrian's cheek:
Forward! let Ap-Shenkin's lay
'Declare St. David's holiday!'

St. Paul's has heard the anthem loud;
And now return the lightsome train:
Lo! yonder are their banners proud,
And gaily sounds their music's strain :
And now the Arcade glad returns
The echo of the flute and horns.
Proud arch! oh, thou art glorious now!
Such triumphs mayst thou ever prove!
Not if with laurels round his brow,

Beneath thy lofty vault should move,
Some hero cherished of our land,
Wouldst thou appear to me more grand.
For what more bright than Patriot's eye?
Or what than Friendship's brow more fair?
What can with that kind virtue vie

Which wisdom gives the young to share?
And what more fair than thus enrolled,
In patriot band, the young and old?
But let me not the hero slight,

For Albion values hero's deeds;
And Fame has crowns of glory bright
For him who for her Albion bleeds:
So amid Mersey's proudest pile,
Is crowned the hero of the Nile.
From forth that echoing Arcade

The Cambrian band full lightly drew;
But swift the mirthful strain was staid

When Nelson's honours burst to view :
Then passed they on in march more slow,
And bade the strains more solemn flow.
The music pealed that solemn hymn

Which Britain's sailors love to hear;
That strain whose power the eye can dim
With holy freedom's joyful tear :
It pealed Britannia rule the wave!"
In honour of our Nelson brave.

Ok! who could hear that changing strain,
From gaiety to deep respect;

Oh! who could gaze upon that train

And not on former times reflect? When Cambria scorned proud Edward's frown, And Albion's empire would not own? Could bold Llewellyn's spirit look Upon the passing pageant there; Would he his Cambrians rebuke?

No: he would in their tribute share;

And bid for ever more be one,
His Cambria and Albion.

The snow is white on Snowdon's side,
When winter by our Mersey dwells;
By verdant bowers the Thames will glide,
When summer smiles on Clwyd's della
In war, in peace, so shall be one,
Fair Cambria and Albion.

Cambrians! on your train I gaze,

And love to think how firmly joined
Our nations are, and that the base
Of friendship is the instructed mind.
And thus I raise my tribute lay,
In honour of St. David's Day.

Liverpool. T-of P.




Gone was the merry-making time,
When lovers turn their sighs to rhyme;
When bonnet-maker, 'prentice boy,
And ehe, young beau and lady coy,
With hearts to anxious pleasure drumming,
Look for the penny postman's coming;
When Miss, her rapture scarce can smother,
While the loved billet-doux she snatches;
And from the door, cries to her mother,

"Tis but a poor man selling matches!"
In fine, lest you in doubt should hover,
St. Valentine's gay sports were over;
And, from her loosening winter dress,
Spring peeped in maiden loveliness;
When thirty bachelors, or more,
Sought, in despair, the Mersey's shore.
Some crossed in love; and some, the while,
Complained of woman's faithless smile;
Some had sent many a valentine,
But ne'er were blest with answering line;
And some had love for love returned,
Yet fickle, for new conquest burned:
And as vain man, presumptuous creature!
Howe'er uncouth in form or feature,
Will still a claim to dame assume,
Of faultless form, and soul, and bloom,-
Self love but served in them to raise
Of womankind a stinted praise-

Of this one's heart-of that one's grace-
The form of this,-of that the face:
They longed for her, in whom combined,
All charms of person and of mind:
But age might chill ere they could meet
With one so exquisitely sweet.
Some loved the German's mild blue eye;
Some the dark maid's of Italy;

Some the voluptuous Spanish glance,
And some the sprightly belle of France;
And as their numbers, so their tastes
From India roamed, to Lapland's wastes:
Yet deeming, with assurance bold,
That none could match the dames of old;
And overlooking thus, O shame!
Our every beauteous native dame.
Long on the Mersey's bank they tarried,
Resolving not to die unmarried.
The mist of evening closing round them.
Still in deepest converse found them:
The moon now gleamed on stream and hill,
And caught them at their purpose still.
At length, while gazing on the stream,
That rippled in the silver beam,
A fairy fleet, with sail and oar,
They spied, fast steering to the shore:
The ships were of the seashell clear,
The sails of downy gossamer,
Spangled with many a dew-drop gem;
Their masts the lily's slender stem;
Their cordage by the spider wrought;
A nut shell for a little boat:
Their cable, when they rode the tide,
A hair from Beauty's head supplied;
The zephyr that impell'd their way,
Came like the honey'd breath of May.

