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By men we're fought, well lodg'd, and fed,
Like their own children, with white bread;
But your vile, worthless race,
They from their cities chafe ;
In this true wifdom 's fhewn,
For well 't is known,

Subordination you would deem disgrace,
While we in all their towns make our abode:
Turn out, mad leveller, and yield to me the road."
To this fad ftuff our Democrat
Cried-Hold your jaw!


Your lofty head with plumy pride,
And the rich houfing on your fide,
From me no envy draw;

Befides, I view

The bridle too!

And then, that load this truth does loudly.tell-
"Freedom's the price you 've paid for living well !
For ev'ry favour man was pleas'd to grant.'
Nature defign'd your timid race fhould be
men fubfervient, form'd to bow the knee;
Vain fool! your trappings I can never want,
Content with health, with love, and liberty.
Pray, feel my pointed horn;
Now, don't diffemble-
Think you that I was born

(What makes you tremble?)

Mankind to ferve, or that curit race to fcorn?
Examine next my skin-
'Tis bullet-proof:
No wonder hunters keep aloof,
Nor hope to win

The battle fairly:

They fend their miffile weapons from afar,
Nor dare a close, courageous war ;

But men are fam'd for wit,

And they fometimes, though rarely,
Trap us with a PIT:

E'en then the free-born mind all danger brayes;

We'd fooner yield to death than fink to flaves;

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But you were meant for hacks, Born, as ye are, with faddles on your


Here, coxcomb, take your road!
Expos'd, from this delay, to feel the lath and goad."

T. W.

"What is the city but a great tame beast, that eats and carries, and cares not who rides it?"

Killing no Murder.-By Col. Titus.

Aug. 12.



[From the Morning Chronicle]

EVERY body knows," fays a very elegant writer, in one of the Paris journals, "that Paris is regarded in two points of view very different; and that the perfpective depends lefs on the pofition of the ob ferver than on his digeftion." What this writer faysof the Tableau de Paris, holds equally true of the Picture of London. We fhall parody his drawing.

He who digefts, in company with a fine woman, an excellent dinner at Grenier's, at two guineas per head, perceives with reafon-that every thing goes well.Things take, in his eyes, the colour of his miftrefs's cheeks.

The theatres are delightful, the performers excellent.

The fongs at the Opera are admirable. The Banti, the Rofe, the Hilligfberg, the Parifot divine!

The markets abound with the choiceft fifh, and poultry, and every luxury of life.

Every department of ftate is conducted with care, activity, and wifdom; and the minifters are angels. fent from heaven.

Notes of accommodation pafs like Bank-paper.


There was a difpute who fhould have the honour to Iend eighteen millions to Government, and parties are actually quarrelling about a preference in laying out millions upon fchemes.

The young men are eager to go to the Weft Indies, as if it were to a party of pleasure.

The Jacobins are all fuppreffed, and the mouth of Sedition is fhut.

All the taverns are full, as if wine was at half-acrown per bottle.

All the men are now loyal and fatisfied; and liberal rewards are given for fervice to the ftate. All the women are beautiful and elegant.

We have plenty of money-plenty of men; we fhall beat the French into fubmiffion, and force them to make peace Shall we not, my love???


He embraces his love, yawns, ftretches himself, clofes his eyes-and falls afleep.

But, alas! while this happy Sybarite is rocked with thefe agreeable images, what fad and gloomy vifions rife in the mind of that man, who, having but one penny-loaf of mixed bread, and a pound of boiled potatoes, to fatisfy himself, his wife, and three children, dreads every inflant the entry of his landlord, or of a tax-gatherer, to take from him his bed, table, and couple of chairs, and turn him and his infants into the streets, or into a gaol!

"Formerly," faid he, with a heart-felt figh, F "F could by my labour carn a fufficient fubfiftence for my family.

"I could buy my loaf for eight-pence ;. my wife had the pot upon the fire every day, and we had a joint of roast meat upon Sunday.

"I could afford now and then a pint of beer; and porter was really worth drinking.

"Now I have neither victuals nor clothes; and it is not only for myself that I have to grieve, but all my

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neighbours are equally ruined, and we have no hope of better times.

"For the rich feem refolved to ruin the nation.

"They crowd to the theatres; and they talk of nothing but operas and plays, and gaming, and expenfe.

"The common neceffaries of life are beyond our reach; the loaf is 15d. beef 8d. and butter 14d. per pound.

"In every office under Government there is nothing but careleffness and want of forefight; and Minifters were furely fent to us for a curse.

"There is nothing to be feen but paper; and Loanjobbers and Contractors are quarrelling who fhall rob


"They are fending thousands of men to their graves in the inhofpitable climate of the Weft Indies; and they have put a padlock upon our mouths, while all the adherents of the Minifter are getting finecures and penfions!

"We have neither men nor money left, and yet we are to go on with the war, cost what it may; and God knows when we shall have a péace !”

He looked at his wife with a dejected countenance; fnatched each of his infants, one after the other, towards him; and, as they looked wiftfully into his face, he wiped the tear of parental anguish from his eye.

"Come, come, John," faid his wife," let us hope for better times. In the mean time, you know that you have yourself partly to blame; you was for the war, like all the reft; you would vote at the Veftry, because the Churchwardens afked you. What bufinefs had we with the French?-But, come, fee how the children Took up into your face: they are quite ftarving. Let us eat our potatoes before they are quite cold.-I with we had a morfel of butter to them!"

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[From the Morning Chronicle.]

SIR William Dawes, Archbishop of York, was very fond of a pun. His clergy dining with him, for the first time after he had loft his lady, he told them, he feared they did not find things in fo good order aş they used to be in the time of poor Mary; and, looking extremely forrowful, added, with a deep figh-" She was, indeed, Mare pacificum!" A curate, who pretty well knew what fhe had been, called out-" Ay, my Lord, but she was Mare mortuum first." Sir William gave him a living of 200l. per annum within two months.



[From the Gazetteer,]

A PARTNER in a banking-houfe, who lives near enough to the abode of our facetious first Magiftrate, to nofe his Lordship's kitchen whenever turtle Is the order of the day, was very lately at a small watering-place on the coaft of Effex. Being in the country, he determined to partake of its fports; and, .for the first time in his life, to have a day's fhooting."When we are at Rome," faid the Cit," we must do as they does at Rome,"

A vulgar fportfinan, fuch as a country 'Squire, or a rufticated Nobleman, fets off on foot, or at beft on a fhooting poney, in purfuit of his game. A city Cræfus difdains fuch fimplicity. Accordingly our Banker, with a merchant for his companion, got into his phaeton, took the pointers he had borrowed into the carriage, and ordered his fervants in livery to follow him.


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