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While he was under sentence of death, he wrote some verses in which there is a strange mixture of pathos and humour. They begin thus :

Freres humains qui après nous vivez,
N'ayez les cueurs contre nous endurcis,
Car si pitié de nous pouvres avez,
Dieu en aura plustost de vous merciz;
Vous nous voyez cy attachez, cinq, six,
Quant de la chair, que trop avons nourrie
Elle est pieca devoree et pourrie,
Et nous les’os, devenons cendre et pouldre ;
De nostre mal personne ne s'en rie,

Mais priez Dieu que tous nous vueille absouldre. (P. 93.)
O brethren, ye who live when we are gone,
Let not your hearts against us harden'd be ;
For e'en as ye do pity us each one,
So gracious God be sure will pity ye;
Here hanging five or six of us you see ;
As to our flesh, which once too well we fed,
That now is rotten quite and mouldered;
And we, the bones, do turn to dust and clay:
None laugh at us that are so ill bested,

But pray ye God to do our sins away.
The Epigram on himself, when he rent connexion with the main sub-
was condemned, is more ludicrous. ject.
Je suis François (dont ce me poise)

His other writings consist chiefly

of a few ballads in the language Né de Paris, emprés Ponthoise, Or d'une corde d'une toise

D'Argot, or, as we should call it, Sçaura mon col que mon cui poise.

slang. Clement Marot found them

unintelligible, and left them to be Let us hope that it was no heinous expounded by Villon's successors in offence for which he could suffer with the art of knavery. I have not heard so much gaiety.

that any of them have undertaken The Petit Testament is very short, the task. Indeed it would be a benot much more than 200 verses. In trayal of their secrets, as little for the drollery, such as it is, of this their common good, as if a Romish fancied disposal of property, made priest were to translate the invocawith no other view than that of rais- tions of the Saints, or a physician his ing a laugh at the legatees, he has recipes, out of the Latin into the had a crowd of imitators. The Grand vernacular tongue. Of the Repuës Testament, besides many items of Franches, which has been sometimes the same kind, includes several bal- attributed to him, it is decided that lads and rondels, which one of his he is not the author but the hero. commentators not unreasonably eup- Villon was born at Paris, in 1431, poses to have been written separate- of mean parentage, as appears from ly, and afterwards classed under this the following stanza in his Grand common title, for they have no appa- Testament:

Pauvre je suys de ma jeunesse
De pauvre et de petite extrace,
Mon pere, n'eut onq' grand' richesse,
Ne son ayeul nommé Erace,
Pauvreté tous nous suyt et trace,
Sur les tumbeaulx de mes ancestres
(Les ames desquelz Dieu embrasse)

On n'y voyt couronnes ne sceptres. (P 21.)
Poor am I, poor have alway been,
And poor before me were my race:
No wealth my sire possess'd, I ween,
And none his grandsire, hight Erace:
Poortith our steps doth ever trace:
O'er my forefathers' humble graves
(The souls of whom may God embrace)

No crown is hung, no sceptre waves.
The time of his death is not known.



a comic opera in three acts, has been At Paris, as well as at London, this performed with much success; but is not the season of the year for the the French critics justly observe, publication of new works; and he- that to call this a comic opera is an sides this, the public mind in France abuse of words. Lyrical drama, or is at this moment so much engaged dramatic opera, would be more apby the Spanish war, that the journals propriate. The author of the words have very little space for literary is not known. The music is by M, subjects, and many works doubtless Fetis. Lasthenie, an opera in one remain unnoticed much longer than act, is taken from the Travels of they would at another time. To Antenor, in which Lasthenie, the these causes we may add the Exs mistress of Alcibiades, is represented position des Produits de l'Industrie as engaging him by a stratagem, Françoise, which divides with the solemnly to vow eternal constancy to Spanish war the attention of the Pa- his wife Hyparete. This trifle, the risians, in whose heads the idea of words of which, as well as the making the English burst with rage music, are slight but pretty, was (crever de depit is the favourite ex- very favourably received; but the pression) at the fancied superiority propriety of bringing forward on the of the French manufactures, is se- modern stage a character so very cond only to the Victories and equivocal as the Greek courtezan may Conquests of the French in all Parts be justly questioned. of the World. A work under this Poetry.-- The most remarkable title is just completed in 6 large production is, La Mort de Socrate, vols. 8vo. It includes all the mili- by M. de Lamartine, whose Medi, tary exploits of the French from the tations Poétiques have acquired him commencement of the monarchy to such a high reputation. M. Cam the French revolution, and there. penon, of the French Academy, aug fore serves as an introduction to the thor of La Maison des Champs, and much more voluminous work which L’Enfant Prodigue, has published a describes the victories and conquests new edition of his poems, with many, of the French during the last thirty additions. years. We now proceed to notice History, Memoirs, 8c.-M. Bodin, the principal productions in the vari- Member of the Chamber of Depu. ous departments of literature. ties, has published Historical Re

