Sport and the Physical Emancipation of English Women: 1870-1914First published in 1988. This study can be situated within the history of women, women’s education, women’s rights, sport, leisure and recreation. Its aim is not to establish or submit to review what is known or thought to be known about the Victorian world-view and woman’s place within it, but rather to investigate reactions against this view and the emergence of a counter-view through sport and exercise. An attempt is made to rescue the English sportswoman from the obscuring mists of the past, to discuss her as a transitional figure between opposing views of womanhood and to place her within the context of the general movement for the emancipation of women as an important effect and cause — without necessarily assuming what women’s status in sport and in society should have been. |
1853 | |
1855 | |
1856 | |
Sport and Exercise at Oxbridge Womens Colleges | 1873 |
Sport Exercise and the Public Schools Phenomenon | |
The Rise of the Physical Training Mistress | |
Hockey Lacrosse and Cricket | |
Lawn Tennis Golf and Cycling | |
The Medical and Scientific Debate on Womens Sport | |
Womens Sport and Dress Reform | |
The Literature of Womens Sport | |
Conclusion | |
Other editions - View all
Sport and the Physical Emancipation of English Women, 1870-1914 Kathleen E. McCrone No preview available - 2015 |
Common terms and phrases
academic AEWHA Anstey archery argued Association athletic athleticism Badminton became behaviour Bergman-Osterberg bicycle body boys callisthenics Cambridge century championship Cheltenham Cheltenham Ladies classes competition considered corsets costumes croquet cycling despite emancipation encouraged England English exercise fashion female feminine feminist games-playing girls Girton Girton College golf golfers grace grounds gymnasium gymnastics Hezlet History Hockey Club Hockey Field Ibid important improved involved Journal Kenealy lacrosse Lady Cyclist Lady Margaret Hall Lawn Tennis London Collegiate School Lottie Dod Louisa Lumsden male masculine matches men’s mental middle-class mistresses movement netball Newnham Newnham College North London Collegiate organised outdoor Oxford Pastimes physical activity physical education physical training colleges players public schools Punch rational dress recreation riding Roedean role skirts social society Somerville sportswomen St Leonards School Swedish swimming teachers traditional Victorian walking Wimbledon woman womanly women women's cricket Women's Hockey women’s rights women’s sport