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The Same. A Street.

Enter LAUNCE, leading a dog.

Launce. Nay, 't will be this hour ere I have done weeping: all the kind of the Launces have this very fault. I have received my proportion, like the prodigious son, and am going with Sir Proteus to the imperial's court. 1 I think Crab, 2 my dog, be the sourest-natured dog that lives: my mother weeping, my father wailing, my sister crying, our maid howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our house in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruel-hearted cur shed one tear. He is a stone, a very pebblestone, and has no more pity in him than a dog; a Jew would have wept to have seen our parting: why, my grandam having no eyes, look you, wept herself blind at my parting. Nay, I'll show you the manner of it. This shoe is my father;

no, no, this left shoe is my mother;

yes, it is so, it is so; it hath the in it, is my mother, and this my now, Sir, this staff is my sister;

no, this left shoe is my father: neither: nay, that cannot be so, worser sole. 3 This shoe, with the hole father. A vengeance on 't! there 't is for, look you, she is as white as a lily, and as small as a wand: this hat is Nan, our maid: I am the dog; no, the dog is himself, and I am the dog,

O the dog is me, and I am myself: ay, so, so. Now come I to my father; „Father, your blessing:" now should not the shoe speak a word for weeping: now should I kiss my father; well, he weeps on. Now come I to my mother; O, that she could speak now, like a wood woman! 15 well, I kiss her; why there 't is, here 's my mother's breath up and down. 6 Now

1) Launce gebraucht nach der Art, die für die Sh.'schen Clowns charakteristisch ist, ein ähnlich klingendes Wort für ein anderes und sagt proportion für portion, prodigious für prodigal, und imperial für emperor. So sagt der Clown in Titus Andronicus (A. 4, Sc. 3) a matter of brawl betwixt my uncle and one of the imperial's men. 2) Der Name des Hundes, Holzapfel, deutet schon auf das Epitheton sourest-natured hin, womit Launce ihn bezeichnet.

3) the worser sole findet seine Erklärung in dem folgenden with the hole in it.

4) Diese Anrede in Monologen an irgend eine eingebildete Person, die nicht weiter spezificirt wird, kommt auch sonst vor. So in K. Richard II. (A. 5, Sc. 5) Now, Sir,

the sound that tells what hour it is.

5) wood woman emendirt Theobald das sinnlose would-woman der Fol., wofür Pope ould (old) woman lesen wollte, und erklärt es mit frantic with grief. Launce, indem er jetzt zu dem linken Schuh kommt, der seine Mutter vorstellt, wie sie sich beim Abschiede vor Schmerz toll geberdete, bedauert, dass der Schuh nicht ebenso sprechen, sich nicht ebenso toll geberden könne. Der als Frau personificirte Schuh, den Launce mit seiner Mutter verwechselt, wird deshalb she, nicht it, genannt. Viele Hgg. interpungiren now come I to my mother, (0, that she could speak now!) like a wood woman.

6) Der Schuh, den Launce küsst, riecht ganz wie der Athem seiner Mutter.

come I to my sister; mark the moan she makes: now, the dog all this while sheds not a tear, nor speaks a word; but see how I lay the dust with


tears. my


Pant. Launce, away, away, aboard: thy master is shipped, and thou art to post after with oars. What's the matter? why weep'st thou, man? Away, ass; you'll lose the tide, if you tarry any longer.

Launce. It is no matter if the tied were lost; for it is the unkindest tied that ever any man tied.

Pant. What 's the unkindest tide?

Launce. Why, he that 's tied here, Crab, my dog.

Pant. Tut, man, I mean thou 'lt lose the flood; and, in losing the flood, lose thy voyage; and, in losing thy voyage, lose thy master; and, in losing thy master, lose thy service; and, in losing thy service, thou stop my mouth?

Launce. For fear thou shouldst lose thy tongue.

Pant. Where should I lose my tongue?

Launce. In thy tale.

Pant. In thy tail?

Launce. Lose the tide,

Why dost

and the voyage, and the master, and the ser

vice, and the tied. 9 Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with my tears; if the wind were down, I could drive the boat with my sighs. Pant. Come, come, away, man: I was sent to call thee.

Launce. Sir, call 10 me what thou dar'st.

Pant. Wilt thou go?

Launce. Well, I will go.



Milan. A Room in the DUKE's Palace.


Sil. Servant.



7) So in K. Lear (A. 4, Sc. 6) To use his eyes for garden water-pots || Ay, and for laying autumn's dust.

8) Das Wortspiel zwischen tide und tied

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der Gebundene, d. h. Launce's Hund, findet sich anch in Lyly's Endymion (1591) Epiton. You know, it is said, the tide tarrieth for no man. Samias. True. Epiton. A monstrous lie: for I was tied two hours, and tarried for one to unloose me. 9) Da die Orthographie der Fol. hier sowohl wie vorher zwischen tide und tied nicht unterscheidet, so ist es schwer zu bestimmen, ob hier zuerst tide und nachher tied zu setzen ist oder umgekehrt. Manche Hgg. setzen mit Vernachlässigung des offenbar beabsichtigten Wortspiels tide zweimal und interpungiren the master, and the service: And the tide!

10) to call = rufen, und nennen.

[blocks in formation]

Sil. What, angry, Sir Thurio? do you change colour?

Val. Give him leave, Madam: he is a kind of cameleon. 2

Thu. That hath more mind to feed on your blood, than live in you air.

Val. You have said, Sir.

Thu. Ay, Sir, and done 3 too, for this time.

Val. I know it well, Sir: you always end ere you begin.

Sil. A fine volley of words, gentlemen, and quickly shot off.

Val. T is indeed, Madam, we thank the giver.

