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To obtain this, we have fpared
no pains nor expence, and our
fuccefs, we flatter ourselves, will
prove equally fatisfactory and
gratifying to our numerous rea-


was not prepoffefied by prejudic an inclination to myfticifm,-or for fear of his unaccountable ri nefs, or to offend his faithful lowers-and finally, to fupport credit in order to prevent the i cule of having been duped, the cafe with many, who kept

He poffeffed no knowledge any fcience whatever; except fome old medical or ridiculous mtical books, from which he had bo wifdom. The hiftory of Feder. rowed his whole ftore of plum Gualdo, he had happened to lig

falfehoods of his pretended old ag upon, afforded him matter for il and of his chemical arcana; he, a times, affumed the name of Gualdo at other times that of Elias, Sa Germain, nay that of king Salamo It was from the writings of Corneliu Agrippa, and Count de Gabalis whence he had learnt his tales of the various kinds of spirits. In his Egyptian lodge, he dictated paibe referred to in thofe books. His fages almost verbatim, which may

AGLIOSTRO is, indeed, one of the most ignorant, rude, and ill-bred men I ever knew. Dur-party to the laft. ing his ftay at Mittaw*, where I had opportunities of knowing him very intimately. I often was doubtful, whether I should be more vexed at his nonfenfical, impudent tricks and his meannefs, or to be amazed at the indulgence and credulity of his difciples; in other refpects very fenfible and literal minded people. His deceptions were of the groffeft and most glaring kind, that can poffibly be imagined. All he faid, was uniformly the fame thing, learnt by rote, repeated over and over again. He never altered the subject, expreffions, or the manner of delivery of his thought. What he acted in Warfaw he repeated in Mittaw; and all his conjurations, his chemical experiments were every where-and always the identical re-medical prefcriptions he had copied, petitions ; fo that whoever had heard him only once, or feen his rations, would always fee the fame tricks overhauled. The boy, who affified at his conjurations of fpirits, always fa a fameness. The order and import of the questions addreffed to his pretended fpirits, conftantly run in the fame ftrain. In a word, Cagliostro did not even poffefs the art of gloffing his tricks with novelty, to attract attention; nor genius enough to retail them Out in any other form than he had given them a hundred times before. He really was a fort of a perfon eafily and foon penetrated; if one


Caglioftro muft have been in Mittaw about the years 1776-1779. While Mr. Ferber was profeffor of Natural Hiftory at that university.

partly from the writings of the Arabic phyficians, Rhazes and Mefue; and partly out of fome receipt books of fome Italian apotheread him felf-had no knowledge of cary's fhop, that he hardly could plants nor drugs-did not know to utter another word, but what forming his jugglings, he affected to was written in his book. When perconceal this book under a black large flapped hat, in a high roftrum, cloak he had on, ftanding with a placed in a dark room, the attendants being defired to turn their tended to converfe with the fpirits, backs towards him, where he prethat inspired him with what he wished. The extract of lead he

called his Strattum Saturni (form
the Italian, Estratto), and prepared
it under many comical ceremonies,
This very common preparation, his


Sketch of the Character of Count Caglioftro.


Caglioftro's demeanour and his manners were not only exceffively. coarfe and unpolished, but likewife a proof of his immoral character. That excellent woman, madam de Reck, in her picture of this Apollonius of the prefent age, has not accurately remarked thofe circumftances; yet it is but just to obferve, that in her prefence, he much diffimulated, and upon the whole, in

pretended fixation of mercury, themarkable enough, as it furnishes tranfmutation of lead into filver and proofs of the frailty of human undergold, by an addition of a red powder itanding, though in fo enlightened an age; and makes us nearer ac(done by changing crucibles), were the fole chemical experiments he quainted with the means ufed by a made. From fome Italian book of certain clafs of people, to augment curious arts and receipts, he had and enlarge errors; remarkable copied a few, that he dictated to his enough, as it gives us an opportudifciples. For instance, Es uftum, nity, upon good grounds, if not to or de Manheim, to make fealing- deter, at lealt to caution every perwax, varnish, majolica of egg-fon impreffed with myftic ideas and fhells, &c. Some noblemen of Cour- the belief of conjuration and exorland, with eagerness liftened to fome cifm. of his huntfman's tricks, fuch as fharpening the fcent of dogs, and how to give black horses stars, spots, &c. The ladies were taught to prepare flax by urine and falt-petre, fo as to give it a nature of filk; (I poffefs a pretty little hat of a filky kind, of his own fabrick.) Far ther, how they might prevent the nipples of their breasts from burfting; likewife how hufbands might gain the affections of their wives-her company, he was very cautious fo, that the ladies could not keep up in his conduct. I regret having their good humour, but often left barnt most of the annotations I was prompted to make, relative to his him. His chiromantic and phyeager and inquifitive difciples. Gonomical lectures, where he compared man, according to the diffe. However, I still recollect very well, rent temperaments, with beats, he that he prefcribed cantharides and had drawn out of fome of the numer-fatyrion for amorous fports, and ous publications on the fubje&t that have appeared in former times. He was incapable of either reading, fpeaking, or writing any language with propriety; nor had his dif courfe any connexion, but blunder ing from one fubject into another; in fhort, he was a blockhead.

