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559.—Fate, får, fåll, fåt ;-mè, mêt ;~plne, pin;

external part, extreme part, part remote from the middle; superficial appearance; the utmost; person, external man; outer side, part not enclosed.

To OUTSIT, out-sit'. v. a. To sit beyond the time of any thing.

To OUTSLEEP, öût-slèèp'. v. a. To sleep beyond.

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about in the night and catches mice. 98 One who carries con

To OUTSPEAK, dût-spèke'. v. a. To speak||OV LER, ôål'år. something beyond.

To OUTSPORT, dût-sport'. v. a. yond.

To sport be

To OUTSPREAD, out-spred'. v. a. to diffuse

To extend,

To support,

To OUTSTAND, dåt-stând'. v. a.

to resist; to stay beyond the proper time. Art improper use of the word.


traband goods. J ot in use. OWN, one. s. 324. This is a word of no other use thau as it is added to the possessive pronouns, my, thy, his, our, your, their; it is added rally by way of emphasis or corroboration; sometimes it is added to note opposition or contradistinction; domestick, not foreign; mine, his, or yours; not another's.

To OUTSTAND, båt-stånd. v. n. To protube-To OWN, one. v. a. To acknowledge, to avow rate from the main body.

To OUTSTARE, öût-siåre'. v. a. To face down, to browbeat, to outface with effrontery. OUTSTREET, dåt strèèt. s. Street in the extremities of a town.

To OUTSTRETCH, out-strêtsh'. v. a. to spread out.

To extend,

To OUTSTRIP, öût-strip'. v. a. 497. to leave behind.

To outgo,

To OUTSWEAR, dût-swàre'. v. a. power by swearing.

To over

To OUTTALK, öůt-tåwk'. v. a. by tall

To OUTTONGUE," ååt-tång'. v. a. down by noise.

To bear

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vernal flower. OXSTALL, ôks'ståll. s. 406. A stand for oxen. transcend|OXTONGUE, ôks'tång. s. A plant.

To overpower To OUTVALUE, öåt-vâl'lå. v. a. To in price. To OUTVENOM, dût-vên'ům. v. a. To exceed in poison.

To OUTVIE, ôůt-vľ′'. v. a. To exceed, to sur


T. OUTVILLAIN, ååt-vil'lîn. v. a. To exceed in villany.

To OUTVÕTE, ôåt-vòte'. v. a. To conquer by plurality of suffrages.

V. a. To leave be

To OUTWALK, dût-wåwk'. hind in walking. OUTWALL, but wål. s. 498. Outward part of a building; superficial appearance. OUTWARD, đût wård. a. 88. External, opposed to inward; extrinsick, adventitious; foreign, not intestine; tending to the out-parts: in theology, carnal, corporeal, not spiritual. OUTWARD, dat wård. s., External form. DUTWARD, &ut'ward. ad. 498. To foreign parts, as, a Ship Outward bound; to the outer parts.

OUTWARDLY, Oût'wård-lẻ. ad. Externally, opposed to inwardly; in appearance, not sin

OUTWARDS, 8ût'wårdz. ad. Towards the outparts.

To OUTWATCH, ôåt-wôtsh'. v. a. To exceed in watching.

To OUTWEAR, dit-ware'. v. a. To pass tediously to wear beyond.

OXYCRATE, ôks'é-kråte. s. A mixture of water and vinegar.

OXYMEL, ôk'sè-měl. s. A mixture of vinegar and honey.

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OXYMORON, ôks-è-mò'rån. s. 166. A rhetorical figure, in which an epithet of a quite contrary signification is added to any word, as, cruel kindness.' OXYRRHODINE, ôks-ir'd-dine. s. 149. A mix ture of two parts of oil of roses with one of vin egar of roses.

OXYTONE, ôks'è-tone. s. Oxytone comes from the Greek word 'gurovos, and signifies having an acute accent on the last syllable. For what the acute accent means, see BARYTONE. OYER, 'yår. s. 98. A court of Oyer and Ter miner, is a judicature where causes are heard and determined.

|OYES, ó-yis'. $. Is the introduction to any prod lamation or advertisement given by the publick criers. It is thrice repeated.

