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4. Meanwhile, the sight of those fierce-looking armed men in the distance made the coachman quake with fear. With trembling hands he gave up the boxes containing the valuables, and the lady having given up her purse and her ornaments, the brigand made his bow and went away.

5. Soon after this another robbery was committed by the same brigand, and among those plundered was a traveller for a Parisian goldsmith. Having lost a large quantity of money and jewels, he was in a state of extreme rage when the diligence halted at the next stage, and wished that steps should be at once taken to get back his property.

6. Fortunately, just at that time a coach with a Government messenger, and escorted by several mounted gendarmes, but going in the opposite direction, had stopped at the same hotel. After much entreaty, the Frenchman was allowed to return with them; and, on nearing the spot where he had been robbed, they got their weapons ready to give the brigand a warm reception.

7. Presently a tall masked figure came forward, and presenting his pistol at the coachman's head, ordered him to stand. He could do nothing else, as his horses' heads were held by the brigand, who then said to the travellers: "Give me your valuables, and I swear that my men yonder will not fire a shot." As he was proceeding to enforce his demand, he was startled by a loud whistlethe signal for the approach of the gendarmes, who had been left behind on purpose. His ear soon

caught the measured tramp of the soldiers and the clank of their sabres.

8. The Frenchman made a dash to secure the brigand, who got away, however, and darted towards his men under the trees. The soldiers came forward to seize him, yet not one of his men stepped forward to his help. He stood at bay, and warned the gendarmes to desist, or he would order his men to fire; but the party were not so easily frightened: and, after calling on him three times to give himself up, they fired, and he fell mortally wounded. Even then not one of his followers moved; and the officer in command went up to disarm them, when, to his utter astonishment, he found them to be but stuffed figures. So skilfully were they got up and arranged, that all whom the brigand had robbed had believed them to be real men in armour.

9. The dead body was carried to the hermit's hut; but who can tell the wonder of those whom the affray had brought to the spot, when they saw in the masked brigand the hermit of Furlo himself! They found, too, that the quiet face and white beard, which they had so learned to love, was only the mask he wore by day.

10. A search was made both within and without, and they soon came upon the hidden store. Jewellery, diamonds, and other valuable articles were found under the floor of the hut-perhaps the whole fruit of the robberies of the hermit of Furlo, who in the daytime acted the part of the good Samaritan, and at night, that of the robber.

The Bourbons, a line of sovereigns who ruled in France and Italy. They got their name from a castle in Bourbonnais, in France. Naples, a large city in the south of Italy.

Good Samaritan, one who is kind to those who are sick or in trouble.

SUMMARY.-When the Bourbons were expelled from Naples, the country was infested by brigands. The mountainous district of Furlo was shunned by all careful travellers, for many daring robberies had happened there. A hermit lived in a lonely spot, and occupied a small and poorly furnished hut. He was scantily supplied with the necessaries of life, but he spent the most of his time in going to see the sick and comforting the afflicted. The quiet looking old man was looked upon with favour by all. Strangely enough it turned out that all the robberies had been committed by this hermit, who was shot by a party of soldiers.

As-ton-ish-ment, great surprise.
Coun-ten-ance, face, look.
Dil-i-gence, a kind of coach.
Gen-darmes, armed police.
Hermit, one who lives alone.
Masked, with the face covered.
Mor-tal-ly, in a deadly way.
Moun-tain-ous, full of moun-

Pro-ceed-ing, going on.
Scan-ti-ly, barely; poorly.
Skil-ful-ly, cleverly; artfully.
Trav-el-lers, those who visit
foreign countries.

Un-set-tled, not well governed;

Val-u-a-bles, articles of great price.


Describe the appearance of the hermit. What occurred to the lady's carriage? What did the robber point to to frighten the

travellers? What did the Parisian traveller do on being robbed? Describe the capture of the robber. Whom did they find him out to be?


[blocks in formation]

2. I must not tease my mother,
And when she likes to read,
Or has the headache, I will step
Most silently indeed.

I will not choose a noisy play,
Or trifling troubles tell,
But sit down quietly by her side
And try to make her well.

3. I must not tease my mother;
I've heard dear father say,
When I was in my cradle sick
She nursed me night and day.
She lays me in my little bed,
She gives me clothes and food;
And asks for nothing in return,
But that I should be good.

4. I must not tease my mother,
She loves me all the day;
And she has patience with my faults,
And teaches me to pray.
How much I'll strive to please her
She every hour shall see;
For should she go away or die,

What would become of me?

SUMMARY.-I must not tease my mother, for she is always kind. I should mind everything she says. When she is ill I will move about quietly. When I was sick in my cradle she nursed me night and day. She gives me clothes and food, and asks nothing in return but that I should be good. I shall try to please her every hour.

Di-rect-ly, at once.
Pa-tience, perseverance.

Si-lent-ly, without noise.
Tease, to vex.


Why should you not tease your mother? What did she do for you when you were a baby? When you were sick what did

she do for you? What does she ask in return for the clothes and food she gives? What ought you always try to do for your mother?

[blocks in formation]

1. Ostriches were formerly looked upon as partly bird and partly beast. The large thighs without feathers are more like those of a four-footed beast than of a bird. The foot, also, is formed very like that of a camel; and hence it was at one time called the camel-bird.

2. The ostrich has wings which greatly help it in running, but they are of no use to raise it from the ground. No bird, however, is more famous, not only for the beauty of its feathers, but also for its great size and strange habits.

3. Like the camel, this bird lives in the sandy desert, beneath the burning sun. It is found roaming over the plains of Arabia and Africa. Several ostrich hens lay all their eggs together in one nest, which is formed by merely scraping up the sand, and making a round hollow about the size which one hen can cover.

4. The hens take turn about in hatching during the day, and the male takes his turn at night, when his greater strength is needed to protect the eggs or the young from the attacks of jackals, tiger-cats, and other enemies. These animals are often found lying dead near the nest, killed by a blow from the foot of this powerful bird.

5. As many as sixty eggs are sometimes found

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