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Thefe confiderations, were they but rendered habitual to our minds, and ready for conftant use and application, would brighten the darkeft fcenes of human life, and cause folicitude and defpondency to fly away. Religion would then gain by it's pro feffors that credit and honour which it deferves, and the defigns of heaven would be fully anfwered, which moft undoubtedly were, that innocence and cheerfulness should go together, and the beft Chriflian be the happiest man.


A fhort Account of Mr. SAMUEL HODGSON.

[Taken from his own Journals.]

Was born at Halifax in Yorkshire, Feb. 22, 1759. My parents were ferious, particularly my father, who had been for fome time a hearer of the Methodists. While I was very young, I had ferious thoughts of God and eternity; which were deepened by the converfation of my father, and hearing the Preachers catechifing the children. But I gradually gave way to the natural inclination of my own mind, and acquired the habit, when about eleven years of age, of taking the name of God in vain: To this was foon added, pride, anger, malice, envy, deceit, and disobedience to my parents, which formed fome of the moft diftinguishing features in my character.

My confcience often condemned me for these things; and I was terrified by dreams and vifions in the night; fo that I was conftrained frequently to cry, "God be merciful to me a finner!" I had also, even at this early period, a concern for the fouls of others; particularly once, when I heard a company of Colliers fwearing; whilft they talked together, I faid within myself, “ How can thefe poor wretches, or I, hope to go to heaven, while we continue thus finful!" And when one of my fifters was dangeroufly ill, whom I looked on as in a flate not fit to die; I wept and prayed earneftly for her in fecret.

When I was near fourteen years of age, having acquired as much learning as was neceffary for bufinefs, my father determined to put me apprentice to a trade, but chofe one for me, which of all others, I difliked; fo that my fpirit was ftirred up exceedingly against it. However, after fome ftruggles in my mind, I confented; and at the fame time determined to spend most of my vacant hours in reading and improvement.

When I was about fixteen, it pleafed God to open my eyes more fully. While I was at home at my father's for a week at Christmas, I and one of my companions were guilty of fome mifchief, which was difcovered, and for which my father reproved me fharply. I wept bitterly, and the next day at a prayer-meeting in my father's houfe, whilft my eldest brother was at prayer, was much broken down, fhed abundance of tears, and refolved

in good earneft to devote myself to God. My conviction was
deepened by hearing a fermon fhortly after, by which fo much
light was poured in upon my mind, that I clearly difcovered the
neceffity of an inward change of heart. I began now to feel that
I had finned againft God, as well as my parents. All my fins
flood in array before me, fo that I faw myfelf ftanding, as it
were, on the brink of a horrid precipice, just ready to fall into
that burning lake,
"Where peace

And reft can never dwell, hope never comes,
That comes to all; but torture without end
Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed

With ever burning fulphur uncoufum'd."

I fighed, wept, and prayed to God, to give me grace to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, to fhew mercy unto me, and to pardon all my fins for the fake of his dear Son.

My mafter, who was a Clafs-Leader, perceiving a change in my conduct, invited me to a Society-Meeting. Here my mind was much enlightened by hearing the experience of others; and my refolutions were greatly ftrengthened; fo that about the beginning of March, 1775, I got a ticket as a member of the Society.

Two things, for fome time, hindered my receiving an affurance of God's favour. Firft, a thought that only a certain number could be faved, and that I was not of that number. Secondly, when I felt a little hope, I looked for the pardon of my fins in fome kind of a miraculous manner. However, I refolved to wait upon the Lord; and if I was to perifh, I was determined to perifh crying out for mercy. One Sabbath evening, as I was going to a Prayer-meeting, these words fuddenly rushed upon my mind, Jefus, by the grace of God, tafted death for every man." Immediately I had fuch a fenfe of Chrift's fufferings impreffed upon my mind, as quite overwhelmed me. I faw him, as it were, fuffering, bleeding, fainting and dying on the crofs, for the fouls of all men. Hence I reafoned, "If Chrift died for all, then he muft have died for me; and therefore I ought not to doubt of the fufficiency of his merits to fave me." This gave me great ease and fatisfaction: and when I entered the meeting, the firft verfe that was fung, had fuch an effect on my heart, as I had never be. fore experienced; and, while these words were on my lips,"And feel the fprinkled blood; "I felt fuch an affurance of God's favour and mercy, as human language cannot exprefs. I felt indeed the fprinkled blood applied; and the Holy Spirit bore witnefs with my fpirit, that I was now made a child of God.