With more fenfe, more fcience, and a more intimate knowledge of mankind, he might perhaps, have maintained his ground longer in Courland. But, fuch as he was, his reputation muft neceffarily fall foon. His attempts of propagating fuperftition and erroneous conceptions of fpiritual and corporeal fyftems confequently cannot be but farcical and abfurd, instead of being instructive; yet in fo far re

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in fuch copious dofes as to make
any man pay dear for his fport and
credulity. Likewife, his aperitive,
he once preferibed for madam de
Reck, was of fuch a nature, that
undoubtedly, if the fhould not perifh
under its operation, at least would
have rendered her miferable ever
afterwards, had I not fortunately
diffuaded her from taking it.
was highly fantaflical, when, upon a
certain occation, he had an elderly
gentleman of character, blind-folded,
and like a criminal, brought before
him in the lodge-room, and after, in
that condition, he had reprimanded
him moft rigidly, for his comfort
and compenfation adminiftered him
drops to make him young again;
and the well-meaning old gentleman


took them not only in Mittaw, but continued to take them afterwards in Warfaw.

Caglioftro was rough, paffionate, and a calumniator, traducing the characters of his difciples amongit each other; was voluptuous, fed delicately, ate and drank much, cooking nice maccaroni for himfelf; was fond of dancing, but danced like a bear, which aukwardnefs he gave out for Turkish dances; used to talk obscenities, when he forgot himself, or madam de Reck was not in company. His whole conduct was extremely indecent and improper. Although he did not accept, or feem to defire any prefents himself; but then he betrayed much meannefs, for he never gave a farthing to any domeftics of houfes where he received civilities. He quarrelled with his first hoit, at Mittaw, for fome fuppofed difference in the bill, of a couple of dollars, and very readily accepted of an invitation to lodge at count Medem's houfe. His wife had the addrefs of enamouring certain gentlemen and endeavoured to extract large prefents from them; in which fhe in a measure fucceeded, and thus procured cafh to her lord. His pride was as ftupid as it was humiliating to the company, with which he occafionally joined upon parties of pleasure into the country. He was mounted on horfeback, riding a-head of all the carriages, behind him rode the domeftics of count Medem, all founding the horns they were provided with, in order that the town might fee the fool in the height of glory and in the first company of that country. It was rarely that he exhibited any flight of hand tricks with cards; yet he was not unSkilful in that bufinefs, and perhaps knew, upon occafion, the art de corriger la fortune. At Mittaw, to fave appearances, he never played at cards; but perhaps only once

or twice at a l'hombre party. Yet, as a proof of his fkill, he one day fhewed us how to fet at farao with good fuccefs. He knew to point out three out of the five numbers in the lotto di Genoa; the drawing of which he actually had hid; by that he probably ufed flight of hand tricks. He declared, that by this fort of wisdom he had enriched fome of his brethren in Holland, the great Koft having previously whispered the numbers to be drawn into his ear. He attempted to perfuade us to refign all our profane offices, for that he fhould enrich us, if we would totally devote ourfelves to his myfteries, and to remain faithful to him.

At nights, he pretended to converfe with fpirits, with whom he laboured for the happiness of mankind. Every fpirit had his hour appointed to appear in, giving out to have had five or fix different converfations in one night. Benign fpirits were his friends; and evil fpirits he difabled and chastized. During fuch nights as were adapted to that businefs, and which depended partly upon celeftial conftellations, (which he made much ufe of, without knowing a single one), and partly from the confultations of his guardian angels, he endeavoured to make us believe, he did not go to bed, but paffed the night fitting in a chair raifing fpirits. However every night he very carefully locked and bolted his door; nay, stopped the key-hole to fecure himself from being overlooked. In the mornings, either he made his wife make the bed, or he was lying a bed with his cloaths on, as if he had just laid himself down to repofe, at times remaining in it the whole forenoon, appearing at dinner without having his hair dreffed. But the material object of his nocturnal tricks confifted in this, viz. to plot with his wife, how they fhould act in con


Adventures of a Mirror.

cert the fucceding day, according to the accounts and circumftances collected and referred to them by his Italian domestic, while he was undrething; and also by what she had gathered in her way. Among others he learnt the illness of Mr. de

of this domeftic, and the arrival of


ferpent which he cherished in his bofom, and against a traitor among us, without mentioning names.

(To be concluded in our next.)

the young count de Medem, which ADVENTURES of a MIRROR. he very conveniently announced, as having it by infpiration.




