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racles for the fupport of falfe religions; if, on fome occafions, they had not actually been wrought for the confirmation of a true one? or, how is it poffible, that fo many fpurious copies fhould pass upon the world, without fome genuine original from which they were drawn, whofe known existence and tried fuccefs might give an appearance of probability to the counterfeit? Now, of all the miracles of antiquity, there are none that can pretend to the character of originals, but those of the Old and New Teftament; which, though the oldeft by far of all others now recorded in the world, have yet maintained their credit to this day, through the perpetual oppofition and fcrutiny of ages; whilst all the rival productions of fraud and craft have long ago been fucceffively exploded, and funk into utter contempt.-An event that cannot reasonably be ascribed to any other cause, but to the natural force and effect of truth; which, though defaced for a time by the wit, or depreffed by the power, of man, is fure ftill to triumph

triumph in the end over all the falfe mimickry of art, and the vain efforts of human policy z."

Now to God the Father, &c.

Dr. MIDDLETON's Letter from Rome, Pref. Difcourfe, p. 88.




GEN. iii. 14, 15.


And the Lord God faid unto the Serpent, Because thou haft done this, thou art curfed above all cattle, and above every beaft of the field; upon thy belly fhalt thou and duft fhalt thou eat all the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy feed and her feed: it fhall bruife thy head, and thou shalt bruife his heel.


AVING already proved in a former Difcourfe, that the great Ruler of the world might, if he faw fit, counteract or alter the courfe of nature; and, that it was


probable he would accordingly do it, if the happiness of his creatures fhould ever call for fuch alterations; it becomes our business now to inquire,

Whether the circumftances of mankind were ever fuch, as to ftand in need of miraculous interpofitions?

And if they were,

Whether the miracles, recorded to have been done, were properly adapted in their nature and kind, to the neceffities and occafions of fuch circumftances?

If thefe two points can be rationally established, the usefulness and propriety of the Scripture-miracles will appear in a confpicuous light. And, if the internal characters of usefulness and propriety may with juftice be attributed to them; we are then furnished, not only with an additional presumption in favour of their credibility, but with a fufficient anfwer to the principal objections urged against it. For most of the objections, which infidels have raised against thefe miracles, are ultimately founded on their fuppofed inutility, impropriety, or un


reasonableness. And all this unbelievers are pleased to fuppofe of them, because they view them in a detached light; in an unconnected state; and independent of the occafions that gave rife to them. Whereas, if thefe fceptics were seriously to examine the moral circumstances of mankind, through the feveral periods of the world; they would find great and frequent neceffities for fome fignal interpofitions to be made on their behalf, for the recovery, or the improvement, of their happinefs. And if they were duly to confider the nature and tendency of those interpofitions, which are faid to have been made, they would fee reason, and good reafon, to admire the wifdom with which they are adapted to the ends propofed: and hence might haply be induced to acknow ledge the hand of the Almighty in them; and from this acknowledgement might be farther led to praife and adore him with humble gratitude, as well for his extraordi nary, as for his ordinary works.

Let us therefore conduct them through these scenes; and try if we can contribute



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