Nom. R. Libb. Fitzjames < 80 Bonner Grindall Ant. Hertf. C141 f 315 2476 144 6 112 R. C. Laud 295 i Henchman, Compton 27 153 68k 70 71 148 Rob. Lawe Vicarii. Ste. Leder, 25. Od. 1520. per mort. Lawe Car. Chauncey, S. T. B. 27. Feb. 1627. Joh. Mountfort, S. T. P. 16 Oct. 1633. per res, Chauncey Ric. Waugh, A. M. 10. Jan. 1661. Rob. Bulman, cl. 2. Dec. 1670. per cef. Waugh Sam Scattergood, A. M. 3. Aug. 1681. per mort. ult. Vic. f Job. Hurte. [Vid. S. Margaret Mofes g fob. Bendall. [Vid. S. Job. Baptift (Lond) inter Red.] h Rob. Kaye, or Key. [Vid. Hayes (Mid.) inter Vic.] i Job. Mountfort. [Vid. inter Prab. de Sneating.] Patroni. Pr. & Conv. Dom. Jefu de Bethlehem de Shene. Rad. Sadler, pro hac vice. > Hen. VIII. R. A. Mag. & Socii Coll. S. Trinitatis Cantabrigie k Sam. Scattergood; I take to be the fame Perfon, who was Fellow of Trinity-College, in Cambridge, incorporated in the Univerfity of Oxford, Anno 1669. and afterwards Vicar of Blockley, in Warwickshire, Anno 1678. and is Author of two or more Sermons. [Atb. Ox. 2. Vol. 850.] 1 Will. Burrough the present Vicar, 1700. Fun. Monum. 544. Dug. Bar. 1. Tom. 540. pag. 258. IN Ware, Priory. IN this Town of Ware there was a Priory alien, which was a Cell to the Abby of S. Ebrulf at Utica, in Normandy. Weaver tells us, That at the North-end of this Town there was a Friery, whofe Ruins, not altogether beaten down, were to be feen in his time, founded by Baron Wake, Lord of this Town about the Reign of King John, dedicated to S. Francis. But by the way, I do not find that any of the Wakes were Lords of this Town till it came to Baldwyn, Lord Wake, by his intermarriage with Hawys, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Robert de Quincy, towards the latter End of Hen. III. and had Livery of her Inheritance (whereof this Manor was part) Anno 52. of that King. In the Antiquities of Hertfordshire it is faid, That about the 18th Year of the Reign of Hen. III. Margaret, Countess of Leicester, and Lady of this Manor founded a Priory of Friers in the North-part of this Town, dedicated to S. Francis; gave the Tyths of this Church, and that of Thundrich to the Maintenance of them and their House. But, it appears, what is written before of the Church of Ware, that the fame, with all the Tyths that did belong to it, was given to the faid Abby of S. Ebrulf, in the time of William the Conqueror. But be this Priory founded by whom, or when it will (for there is no certainty appears of either) it seems Dudg. Bar. the faid Margaret, Countess of Leicester, was a great Benefactor to the fame, and 1. Tom, 688. often making her Refidence in this Priory, built the great Hall, the great Chamber, and other Rooms for her own conveniency. This Priory, with the Church of Ware, and Advoufon, the Vicarage with all other the Lands and Appurtenances thereto belonging here in England, the Abbot and Convent of S. Ebruif enjoy'd (not till the 26th of Hen. VIII. as in Antiq. Hertf. but only) till they (inter alia) were feiz'd by King Edw. II. by reason of his Wars with France. After which (as has been obferv'd before in Ware) the Premiffes came to the Hands of King Hen. V. who fetled them upon his Monaftery at Shene, as part of the Endowment thereof, and that Prior and Convent enjoy'd enjoy'd them till the 26th of Hen. VIII. when they were furrender'd into the Hands Antiq. Hertf of that King, who convey'd the Site of this Priory from the Crown to Tho. Byrch, ut fupra. He held it in the time of Edw. VI. by the yearly Rent of 3 s. afterwards it was fold to James Stanley, Citizen and Scrivener of London, from whom it defcended to Thomas Stanley his Son and Heir, who was