This word, like several others, has been changed by the vulgar mto something which they think they understand. It is derived from the old French imperative Oyez, Hear ye! but is now universally heard in courts of justice like the affirmative adverb yes, preceded by the long open o.-See ASPARAGUS and LANTERN. OYSTER, dé'stûr. s. 98 A bivalve testaceous

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To OUTWEED, öắt-wèèd'. v. a. To extirpate || OYSTERWENCH, de 'star-wensh. as a weed. OYSTERWOMAN, dé'stür-wûm'un. To OUTWEIGH, dût-wà'. v. a. To exceed in A woman whose business it is to sell oysters. gravity, to preponderate, to excel in value or||OZÆNA, ó-zè'nå. s. 92. An ulcer in the inside influence. of the nostrils that gives an ill smell.

To OUTWIT, dût-wit' v. a. To cheat, to overcome by stratagem.

To OUTWORK, dôt-würk', v. a. To do more work.

OUTWORK, ôüt'wůrk. s. 498. The parts of a fortification next the enemy.

OUTWORN, Båt-worn'

destroyed by use.


PABULAR, pâb ́bu-lâr a. Affording aliment or provender.

part. Consumed or PABULATION, päb-bù-là'shun. s. The act of feeding or procuring provender.


OUTWROUGHT, dit-råwt'. part.

exceeding in efficacy.

Out-done,PABULOUS, pâh'bu-las. a. 314. Alimental, af fording aliment.

To OUTWORTH, But-worth'` v a. To excel in value. Not used.

To OWE, 3. v. a 324. To be indebted; to be

PACE, pase. s. Step, single movement in walking, gait, manner of walk, degree of celerity step, gradation of business; a particular move

mund, môve, nör, một ;tube, tab, bull neat which horses are taught, though some have it naturally, made by lifting the legs on the same side together; amble.

To measure by steps; to||

; ;+p3ind; thing Tri

i pœan, among the Pagans, was equivalent te our huzza.

PAGAN, pà gân. s. 88. A heathen, one not a


l'o PACE, påse. v. n. To move on slowly; to nove; used of horses, to move by raising the|| PAGAN, på'gân. a. Heathenish. legs on the same side together. PAGANISM, pà'gân-izm. s. Heathenism. To PACE, páse. v. a. PAGE, pådje. s. One side of the leaf of a book: a young boy attending on a great person. To PAGE, pådje, v. a. To mark the pages of a book; to attend as a page. In this last sense

direct to go.
PACED, paste. a. 359. Having a particular gait.
PACER, pa'sûr. s. 98. He that paces.
PACIFICATION, pås-sè-fè-ka'shun. s. The act

not used.

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of inaking peace; the act of appeasing or paci-PAGEANT, påd'jånt. s. 244. A statue in a

PACIFICATOR, pås-sè-fè-kà'tår. s. 521. Peace

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a. 512.

PACIFICK, på-sif fik. a. 509. Peacemaking, mild, gentle, appeasing.

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show; any show, a spectacle of entertainment. Mr. Perry, Buchanan, and Entick, pronounce the a in the first syllable long, like that in page; but Mr. Sheridan, 3. Konrick, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Nares, make it short, as in: that the first is more analogical is evident, as the ac cented a is succeeded by the diphthong ea, 50 but that the last is more agreeable to general usage, I have not the east doubt. The same reason holds good for the first a in pageantry, but usage is still more decidedly for the short sound of this word, than in pageant. Mr. Sher ridan, Dr. Kenrick, Mr. Perry, and W. Jolin ston, adopt the short sound, and Entick alone the long one. About forty years ago, when Mr. Garrick exhibited a show in honour-of Shakspeare, it was universally called a Padjunt. to|PAGEANT, påd'jant. Showy, pompous,

FACIFIER, pás'se-fi-år. s. One who pacifies
To PACIFY, pâs'sè-fl. v. a. 183. To appease, to
still resentment, to quiet an angry person
PACK, påk. s. A large bundle of any thing tied
up for carriage; a burden, a load; a due num-
ber of cards; a number of bounds hunting to-
gether; a number of people confederated in
any bad design or practice; any great number,
as to quantity and pressure.



