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in England; and that to controvert the claims of Unitarian Christianity is the work of a Trinitarian Missionary periodical within two years from its establishment? May such work in crease on the hands of its conductors, and make them the agents of a good they never contemplated, in the establishment of the pure gospel in Hindoostan !

Your Secretary has received some interesting communications on the state of religion in the islands of the Indian Archipelago, from an intelligent Unitarian who has made nine voyages thither, and who on one occasion, spent three years in the island of Borneo. [Of these, use will be made in the next Vol.] Although the establishment of Unitarian Missionaries there is, we fear, out of the question for some time, yet much good may be occasionally effected by the efforts of persons similarly disposed with the worthy author of these remarks. We owe to him our ability to boast of at least one floating Unitarian Chapel, as in addition to other useful publications he has received from our stock of tracts several forms of prayer, to assist in conducting scriptural worship on board his vessel.

They intreat the attention of their successors in office to the correspondence which has already passed on this subject; the gentlemen to whom their views were first directed declined the task; but it is expected that in the course of the summer the services of one who is well qualified for a Missio nary in that direction will be available. [Mr. Smethurst has been in the North of Ireland and his reception exceeded his expectations. Further particulars hereafter.]

Your committee trust, that upon the whole, the affairs of the Society will not be thought to have languished in their hands. In the plans which have been formed, and, as far as circumstances would allow, acted upon, and in the prospects which are openning, they leave their successors in office a rich inheritance of usefulness: and they retire from the situation which your choice called them to fill, with the consciousness of having zeslously exerted themselves for the promotion of your objects, and, in them, of the best interests of their fellowcreatures; and with the satisfaction that their labour has not been altogether in vain. May the blessing of Him whose name we seek to glorify by declaring the unity of his nature and the boundlessness of his love, rest on this, and similar Institutions, and render them subservient to the advance of the time when all shall know him, and just notions of the Fatherly cha racter of God shall inspire with devout and benevolent feelings every member of the common brotherhood of man.

Oldbury Double Lecture.

The speedy departure, for a journey of some months on the continent, of a gentleman whose services on the SubCommittee for Foreign Objects have been most valuable, has furnished a very favourable opportunity for the distribution of the tract just mentioned, for the acquirement of information, and for the promotion, in various ways, of the purposes of this Society, as now extended, of which your Committee have eagerly availed themselves. Except as to preaching, and without THE Annual Meeting of Ministers. expense to the Society, he wiil, in which bears the name of "The Double effect, be a missionary, and they gladly Lecture," took place at Oldbury, in enlisted his talents, acquirements, zeal Shropshire, on Tuesday, September and perseverance in your cause, anti-11, (the second Tuesday in Septem cipating from them, in connexion with ber,*) 1821. The Rev. James Yates, the peculiar advantages which he will of Birmingham, conducted the devetional service. Two highly interes possess, the most interesting results. former by the Rev. Israel Worsley, uf ing discourses were delivered: the

From a quarter entitled to the greatest attention and respect, your comImittee have received strong representations of the expediency of a Missionary tour in the North of Ireland. They immediately instituted inquiries, the result of which has been most decisively favourable to the undertaking.

The meeting is always held on the second Tuesday in September, and not on the Tuesday after the second Sunday, as stated by a correspondent in the las number of the Monthly Repository, A


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THIS Country is agitated and disgraced by the most barbarous outrages. Limerick seems to be the centre of the disturbances. Many shocking examples of rapine and murder have been exhibited in the public papers, and some of the infatuated criminals have been brought to trial, and have paid the awful penalty of their crimes.

The Marquis Wellesley is gone over as Lord Lieutenant, and hopes are entertained that under him an administration at once vigorous and conciliatory may restore peace and order to this part of the British dominions.

Superstition is still the order of the day in the sister island, of which the following account of the admission of a Nun is proof sufficient :

Presentation Convent, Galway.