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The bachelors in wonder marked:
The fairy Queen now disembarked,
And gathering all her beauteous band
Around her on the grassy strand,
Soft as that harp by zephyr press'd,
The earthly beings thus address'd:
"Tis ours for human woe to feel,

"And disappointment's wound to heal: "You long for brides from other shore, "The gifted fair of days of yore;

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My power can turn the wheel of time "Back to the past-to every clime; "Exhibit every form and face, "That history's ample pages grace; "And bid each character resume, "The proper manner and costume.

Dispel your doubt, in me confide,

"And each may choose, his wished-for bride."

With that the fairy bands advanced

And round the assenting mortals danced.
Titania struck the charmed ground-

A fragrant vapour gathered round;

And as it slowly disappeared,

A beauteous fabric, there, was reared;
And Painting, History and Taste
Were seen adorning all in haste:-
"Enter she said-yet first assume,
"Of whom you will, the bright costume."
She gently touched them with her wand,-
And now they moved a motley band;
Monarche and chiefs in splendour bright,
Or simple swain, or barbed knight,
Of every country, class, or name,
As Fancy called, they now became;
And casting round their wondering eyes,
Deemed they had reached some paradise ;
For all of good, or great, or fair,
That fancy ever dreamed, was there.
They loitered long in outer hall,
In admiration; the high wall

Was decked with every flower and plant,
That Eden, had it bloomed, could grant;
Festooned in bursts of light and shade
The forest leaf, the floweret's blade;
Where winter's breath could never fade.
They lingered there, loth to be driven
Further, though to a brighter heaven-
A Turkish palace, costly filled

With splendid couch, for those who willed
In eastern luxury to roll,

While dreams elysian charmed the soul;
While the soft sigh from woman's breast,
Was half a heaven-her love the rest!

Aid me, Thalia! to pourtray,
The brilliant overpowering ray,
That rushed upon th' enraptured view,
As each within the Ball-room drew;
Bewildered there, they made a pause,
Each deemed not who or where he was:
For heroes brave, and ladies bright,
The famed the fair-were all in sight;
And music floated on the ear,
Too soft, too sweet for man to hear.
From high Olympus looking down
Great Jove beheld with jealous frown,
Displeased to see so ably given,
This bright epitome of Heaven!

Each bachelor, surprise now over,
Looked round, his comrades to discover;
But all in quaint and various guise,
Each gazed on each with stranger's eyes;
Yet courtesy and flow of soul,

And sprightly converse marked the whole.
It seemed, as to that gorgeous room,
The good, the great, in living bloom
Were given from the relenting tomb,
To teach or charm the world again:
From potent prince, to village swain;
From pompous Queen, in spangled dress,
To city dame, and shepherdess.

There Courtenay, splendidly arrayed,
Recalled to mind the brave Crusade,
When Turkey's towered city fell
From the defeated infidel;


He who from Kings his birth could claim-
From Cyprus and Jerusalem.
In pompous grandeur clad, they see
Villers, sumptuous debauchée:

And now, the Gael, whose dauntless eye
Proclaims his love of liberty;
Herculean form, and footstep true,
A soul to dare-an arm to do;
While carcless o'er his shoulder laid
Appears the varied Highland plaid;
The graceful bonnet pluming o'er;
And at his side the tried claymore.

And Jodolet and Mascarille
Compel the gazing fair to feel
The force of military glory,
Combined with gallantry's soft story.
Othello, there, with visage sooty,
Was loud on Desdemona's beauty.
And fresh accoutred for the war,
Shone famous Brunswick's black Hussar,
Who, when his Chief in glory set,
His sword upon his tomb did whet:
The marrow-bones were on his crest,
And Death or Liberty" expressed.
There, warriors fierce, in armour dight-
The Blood Red, and the Templar Knight;
And brandishing his falchion, wide
Sir Roger stalked with surly stride.
All claiming valour's meed-to share,
The blissful homage of the fair,
And Friar Tuck, in cunning mood
Brought back the days of Robin Hood.
And Menzicoff, in exile, seen,
The hapless lover of a Queen.
And Bajazet whom Tamerlane
Encaged, to break his haughty vein
And Roman Scipio was near
Epaminondas in his rear:

And ancient Courtier smiled and bowed,
And quaint Old Age was in the crowd.
Arab and Chief, from southern seas,
And turban'd Turk, and brown Chinese ;
And Crusoe too was in his heigh-day,
Followed by his faithful Friday;
And Don Cossack, in battle sure,
And merry chanting Troubadour;
The Indian Chief with bended bow,
And he from Iceland's hills of snow:
For every land on earth supplied
A hero famed, or lovely bride.