Soon after this, meeting with a ftrong temptation, my confi dence was wrefted from me; but by applying to the throne of grace, I had it prefently restored, and was enabled to testify with gladnefs to others what the Lord had done for my foul. I now


began to feel a very great concern for my relations, and earnestly longed for the converfion of my brothers and fiflers; every day, and almost every hour, I petitioned the throne of grace on their behalf.

I went on pretty comfortably, till the beginning of the next winter, when fome Scripture texts were applied to my heart, which feemed to indicate a call to the miniftry; But I thought it utterly impoffible that I fhould ever preach the Gofpel. While I was hearing a difcourfe from these words of St. Peter, "What was I, that I could withstand God?"- My mind was eased, respecting what had perplexed me before, and I began to think, it was God's will that I should preach fome time or other.

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Soon after, I was called upon to exercife my gifts at Prayermeetings, in which I was fometimes bleft, at other times having little liberty of fpeech, I was greatly caft down. One day in May, 1777, being much exercifed about my call to preach; I heard, as it were, a voice in my heart, faying, Samuel! Samuel!" to which I replied, "Speak, Lord, for thy fervant heareth." Immediately, thefe words rufhed, like lightning, into my mind, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." I was aftonished, and burst into a flood of tears; and refolved to make it a matter of more constant prayer, that God would be pleafed to make my way plain before me. After I had risen from my knees, on opening the Bible, these words first caught my eye," Feed my lambs.' This feemed a confirmation of what had juft paffed; and I gave myself to prayer, reading, and meditation, in fuch a manner as I had not done before.

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About the latter end of 1777, I began to exhort in public, and continued fo to do, in the little meetings near me, occafionally, till the month of February, 1779, when I was firft encouraged to take a text. In Auguft following I was defired by the Affiftant of the Circuit to fupply the place of a Preacher who was appointed to labour there, but was not able to come. At the Conference in

1780, I was appointed to labour in the York Circuit; and the year following was received into full Connection at Leeds Conference. I entered upon this work with fear and trembling, being impreffed with an awful sense of its great importance, and of my own inability, and inexperience. However, I was received by the people with kindness, tenderness, and refpe&t; and God condefcended to blefs my labours among them."

Mr. Hodgfon's bodily frame was rather weak he often felt languor, and fometimes was feverely afflicted. To this were added great exercises of mind (though he had often divine confolations mingled in his cup) all which rendered itinerancy fuch a cross to him as healthy or robuft perfons cannot eafily conceive: yet he ftruggled with his infirmities to the very laft, being willing not only to impart the Gofpel, but his own foul alfo.

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In July 1789, he entered into the marriage-ftate with Mifs Sarah Garhit, of Bradforth, and fhortly after went with his wife to Bristol, where he was appointed to labour the enfuing year. This year he mentions in his journal as the most comfortable he eyer experienced in his life, being very kindly treated by the people, and feeing fome fruit of his labours The next year he left them with reluctance, (being appointed for Leeds,) though. he had the profpect of spending a comfortable time in Yorkshire among his friends and relations. After an agreeable year in Leeds, he was appointed at the Manchester Conference for York, where he and his faithful companions laboured with confiderable success for two years.