To PACK, påk. v. a. To bind up for carriage; to send in a hurry ; to sort the cards so as that the game shall be iniquitously secured; unite picked persons in some bad design. To PACK, pák. v. n. To tie up goods; to go offTo PAGEANT, påd'jånt. v. a. To exhilne in in a hurry; to remove in haste; to concert bad shows, to represent. Not used. measures, to confederate in ill.' PAGEANTRY, påd'jun-trẻ. s. Pomp, show. PACKAGE, påk'idje. s. A bale or box of mer-||PAGINAL, påd'jè-nál. s. Consisting of pages. Not used.

chandise. PACKCLOTH, påk'klôth. goods are tied up. 'PÄCKER, påk'kůř. s. 98. bales for carriage. PACKET, påk'kît. s. 99. of letters. To PACKET, päk'kit. v. a. cels.

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One who binds up||PAID, påde a. 222.

A small pack, a mail


To bind up in par

PACKHORSE, påk'horse. s. A horse of burden, a horse employed in carrying goods. PACKSADDLÉ, påk'sâd-dl. s. 405. A saddle on which burdens are laid.

PACKTHREAD, pâk'thrêd. s. Strong thread used in tying up parcels.

PACT, pâkt. s. A contract, a bargain, a cove


PACTION, påk'shân. §, A bargain, a covenant.
PACTITIOUS, påk-tish as. s. Settled by cove-


An Indian idol; the temple

The pret. and part. pass. of

PAIL, påle. s. 202. A wooden vessel in which
milk or water is commonly carried.
PAILFUL, påle'fül. s. The quantity that a pail
will hold.

PAILMAIL, pêl-mêl'. s. Violent, boisterous
This word is commonly written pellmell.-Sec

PAIN, påne. s. 73, 202. Punishment denounced;
penalty; punishment; sensation of uneasiness:
in the plural, labour, work, toil; uneasiness of
mind; the throes of child-birth.

PAINFUL, pȧre'fül. a. Full of pain, miserable, beset with affliction; giving pain, afflictive; difficult, requiring labour; industrious, labo rious.

PAD, påd. s. The road, a foot-path; an easy-||PAINFULLY, påne'fûl-lé. ad. With great pain paced horse; a robber that infests the roads on foot; a low soft saddle.

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PAINSTAKER, pánz tå-kår. s. Labourer, labo. rious person.

PAINSTAKING, pânz'tå-king. a. PAINSTAKING, panz'tå-king. a. Laborious, industrious.

To PAINT, pant. r. a. 202. To represent by de
lineation and colours; to describe; to colour;
to deck with artificial colours.

To PAINT, pånt. v. n. To lay colours on theface
PAINT, pånt. s. Colours representative of any
thing; colours laid on the face.
PAINTER, pán'tår. s. 99, One who professes
the art of representing objects by colours.
PAINTING, pån'ting. 10. The act of repre
senting objects by delineation and colours, pic
ture, the painted resemblance; colours laid on.
PAINTURE, rån'tshire. s. 461. The art of

559. Fåte, får, fåll, fât:--mè, mêt ;~plne, pîn‚—

PAIR, påre. s. 202. Two things suiting one án-|| PALLIAMENT, pâl'lè-â-mênt. s. A dress, a robe
other, as, a pair of gloves; a man and wife;
two of a sort; a couple, a brace.

To PAIR, påre. v. n. To be joined in pairs, to
couple; to suit, to fit as a counterpart.
To PAIR, påre. v. a. To join in couples; to||
unite as correspondent or opposite.
PALACE, pâl'lås. s. 91. A royal house, a house
eminently splendid.

PALANQUIN, pâl-ân-kèèn'. s. 112. Is a kind of
covered carriage, used in the eastern countries,
that is supported on the shoulders of slaves.
PALATABLE, pâl'lât-tâ-bl. a. Gustful, pleasing

to the taste.

PALATE, pâl'lât. s. 91. The organ of taste;
mental relish, intellectual taste.
PALATICK, pål-lât'tik. a. 509. Belonging to the
palate, or roof of the mouth.