Thalia! now my harp inspire

With Campbell's softness, Byron's fire;
And give me Moore's enamour'd strain,
Give me e'en these would strive in vain,
To paint the love-inspiring air
Of those so young, so heavenly fair,
Who glided in that splendid crowd,
Each like an angel in her cloud:
Feeble, were mortal verse to tell
The snowy bosom's gentle swell
When raised by love's delicious sigh;
The nameless joys that piercing fly,
From beauty's full and loving eye:-
Still let me in its sunshine bask,
And I no other heaven shall ask.

Philippa, there, in pomp was seen,
As when she reigned; a dauntless queen;
Who, when her lord was distant far,
Rushed, with her bands, to fiery war;
From Scotland's army gained the field,
And caused the conquered King to yield;
There, moved the Catherine Shakspeare drew;
There, Rosalind, with eyes of blue;
And she of Anjou, peerless star,
Alike of beauty and of war;
And proud Elizabeth was seen,

(But, ah! not Scotland's beauteous Queen ;)
And Denmark's Ann, and many a dame
Whom history gives to deathless fame.
(Oh, happy sight!) in friendship strayed
With city dame and village maid.

And every European land

Poured forth a fair and youthful band,
Of those whose task it is to keep
In flowery meads the sportive sheep:
Tho' simple, and in homely dress
O they were rich in loveliness;
There, was Abydos' hapless bride,
With her of Rugen by her side.
And one there was who taught to prize
The fair Columbians' sparkling eyes;
And there Elizbeth, timid, bland,
Fair exile to a cheerless land;

Athenian Ida, too, they see,
Beside the sweet Euphrosyne.
And the fair Princess of Peru,
As soft as heaven's ethereal hue,
Whom, had the children of the sun,
Ere yet their orisons begun

Beheld they from that sun had turn'd
To that which 'neath her eyelids burn'd.

I may not dwell to mention all
Who graced that gay enchanted hall;
For every country, east and west,
There sent their loveliest and their best;
Enough to say, the matchless whole
Brought rapture to the feasting soul:
And tho' the earth their birth had given,
Their beauty they derived from Heaven.

Behind; in shady cool recess,
(Lest hunger, thirst, fatigue, might press)
The marble tables bore the weight,
Of all that could refresh-not sate;
And climes in southern sun that bask,
Gave every fruit that life could ask;
And sparkled there the nectar'd juice
That far Madeira's vines produce;
And wild profusion mark'd the whole,
In crystal vase, or golden bowl.

Hark! hark! the music's sprightly measure,
Soft breathing on the wings of pleasure;
It speaks the war song of the north,
When rushed the Bruce to battle forth;
And now, it softly, sadly sighs,
Fair Erin's plaintive melodies;
And now, the anthem of the brave→→
The monarchs of the ocean wave;
And now it breathes the livelier strains,
Oft heard in distant southern plains,
When the gay youths, at summer's eve,
For village sports the vineyard leave;
And ere with dew the grass be wet,
Dance to guitar and castanet.

Now louder, clearer, livelier still,
The hurrying notes the palace fill;
And speak a language half divine,
Which all can feel, but none define.
Urged by their power, to form the dance,
Each cavalier, with courteous glance,
Sought her the pleasing toil to share,
He prized as fairest of the fair;
And, as she silent blush'd assent,
In grateful homage downward bent.
And there was many a sparkling eye,
And throbbing heart, they knew not why;
And many a joyful cavalier

Kissed the soft hand he loved so dear.

Like Sylphs the fair, in gentle round,
Scarce touched with gentle foot the ground;
The ardent youths expertly sprung,
Showing how well their limbs were strung.
Now quick and quicker grew the dance;
Softer, the lovers' frequent glance;
Till soul, and sense, and speaking eye,
Confessed Love's tenderest sympathy;
And every lover softly sighed,

"Grant me this fair one for my bride !”.

