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wakes, which were abundant. There was no appearance of natives.From the above account Gale's Land seems to be the imaginary line of coast laid down in Scoresby's Chart, extending from Cape Barclay on the north, to Ollumlongni Frith on the south, and the island laid down there north of this frith, seems to be what Capt. Duncan has named Robison Island. This voyage promises to be highly interesting to Arctic geography, and may throw light on the fate of the lost colonies of Greenland; for it is highly probable that in Gale's Land they may be sought for with some chance of success. From Capt. Duncan's description, neither the climate nor the land seems to be inhospitable, and it is easily accessible if visited at a favourable period of the year.


Mr. Powell has for some time past been engaged in examining the heating power of the prismatic rays, but chiefly with respect to the effects said to be produced beyond the red end of the spectrum. He has found that such effects are really produced, but has accounted for their being observed in some cases and not in others, from certain differences in the coatings of the thermometers employed. He has concluded from a number of experiments with thermometers having different coatings, that the heating effect is similar to common radiant heat, in its relations to surfaces, and differs essentially in this respect from the heating power within the spectrum. He has made other experiments from which the nature and origin of this effect may with great probability be inferred.


Professor Silliman strongly recommends the fluid instead of the vapo rific fluoric acid for corroding glass, as being superior in energy, neatness, and ease of management. The following is the method of obtaining it. Two ounces of pure fluor spar are placed with four of sulphuric acid in a retort, to which a silver receiver, kept cold by ice, is adapted, and which contains an ounce of water. On the application of heat to the mixture a vapour comes over, and is condensed. In this state it is too strong; it requires to be diluted with three or four of water. The

best varnish for covering the glass, is made by melting together com mon turpentine and bees' wax. In this operation particular care is ne→ cessary to prevent the acid, even when diluted, from touching the skin, as it is apt to produce sores that last for several weeks.


Dr. Hare of Pennsylvania adopts a new mode of mounting the plate of an electric machine, by which it affords negative as well as positive electricity, and without losing any of the advantages which this form of apparatus possesses over that with a cylinder. The plate is made to revolve horizontally, and is supported on an upright iron bar, resting on a brass step, and connected with a wheel and band to give it motion.Its upper end is fastened by a block of wood and cement into a glass cylinder 4 inches in diameter, and 16 inches long, which being open only at the lower end forms a perfect insulation. A brass cap surmounted by a screw and shoulder is fixed to the cylinder, and the plate is secured by means of a screw, a nut, and discs of cork. Two pair of cushions are placed opposite to each other, as in the common machine, and the conductors are mounted in a similar manner, except that they are made of wood instead of iron. The two rubbers are connected by an arched brass rod, and the conductors by another arch of the same kind, so that they act as positive and negative, and therefore possess the advantages of a machine with a cylinder.



We have already repeatedly alluded to the researches of Capt. Hodgson and others in their journeys over the Himalayas. The extension of geographical knowledge, it must be allowed, is a desirable object; and to ascertain the heights and positions of the snowy peaks of the Himálaya is not only an interesting and curious, but also a very useful inquiry; for when their latitudes and longitudes are known, the geographical position of any place, whence one or more of them are visible, may be determined with ease and accuracy. Every facility of observing some of these lofty and resplendent

guides is afforded in the great extent

CUTTING STEEL. of 154 degrees of longitude, now Some interesting experiments have either in our possession, or under lately been made by Mr. Barnes, of pur control, from the banks of the Cornwall, in America, on the cutting river Settlej, at Ludiana, to beyond of steel. Having occasion to repair those of the Burampooter, in Bengal. a cross-cut saw, he made a circular In all this belt the outline of some of plate of soft shcet iron, fixed an axis the snowy peaks may be seen in clear to it, and put it in his lathe, which weather, to the distance of 150 miles gave it a very rapid rotatory motion. and upwards, with sufficient dis- He then applied to it a common file, tinctness for an observer to fix his with the yiew of making it perfectly own position, and thus enable him to round and smooth, but the file was correct the geography of the older cut in two, while the iron itself remaps. The following are a few of ceived no impression. He afterwards the general results of the operations applied a piece of smoky, quartz, of Capt. Hodgson and Lieut. Her- which produced the desired effect bert, in so far as concerns the Snowy and on bringing the saw plate under it, Peaks :

it was in a few minutes neatly and Helght above the Sea

completely cut through longitudiin English Feet.

nally. When he stopped the buzz, Uchalaru ...,

21,884 Kedar Kanta L


he found that it had not been worn Do. Do. H. left peak.... 20,356

by the operation, and he could not, middle peak 20,508

on the application of his finger, perDo....... C......


ceive much sensible heat. Daring Sur Kanda G.