The Drama has been remarkably searches respecting Angers and barren. The absence of Talma, and Lower Anjou, 2 vols. 8vo. which of some other principal performers, is may be considered as the necessary reported to be the cause that several complement to his previous work on new pieces have been delayed for the Saumur and Upper Anjou. The present. M. Soumet's tragedy of History of Jeanne d'Albret, Reine de Saul, which obtained so much ap- Navarre, by Mademoiselle Vauvil. plause on its first appearance last liers, has already reached its second season, has been brought forward edition. A third edition of M. Anwith very considerable changes, cillon’s Revolutions in the Political which prove at least the deference of System of Europe since the 15th the author to the opinion of the cri- Century, has just appeared, with tics. The tragedy is now much more corrections by the author. M. conformable to the Scripture narra- Koch's work, with nearly a similar tive, its departure from which was title, Picture of the Revolutions in severely blamed; the Pythoness, as Europe since the Overthrow of the the French call the Witch of Endor, Roman Empire in the West to our instead of opening the tragedy by a Days, which Mr. Koch had brought soliloquy, boasting her infernal power down only to the partition of Poover Saul, does not appear till the land, 1792, for the north of Europe, fourth act, when she is brought in and to the treaty of Versailles, 1783, chains, by order of Saul, who requires for the south, is now completed, by a her to evoke the shade of Samuel. new edition, to the restoration of the A piece announced as Marie Stuart, house of Bourbon, by M. Schoell,


author of a History of the Treaties of the birds of thetr country; it is of Peace. A small volume, the Con- to be published in numbers of 6 plates spiracy against Attila, in the Em- each, one or two per month. bassy of the Romans in 449, by Geography.- Histoire Physiquedes Antoine Metral, is an interesting Antilles Françaises, by A. Moreau de narrative of an event of which little Jonnes, tom. i. containing the Clinotice has been taken in history. mate, Mineralogy, and Geology. M. Metral has carefully quoted his This is an important and interesting authorities. Madame Campan, au- work, which deserves the more atthor of the Memoirs of the late Queen tention from its being founded on the of France, has left other interesting author's personal observations. It is manuscripts, which have been sold to be observed, that he declares open by her family to the editors of the war against the systems of all his former work: it is not exactly known predecessors, condemns without exwhat is the subject of these manu- ception all that has been written on scripts, but it is reported they con- the subject by Buffon, Raynal, Fleutain interesting details relative to the rieu, the mineralogists Le Blond, education of the young ladies under Ramont, Isert Lavaysse, and numeher care, and a Theatre d'Education. rous others, and declares that the Translations are published of Sir islands of Polynesia are better known John Malcolm's History of Persia, to us, and that there is no part with notes, by M. Langles, 4 vols. of the globe respecting which so 8vo. of Professor Heeren's excellent many incorrect, erroneous, false, exManual of Ancient History, 1 vol. travagant, and ridiculous things have 8vo. and of Ascargorta's History of been said. The sequel of the work Spain, 2 vols. 8vo. The French are (we believe one volume) will treat of doubtless indebted to the present the Flora, the Zoology, the Physiowar for this translation of a very in- logy of the various races of people, teresting and well-written work. and the Topography of Martinique We have on a former occasion spoken and Guadaloupe. The fine Atlas of of M. Letronne's truly excellent France, which will contain 90 Maps, work, on the History of Egypt in 30 Numbers, appears regularly; during the Dominion of the Greeks the 5th Number is published: the and Romans; and the learned world great general Map will be ready in will learn with pleasure that he has three months. A Second Edition has in the press another similar work, just appeared of a useful work on under the title of Historical Conside- Ancient and Historical Geography, rations on the State of the Arts and after the Maps of D'Anville, 2 vols. Institutions of Egypt, from the Inva- 8vo. A Geographical, Historical, sion of Cambyses to the Age of the and Military Description of Spain, Antonines.

