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It is useful to recollect that on the birth-day of each new year the Church celebrates the new birth-day of her members. It will be well, if its annual recurrence remind us of our own high privileges, and force on us the question, whether we are walking according to them. "Are we

seeking those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God? Are we setting our affections on things above, not on things on the earth; and is our life hid with Christ in God?" Let us remember that on this condition only may we take that promise to ourselves, that "when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in Glory." This is the chosen day for making presents to our friends:Have we yet as sons given to God our hearts? This is the day when we make new year's gifts to our Godchildren :-Have we during the past year made them a present of our daily prayers? It is the chief advantage of keeping the fasts and festivals of the Church, that each of them brings some special subject home to us. If we have not hitherto done it, let us in the year ensuing ask ourselves these questions.-During Epiphany, are we thankful for the light of the Gospel, and are we doing our best to propagate it throughout the world?-On St. Paul's Day, are our hearts con

verted to God?—On the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, do we humbly submit ourselves like her to the Church ordinances ?-On St. Matthias's Day, do we pray that the Church may be delivered from unfaithful Pastors ?-On Ash Wednesday and during Lent, do we set bounds to our appetites, and are our sins a real burden to us?—On the Ember Days, is it our habitual practice to pray for the Bishops and Clergy and Candidates for the Ministry?— On the Annunciation, do we adore God's goodness in the Incarnation of His Son, and do we honour the Mother of our Lord as the most Blessed among women?-In Passion Week and on Good Friday, are we duly thankful for Our Saviour's death ?— On all those Fasts Days, the Fridays of the year, do we try ourselves, whether we are crucified to the world?-At Easter, are we living, as being risen with Christ ?-On St. Mark's Day, do we use aright the written histories of our Lord's life? — On St. James's Day, does our faith lead to Christian practice? Are we doing those faithful works, by which he tells us that we are justified ?—On Holy Thurs-day, do we bear in mind, that our blessed Lord now sits on the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us?-On Whit-Sunday, is God the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, and are we desirous to live as the temples of God?-On Trinity Sunday, is our faith steadfast in the doctrine of the Church? -From St. Barnabas, have we learnt the necessity of a habit of forbearance ?-With St. John the Bap

tist, are we mortified to earthly pleasures ?—Like St. Peter, are we ready penitents, and bold for the truth? Do we follow Christ as willingly as the Apostles James and Bartholomew ? And are we as free as St. Matthew from a covetous spirit?—At Michaelmas, can we thank God for the ministry of His Angels, and have we a good hope that they are now rejoicing over us?-Does St. Luke's Day, remind us to make a good use of the writings that he has left us ?-Do we contend earnestly, like St. Jude, for the faith once delivered unto the Saints?-On All Saints' day, are we already in communion with the blessed company?- At Advent, are we prepared for the Lord's coming? Do we remember that as we must live by faith here, so hereafter by our works only shall we be Judged? Are we as little engrossed by our earthly callings as St. Andrew?

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Do we take

warning by the unbelief of St. Thomas ?- At Christmas, do we imitate Christ's humility? With St. Stephen, can we pray for our enemies? -Do we act upon St. John's last words, "Little children, love one another " ? Are we very cautious how we think or speak of the religion of others? and are we in charity with all men ? — In short, to sum up the whole, have we on Innocents' day the minds of little children? If we can sin

cerely give good answers to these questions, then our next New Year's Day will be a happy one; for we shall be able to reply without fear to that

day's question, that we have in truth given our hearts unto the Lord.


O Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, Thou knowest the sins that I have this day committed against Thee in thought, word and deed.I have done many things that are evil, and left undone many things that are good. (Here confess in particular.) But though I am sinful, Thou hast made me Thine own child in baptism, for His sake who loves little children; and when I confess my sins, Thou dost willingly forgive them for Christ's sake. O grant me daily more of Thy Holy Spirit, that I may become holier, and live so as to please Thee better. Let Thy holy angels take care of me, and do Thou make me watchful to do Thy will, that they may be able to rejoice over me.— Let me not grieve Thy Holy Spirit, which Thou hast so lovingly given unto me to help me. me ever to speak the truth: Take away from me all bitterness, anger and malice; and make me kind toward all around me, tender hearted, and full of forgiveness, even as Thou, O Father, for Christ's sake hast forgiven me. Grant all this, of Thy bounteous goodness, for Thine own Son my dear Redeemer's sake. Amen.



O Lord, I beseech Thee, mercifully to hear the prayer of Thy sinful child; and spare me, now that I have confessed my sins unto Thee: that by

Thy merciful pardon I may be forgiven all those sins, of which my conscience has accused me; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Grant to me, Lord, I beseech Thee, the spirit to think and do always such taings as be rightful; that I, who cannot do anything that is good without Thee, may by Thee be enabled to live according to Thy will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O Merciful God, Thou hast given us a great privilege in suffering us to bring little children unto Thee.-Do Thou take especial care of those whom I have presented unto Thee in Baptism. Guide their parents to teach them rightly, that so by Thy grace they may receive the truth as it is taught them, and spend their lives in Thy service. To those of them, that are advancing in youth, give Thy heavenly grace, that they may withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and follow Thee with pure hearts and minds: and to those that are now preparing for Confirmation, give a double measure of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may be fully established in the doctrines of Thy Church; and do Thou keep them faithful unto death, that they may in the end receive the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The following Collects may be made use of for

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