(From the Connaught Journal.) Miss JOYCE, daughter of Walter Joyce, Esq. of Mervieu, was received to-day (Monday last) amongst the pious and exemplary Sisterhood of the Presentation Convent. Scarcely have we ever witnessed a scene more sublimely imposing. The young and promising daughter of one of our most respectable and esteemed citizens, presenting herself at the altar of her God, in the abandonment of every earthly consideration, in the sacrifice of every thing that could bespeak permanency to social life, and to social happinessin the dedication of her exalted talents -of her young and innocent loveliness of the world's promise and the world's hopes-must, indeed, be capable of awakening in the breasts of all a generous and a dignified association; whilst it affords a high and important colouring to the completion of her future existence, and her ultimate destiny.

At half past nine, the "O gloriosa

Virginum," was sung from the higher
choir, in the masterly accompaniment
of select musical performers. The
procession then began to move from
the vestry, through the lower choir, to
the chapel, in the following order:
The Thuriferere.
The Acolytes.

The Master of the Ceremonies, Rev.
Mr. Daly.

The Sub-Deacon, Rev. Mr. Gill.
Deacon, Rev. Mr. O'Donnell.
The High Priest, Rev. Mr. Finn.
The Celebrant, Very Rev. Warden

And his Train-bearer.

The Very Rev. Warden Ffrench having been conducted to his faldastorium, under a rich canopy, the High Priest and his officiating ministers retired to their places at the gospel-side of the altar.

And now all was breathless expectation-the young postulant appeared in the attendance of the reverend mother and her assistant, robed in all the gaudy extravagance of fashionable splendour, and beaming in the glow of youthful modesty, which taught us to believe, that had she remained in the world she forsook, she would have

moved the attraction of every heart,

"The leading star of every eye."

The Very Reverend Celebrant was then conducted to the platform of the altar, and the postulant and her attendants having genuflected, the ceremony of reception began with the preparatory prayers and responsories. When the novice was seated, and the Celebrant re-conducted to the faldastorium, High Mass commenced with peculiar dignity, and with a strict precision in all the various ceremonies, which always render the Catholic service sublime. After the gospel, the Rev. Mr. Daly delivered an excellent sermon, addressed particularly to the novice, and prefaced by a text admirably pertinent to the subject he handled: "Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thine ear; thou shalt leave thy people and thy father's house, for the King hath greatly desired thy beauty, and he is the Lord thy God." Psalm xlv. 10, 11. After mass, the novice retired, whilst the clerical choir chaunted in full tone, the Psalm, "In exitu Israel de Egypto." At the conclusion of the Psalm, she appeared disrobed of her worldly habili

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ments, and vested in the simplicity of penance and retirement. In the different answers to the questions put to her by the Celebrant, she was clear and decisive, like one whose determination of embracing a life of religion and of chastity, was that of long and conclusive reflection. The ceremony on the whole created a deep and general interest. The chapel and lower choir were crowded with the first of rank and distinction in our town and vicinity. We recognised among them the respectable families of his Grace the Archbishop of Tuam, Collector Reilly, our worthy Mayor, Colonel Carey, &c.


Proposal of a reprint in Britain of the Text of Griesbach's Edition of the Greek Testament, in one inexpensive Volume.

ALL who are competent to appreciate the merits of Griesbach's edition of the Original of the Christian Scriptures, and especially Unitarians, who know how much the controversy concerning the Unity of God is abridged by the decisions of that truly impartial critic, must, we would think, rejoice at the proposed publication in this country, of the Text of Griesbach merely, in an accessible form. The large edition, of great value, indeed, containing the notes of the industrious author, and the lengthened Prolegomena and Appendix, must, from the expense, be confined to the comparatively few; while the greater number of those who purchase a Greek Testatament, are confined either to the Textus Receptus, whose value in criticism is now reduced very much to the nature of a curiosity, or to the dangerous employment of two or three editions professing to be wholly, or in part, derived from Griesbach; but which can have little other effect than that of disguising Griesbach's readings. The Rev. Dr. Carpenter (in the Appendix to his incontrovertible exposure of Magee's dishonest acts in religious controversy,) has adduced facts sufficiently important and glaring to excite honest and sincere admirers of Sacred Truth, to the employment of the most probable methods of counteracting the baneful influence of the artifices to which several Trinitarian editors have had recourse.