knighted, and died, leaving Iffue Thomas, who was his Heir, who fucceeded him, and fold it to Haydon, who by his Will gave it to divers Perfons; they alienated it to Thomas Feltham of London, Inhol der, and he fold it to Robert Hadgeley of Mundon, the present Poffeffor thereof. Watford, Vicarage. stmary HIS Town of Watford, is in the Archdeaconry of S. Albans, and Hundred of Caifbo, about 16 or 18 Miles Northweft ward from London, and is fubject to the Archdeacon. Arch. S. Alb It is fituate on the River Colne; whether denominated from Wetford, at the South-end of the Town (as in Antiq. Hertf.) or Watlineford, for that the Watlinestreet-way crofled the Colne near this Place (as Norden hath it) matters not much. But it was antiently parcel of that large Revenue, which King Offa gave to his Antiq. Hertf Monaftery of S. Albans; and in the Conqueror's time was held by that Abbot, 282, &c. being comprehended, it feems, within 20 Hides; which in Dome/day-Book, he is recorded to hold in Caillou, from which the Hundred is now denominated. And when the Romans invaded England was famous (if the Tradition be true) for being the Seat of Caffibelinus, in thofe Days the most potent Prince among the Britains, as it was afterwards in the time of the Saxon Heptarchy made the Seat of the Mercian Kings, and continued fo, till King Offa gave it in the 33d of his Reign to the Monaftery of S. Alban, as is faid before; where, after the Diffolution, Sir Richard Morifin, a Man of great Learning, and after employ'd in foreign Embaffies began a fair and large Houfe, which Sir Charles Merifin his Son finish'd, and is now become the Seat of the noble Family of the Capels, Earls of Effex, by the Marriage of Arthur, Lord Capel, Baron of Hadbam, with Elizabeth the fole Daughter and Heir of Sir Charles Morifin, Knight and Baronet, Son and Heir of the above nam'd Sir Charles Morifin, Son and Heir of the aforefaid Sir Richard Morifin. This Town of Watford (inter alia) was confirm'd to the faid Abby of S. Albans, by divers of the laid King Offa's Royal Succeffors, with the Additions of many large Immunities and Privileges; among whom King Hen. I. granted, that the Abbots, and their Succeffors, fhould have a Market in this Town. And King Edw. IV. by his Letters Patents dated at Dodington, 1. No. 1469. granted to them two Fairs, one whereof is held on Trinity-Monday, and two Days next following; and the other on the Decollation of S. Job. Baptift, and the Morrow; the Market is held weekly on Tuesday. Here are feveral Manors in this Parish, which were parcel of the Revenues of the Monaftery of S. Alban, namely Caifhobury and Byrfton; which were of the Gift of the laid King Offa; Oxey, which Sir Richard de Oxey gave to that Abby; MeridenCaroland, which fince the Diffolution is become part of the Poffeffions of MertonCollege, in Oxford; and Garfton purchaled by John of Whethamfted, the 33d Abbot of S. Albans, for the ufe of that Church; of all which the inquifitive may fee at large in Antiq Hertf. p. 482. &c. The Parish Church of Watford (dedicated to ) was of old, it seems, appropriated to the faid Abby of S. Alban, and a Vicarage ordain'd and endow'd, of which that Abbot and Convent continued Proprietaries and Patrons till their Suppreffion. After which After which, tho' the Manor remained in the Crown, till King James I. by Letters Patents dated at Westminster, July 24. 1609. 7. Regni fui, granred it to Tho. Marbury, and Richard Cartwright, in truft for the Lord Chancellor Egerton, yet the Parfonage impropriate, and the Advoufon of the Vicarage were granted, it feems, to the above-named Sir Ric. Mory fin, who died on March 17. 