20,144 the cutting, there appeared a band of Do....... F.

21,925 intense fire around the plate, conDo....... A. No. 2.. 25,589 tinually emitting sparks with great Chur Raldeng.

21,251 violence. He afterwards marked the Chandra Badani D.. 22,912

saw for the teeth, and cut them out ARTIFICIAL MAHOGANY. in a short time by the same means. The following method is practised

TANNING. in France, for giving any species of Mr. Spilsbury, of Walsall, Stafwood, of a close grain, the appear- fordshire, has succeeded in reducing ance of mahogany. The surface is the hitherto tedious process of tanfirst planed very smooth, and then ning to a very short period. Skins covered with diluted nitrous acid. are prepared in pine days, which reOne ounce and a half of dragon's quired, by the old method, about blood is dissolved in a pint of spirit two months; and hides of 3-8ths of of wine, along with one-third of an an inch in thickness, which could ounce of carbonate of soda, and the not be tanned in less than ten or solution filtered. With this the wood twelve months, are converted in is rubbed over with a soft brush, and about six weeks into leather, in every the process repeated till it becomes respect equal in strength and tough of the proper appearance.

When ness to any yet produced. The the polish diminishes in brilliancy it principle of the process is presmay be restored by the use of a little sure, the same substances being used cold-drawn linseed oil.

as in the old method.



VIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. The news from Spain is, as in our monkish multitudes, shouting in his last we announced it was likely to honour,“ Long live the absolute prove, decisive. Ferdinand, after King,'

;" « The Inquisition for ever," his debarkation at Port St. Mary's, and" Death to the Nation." Cha. proceeded on his route to Madrid, racteristic exclamations ! Worthy of after retracting every single act for such a Monarch and of such ad. the maintenance of which he had herents! Before we follow up the pledged his royal honour, from 1820 narrative of those events which sucdown to the present day. He passed, ceeded the surrender of Cadiz, it is as might be expected from his heroic only right that we should apprise our exploits, under laurel arches, amid readers of such particulars as have triumpbant processions, and through transpired previous to that impor:

tant and final determination. It seems, towards the conclusion of the siege, the Cortes having conferred on -Ferdinand the power of treating with the French, dissolved themselves, and the Ministers tendered their resignations. These steps were rendered necessary by the discovery that no less than seven battalions of the troops in the Isla had been corrupted by Bourbon gold, and that a conspiracy existed, the extent of which could not be ascertained. The public magazines and treasury were exhausted-the fall of Santa Petri had put the enemy in possession of the only channel of supplies, and the defection of Ballasteros precluded all hope of exterior aid. Although the town was amply provisioned for two months, and there was still left a sufficiency of clothing, the exchequer had only twenty-five dollars in its chest on the day of the capitulation, and the Cortes did not think the public could be repaid by the few remaining chances which were left, for any extraordinary contributions which it was in their power to "have exacted. Such was the state of things at the time of the King's departure. Yet, even then, a great body of the Constitutionalists were inspired with a desire to close the gates again, reinstate the Cortes and the Government, and defend themselves to the last extremity. The militia of Cadiz alone amounted, cavalry and infantry, to 4,000, and were animated by the best spirit-they were obliged to give up their arms on the entrance of the enemy. It is said, that notwithstanding the treachery undoubtedly produced by the bribes of the Duke d'Angoulême, the defence would nevertheless have been long protracted, and in all probability immediately successful, had it not been for the total want of money among the Constitutionalists. Subsequently to Ferdinand's departure from Cadiz, he is sued, consulting no doubt only his own heart, the decrees to which we alluded in our last; they were dated from Port St. Mary, Xeres, and Seville. If we are to credit an article in the French Journal des Debats, those decrees afterwards, under some more human influence, underwent a modification. This, though not stated on any positive authority, is rendered probable by the publication