In shorter space than it was reared
That gorgeous palace disappeared;
And Knight, and Duke, and Monarch then,
Resumed the garb of honest men:

They looked and found themselves once more
On the wide Mersey's busy shore;
They looked-confused, bewildered still,
On sky, and stream, and grove, and hill:
'Twas as from heaven, they back were sent
To their old smoky element:
They looked again;-each by his side
Beheld his lovely wished-for bride;
No foreign garb; no spangled dress,
But clad in native loveliness;

Fresh as the sweetest fragrant flowers,
That deck Elysium's blissful bowers:
And timid glance, and trembling form,
Sought shelter from neglect's chill storm;
And every lover forward pressed,
And clasped the trembler to his breast,
Then each the maiden recognised
Whom first in early youth he prized;

With whom erewhile on Mersey's bank,
The nectar's sweets of love he drank;
Ere, like the bud, she had put forth
Her full-blown beauty and her worth
The fairy people now were seen
Tripping in robes of emerald green;
And, as they round the lovers pressed,
Their Queen the list'ning group address'd:
"Henceforth, ye mortals, learn to prize
"The gifts beneath your native skies;
"Nor deem the foreign maid more bright
"Ere you have known your own aright.
"From every age, and empire wide,
"I gave you each to choose a bride,
"And, not for pomp, or pride, or guise,
"Was one more lovely in your eyes;
"But graceful form and rosy cheek,

"Eyes that can laugh, and weep, and speak;
"Eyes that can lovingly impart
"The workings of a faithful heart:
"These gifts have taught you to adore
"The maidens of your native shore.
"Haste, then, the joyful bridal day,
"And we will chant the roundelay!"
Now every bridegroom looked above,
And uttered vows of constant love :
Glided afar the fairy fleet,

And bursts of music, heavenly sweet
Long linger'd round that rocky bay;
And then in distance died away.

J. S. W.

Bachelors' Fancy Ball,


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The brilliant success of the Fancy Ball given two years ago, by the members of the Hand-in-hand Club," must be in the recollection of all our readers. It will not, therefore, be a matter of surprise when we state that, at a meeting of the young gentlemen of Liverpool, held about two months ago, (Mr. Arthur Heywood, Mr. Benjamin Arthur Heywood, Mr. Jordan, and others of our youthful leaders of fashion) it was determined to give another Fancy Ball by sub. scription, to be stiled "the Batchelors' Fancy Ball."