HEN people have been eminent in the world, when they have performed gallant and glorious actions in the field, the cabiner, the fenate, or on the great theatre of public life, it is ufual to diftinguish them by honours, and to confer upon them fuch titles and privileges as may inform pofterity of the good they have done, and the honours they have merited. This becomes the more neceffary, as life is fhort, the memory is frail, and fucceeding generations are apt to confider their own feats too much to recollect the actions of their predeceffors. With

Of his fervant, whom, before his departure for Petersburgh, he had turned off in a violent paffion, even purfuing him cane in hand, fome way through the public streets, afterwards informed me very cir cumftantially of all his mafter's jugglings. It was conjectured, that he difcharged his fervant from political views, not to be betrayed, or derected by him in Petersburgh. But really, his penetration did not reach fo far; befides, it would have been ill-judged, because this man now become his enemy, might eafily have followed him to Petersburgh, to denounce against him by way of revenge, as he actually meant to do at first, from which purpose, how-out vanity, fir, I think I may claim ever, he was prevented, to fave the honour of the fociety. This act was rather the confequence of violent paffion, and an inftance of the imprudence of this knight


most of thofe honours which have been bestowed on perfons eminently ufeful in the world. My family have existed for many hundred years, have been known all over Europe, and have had a very large His wife, perhaps, was a more fhare in the refining and polishing artful hand than himself. By her of mankind to their prefent ftate of gallantries fhe had worked upon a civilization-yet I feldom hear that certain gentleman, that he was upon we are mentioned with respect; the point of eloping with her. This many of those who have the most gentleman fhe told in the evening refpect for me, I am fure, never hours of familiarity, that her huf-addrefs me but in private, when no band was an impoftor, that he ufed her ill, and that for fear, fhe was obliged to affift in his deceptions. The answers or opinions the received, the afterwards imparted to Cagliostro; who feigned to be jealous, and fometimes angry, fill conniving at their intrigues, he often pronounced vengeance again the

perfon is by, or if they deign to caft a look towards me in public, it is merely a tranfient glance of the eye, and performed with fuch an air of confcious pride, that it is impoffible for me not to feel very much humbled. Indeed on fuch occafions I have taken the liberty to cast fuch a refetion as could not be very pleafing

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to them, and perhaps was more to the credit of my veracity than prudence. In a word, fr, I am a MIRROR. I was created, purified, and enlightened at a manufactory on the Surry fide of Blackfriars Bridge; being intended for the ufe of a nobleman, vaft and almost incredible pains were taken with me, and before I was finished, I was cftimated to be worth five hundred pounds. Being at length completed, I was conveyed in a carriage-I must say not of the most elegant kind-to his lordship's ftately mansion in Westminster, and placed in the drawing-room, between two magnificent pannels. I had not been here long before the whole family came to pay their respects to


pearance, and grinned, bowed, danced, and strutted before me in all the pride of High Life below Stairs. This, however, gave me fome idea of my confequence, and I thought myfelf very highly honoured to be placed in an office fo important for the true finishing of this family in genteel behaviour, A very few days convinced me that without me they could not be made fit to appear. Their private MIRROR ferved to guide the minute operations of drefs, but it was I only that could fanction the work when finished. Their appeals to me were of courfe as frequent as their occafions to drefs, and I was often the means of difcovering an error in arrangement, a defect in fymmetry and uniformity which had escaped my leffer namesakes in the dreffing-room. I enjoyed, 100, the happiness of knowing that from

My lady approached first, held up her hands in amazement, and with an eye of curiosity beam ing with delight at the fame time, viewed me from head to foot-tep-me there was no appeal. If I offerped backwards, then forwards, then fdeling, then half averted, and all the while my filly fancy reprefented that he was admiring me.-Alas! I foon found out my mistake.

Two young ladies now came for wards, and each, to my utter aftonishment, dropt a curtfey to me. Surely, thought I, this must be out of refpect for me. A flim young gentleman followed, and taking off his hat with the grace of a Veftris, bowed most respectfully to me, then putting on his hat, prefented his hand to one of the young ladies, and began to walk a few minuet fteps, ftill keeping his eye upon me, as did his partner, and I could difcover in both, marks of delight and fatisfaction. The ceremony over, the ladies and gentlemen went, as I heard afterwards, to court, which fufficiently explained that the bows and curtfies which I vainly attri. buted to myself, were but a private rehearsal to qualify them for gracing the circle at St. James's.

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The fervants now made their


ed a reflection upon an error, it was corrected; and if on confulting me all was declared to be right, no alteration then could be permitted.

For three or four days my lord had not feen me. He had been busy compofing and fpeaking fpeeches for the good of the nation; but being at length informed of my arrival, he waited on me, and feemed to gaze with rapture; to oblige him, I gave him a fpecimen of my kill, by informing him that his bag was awry, that one of his fide-curls was the fifteenth-fixteenth part of an inch higher than the other, and that his fword-knot was improperly puffed out. He adopted all thefe alterations before my face, except that of the curl, which his valet performed, and upon my looking perfect approbation, the fellow cfcaped a fcolding, but was told at the fame time, in French, that if it had not been for me the "curl would have been quite a bore."

My lord was not, however, yet ap-fatisfied with what I had done. He


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