The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Obstacles and Chances for Peace and Democracy

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Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 - History - 208 pages
Table of Contents The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey : Obstacles and Chances for Peace and Democracy by Ibrahim, Ferhad (Editor); Gurbey, Gulistan (Editor) Terms of Use Introduction p. 7 "Why the Armed Struggle?" Understanding the Violence in Kurdistan of Turkey Hamit Bozarslan p. 17 The Kurdish Question and International Law Michael Gunter p. 31 Peaceful Settlement of Turkey's Kurdish Conflict Through Autonomy Gulistan Gurbey p. 57 Contemporary Arab Academic and Journalistic Perceptions of the Kurdish Problem Amr Hamzawy p. 91 The "Foreign Policy" of the PKK: Regional Allies and Enemies Amr Hamzawy p. 103 Turkish and Syrian Relations Since the Gulf War: The Kurdish Question and the Water Problem Robert Olson p. 119 Linguistic Minority Rights in Turkey, the Kurds and Globalization Baskin Oran p. 151 International Law and the Kurdish Struggle for Freedom Norman Paech p. 159 Migration and Displacement: Kurdish Migrants in Istanbul in the 1990's Heidi Wedel p. 181 Appendix Chronology p. 197 List of Abbreviations p. 209 About the Authors p. 210 Descriptive content provided by Syndetics"! a Bowker service. Summary The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey : Obstacles and Chances for Peace and Democracy by Ibrahim, Ferhad (Editor); Gurbey, Gulistan (Editor) Terms of use In this collection, scientists who are employed within the regions of the Middle East, Turkey, and Kurdistan try to make different facets of the Kurdish conflict transparent and select aspects of the Kurdish conflict to analyze. The editors goal is to point out the baselines and the complexities of the confliict and to assess its modifications and chances for a peaceful resolution. Descriptive content provided by Syndetics"! a Bowker service.