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ABRAHAM'S offering Isaac Canaan, number of acres in its

vindicated, 207, 208.
Alexander Janneus, 231.
Ananias, why Paul did not know
him to be high Priest (Act.
xxiii.) 161.
Animals forbidden as unclean, and
the reasons and purposes of
this prohibition, 259, 268.
Antiquities, study of the Jewish
Antiquities recommended, 85,
Appearances, (visible) of Deity,
131, 137.

importance of them to his
antient people, 131, 132, 143.
Ark, 139.

Balaam, 192.


territory, and how proportion-
ed to the number of the Israel-
ites, 43.

Canaanites, their destruction vin-
dicated, 20, 27.

Ceremonies of the Hebrew word
ship, their special objects, 96, 98.
Charms, 337-

Circumcision, its origin, fitness, and
usefulness, 99, 104.
Cities, assigned to the Levites,

of refuge, 170.

1 Corinthians, xi. 4, 6, illustrated,
162, 178.

Cow, esteemed sacred by the E
gyptians, 333.


Bible, used in divination, 202, Dreams, divine revelations in

Bath kol, 201.

[blocks in formation]

Garments of the Priests, 155, 157.
peculiar garments for the high
Priests, 157, 161. these gar
ments allegorised in a fanciful
manner by Josephus and Phi-
lo, 163. why men and wo-
men might not wear each oth-
er's garments, 256.
Gemara, 221.
Government, (civil) its origin and
progress in the early ages, 11,15.

of the Israelites, its de-
sign, 23. why temporal bles-
sings and evils were its sanc-
tions, 23, 24. the utility of its
sanctions, 25. the reason of
some statutes, which may ap-
pear trifling or severe, 28, 29.
contrasted with the govern-
ment of the antient heathens,
37, 41. originally a free and
equal republic, 43. required
that the territory should be e-
qually divided, estates holden
as a freehold from God, and
descend in perpetual succes-
sion, 44. allowed a popular
assembly, an advising senate,
and a presiding magistrate, 49.
popular branch, 50, 52. sen-
atorial branch, 54, 59. execu-
tive branch, 59, 62. its excel.
lence, as an immediate com-
munication from Jehovah, 64.
as it precluded selfish ambi-
tion, 76. its operation com-
menced in the wilderness, 74.
degenerated in form and execu-
tion after the death of Joshua,

by Judges, 77. by kings, 80.
Groves, why prohibited near the
altar of God, 39, 256.


Ham, his crime, 18.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

sons, 21, 22.

Jonah's prediction respecting

Nineveh conditional, 198.

Fonathan, remarks on the people's
rescuing him from death, 51.
Jepthah, reflections on his vow,

77, 79.
Jubilee, 46, 252.
Fudges, the institution and nature

of their office, 77.

Karraites, 229.

Kid, why not to be sodden in its

mother's milk, 40, 123, 256.
Kings, establishment of monarchy
and regulations respecting the
choice, duties, &c. of a king, So.

accounted gods among the
Hindoos, 326.
Kircher makes an image appar-
ently speak, and supposes the
heathen priests used similar ar-
tifices, 65, 66.


Lamech, opinions on his story, 17.
Langles (Mr.) 312.

[blocks in formation]

offerings, trespass offerings,
peace offerings, 115. offering
of first fruits, and the daily
sacrifice, 116.

of Cain and Abel, 135. their
story illustrated, 135, 136.
Oil poured on the head, 158.
Oracle of the Israelites, 65. its

difference from the heathen
oracles, 66, 67, 184, 185. an-
tecedent to any heathen ora-
cle, 67. its particular design,
68. guarded against imposi-
tion, 69, 79. useful purposes,

[blocks in formation]

Pagans attributed temporal pros-
perity to their idols, 90, 93.
Passover, 120, 124.

Paul's offering sacrifice to con-
ciliate the Jews (record. 21
chap. of Acts), justified, 75.
his vow of Nazariteship, 218,
Pentecost, 125.

Pharisees, 131, 133.
Pollutions and purifications, 270.
Priests, their orders, qualifica-
tions, ceremonies of their in-
duction into office, and their
duties, 147, 150. their gar-
ments, 155, 157.
tives of the high priest, 151.
his garments, 157, 161. how
the priests were maintained,

166, 170. why supported by
tithes, 170, 172.
Punishments inflicted on those who

assumed the priestly office, 154.
Priesthood, the union of civil and
spiritual jurisdiction in it con-
sidered, 174. typical of Christ,
Priestly's (Dr.) dicourses, deliver-
ed at Philadelphia, referred to,
37. quoted, 41, 52. account of
two responses of the oracle A.
pollo, 184.

Property in land, how divided a-
mong the Israelites, holden,
and how transmitted, 44, 45.
Prophets, the nature and design

of their office, 178. were se-
rene and composed, when they
received the spirit of inspira
tion, 192. the manner, in
which divine communications
were made to them, 193. by
dreams, 194. by visions, 195.
by inspiration, 198. by voic-
es, 201. by ministry of an-
gels, 204. how the people
were assured of their authori-
ty, 197. the character and
writings of the Hebrew proph-
ets vindicated, 205. prophet-
ic schools, 180, 182.

Rabbies, 214.


Rams worshipped by Egyptians,


Ritual, of the Hebrews, its de-
sign, and the reasons, why its
observance was enforced by
temporal considerations, 89,
95, 297, 300. its tendency to
promote the glory of God, and
its benefits,280,286. arguments
in support of its divine origin,
291. it required inward purity,
holiness, and obedience, 294,
299. considered, as a typical
dispensation, 302, 311.

Sabbath, 104. in some respects a
new appointment to the Jewish
nation, 106, 110. sabbatical

year, 249, 251.
Sacrifices, part of the civil as well

as religious establishment of
the Israelites, 75. various o-
pinions about their origin, III,
112. Jewish law prescribed





five sorts of sacrifices, 112.
their design, 113, 117.
rifice at the Passover 122.
the new moon, 246, 247.
the beginning of the year, 248.
sacrifices of purifications, 276.
Sadducees, 227, 229.
Samaritans, 224, 227.
Sanhedrim, its origin, progress,
and power, 56, 59.
Shechinah, 137, 305.
Scribes, 213.

Scriptures, the care of the Jews to
preserve their scriptures, 222.
Sects, 224.

Selden's account of the manner of
tithing lambs, 167.

Shiloh, the origin and significa.
tion of the word, 22.


Tabernacle, 138. feast of Taber-

nacles, 126.

Talmud, 221.
Temple, 138.

built by the Samaritans on
Mount Gerizim, 225.
Tithes, 167, 169. why a tenth
rather than any other portion
was paid in tithes, 172, 173.
Urim and Thummin, 69, 159.

Visions, 195.

Vows of the Nazarites, 18.
Vedas, 313, 314.

Wise men or Sophoi, 212.
Warburton's divine legation, 299.
Women, their treatment among the
Hindoos, 326.


Year, sacrifices at the beginning
of the year, 248.
sabbatical, 249, 251.
of Jubilee, 252.


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