PĂLATÍNE, pâl·lå-tîn. s. 150. One invested
with regal rights and prerogatives; a subject
of a palatinate.

PALATINE, pål'lå-tîn. a. Possessing royal privileges.

PALE, påle. a. 77, 202. Not ruddy, not fresh of
colour, wan, white of look; not high coloured,
approaching to transparency; not bright, not
shining, faint of lustre, dim.

To PALË, påle. v. a. To make pale.
PALE, påle. s. Narrow piece of wood joined
above and below to a rail, to enclose grounds;||
any enclosure; any district or territory: the
Pale is the third and middle part of the scutcheon.
To PALE, påle. v. a. To enclose with pales; to
enclose, to encompass.
PALEEYED, påle'fde. a. Having eyes dimmed.
PALEFACED, påle'fåste. a. 359. Having the||

face wan.

PALELY, påle'lè. ad. Wanly, not freshly, not ruddily.

PALENESS, påle'nês. s. Wanness, want of colour, want of freshness; want of lustre. PALENDAR, pål'lễn-dâr. s. A kind of coasting


PALEOUS, på'lè-us. a. Husky, chaffy. PALETTE, pål'lit. s. 99. A light board on which a painter holds his colours when he paints. PALFREŸ, pål'frè, or pâl'frè. s. A small horse fit for ladies.

In the first edition of this Dictionary I followed Mr. Sheridan, W. Johnston, Mr. Perry, and Buchanan, in the sound of a in the first syllable of this word; but, upon maturer consideration, think Dr. Kenrick, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Barclay, more analogical, and must therefore give the third sound of a the preference.See Principles, No. 84.

PALINDROME, pâlîn-dròme. s. A word or sen-
tence which is the same read backward or for-

PALINODE, pâl'lîn-ode.
PALINODY, pâl'lîn-o-dè.
PALISADE, râl-lé-sade'
PALISADO, pil-lẻ-sa dỏ.

way of enclosure or defence.

s. A recantation.

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Pales set by

To PALISADE, pâl-lè-såde'. v. a. To enclose
with palisades.

PALISH, påle'ish. a. Somewhat pale.
PALL, pål. s. A cloak or mantle of state; the
mantle of an archbishop; the covering thrown
over the dead.

To PALL, pål. v. a.
To PALL, pål. v. n.
To PALL, pål, v. a. To make insipid or vapid ;
to make spiritless, to dispirit, to weaken; to

To cloak, to invest.
To grow vapid, to become

To PALLIATE, pál'lè-áte. v. a. 91. To cover
with excuse; to extenuate, to soften by favour-
able representations; to cure imperfectly or
temporarily, not radically.
PALLIATION, pâl-iè-d'shan. s. Extenuation,
alleviation, favourable representation; imper-
fect or temporary, not radical cure.
PALLIATIVE, pâl'lè-â-tiv. a. 157. Extenuating,
favourably representative; mitigating, not re-
moving, not radically curative.
PALLIATIVE, pâl'lè-â-tiv. s. 113. Something

PALLID, pål'lid. a. Pale, not high coloured.
PALM, pẩm. S. 403. A tree, of which the
branches were worn in token of victory; viċ-
tory, triumph; the inner part of the hand; a
measure of length comprising three inches.
To PALM, påm. v. a. To conceal in the palm of
the hand as jugglers; to impose by fraud; to
handle; to stroke with the hand.

PALMER, påm'år. . 403. A pilgrim; so called,
because they who returned from the Holy Land
carried palm.


PALMETTO, pål-mêt'tò. s. A species of the
palm-tree: In the West-Indies the inhabitants
thatch their houses with the leaves.
PALMIFEROUS, pâl-mif'fêr-ûs. a.
PALMIPEDE, pâl'mè-pède. a. Web-footed.
PALMISTER, pål'mis-tår. s. One who deals in
PALMISTRY, pâl'mis-trẻ. s. The cheat of fore-
telling fortunes by the lines of the palm.
PALMY, på'mè. a. 403. Bearing palms.
PALPABILITY, pâl-på-bîl'lè-tè. s.
being perceivable to the touch.
PALPABLE, pål'på-bl. a. Perceptible by the
touch; gross, coarse, easily detected; plain;
easily perceptible.

