OR, New Literary Journal. GIVING An Account, with proper Abstracts of, or Church-Yard. A T A B LE O F Titles and Author's Names, with the Pages where the Accounts of the Books and PAMPHLETS in this VOLUME are to be Algebraift's Companion Analogy of divine Wisdom Anfwer to Dr Middleton's grand objection to that part of Middleton's Examination, which re gards the fall Arbuthnot's Mifcellanies Appeal to common Reason and Candor Art of hatching domestic Fowls Afhton's Differtation 17, 24 I 396 206 314 Berrington's Differtations 254 Bonneval, Count, conclufion of the Account of his me moirs Brooke's Examination of Middleton Brooke's Fairy Tales 236 9 III C C HAP MAN on the Roman Senate Character of Charles II. Cicero's felect Thoughts Collins, his Letter to Middleton 25 137 38 321 121 463 |