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by Mr. Edmondson, they presented a most beautiful coup | whom we constantly see amidst the bustling throng in d'ail. In spite of the early season, the outer hall was Quilliac's Court Yard at Calais.-Mr. Chetwode appeared filled with odoriferous plants and fragrant shrubs, in as Captain Devereux, who killed the redoubted Walle such profusion, that Mr. Turner seemed to have collected stein at Egra; but the want of rouge unfortunately each opening sweet of earliest bloom, and rifled all prevented his being recognised, even by his most int the breathing spring.' Advancing into the anti-room, mate friends.-Miss Helen Duncan was in the character the delighted spectator entered a spacious and magnifi- of the indomptable Catherine, and performed her part cent Turkish pavilion, filled with ottomans and sofas, so well, that we almost doubt whether the character w arranged in a circle, and even at the commencement of really assumed: however, her beauty and vivacity were the evening tempting each guest to rest awhile. Passing such, that no one would hesitate to take the part of on to the grand ball-room, the scene became most daz- Petruchio, and we cannot help thinking that we saw zling; and while the eye wandered "in fond delight, several candidates for that honor.-The gentle and the ear was charmed by the harmony of an admirable timid Marianne, her sister, was a Swiss peasant. Her orchestra, under the direction of Mr. J. Hatton, downcast eyes could scarcely face the crowd of her d jun. At eleven, Quadrilles commenced; for till mirers, and sought refuge from the public view, a that hour the general attention was too much taken up looking at her red shoes.-Mr. Butler Clough wat in admiring and recognising the novel objects which friar of the order of St. Francis, and practised self-deal glanced before the eye, to think of dancing. Soon after and abstinence to such a degree, that all endeavours to twelve the supper room was thrown open; and without induce him to take a single glass of Champagne, were in going into detail, we will briefly remark that, under the effectual.-Mr. Richard Massie, with a kite on his bac superintendance of Mr. and Mrs. Surr, every delicacy was attired as a school-boy and played marbles with M. and luxury, every tasteful ornament which the Commit- Crowder, a Bluecoat boy, with great dexterity and tee could procure, were here displayed: the viands were adroitness.-Mrs. James Aspinall appeared as the excellent, the Champagne, claret, and other wines, of lebrated Countess of Coventry, and Miss Helen Aspinal the choicest quality. We missed that celebrated beve. was a beautiful representative of Philippa of li rage, "the Regent's Punch," which, however, is bet ault: the lovely Rose was absolutely identified with the ter suited to the convivial board, than to the presence of enchanting Countess of Pembroke of Moneythe fair. Dancing was shortly resumed, and kept up, We should do great injustice to Mrs. Campbell, if we did with unabated spirit, till five o'clock in the morning, not pronounce her one of the best models of female cos when the gay assemblage retired, to dream of the joys tume of the middle of the last century which we e of the evening, and snatch a short oblivion" in the saw; she wore the nuptial garment belonging to Lady arms of sleep. St. John, in 1758.-Mr. Gott, of Leeds, was most s We should disappoint general expectation greatly, tuously attired as Villiers. Duke of Buck ngham, aft were we to close this account without some notice of the reign of James the first. This dress was very splendid distinguished individuals who were present at this splen- costly, and it was universally admired, and it has be did Ball; and, however inadequate to the task we may said, in the higher circles, that his dress cost upwards of feel, when we recollect the skilful manner in which this 2000 guineas: whether that be the fact or not, we vi arduous duty was performed on a former occasion, we not venture to pronounce; but we never saw a better shall endeavour to notice those who were most conspicu representation of that elegant costume, with which Yan ous for fashion, fancy, taste, or otherwise; trusting that dyke has rendered us so familiar.-Mr Isaac Littleca we shall be pardoned for any unintentional omissions, was a Calabrian Muleteer.-Mr. Statham wore a tout and disclaiming any intention of offending in what we and wig, which he fortunately found among the Corp may say. ration archives, and which belonged to John Scarisbrick, Mr. Jordan, attired as Courtenay, Earl of Devon, Mayor of Liverpool, in 1723.-Mr. Thomas Parr was a was one of the first whose appearance struck us upon splendid Hungarian Nobleman, and gave us a good entering the pavilion. He was most splendidly and idea of those valorous Chieftains, who so long supported correctly dressed, and held in his hand the pedigree the freedom and independence of their country against through which he traces his descent from the ancient the encroachments of Austrian tyranny.-Mr. Charks Kings of Cyprus and Jerusalem. We are happy to Lawrence and Mr. H. Lawrence appeared as the Vi inform our readers, that Mr. Jordan's claims are now comte de Jodelet and Marquis de Mascarille; and the before the Congress at Troppau, and that he is shortly attention which they had paid to the correctness of the to be admitted a member of a Holy Alliance. We ob dress did them great credit: they were habited in the served the portrait of the fair subject suspended round extravagant attire of Louis the 14th's time, and the tenhis neck, though we could not but remark that the der rencontre of the two comrades in arms amused effect was in some measure impaired by the setting being much. They displayed that correct knowledge of French crooked.