Quality of

PALPABLENESS, pål'på-bl-nês. s. Quality of
being palpable, plainness, grossness.
PALPABLY, pál'på-blè. ad. In such a manner
to be perceived by the touch; grossly,
PALPATION, pâl-på'shan, s. The act of feeling.
To PALPITATE, pål'pè-tåte. v. a.
the heart, to flutter.

To beat as

PALPITATION, pâl-pè-tà'shân. s. Beating or panting, that alteration in the pulse of the heart which makes it felt.

PALSGRAVE, pålz'grave. s. A count or earl who has the overseeing of a palace. PALSICAL, pål'zè-kål. a. 84. Afflicted with the palsy, paralytick.

PALSIED, pål'zid. a. 283. Diseased with a palsy
PALSY, pål'zé. s. 84. A privation of motion or
sense of feeling, or both.

To PALTER, pål'tår. v. n. 84. To shift, to
PALTERER, pål'tår-år. s. 98. An unsincere

dealer, a shifter.

PALTRINESS, pål'trè-nés. s. The state of ha
ing paltry.

PALTRY, pål'trè. a. 84. Sorry, de picable, mean.
PALY, pále. a. Pale. Obsolete.

PAM, pâm. s. The knave of clubs, in the game
of Loo.

To PAMPER, pâm'pår. v. a. 98. To glut, to fill with food.

PAMPHLET, påm'flêt. s. 99. A small book, properly a book sold unbound. PAMPHLETEER, pâm-flet-tèèr'. s. A scribbler

of small books.

PAN, pån. s. A vessel broad and shallow; the part of the lock of a gun that holds the pow. PALLET, pállt. s. 99. A small bed, a mean der; any thing hollow, as, the brain Pan. An universal me bed; a small measure formerly used by chirur-PANACEA, pân-â-sè'â. s.

PALLMALL, pêl-mêl: s. A play in which the pall is struck with a mallet through au iron Nng-See MALL.

PANACEA, pân-â-sè'â. s.
PANCAKE, pân'kåke, s
in the frying pan

An herb.
Thin pudding cooked

—nò, môve, når, nôt ;-tube, tab, båll ;-ôîl ;-påånd ;—thin, THIS

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PANADO, på-nå'dò. s. Food made by boiling || PANG, pâng. s. Extreme pain, sudden paroxboiling||PANG, ysm of torment.

bread and water. PANCREAS, pâng'kré-i‹. s. The sweetbread. To PANG, pâng. v. a To torment. PANCREATICK, pång'krè-ât'tik. a. Contained PANICK, pän'nik. s. A sudden and groundless in the pancreas. PANCY,


pân'sè.} s. A flower, a kind of violet.

PANICK, pân'nik. a.
violently without cause.

Fearing suddenly and

PANDECT, pân'dêkt. s. A treatise that com-PANNEL, pân'nil. s. 99. A kind of rustick prehends the whole of any science. PANDEMICK, pân-dêm'mik. a. 509. Incident to a whole people.

PANDER, pån'dår. s. 98. A pimp, a male bawd, a procurer.

To PANDER, pân'dår. v. a. To pimp, to be subservient to lust or passion. Not used. PANDERLY, pân'dar-le. a. Pimping, pimplike. PANDICULATION, pân-dik-ku-la'shun. s. The restlessness, stretching, and uneasiness that usually accompany the cold fits of an intermitting fever.

PANNICLE, pân'nè-kl. 405.
PANNICK, pân'nîk. 509.

of the Millet kind.



A plant

PANNIER, pân'yår. s. 113. A basket, a wicker vessel, in which fruit or other things are carried on a horse.

PANOPLY, pân'no-pie. s. Complete armour. To PANT, pånt. v. n. To palpitate, to beat as the heart in sudden terrour, or after hard labour; to have the breast heaving, as for want of breath; to long, to wish earnestly.