of a subsequent Royal Decree, dated Cordova, October 26. It is less savage-we were going to say more mild-but mildness is not a word in the nomenclature of Ferdinand. This Cordova decree says-" My heart, always disposed to cherish those who have had the happiness to be born in my vast dominions, wishes to forget the acts which have insulted my person and my throne. It would not however be just, that these sentiments, in which my royal mind delights, should obscure the splendour of justice, which ought to be the first virtue of those whom the impenetrable decrees of Providence have placed at the head of nations! In consequence, I will and ordain, that for all employments, commissions, honours, and all kinds of promotions and nominations, there shall be offered to my notice only persons who, from certain knowledge, are loyal, and attached to my person and my throne." The modification of the former decrees, and the comparative moderation of this, are said to have originated in the strongest remonstrances on the part of the Duke d'Angoulême-indeed, the accounts from Cadiz, subsequent to its surrender, clearly prove that any lingering remnant of humanity which shows itself, is attributable solely to the French. D'Aunoy, the servile Governor appointed by Ferdinand, immediately commenced a system of terror, imprisonment, and proscription. Latre, the Ex-Constitutional Commandant, and the Duke del Parque, were arrested on the 20th. General Bourmont immediately sent for the governor, and demanded by whose orders these arrests had been

executed? "In virtue of secret orders," was the reply. "Let me see those orders," rejoined Bourmont. D'Aunoy refused. "Then," said Bourmont, "if you repeat such arrests without showing me a specific authority, signed by King Ferdinand, and, if within two hours, you do not send me a written justification of those already made, you shall take your departure from Cadiz." "I," said M. d'Aunoy, "will execute my secret orders without your leave or knowledge, and I will not quit Cadiz unless forced." In consequence of this speech, d'Aunoy was escorted by a detachment of French grenadiers be

yond the gates of Cadiz, and Bour- of which proved, that the advice mont was hailed by the inhabitants might quite as well never have trarather as a friend than an invader. velled beyond the Thuilleries—the Whatever Ferdinand's real views may Spanish King was understood subsebe, he is clearly obliged for the pre- quently to have said in reference 10 sent to mask them; but this is of this affair, that “ he was obliged to little inconvenience to one whose his Allies for their aid in rescuing whole life has been a system of hy, him, but that he could govern with pocrisy. Accordingly, we find him out their advice !"

Accordingly, on the 23d of October, only three acting upon this opinion, be had days after the expulsion of his sub- scarcely left Cadiz when such lists stitute miscreant from Cadiz, issuing of proscription were in confidential the following effusion of gratitude to circulation, that no less than 8,000 the French commander. “ History passports were demanded within a will immortalize the great undertak- few days. The principal members ings of an illustrious warrior, who of the Cortes had fled to, Gibraltar, passed the Pyrenees to deliver a na- and some had even preferred the hostion from servitude, and horrors, and pitality of the Moors in Tangier, to from a civil war. My Royal heart the ferocious mercy of the Christian desires to manifest my gratitude, Monarch. Subsequent events prove and to assure future ages of the ser- that they have acted wisely, in not atvices rendered to me I have re- tending to the hypocritical professions solved that in Madrid, a magnificent which were held out to them. Ferdimomument shall be raised to the re- nand is said to have used all his arts to vered memory of my brother and cou- entrap Valdes, the Governor of Cadiz, sin, the Duke d’Angoulême, and to his into his power; he promised him not valiant army! Victor Saez."-Happy only pardon þut favour, and, at last, would it be for Spain, if another even went the length of declaring, were' erected alongside of it to the that he would not embark for Port memory of the valiant Ferdinand him- St. Mary without him. Valdes, howself. To do the Duke d’Angouleme ever, had lived long enough to apjustice, he seems to be of pretty preciate the sincerity of his master; much the same opinion he has and he is likely to live much longer avoided Ferdinand ever since their in consequence of the discovery, interview at St. Mary's left Madrid After the occupation of Cadiz by before his expected arrival – and told the French, of course the Constituthe municipality of that city, that tional Chiefs saw the hopelessness he should preserve a sword they pre- of any further military struggle, and sented him with care, as it was the made the best terms they could for only mark of Spanish gratitude be the brave troops who remained faithbore away with him!!- In the very ful to them. A dispatch from Guillesecond interview which the Duke had minot to the Minister of War, dated with Ferdinand at Port St. Mary, be Madrid, November 1st, announced is reported to have felt great disgust. that “ the Constitutional Chiefs of It seems a letter from the French Estremadura, with the exception of to the Spanish King was delivered the Empecinado, had tendered their to the latter at that place, in which submission, and that the Brigadier Louis gave Ferdinand some salutary Laguna, the bearer of the orders · advice, the result of dear-bought ex- of his Catholic Majesty, was on the perience. He represented to him, 29th of October to take possession amongst other things, the necessity of of Badajoz.” To this succeeded, on moderation, and reminded him that the 2d of November, a still more firmness would lose none of its important dispatch from Moncey, anpower by being blended with mercy. nouncing the surrender of Barcelona There were also some hints given, which had been so long and so ably in case this advice was not acted on, defended by the gallant Mina!. We of the possibility of a reaction. To had, indeed, been in some degree this letter, Ferdinand, in his first in- prepared for this by a Proclamation terview with the Duke, made not from him of the 25th of October, in the slightest allusion; however, on which he calls upon the inhabitants the next occasion, it became the of Barcelona to bend to circumsubject of couversation ; the result stances they have not the power of


