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Beaumont and Marlè, Vaudemont and Lestrale.
Here was a royal fellowship of death !—
Where is the number of our English dead?—

[Herald presents another paper.

Edward the Duke of York, the Earl of Suffolk,
Sir Richard Ketly, Davy Gam,1 esquire ;
None else of name; and of all other men

But five and twenty.—O God, Thy arm was here;
And not to us, but to Thy arm alone,
Ascribe we all !— When, without stratagem,
But in plain shock and even play of battle,
Was ever known so great and little loss

On one part and on th' other?—Take it, God,
For it is only Thine!

[blocks in formation]

King. Come, go we in procession to the village; And be it death proclaimed through our host

To boast of this, or take that praise from God

Which is His only.

Flu. Is it not lawful, an please your Majesty, to tell how many is kill'd?

King. Yes, captain; but with this acknowledgement,
That God fought for us.

Flu. Yes, my conscience, He did us great goot.
King. Do we all holy rites: 5

4 A pleasing anecdote is told of this brave Welshman. Having been sent out before the battle to reconnoitre the enemy, he reported, "May it please you, my liege, there are enough to be killed, enough to be taken prisoners, and enough to run away." It is said that among his other feats at Agincourt he saved the King's life.

5 The king, gathering his army togither, gave thanks to Almightie God for so happie a victorie, causing his preiats and chapleins to sing this psalme, In exitu Israel de Egypto; and commaunded every man to kneele downe

Let there be sung Non nobis and Te Deum.

The dead with charity enclosed in clay,

We'll then to Calais; and to England then ;

Where ne'er from France arrived more happy men. [Exeunt.

SCENE IX. France. An English Court of Guard.

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Gow. Nay, that's right; but why wear you your leek today? Saint Davy's day is past.

Flu. There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things. I will tell you, as my friend, Captain Gower: The rascally, scald,' peggarly, lousy, pragging knave, Pistol, - which you and yourself, and all the 'orld, know to be no petter than a fellow, look you now, of no merits, - he is come to me, and prings me pread and salt yesterday, look you, and pid me eat my leek: it was in a place where I could not preed no contention with him; but I will be so pold as to wear it in my cap till I see him once again, and then I will tell him a little piece of my desires.

Gow. Why, here he comes, swelling like a turkey-cock. Flu. 'Tis no matter for his swellings nor his turkeycocks.


Got pless you, Auncient Pistol! you scurvy, lousy knave, Got pless you!

on the ground at this verse, Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. Which doone, he caused TE DEUM with certeine anthems to be soong, giving laud and praise to God, without boasting of his owne force or anie humane power. HOLINSHED.

1 Scald is scurvy or scabby, in its proper meaning; but came to be used as a word of contempt, implying poverty, disease, and filth.

Pist. Ha! art thou bedlam? dost thou thirst, base Trojan, To have me fold up Parca's fatal web?

Hence! I am qualmish at the smell of leek.

Flu. I peseech you heartily, scurvy, lousy knave, at my desires, and my requests, and my petitions, to eat, look you, this leek because, look you, you do not love it, nor your affections, and your appetites, and your digestions, does not agree with it, I would desire you to eat it.

Pist. Not for Cadwallader and all his goats.

Flu. There is one goat for you. [Strikes him.] Will you be so goot, scald knave, as eat it?

Pist. Base Trojan, thou shalt die.

Flu. You say very true, scald knave; when Got's will is: I will desire you to live in the mean time, and eat your victuals: come, there is sauce for it. [Strikes him again.] You called me yesterday mountain-squire; but I will make you to-day a squire of low degree. I pray you, fall to: if you can mock a leek, you can eat a leek.

Gow. Enough, captain: you have astonish'd him.

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Flu. I say, I will make him eat some part of my leek, or I will peat his pate four days. - Pite, I pray you; it is goot for your green wound and your ploody coxcomb.

Pist. Must I bite?

Flu. Yes, certainly, and out of doubt, and out of question too, and ambiguities.

Pist. By this leek, I will most horribly revenge:

I eat, and eke I swear

Flu. Eat, I pray you: will you have some more sauce to your leek? there is not enough leek to swear by.

Pist. Quiet thy cudgel; thou dost see I eat.

2 That is, stunned him, knocked him into confusion and numbness. Such is the proper meaning of to astonish.

Flu. Much goot do you, scald knave, heartily. Nay, pray you, throw none away; the skin is goot for your proken coxcomb. When you take occasions to see leeks hereafter, I pray you, mock at 'em; that is all.

Pist. Good.

Flu. Ay, leeks is goot: hold you, there is a groat to heal your pate.

Pist. Me a groat!

Flu. Yes, verily and in truth, you shall take it; or I have another leek in my pocket, which you shall eat.

Pist. I take thy groat in earnest of revenge.

Flu. If I owe you any thing, I will pay you in cudgels: you shall be a woodmonger, and buy nothing of me but cudgels. Got b' wi' you, and keep you, and heal your pate.

Pist. All Hell shall stir for this.

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Gow. Go, go; you are a counterfeit cowardly knave. Will you mock at an ancient tradition, — begun upon an honourable respect, and worn as a memorable trophy of predeceased valour, and dare not avouch in your deeds any of your words? I have seen you gleeking and galling 3 at this gentleman twice or thrice. You thought, because he could not speak English in the native garb, he could not therefore handle an English cudgel: you find it otherwise; and henceforth let a Welsh correction teach you a good English condition.4 Fare ye well. [Exit.

Pist. Doth Fortune play the huswife 5 with me now? News have I, that my Nell is dead i' the spital

8 Gleeking is scoffing, flouting; and galling is here used in a kindred venting sarcasms, things that irritate.


4 Condition, as usual, for temper or disposition.

5 Huswife for jilt, or hussy, as we have it still in common speech.

Of malady of France;

And there my rendezvous is quite cut off.
Old I do wax; and from my weary limbs
Honour is cudgell'd. Well, bawd will I turn,
And something lean to cutpurse of quick hand.
To England will I steal, and there I'll steal:
And patches will I get unto these scars,
And swear I got them in the Gallia wars.



Enter Chorus.

Cho. Vouchsafe all those that have not read the story,

That I may prompt them: and, for such as have,

I humbly pray them to admit th' excuse

Of time, of numbers, and due course of things,
Which cannot in their huge and proper life
Be here presented. Now we bear the King
Toward Calais: grant him there; there seen,
Heave him away upon your wingèd thoughts
Athwart the sea. Behold, the English beach
Pales-in the flood with men, with wives, and boys,
Whose shouts and claps out-voice the deep-mouth'd sea,
Which, like a mighty whiffler 'fore the King,

Seems to prepare his way: so let him land;

1 To pale-in is to fence round or enclose with palings.

2 While is another form of whistle, and was used of a fife or pipe. As fifers or pipers commonly marched at the head of troops and processions, so whiffler came to be used of any one who went ahead of another to clear the way.

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