Under these impressions the individual who communicated to the Monthly Repository the critical notice of Duncan's edition of Griesbach, Vol. XII., is desirous of rendering this service to the sacred literature of his country; having access to a beautiful Greek type, and enjoying facilities for the accurate superintendance of the work as it is carried through the press. The model which he would wish to follow, is Griesbach's own edition, Leipsic, 1805, abridging and translating his introduction so far as it is necessary to explain the prefixes to the solution of principal various readings which adorn the margin. Unitarians may feel an allowable complacency in the reflection, that it was their Grafton who essentially promoted the publication of Griesbach's second edition in Germany, a handsome acknowledgment of which we meet in the preface.

An Unitarian printer and corrector were concerned in the first English reprint of this valuable work. It will be an additional honour to a body, remarkable for the services which they are rendering to primitive Christian truth, if by their well-timed contributions they relieve the voluntary editor from the risk which would otherwise be attendant upon the undertaking. Subscriptions will be gratefully received (if by letter, post paid) by the Rev. B. Mardon, No. 19, Richmond Street, Glasgow.

THE Rev. Dr. Barclay, son-in-law of the late lamented Rev. Dr. JAMES LINDSAY, proposes to publish by subscription, in one volume, 8vo. price 15s., with a portrait of the author, another volume of Sermons, on various subjects, from the Doctor's MSS. They who have read the former admirable discourses of Dr. Lindsay, will look forward with eagerness to this publication.

ON the centenary of the birth of AKENSIDE, the poet, of high and classical celebrity, who was born in the Butcher-bank, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on the 9th of November, (old style,) 1721, being the 21st of November new style, a number of literary gentlemen assembled at the house in which the poet first drew breath, and recited some effusions, (in imitation of Akenside's manner,) written for the occa

sion, in blank verse. They adjourned and fertility! But, above all, what an important store is still left; and how great must be the advantages which our country will obtain when the 2692 religious houses, which yet remain, and in which the persons of both sexes, who occupy them, may be said to bury their posterity, shall be definitely suppressed!-El Universal.

to Mr. Atkinson's, the George Tavern, and sat down to an elegant entertainment. After dinner, and following "the King," the "Immortal Memory of Mark Akenside, M. D." was given, and drank with enthusiasm. Many appropriate toasts followed, and the day was spent with decorum and reverence fitted to the occasion.-Newcas tle Courant.



Suppressed Monasteries.-We have before us an account of the number of monasteries and convents suppressed in the Peninsula, in consequence of the law of the 6th of September, 1820. The statement is very curious, and we consider it worthy of the attention of our readers, who cannot fail to applaud the wisdom by which the country has been relieved of a heavy burden, and recovered property of which it had been for ages deprived.

The Jesuits possessed, in the provinces of Toledo, Castile, Arragon and Andalusia, 124 colleges and 16 houses of residence, which, if not completely occupied at the time of the suppression, would soon have been so in consequence of the activity of the new Propagandists.

The monks of St. Benedict held in the congregation of Valladolid and in La Terraconese, 63 of the suppressed monasteries. The monks of St. Bernard had 60 in the congregation of Castile and Leon, and in that of the Cistercian of Arragon and Navarre, The Carthusian monks had 16 in the provinces of Arragon and Castile. The monks of St. Jerome had 48 in six circuits of eight monasteries each. The monks of St. Basil had, in the provinces of Andalusia, Castile and El Tardon, 17. The Premonstratensians had 17 of the suppressed convents; the Military Orders, 14; the Hospitalars of St. John de Dios, 58; those of Sancti-Spiritus, 8; and those of San Antonia Abad, 36: making in all 477. How many hands are thus in future saved for agriculture, for the arts, and every kind of industry! How much wealth will be distributed through all the classes of society! What an increase of population must take place in a country where the present population is not one half of the number corresponding to its extent

Nov. 27. The Assistant Bishop of Madrid writer a long letter to the Editors of the Universal, which he invites them to publish in their Journal. This prelate complains of the audacity and effrontery of the booksellers, who sell every kind of book before prohibited, such as the Ruins of Palmyra, the System of Nature, the Indian Cottage, &c.