averting. “ Inhabitants of Barce- will be more than repaid for its asylona-(he says)—I am satisfied with lum by the compliment of their havyour conduct, and I hope for the ing sought it. We turn with an same reason, that you will confide in indignant regret from these brave me. Present circumstances are of and consistent Patriots, to the consuch a nature, that they can be ap- templation of such men as Morillo preciated by the least penetrating and Ballasteros. The first of these mind,-my conduct shall be regu- associates, immediately on his hearlated by them, and made to conform ing the news of Ferdinand's liberation, to the welfare of the country." There addressed to him a fulsome congranever existed, perhaps, any Chief- . tulation, in which he has the baseness tain who had a more noble right to boast of his share in “ the glory than Mina to claim the confidence of of having contributed to this happy his followers, and there can be no result!" The following passage in doubt, that the surrender of Barce- this fellow's address appears to us lona took place only because further the very climax of his abominations. resistance must have been fruitless. “ If,” says he, “under other circumThis event was announced in a brief stances, much less difficult than those dispatch from Moncey, dated the 4th which have lately surrounded us, of November, couched in the follow- the Spaniards bestowed on you the ing terms :-". The French troops name of Ferdinand the desired, and have taken possession to-day of the if, by this surname, they wished it forts and place of Barcelona. The to be understood, that they hoped troops of the line of the garrison, every thing from your Majesty, how about 5 or 6,000 men, divided into - much more must they now wish to four columns, have gone into the - see your Majesty fully established on cantonments which were assigned for the throne of your ancestors !” It them. The volunteer militia yester- is gratifying to reflect, that this

day deposited their arms. Their man's double baseness has met its · number was about 7,000. The for- due reward, and that even Ferdinand tifications are in the best state ; more now abjures him. What a wretch than 300 pieces of cannon were on the must he be whom Ferdinand's hatred ramparts; we have found a great dishonours! Yet so it is the enquantity of provisions, and the in- mity which exalts and immortalizes habitants received us with great Mina is all that was wanting to the confidence.” This short dispatch is degradation of Morillo. Such is the the noblest record which can remain difference between vice and virtue. of Mina, and not the less expressive, As to Ballasteros, the moment Ferbecause its praise is unintentional: dinand felt himself once more secure, in the excellent state of the garrison he refused even to have an interview the abundance of provisions--the with him; and some reports say he supply of artillery and ammunition, is arrested and imprisoned. It will and, in short, of every thing which scarcely be believed, that he has had required the care and foresight of a the mean audacity to address a letter general, we recognize the proofs of to the Duke d’Angoulême, recapi, bis claim to the confidence with tulating his services, and claiming which he was trusted: throughout from him an asylum in France, from the whole campaign he was the life the hatred of Victor Saez, whom and soul of the Constitutionalists, he denominates, we believe truly and his honourable capitulation at enough, the Monk who now governig last was due to the fidelity of the Spain. Saez is the King's Prime brave men who were willing to sacri- Minister and Confessor! It is not fice themselves if he required it. It improbable that the request of Balis gratifying to reflect that he, Mic lasteros will be granted. No man lans, Roten the Governor, and the knows better than the Duke d’Anmost prominent of the Constitutional - goulême what the French Bourbons Commanders, have been guaranteed, owe to Ballasteros-perhaps their by the terms of the capitulation, a throne! It is a fact vouched to us safe convoy either to France or Eng- upon authority we cannot doubt, land. Wherever they go, may their that during his Constitutional Comexile be as happy as it must be mand, three entire French regiments honourable!--the laud of their refuge offered to go over to him and join the

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