A TOXICOLOGICAL CHART, exhibiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and Mode of Detecting the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal. To which are added, concise Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. Cellular pathology - Page 26by Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow - 1860 - 511 pagesFull view - About this book
| 1820 - 612 pages
...Lythographic Engraving), by JT Conquest, MDFLS ISino. 7». <• !. A Toxicological Chart, in which may be seen at one View the Symptoms, Treatment, and mode of detecting the various Po'uons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal, according to the latent Experiments and Observations, (respectfullydedicated... | |
| English literature - 1833 - 554 pages
...John Herschel. A Toxicological Chart, exhibiting at one View the Symptoms, Treatment, and Tests of the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal ; to which are added, Concise Directions for the Recovery of Persons in a state of Suspended Animation. By William Stowe, Surgeon. We are no advocates... | |
| Thomas Bell - Teeth - 1835 - 422 pages
...Aecatetl."— Nrlico-mrvrgtral Revit*. STOWE'S TOXICOLOGICAL CHART. A Toxieological Chart, exhihiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and Mode of Detecting the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetahle, and Animal ; to which are added, Conci.se Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation.... | |
| John Burns - Children - 1837 - 1008 pages
...illustrative matter is so cleurly sifted, condensed, and distributed." — Atlas. STOWE'S CHART OF POISONS. A Toxicological Chart, exhibiting at one view the...Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. BY WILLIAM STOWE, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Win Edition. Varnished and mounted on cloth... | |
| Richard Dugard Grainger - Spinal cord - 1837 - 194 pages
...Edition, 8vo. 18s. A TOXICOLOGICAL CHART, Exhibiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and Modes of Detecting the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable,...directions for the Treatment of suspended Animation. By WILLIAM STOWE, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Eighth edition. 2s. Varnished and mounted... | |
| William Tait (Surgeon) - Prostitution - 1840 - 298 pages
...&c. 8vo. Third Edition, cloth lettered. Price 10s. 6d. STOWE'S TOXICOLOGICAL CHART. NINTH EDITION. A Toxicological Chart, exhibiting at one view the...the Various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal ; Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. By WILLIAM STOWE. Price 2s. Varnished and mounted... | |
| Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach - Stuttering - 1841 - 76 pages
...selected, and ably executed."—Medico-Chirurgical Revictc, STOWE'S CHART OF POISONS. A lexicological Chart, exhibiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment,...Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal ; to which arc added, Concise Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. By WILLIAM STOWE, Member of... | |
| Marmaduke Blake Sampson - Enslaved persons - 1845 - 100 pages
...inestimable merit of keeping perpetually close to the point."— _ Joh: STOWE'S CHART OF POISONS. 10th Edit. A Toxicological Chart, exhibiting at one view the...Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. , By W. STOWE, MRCS Varnished and mounted on cloth, with roller, 6s., or 2s. the plain Sheet. " We... | |
| Chemistry - 1845 - 570 pages
...animals or plante." A TOXICOLOGICAL CHART, exhibiting at one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and modes of detecting the various Poisons, Mineral, Vegetable...directions for the treatment of suspended animation. By W. STO-WE, MRCSE Tenth Edition. OP this greatly improved edition of a chart which has for many years... | |
| Justus Freiherr von Liebig, William Gregory - Food - 1847 - 206 pages
...Diseases, &c., of the Teeth. STOWE'S CHART OF POISONS. 10th Edit. A Toxicological Chart, exhibiting tit one view the Symptoms, Treatment, and mode of Detecting...Directions for the Treatment of Suspended Animation. By W. STOWE, MKCS Varnished and mounted on cloth, with roller, 6s., or 2s. the plain Sheet. " \Ve have... | |
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