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standing as far off as he could, shouted that he never would do any such thing.

18. "Very well," continued the uncle, with a serious air, at the same time writing something in his note-book, "I can't afford to give you more than one hundred pounds, so I shall have to do without your eyes; but," added he, "I will tell you what I will do, I will give you five pounds if you will let me put a few drops of this bottle in your ears. It will not hurt, but it will make you deaf. Come quickly, now! Here are the five pounds all ready for you."

19. "Make me deaf!" shouted Harry, without even looking at the bank-notes temptingly displayed upon the table. "I think you will not do that, either. Why, I couldn't hear a single word if I were deaf, could I?" "Most likely not," replied Uncle Ben. So, of course, Harry refused again. He would never give up his hearing, he said, "no, not for three hundred pounds."

20. Uncle Ben made another note in his book, and then came out with large bids for "a right arm," then "left arm," "hands," "feet," "nose," finally ending with an offer of two thousand pounds for "mother," and one thousand for "the baby." To all of these offers Harry shook his head, his eyes flashing, and words of surprise bursting from his lips. At last, Uncle Ben said he must give up his offers, for Harry's prices were far too high.

21. "Ha! ha!" laughed the boy, and he folded his dimpled arms and looked as if to say, "I'd

like to see the man who could pay them!" "Why, Harry, look here!" exclaimed Uncle Ben, peeping into his note-book, "here is a big addition sum, I tell you!" He added the numbers, and they amounted to more than six thousand pounds.

22. “There, Harry," said Uncle Ben, "don't you think you are very foolish not to accept some of my offers?" "No, sir, I don't," answered Harry, with firmness. Then," said Uncle Ben, "you talk of being poor, and by your own showing you have treasures for which you will not take ten thousand pounds. What do you

say to that?"

23. Harry didn't know exactly what to say. So he blushed for a second, and just then tears came rolling down his cheeks, while he threw his chubby arms around my neck. "Mother," he whispered, "isn't God good to make everybody so very rich?"

SUMMARY.-Little Harry was not pleased, because he thought that Johnny Crane was better-off than he was. Uncle Ben heard him complain to his mother, and then began to ask him some questions, as well as make him some offers. He was willing to buy Harry's eyes, ears, arms, hands, and feet, so that the boy might have money if he wished. Harry was led to see that he had treasures with which he would not part. Tears came into his eyes, and he blushed for shame as he whispered: "God is good to make everybody so rich!"

Ac-cept', take.
Con-tin-ued, went on.
Dis-played', spread out, showed.
Ex-pect-ed, looked for.

Start-led, upset, in a state of surprise.

Treasures, riches, things of great value.


Who were the two playmates? What did Harry say about Johnny? What things did he have? Why did Harry think himself poor? Who had heard what Harry had

said? What offers did he make? What did Uncle Ben say to Harry for refusing? What were Harry's last words about the matter?

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1. Little Mabel was in the kitchen when she heard her father call. But she kept on playing as though she did not hear him; and it was not until the servant said to her, "Mabel, do you not hear your father call?" that she left her toys, and went slowly out of the room.

2. Was it because she did not love her father, or because she did not like to leave her play, that she went so slowly and against her will? We shall see. Her father called again louder than before;

and this time the little girl answered and came to his room.

3. He took her by the hand, and said to her kindly, "Did you come into my room this morning, while I was gone to the post-office?" Mabel did not answer at first. She dropped her head, and looked at the carpet; while her cheeks reddened, and her eyes were filled with tears.

4. Her father was patient, and did not blame his little daughter; but she knew he was waiting for an answer. At last she made up her mind what to say She put her arms around his neck and said, Yes, father, I did come here; and it was I who broke it; but I did not mean to do it."

5. It was true. Mabel had gone into her father's room to speak to him, but she found he was absent. Instead of going at once out again, she stayed awhile to look, and then began to meddle with the books, papers, and other things in the room.

6. There were two pretty images on the mantelpiece, and sometimes her father had allowed her to take them in her hands; and now she thought she should like to have them again. So she climbed up into a chair, and took one of the images, when it slipped from her hand, and was broken in pieces upon the hearth.

7. Mabel was greatly alarmed at what she had done. She ran out of the room, and shut the door, hoping that no one would know she had been there. This was the reason she was not willing to go to her father when he called her. She feared he had found out the harm which she had done.


8. Indeed, no one knew that Mabel had been in the room, but her father had guessed who it was; and this was the reason he had called his little girl, and asked her the question.

9. How anxious the father was, when he saw what a struggle was going on in Mabel's heart, whether she should tell a lie or speak the truth; and how glad he was when truth gained the victory! It was worth more to him than a dozen images to hear his daughter say, "It was I who broke it."

10. He told her how happy she had made him in having the courage to speak the truth; and he hoped she would never again be tempted to tell a lie, when she had done anything wrong.

11. He told her also, he would keep the broken image for her sake, and that she must learn not to meddle with things that did not belong to her. What a sad thing it would have been, if, after meddling with the image, Mabel had told a lie about it.

SUMMARY.-Little Mabel had gone into her father's room in the morning, and while there had been playing with an image. It slipped from her hands, and was broken to pieces on the floor. She was afraid to go near her father when he called for her, but at last she went into the room-her cheeks quite red, and her eyes filled with tears. She told the truth, however, and her father was greatly pleased that she did so. It is always best to tell the truth when we have done anything wrong.

Anxious, uneasy in mind.
Cour-age, boldness.

Struggle, effort; fight.
Tempted, led into evil.


Why did she not heed her father's call? How did she break the image? What did her father

ask her? Her reply? How did he feel when she told the truth? What did he tell her?

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