by M. de Rozier, Professor of HisNatural History. · The 93d Li- tory in the College of Louis le Grand, vraison of the Great Encyclopedia, though it probably owes its existence containing the second and last part to the circumstances of the moment, of the Arbres and Arbustes, and the is very highly spoken of. last part of the Ornithology. This Antiquities and Fine Arts.-A prois stated to be the most complete spectus announces the intended pub, work on the subject yet published, lication of M. Caillaud's Travels to containing above 3600 species; with Méroe, the White River, beyond engravings of 900 birds, on 340 plates. Fazoql, in the south of the kingdom Vol. 3d of the Classical Dictionary of Sennaar, to Siwa, and five other of Natural History contains the ar- Oases, in 1819 to 1822. The work ticles from CAD to CHE, and it is will be published in 28 Numbers, of adorned by the names of Humboldt, five plates each, forming 2 vols. folio. Arago, Lacepede, Decandolle, Jus- The text will make two or three vosieu, &c. and illustrated by 10 lumes in 8vo. Thus it appears, the plates. M. L. P. Vieillot has ad- same preposterous plan as was adoptvertised a French Ornithology in 2 ed in the publication of M. Cailliaud's vols. 4to. with nearly 400 plates. The first journey is to be continued, and French, in this respect, are behind that, as M. Letronne observes, the the English, the Germans, and the shapeless sketches (informes croquis) Italians, having no complete history brought back by that traveller are to

be made into fine large plates, in- has published the 41st and 42d vostead of engraving in small vignettes lumes of his Collection of the Latin these productions of the pencil of a Classics, viz. Justin, and the 1st man who never knew how to draw, volume of Juvenal. For Justin, the by which their defects would have less editor has followed the text of Wet. shocked the eyes of persons skilled in zel and of Gravius, which he has, these matters. It is to be hoped, that however, frequently corrected after M. Jomard, the redacteur en chef, the famous MS. in the Royal Liwill not again commit such egregious brary, which is declared to be the blunders as on the former occasion, best, by Gronovius, in his notes on when he placed an Oasis, visited by Arrian. M. Lemaire appears to Sir A. Edmonstone, and afterwards have taken especial pains with Juby M. Drovetti, in the direction of venal, an author whom, next to Virnorth to south, instead of east to gil and Horace, he has most prowest-a difference of only one fourth foundly studied. A second volume of the compass, as M. Letronne ob- will complete Juvenal, and a third serves ! M. Gau's noble work on will contain Persius. M. Lemaire the Temples of Nubia has reached promises to give at the end of this the ninth Number; only three are third volume a life of Juvenal, and now wanting to complete it. The the history of satire among the Rofirst Number of another work, equal- mans, that is, among the ancients; ly splendid and interesting with that for though there are many satirical of M. Gau, and likewise by a Ger- traits in the Greek authors, yet it man artist, has at length appeared; was the Latin writers who first de-, it is the Description of the Cathedral termined the nature and form of the of Cologne, by M. Sulpice Boisserée, little poem which we call satire. Saof Stuttgard. This modest title affords tira tota nostra est, says Quintilian. but a very incomplete idea of this Theology.- The Bible, translated great work, which will give, for the by Eugene de Genoude, 22 vols. 8vo.. first time, a complete scientific and The author professes to have followphilosophical history of what is im- ed the Septuagint and the Vulgate, properly called Gothic Architecture, comparing them with the Hebrew which has covered Christian Europe text. Four volumes are published ; with so many magnificent edifices. and a Livraison of four volumes is to The beauty and splendour of the ex- be delivered every month. ecution, correspond with the impor- Novels.-Letters of Two Lovers, tance of the subject. The most skil- confined during the reign of terror, ful engravers of France and Ger- by Mr. Sedin. 2 vols. 12mo. This, many have been employed to pro- says a French critic, is in some reduce a monument worthy of the art spects an historical novel, conceived to which it is consecrated. The in imitation of Sir Walter Scott. The eighth Number of the Voyage Pitto- author's opinion of the historical nos resque in Sicily, published by Oster- vel is, that the kind of composition vald, contains Views of the Temple which essentially presents a general Segesta, of the Ancient Port of Lylic and faithful picture of the spirit of bæum, and of Mount Eryx, of the the age, is preferable to that, in Gulph of Millazo, and the Staircase which the author takes celebrated of the Theatre of Catania. A Dee characters, only to bring them on scription of the Monuments of dif- the stage according to his own fancy, ferent Ages, observed in the depart- to transform history into romance, ment of the Upper Vienne, with a and to confound real facts with mere Sketch of the Annals of that Coun- fiction. The critic speaks in high try, 1 vol. 4to. by C. N. Allou, was terms of this production. honoured by the Academy of Inscrip- Mechanics, &c.-Traité de Mécations, in one of its late sittings, with nique Industrielle, by M. Christian, a gold medal. The province of Li- now completed by the publication of mousin is historically interesting, the second volume, is a valuable exeven to the English reader, on ac- posé of the science of mechanics, decount of the celebrated Abbey of duced from experience and observaSaint Martial, which baffled the va- tion, chiefly for the use of manufaclour of Richard Ceur de Lion. turers and artists, with many plates.