-Near him we observed Mr. Arnold Harrison, manners, which can only be acquired by a long reside who, in an old Court dress, was silently contemplating in Germany. We looked in vain, however, for the prethe magnificent appearance of his friend. They occa-cieuses ridicules; unfortunately, such was the tr sionally exchanged those looks of friendship and regard, the female part of the company, that none such which have justly entitled them to the appellation of the be found.-Miss Fletcher supported the chanted Pylades and Orestes of Liverpool-Mr. Venables, upon Swiss peasant, of the Canton of Underwalden, this occasion, exchanged his legal habit for the martial spirit and good humour which have rendered he garb, which was worn by his great grandfather, Gisle- universal a favourite.-Mr. Wm. Duncan, j bertus Venator, who came over with the Conqueror, in dressed as Ferdinand VII.-Mr. John Ashton Ca the year 1066. We observed with pleasure the excellent J. P. appeared as a ratcatcher! and, in this age of condition of the identical velvet doublet, which was worn ting, expected great success in his trade; but did by that renowned warrior at the siege of Chester, and appear to make so many proselytes as he had antic which is so minutely represented on the glass window of pated. It was, indeed, no place for persons of his p the church at Agden. Messrs. Lister, Ellis, Mackinnon, fession. Mr. Peter Rigby excited great envy by the eMackenzie, and M'Dougall were attired in the ancient hibition of his acquirements as Sir Bashful Constant garb of the Gael, and wore the tartans of their respective Mr. T. C. Molyneux appeared as Othello-Mr. ResGreat as was the interest excited previous to the last clans.-Mr. M'Dougall wore the same jewels formerly landson did great justice to the Black Hussars of Bruns Fancy Ball, the agitation caused by the anticipation of worn by Robert Bruce, and a dirk which had more wick.-The Misses Tobin were particularly attractive the present one was infinitely greater. On the invita- than once been imbrued with the blood of the Camp- in their different characters: Miss T. wore a fancy dres tions being issued, the general anxiety became intense bells.-Miss Ann Duncan was really enchanting, in the Miss Helen Tobin was a lovely shepherdess, though ia each individual invited, to produce a sensation; and simple and elegant attire of Annot Lyle, the interesting once observed that her sheep went astray: the younge all flew to their portfolios and collections of prints, for heroine of the Legend of Montrose; whilst Mr. James Miss T. was attired as a Portuguese dancersome novel, tasteful, and pleasing costume, to be adopted Aspinall was inimitable in the ponderous armour of Sir Langton was a peasant of the Abruzzi; and on the occasion. Designs and drawings flew from house Dugald Dalgetty, and might well be considered as a lovely countenance and correct attire made those th to house, as the sighs of the luckless collectors can well Bulwark of the Protestant Faith. The heat of the themselves most fortunate who could obtain her notice testify, when they parted with their precious treasures, evening induced Sir Dugald to lay aside his arms, and Mr. Gilfillan appeared as Sir Brilliant Fashion, and to see them, perhaps, no more. The moving army of he joined the sprightly dance, divested of his helmet and seemed to enjoy himself extremely. Between the milliners, dress-makers, tailors, and frisseurs was forth-cuirass (weighing upwards of 70 lbs.) and we may ven- dances we observed him in conversation with M with embodied; and the M'Leans, Finneys, Wood-ture to say, that, whether as prepared for the field or Traill, (a Spanish lady) discussing the beauties of Ken villes, Hodgsons, Dansons, Titleys, Rennies, Greyworth, and the comparative merits of Malthus a stocks, Cains, Richardsons, Cashes, Todds, (names all Say.-Mr. Richard Harrison personated Colonel Oldb dear to fashion!) will long remember the grateful toils in to the life; and though time has made some ravages of which they have been so successfully employed of late. his appearance since we last saw him, his spirits we The Wellington Rooms were, as we have said, the as great as ever. No individual, perhaps in the r scene of this enchanting entertainment, and under the felt more inward gratification than this old boy, f classic taste and suggestions of the modern Palladio the recollection that he was the origin of all the Fancy (Mr. John Foster, of Grecian note) most ably executed Balls that have been given here, at Carlton-beat,

This elegant entertainment, took place on Tuesday evening last, at the Wellington Rooms, and was attended by about 380 persons. Among the warmest promoters of this delightful meeting, Mr. John Turner stands pre-eminent. He took a decided lead; so much so as to alarm his friends lest his health should give way under his unwearied exertions. Confident, however, in his own powers, he constantly declared that he felt himself a second Atlas, whose shoulders would be capable of sustaining the whole weight of the undertaking; and begged them to be tranquil on his account. Overcome, however, by their solicitation, he at last consented to accept of Mr. James Aspinall, as an auxiliary Hercules, to act when exhausted nature should prompt him to repose. A committee was likewise formed, of which Mr. G. Littledale, Mr. H. Lawrence, and Mr. Langton, were distinguished members; but, without offence we hope to any, we may state that Mr. Turner and Mr. Aspinall were the pillars on which the enchanted fabric chiefly rested.

saloon, Sir Dugald was equally the admiration and de-
light of the company. At the super table he ap-
peared in a state of complete transformation, having
assumed the dress of Sir Hudibrass, and by his happy
personification of that renowned knight, excited a
strong sensation. The two elder Misses Clay were
exceedingly well habited as French peasants, whilst
Miss Harriet forcibly reminded us of the lively soubrettes,

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