1556. (before this Vicarage was void) and left it to Dame Bridget his Widow, who was afterwards married to Henry, Earl of Rutland, who whilft he was her Husband in her right prefented to this Vicarage in 1562, and 1563. but he alfo dying in Sept. 1563. the at laft was married to Francis, Earl of Bedford, who likewife prefented in 1568, and 1573. and he alfo dying 28. July 27. Elizabeth, 1585, the the faid Dame Bridges Mat. Par. vit. Bridget furviving him, fhe at laft prefented in 1587. but not dying till Fan 12. 1600. (which was after the Death of Sir Charles Moryfin her Son, by the faid Sir Richard Morifin, which happen'd on the Day before the Kalends of April 1599.) the Right of Advoufon of this Vicarage came to Sir Charles Moryfin, Knight and Baronet, her Grandfon, who (as appears) prefented in 618. from whom it defcended to Arthur, Earl of Effex, Son and Heir of Arthur, Lord Capel, by reafon of his faid Father's intermarriage with the aforefaid Elizabeth, fole Daughter and Heir of the laft-mention'd Sir Charles Morfin. At the Prefentation of which Arthur, Earl of Effex, the prefent Vicar was admitted April 8. 1675. Feoffery the 16th Abbot of S. Albans, gave two Parts of the Tyth-Corn of this whole Parish (inter alia) to the Church of the Holy Trinity de Bofco near Mergate, in Bedfordshire, which he built twice from the very Foundation; but this was reckon'd among the Acts which he did to the prejudice of his Abby. Of this Church of the Holy Trinity de Bofco, may be read in the Prebend of Cadington minor. Dame Mary Cooper, firft Widow of Sir Charles Moryfin the younger, afterwards of Sir John Cooper, and one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Sir Baptift Hicks late Penfio Vicarii Viscount Camden, by her Deed dated in Nov. 8. Car. I. granted to feveral Truftees a Rent-charge of fifty Pounds per Ann. iffaing out of certain Lands in Ilmington, and elsewhere, in the County of Warwick, to be paid half yearly on Michaelmas, and our Lady-day for ever, to the Vicar of this Parish of VVatford. Antiq. Hertf. 489. ibid. The Lady Moryfin, or Sir Charles her Son, allo granted to several Trustees a Water-Corn-Mill, and Lands belonging to it in Effex, now let at 30 l. per Ann., for the Maintenance of a Preacher for ever, who is bound to preach a Sermon in VVatfordChurch on every Tuesday, in the Forenoon, before the Market Bell rings, from whence a Capital Meffuage, in this Town, call'd VVatford Place; is now call'd the Lecture-boufe. The Preacher is to be nominated and chofen by the Trustees, who at prefent are Sir Charles Gerard of Harrow on the Hill, Baronet, Sil. Titus of Bushy, Elq; and John Conyers of the Middle Temple, Efq; who lately elected Nico las Farmborow, Clerk, the prefent Lecturer. On either fide of the Chancel of this Church are Two Chapels, whereof the largeft was built by Sir Charles Moryfin, Knight, Son and Heir of the faid Sir Richard Moryfin, where he the faid Sir Charles lies interr'd; allo Sir Charles Morifin, Knight and Baronet, his Son, and likewife the Lady Bridget, Countess of Bedford aforefaid, and have goodly Monuments with large Infcriptions erected to their Mémories. Here are feveral other Monuments and Grave-ftones, with Infcriptions too many and too long to infert here, only I cannot omit this One because it concerns the Church, viz. Here lieth William Heydon of New-ftreet, in Watford, Efq; and Joan bis Mother, who built the South-Ifle of this Church, and died Anno 1505. Onera bujus Vicariæ I. D. alowe 1538 Geasy Ireland made vicar Hen. Edmunds, cl. 27. Apr. 1573. per ref. Sanderfon 00:00:00 Patroni. Hen.Com Rutland jure Bridgette uxoris fuse. Franc, Com. Bed ford fimili jure. Brig. Com, Bedf vidua. Car. Morgan,miles Cornelius Burges, A. M. 21. Dec. 1618. per depr. Watfon & Bartonetur. c Phil. Goodwin Will. Davenant, A. M. 16. Junii 1661. a Ant. Warfon. [Vid. Trinity Lefs (Lond.) | inter Ret.] inter Rea.] Arthur Com.Effex. c Phil Goodwin. [ Vid, Lifton (Ess.) inter b Corn, Burges, [Vid. S. Magnus (Lond.) | Rest.] d Joh. Nom. R. Libb. Henchman { Vicarii. 