Barcelona, Oct. 22.-There cannot be a greater proof of the great injuries caused to society by religious fanaticism than what is now passing at Barcelona. The contagion makes dreadful ravages, and the physicians, who do not succeed with the means of cure, wish at least that measures of preservation should be adopted. The Authorities agreeing with them in these ideas (besides establishing convenient barracks in healthy spots in the country, where the citizens might find an asylum from death, which is almost inevitable in the city,) had requested the clergy to avoid all meetings of a number of persons, which are on many accounts ss well calculated to propagate the contagion. Yet little has been done : the Barcelonese, like the barbarous Africans, considering all attempts to avoid a public calamity of this kind as an offence to the Deity, remain in their houses, daily increasing the number of victims; the ecclesiastical authorities, with a kind of apathy which' is compatible only with the most profound ignorance, permit the service in the churches to be attended now even by greater numbers than formerly; and the faithful go to pray to God to deliver them from evils which their own ministers bring on them, and, as the President of the Municipal Junta judiciously observes, in his excellent proclamation of the 21st instant, “by a false idea of religion they expose their flocks to entire destruction."

In consequence of a negligence so injurious to the public health, an express order has been issued, prohibiting all numerous meetings in the cof

fee-houses, theatres and churches, under any pretext whatsoever. We could have wished that, in addition, penalties had been decreed against those who may transgress this order, and that all the churches had been closed, and some place appointed where the mass might be celebrated in the open air.


THE monument erected at WITTENBERG in honour of MARTIN LUTHER was commemorated with great solemnity on the 31st of October. The day being extremely fine, the concourse of people was very great, and the whole was conducted with a degree of order and solemnity suitable to the occasion, and which made a profound impression on the spectators. The statue of the great Reformer, by M. Schadow, is a masterpiece. Before the statue was uncovered, the ancient and celebrated hymn, "Ein feste Berg ist unser Gott" was sung in chorus, and had a surprisingly sublime effect. Dr. Nitsch then delivered a suitable discourse, at the conclusion of which, a signal being given, the covering of the monument fell, and disclosed this noble work. Many of the spectators, overpowered by their

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In the evening a bright fire was kindled in iron baskets placed around the monument, and was kept up the whole night. All the houses, not excepting the smallest cottage, were il luminated; the Town-house, the Lyceum, the Castle and the barracks, were distinguished by suitable inscriptions, and a lofty illumination between the towers of the town announced the sense in which the inhabitants of Luther's native place honoured his memory. The students of Halle, Berlin and Leipsic, conducted themselves in the most exemplary manner, and went at H at night to the marketplace, where they sung several academic songs. The memory of this day will leave in the hearts of the people of Wittenberg, and of all Protestants, an impression of respect and gratitude to his Majesty the King of Prussia, to whom we are indebted for this solemn commemoration.


Communications have been received from Dr. Morell, Messrs. Mardon; Manning; Henry Taylor; and George Tyndall; and A. B.; T. C. H.; W. P.; T. P.; and A Bible-Only-Christian.

We are sorry that the article of Intelligence from Leicester was mislaid, and shall be much obliged to the writer if he will furnish us with the account a second time.

M. A. is informed that a memoir of Tucker, the author of "Light of Nature," is prefixed to the second edition of that work, published in 1805, in 7 vols. 8vo., by Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay, Bart.

In the ensuing number, the first of Vol. XVII., we hope to be able to give an engraving, by Mr. G. Cooke, of Mr. Chantrey's monument to the memory of the late Dr. Thomson, of Leeds.

Various communications lie over to the next volume.

In reference to the hints of several correspondents, we beg leave to say, that hereafter we shall be more rigid in the exclusion of all personalities from the papers of our controversial contributors.

In drawing up Obituary notices, our correspondents are requested to bear in mind that the utility of these memorials consists chiefly in their being registers of facts and dates, and that our readers in general feel little or no interest in mere panegyrics or confessions of faith.

Such contributors as design to leave it to the Editor's discretion to insert their communications in either the Monthly Repository or the Christian Reformer, are requested to express themselves to this effect.

Dr. J. P. Smith has signified to us that he intends to prepare for the next Number a reply to Dr. J. Jones's Critique.

One Complete Set of the Monthly Repository is on hand, and may be had of the Publishers or the Printer.

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