[blocks in formation]

. Val. Yourself, sweet lady; for you gave the fire. Sir Thurio borrows his wit from your ladyship's looks, and spends what he borrows kindly in your company.

Thu. Sir, if you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit

[blocks in formation]

1) to quote:

dass to quote damals



die Summe von Etwas ziehen, notiren, dann im Allgemeinen Malone nimmt an, to cote gelautet habe und findet in Valentin's Antwort ein Wortspiel zwischen quote nnd coat im Gegensatz zu jerkin, wie gleich darauf zwischen doublet und double.

2) Wie vorher (A. 2, Sc. 1 am Ende) auf die Sage angespielt wurde, dass das Kamäleon von der Luft lebe, so hier auf die Sage, dass es seine Farben nach Belieben wechsele. So in K. Henry VI. Third Part (A. 3, Sc. 2) I can add colours to the cameleon. 3) I have done = ich bin fertig, und ich habe gethan, Letzteres im Gegensatze zu you have said.

4) Wenn Ihr es im Wortgefecht mit mir aufnehmt, so werde ich Euch an Witz bankrott machen.

Val. I know it well, Sir: you have an exchequer of words, and, I think, no other treasure to give your followers; for it appears by their bare liveries, that they live by your bare words.

Sil. No more, gentlemen, no more. Here comes my father.

Enter the DUKE.

Duke. Now, daughter Silvia, you are hard beset.

Sir Valentine, your father 's in good health:

What say you to a letter from your friends
Of much good news?


My lord, I will be thankful

To any happy messenger from thence.

Duke. Know you Don Antonio, your countryman?
Val. Ay, my good lord; I know the gentleman
To be of worth, and worthy estimation,.

And not without desert so well reputed. 5

Duke. Hath he not a son?

Val. Ay, my good lord; a son, that well deserves

The honour and regard of such a father. 6

Duke. You know him well?

Val. I knew him, as myself; for from our infancy
We have convers'd, and spent our hours together:
And though myself have been an idle truant,
Omitting the sweet benefit of time

To clothe mine age with angel-like perfection,
Yet hath Sir Proteus, for that 's his name,
Made use and fair advantage of his days:
His years but young, but his experience old;
His head unmellow'd, but his judgment ripe;
And, in a word, (for far behind his worth
Come all the praises that I now bestow)
He is complete in feature, and in mind,
With all good grace to grace a gentleman.



5) Antonio ist ein Mann von Werth und wird auch als ein Mann von Werth geschätzt, und nicht unverdient steht er in so gutem Rufe.

6) ein Sohn, der wohl verdient, eben so geehrt und geachtet zu werden, wie der Vater es ist.

7) Für knew liest Dyce know. Aber Valentin spricht von der vergangenen Zeit, als er mit Proteus in Verona zusammenlebte.


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8) angel-like perfection die Ausbildung oder Begabung, welche den Menschen dem Engel gleich macht. mine age ist nicht meine Jugend, das jetzige Lebensalter, sondern das spätere, das Greisenalter, das sich mit den in der Jugend erworbenen Kenntnissen wie mit einem Kleide schmückt. So sagte Panthino in A. 1, Sc. 3 which would be great impeachment to his age || In having known no travel in his youth. 9) feature körperliche Bildung, wird mit mind auch in K. Henry VIII. (A. 3, Sc. 2) zusammengefügt mit denselben Worten wie hier: complete in mind and feature.


Duke. Beshrew me, Sir, but, if he make this good,

He is as worthy for an empress' love, 10
As meet to be an emperor's counsellor.
Well, Sir, this gentleman is come to me
With commendation from great potentates;
And here he means to spend his time a-while.
I think, 't is no unwelcome news to you.

Val. Should I have wish'd a thing, it had been he.
Duke. Welcome him then according to his worth.
Silvia, I speak to you; and you, Sir Thurio:
For Valentine, I need not cite him to it. 11
I'll send him hither to you presently.

Val. This is the gentleman, I told your ladyship,

Had come along with me, but that his mistress
Did hold his eyes lock'd in her crystal looks.

Sil. Belike, that now she hath enfranchis'd them,
Upon some other pawn for fealty.

Val. Nay, sure, I think, she holds them prisoners still.
Sil. Nay, then he should be blind; and, being blind,

How could he see his way to seek out you?

Val. Why, lady, love hath twenty pair of eyes.

Thu. They say, that love hath not an eye at all.
Val. To see such lovers, Thurio, as yourself:

Upon a homely object love can wink.


Sil. Have done, have done. Here comes the gentleman.
Val. Welcome, dear Proteus! Mistress, I beseech you,

Confirm his welcome with some special favour.

Sil. His worth is warrant for his welcome hither,

If this be he you oft have wish'd to hear from.
Val. Mistress, it is. Sweet lady, entertain him

To be my fellow-servant 12 to your ladyship.


Too low a mistress for so high a servant. Pro. Not so, sweet lady; but too mean a servant To have a look of such a worthy mistress.

Val. Leave off discourse of disability. 13

Sweet lady, entertain him for your servant.

10) So in A. 5, Sc. 4 And think thee worthy of an empress' love.

[Exit DUKE.

11) to cite mahnen, entbieten zu Etwas. Die Hgg. setzen ohne Grund 'cite und sehen darin eine Abkürzung aus incite. Sh. hat das Wort in demselben Sinne wie hier in K. Henry VI. Second Part (A. 3, Sc. 2) And had I not been cited so by them und in K. Henry VI. Third Part (A. 2, Sc. 1) I think, it cites us, brother, to the field. 12) Vgl. A. 2, Sc. 1, Anm. 20.

13) Diese Zeile ist an Silvia wie an Proteus gerichtet, da Beide von ihrer Unwürdigkeit (disability) gesprochen hatten.

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