31 d Joh. Goodman, S. T. B. 5. Junii 1662. per mort. Davenant 179 Joh. Berrow, A. M. 8. Apr. 1675. per cel. Goodman d Feb. Goodman. [Vid. inter Archid. Mid.] 1 e Job. Berrow the prefent Vicar, 1700. IN Wideford, Rectory. Stiche Baptist N the Archdeaconry of Middlefex, Deanry and Hundred of Braughing, about 21 or 22 Miles Northward from London, lies this Parish of Wideford upon the River Ah, and very likely might take its Name from a wide Ford over the River Arthur Com. there, de Vado Spaciofo, as Norden has it. It is fubject to the Archdeacon. And in Archid. Mid. the London-Regiftry it is written Wideford juxta Ware, to diftinguish it from another Parish of the fame Name in this Diocese near Chelmsford, in Effex, call'd Wideford juxta Chelmsford. In the time of the Conqueror's Survey, the Bishop of London held Wideford for Three Hides; but this Manor continued not long after, it feems, in thofe Bishops. For about the beginning of Hen. I. it was in Ivo de Grantemefnil, who exchang'd it with the Monks of Bermondsey, in Surry, for Andretesbery; which was given to them by VVilliam de Belmeis, as appears by the Charter of that King, whereby he confirms unto them (inter alia) this Place of VVideford in thefe words, viz. "Con- Mon. Ang. "firmo & VVideford, quam commutavit cum Monachis de Bermondefeia Ivo de 1. Vol. 642. "Grantemefnil pro Andretesberia, quam dederat eis VVillielmus de Belmeis. This Ivo, favouring the Title of Robert Curtbofe, in 3. Hen. I. made War where Dug. Bar. he had Power, wafting the Country with Fire and Sword; for which Cruelties be. 1. Tom. 84, ing fin'd a vast Sum of Money, he addrefs'd himself to Robert de Bellomont, Earl of & 425. Mellent (afterwards Earl of Leicester) then one of that King's Chief Counsellors, and imploring his Mediation, endeavour'd to fhelter himself under his Wings; but being perplex'd in Mind partly for his dishonourable Departure from Antioch; and partly for that he defpair'd for ever regaining the King's Favour; he resolv'd (or at least was cunningly advifed by the faid Earl) to perform a Pilgrimage once more to Jerufalem, as alfo to make his Peace with the King, and to that end borrow'd 500 Marks from the faid Earl; for fecuring whereof he morgaged all his Lands for 15 Years, it being agreed, that Ivo his Son (the Young) fhould take the Daughter of Henry, Earl of VVarwick (Brother to this Earl) to Wife, and then that Reftitution fhould be made of his Eftate. But in this Pilgrimage Ivo departing this World, his Son neither enjoy'd the Woman (as was promis'd) nor any of his paternal Inheritance. By which means this Robert, Earl of Leicester, came to be poffefs'd of the laid Ivo's Eftate, and is named among the Benefactors to the faid Abby of Bermondsey ; in the Chronicles of which Monaftery it is thus recorded, viz. "Anno Domini Monaft. Angi, 1118. Robertus comes Leiceftria dedit Manerium de VVideford, Monachis de Ber- 1. Vol. 640. mondley, & VVillielmus de Belmeis, Andretesbury. So that this Manor was, of old, part of the Poffeffions of the faid Abby, the Antiq. Hertf. Monks whereof, in fpace of time, gave it to Adam de Stratton. But because the 200. faid Adam had no Confirmation of the Prior of that Gift, and no Alms were given, they ought not to have alien'd the fame without the Confent of the King; there ⚫fore the Manor was feiz'd into the King's Hands. And Anno 1290. 