Classical Literuture.-M. Lemaire The Dictionary of the Discoveries.


Inventions, Innovations, Improve thor of a Life of Zacharias Wemer, ments, new Observations, and Im- author of a drama called Luther, portations into France, from 1789 to and of several other works, whose 1820, which is to make fifteen vo- name has been rendered still more humes (ten are published), contains celebrated by his abandoning the many very good articles on mecha- Protestant for the Catholic religion. nics; yet it appears to include many A work really important and intearticles which rather belong to a ge- resting to the friends of humanity neral Encyclopedia, which it does has just been published at Hamburg, not profess to be, or to Dictionaries it is A Description of the Prison for of a different description; thus we do condemned Criminals, called the not see how the Ruins of Karnac, Spinnhaus, and the other Prisons of and Lake Mæris, in Egypt, can be the city of Hamburg, by Martens, properly referred to any of the above- Merchant, Alderman, and Superinmentioned heads. M. Chaptal has tendant of all the Prisons of that just published An Essay on Chemis- City.-

Considering the melancholy try applied to Agriculture.

truth, founded on experience, that GERMANY.

most institutions of this kind are As we observed in our last month's schools of vice, from which the criReport, we can hardly expect the ap- minal is discharged more corrupt pearance of any important work till than he entered, and a more danthe Michaelmas fair at Leipzig. The gerous member of society, it is classical labours of the Germans are in- pleasing to accompany the worthy deed increasing, and new editions and Author, whose views are corroborated translations of the ancient Greek and by his own observations for 12 years, Latin authors are constantly ap- into his well-regulated establishpearing, as well as a legion of pub- ments, where every thing is calculications in what we might call every- lated to correct both the thoughtless day, or domestic literature. If any transgressor and the hardened crimithing does appear, it is long before nal, and to bring them back to the it finds its way to this country. We right path. Not fetters, nor the whip, can, therefore, only mention the names nor other cruel chastisements, but of a few works which we have seen rigour tempered by mildness, strictly noticed in the journals, as the most just treatment, regular labour, the remarkable, or at least the

most like- forming of a fund to be given to ly to interest foreigners. Baron Von those who are discharged, a conSchlotthiem's Petrefackten Kunde, stant influence on the mind and and the Supplement, having experi- heart, and the blessed effects of enced a highly favourable reception Christian charity, have effected what from the friends of natural history, was thought impossible. The he has been induced to publish a Se- Constitution and History of the cond Supplement, with 16 copper- Order of the Guelphs, of the Kingplates. The Life and Character of dom of Hanover, is interesting on the celebrated reformer Ulrich Von account of the lives (or rather anecHutten, from the extracts we have dotes) of the knights; among whem seen, is a very interesting and well- are many of the most illustrious written work (1 vol. 8vo.). The Life princes, men of learning, warriors, of the late eccentric writer Hoffman, and statesmen, who were concerned 2 vols. 8vo. by an anonymous author, in the wonderful events since 1813, but evidently an intimate friend of in which many particulars are dethe deceased, gives a very interesting rived from sources hitherto inaccesportrait of this very singular writer; sible. Though we have neither seen and throws great light on various the following work, nor even any peculiarities and extravagancies in account of it, we are induced to his works, which are the delight of mention it, both on account of the Germany, but on the whole not cal- remarkable fact on which it is foundculated to give much pleasure to ed and the reputation of the author: foreigners, unless they are German- The Conversion of Catholic Chrisized by long residence in the country, tians, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, and have a thorough knowledge of to the Protestant Religion ; related the language. The author announces and commented upon by Dr. H. G. himself in the title-page as the Au- Tzschirner, Professor of Divinity at

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