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At the Leeds Conference in 1793, he was appointed for Sunderland. Here he met with a people who did honour to themfelves and the Gofpel, by that unceafing refpect and affection which they manifefted to this fervant of God and to his family. His appointment here, at the earnest request of the people, was continued by the Bristol Conference in 1794- This alas! was the last year of his life. To the unfpeakable grief of all his friends, lall and to the great lofs of the Church of Chrift, he was drowned: April 20, 1795, by the oversetting of the Passage-boat in croffing the river Wear.

The ways of God are to us infcrutable: and though the cir cumstances of Mr. Hodgson's death were awful and fudden; yet, i upon a review of his general conduct and usefulness, we cannot doubt but he was called to his reward in a better world. It is wor-> thy of remark, that during the last week of his life, he had preached feven times, to different congregations in the country places, from Amos iv. 12. Prepare to meet thy God." Indeed, he appeared to have near views of eternal things; and fome few days before his death, when his wife enquired concerning the flate of his mind, lifting up his eyes and hands, he replied with great earnestness,"I blefs God, I find an unfhaken confidence in


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He had twice crossed the river the fame day; and in the evening he preached at a village: about three miles from Sunder-i land. He feemed a good deal exhaufted with preaching; butà after a little refreshment returned. He left his horfe on the fame fide of the river where he had preached, and went into the boat with his fellow-paffengers and fufferers. The confufion connected with fuch a misfortune, prevents information which may be depended on. It is faid with much appearance of truth, that he reproved fome in the boat for fwearing, a few minutes before it funk. When the awful event took place, he exclaimed aloud, "Lord Jefus, receive my fpirit, and have mercy on my fellow-fufferers!"

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It is fuppofed, the melancholy event was occafioned by the boat being overloaded, and getting foul of a rope which lay in VOL. XIX, July 1796.



the paffage, when it foon filled with water. About twenty perfons were drowned, most of whom were afterwards found. the ninth day in the evening, Mr. Hodgfon's body was found uninjured, on the fea coaft, about two miles from the place where he was loft. It was brought into the chapel, and the next day interred in the prefence of more than a thousand deeply affected fpectators. Sovereign of heaven and earth! Though clouds and darkness be round about thee, yet righteoufnefs and judgment are the habitation of thy throne.

RULES OF CONDUCT, drawn up by Dr. DODDRIDGE, when a Student, and inferted in the blank-leaves at the beginning of his Bible.

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ET my first thoughts be devout and thankful. Let me rise early, immediately return to God more folemn thanks for the mercies of the night, devote myself to him, and beg his af fiftance in the intended bufinefs of the day.

2. In this and every other act of devotion, let me recollect my thoughts, fpeak directly to him, and never give way to any thing, internal or external, that may divert my attention.

3. Let me fet myself to read the Scriptures every morning. In the first reading, let me endeavour to imprefs my heart with a practical fenfe of divine things, and then use the help of Commentators; let these Rules, with proper alterations, be observed every morning.

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4. Never let me trifle with a book with which I have no prefent concern. In applying myself to any book, let me first recollect what I may learn by it, and then beg fuitable affiftance from God; and let me continually endeavour to make all my ftudies fubfervient to practical religion and minifterial usefulness. 5. Never let me lofe one minute of time, nor incur unnecesfary expences, that I may have the more to fpend for God.

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6. When I am called abroad, let me be defirous of doing good, and receiving good, Let me always have in readiness fome fubject of contemplation, and endeavour to improve my time by good thoughts as I go along Let me endeavour to render myself agreeable and useful to all about me, by a tender, compaffionate, friendly behaviour; avoiding all trifling, impertinent ftories; remembering that imprudence is Sin.


Let me ufe

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great moderation at meals, and fee that I am not hypocritical in prayers and thanksgivings at them.

8. Let me never delay any thing, unlefs I can prove that ano, ther time will be more fit than the prefent, or that some more important duty requires my immediate attendance.

9. Let me be often lifting up my heart to God in the intervals of fecret worship, repeating thofe petitions, which are of the greatest importance, and the furrender of myself to his fervice.

19. Never

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