18. Edw. I. Mon. Angl. the King granted to the fame Prior and Convent this Manor of VVideford (with ut fupra, 641. Four others) who let those Manors to the fame Adam de Stratton, who shortly after committed Felony, and upon his Conviction the King feiz'd them again into his Hands, reftor'd them to the Monks of this Priory, and they held them to the time of their Diffolution. And the faid Prior and Convent were Patrons of this Church (which is dedicated to S. John Baptift, and is a Rectory) and fo continued till their Suppreffion. King Hen. VIII. in 35. of his Reign gave this Manor to Sir Ric. Southwell, Knight, Antiq. Hertf and to his Heirs, from whom it came to Robert Adams; who in the third and fourth 201. of Philip and Mary, levied a Fine upon the fame to the use of him and his Heirs ; but afterwards it was fold to ibid. Gilbert 4. Bund. Braug. Rowland Backboufe, Alderman of London, from whom it came to William Backboufe, Efq; who was his Grandchild, whom King Charles II. by Letters Patents dated Nov. 9. 1660. created a Baronet, and was by him fold to Thomas Bird of Mardocks, in this County, Efq; who is the prefent Lord thereof. In former time there having been a Suit depending before the Official of the Archdeacon of Middlesex, between the Church-Wardens of this Parish, and John Napulton of Ware, about an annual Penfion of Nine pence, given by a certain good Chriftian to this Church, in pure and perpetual Alms; which he the faid John Napulton was to pay the faid Official, by a diffinitive Sentence on the laft of Mar. 1435. pronounc'd for the said annual Pension, and decreed the faid John Napulton, and his Succeffors to pay the fame. In Antiq. Herif. pag. 201. This Church is call'd a Vicarage, and it is faid there, That the Lords of this Manor are Patrons of it. But as to the first, it is a Miftake, as appears in the Valor Beneficiorum, where it is taxed as a Rectory; and in the Regiftry of London, where it has all along, down to this prefent, been Prefented to as fuch. And as to the later, it feems, likewife to be a Miftake; for I do not find any of thofe, who are nam'd before, to be Lords of this Manor, fince the Diffolution, were ever Patrons of this Church, or Prefented to it, which appears by the London Regiftry; fo that from this time, it seems, that this Rectory and Parifh Church were feparated from the Manor, and fo continued, tho' it was an Ap pendent to it before, when it was in the Monks of Bermondsey. Terrier, 1610. About 32 Acres of Glebe-Land, whereof Three Acres and a Half are contained in a Close and Orchard, and Garden adjoining to the Parfo nage house: alfo the Church-yard. 1. 3. d. 12: 11: 04 01: 05:04 00: 04 00 00:05: 0I 00:03 ; 04 00: 00: 06 00: 01 : 06 Nom. R. Libb. Sudbury Braybroke V 23 24 70 Gilbert { Kemp Stokesley b Reginaldus Mallore Rectores. a Wengrave, pr. 10. Kal. Mar. 1 362. per ref. Mallore 'S 48 Rob. Amyas, pr. 9. Mar. 1442. per cef. Scott 68 31 & Ranulphus Bird, 29. Apr. 1454. per ref. Man 85 178 d 180 206 f < 32 Hen. Coppeley, pr. 4. O&. 1463. per ref. Gargrave Geo. Grantham, pr. 12. Mar. 1536. per ref. Brugg Patroni. Pr. & Conv. S. Salvatoris de Bermondley. Sim. Clare, vice, ratione, Advoc. conceffe per Marm. Darcy, Gen. a Joh. de Wengrave. [Vid. Ware, inter Vic.] | inter Rec.] c Ran. Bird. [Vid. inter Præb. de Ifledon, d Ric. Walfall. [Vid, Trinity Lefs (Lond.) e Will. Richmond, or Richman. [Vid. Shopland (Effex) inter Vic.] f Will. Raby, Comparuit ut Rector bujus Ecclefia in Vifitatione Epifcopali, 14y5.] g Joh. |