PANE, påne. s. A square of glass; a piece mix-PANT, pânt. s. Palpitation, motion of the heart ed in variegated works with other pieces. PANEGYRICK, pân-nè-jêr'rîk. s. 184. An eulogy, an encomiastick piece.

PANEGYRIST, pân-ne-jêr'rist. s. One that
writes praise, encomiast.
To PANEGYRIZE, pân'è jè-rize. v. a. To praise

PANTALOON, pân-tâ-lôôn'. s. A man's garment anciently worn; a part of the dress of men much resembling trowsers; a character in a pantomime.

PANTHEON, pân-the'ân. s. 166. A temple of
all the gods.

PANTHER, pân'thur. s. 93. A spotted wild
beast, a lynx, a pard.
PANTILE, pân'tile. s. A gutter tile.
PANTINGLY, pân'tîng-lè. ad. 410. With pai-
PÂNTLER, pånt'lår. s. 98. The officer in a
great family, who keeps the bread.
PANTOFLE, pân-tôô'f. s. A slipper. French
PANTOMIME, pân'tò-mlme. s. 146. One who
has the power of universal mimickry, one who
expresses his meaning by mute action; a scene,
a tale exhibited only in gesture and dumb-show.
PANTRY, pân'trè. s. The room in which pro-
visions are reposited.

PAP, pâp. s. The nipple, a dug; food made for
infants with bread boiled in water; the pulp of

PAPA, på-på'. s. 77. A fond name for father, used in many languages.

PAPACY, på'pâ-sè. s. Popedom, office, dignity of bishops of Rome.

PAPAL, på pâl. a. Belonging to the pope, annexed to the bishoprick of Rome. PAPAVEROUS, på-pâv'vêr-rås. a. Resembling poppies.

I have not found this word in any of our Dictionaries, but have met with it in so respectable a writer, that I cannot resist the temptation of inserting it here, especially as it serves to fill up a niche in language, which, I think, never| should be empty: I mean, that wherever there is a noun established, there should always be a verb to correspond to it. The passage from which I have taken this word has so much real good sense, and such true genuine humour, that cannot refrain from extracting the whole paragraph, and relying on the pardon of the inspector for the digression.-"It may be thought "ridiculous to assert, that morals have any con"nection with purity of language, or that the "precision of truth may be violated through de"fect of critical exactness in three degrees of comparison; yet how frequently do we hear, "from the dealers in superlatives, of most admira"ble, super-excellent, and quite perfect people, who, "to plain persons, not bred in the school of exપ aggeration, would appear mere common characters, not rising above the level of mediocri"ty! By this negligence in the just application "of words, we shall be as much misled by these <: trope and figure ladies when they degrade, as "when they panegyrize; for, to a plain sober "judgment, a tradesman may not be the most || "good-for-nothing fellow that ever existed, merely "because it was impossible for him to execute,To "in an hour, an order which required a week; "alady may not be the most hideous fright the “world ever saw, though the make of her gown "l may have been obsolete for a month; nor may one's young friend's father be a monster "of cruelty, though he may be a quiet gentle" man, who does not choose to live at watering"places, but likes to have his daughter stay at "home with him in the country."--Hannah More's Strictures on Modern Female Education, vol. i. page 216. If the usage of this word stood in need of farther support, we have it from the best authority. The author thinks it superfluous to panegyrize truth; yet, in favour of sound and rational rules (which must be founded in truth. or they are good for nothing,) he ventures to quote the Stagirite himself: "It is not "possible for a true opinion to be contrary to "another true one."-Harris's Philological Inquiries.

PĂNEL, pân'nil. s. 99. A square, or piece of any matter inserted between other bodies; a schedule or roll, containing the names of such jurors as the sheriff provides to pass upon a trial.

PAPER, på'pår. s. 64, 76. Substance made of linen or cotton rags, on which men write and print.

PAPER, på'pår. a. 99. Any thing slight or thin, made of paper.

PAPER, på'pår. v. a. To register. Not used. To furnish with paper hangings. PAPERMAKER, "pa'pår-má-kur. s. One who


makes paper.

PAPERMILL, på'pår-mil. s. A mill in which
rags are ground for paper.
PAPESCENT, på-pés'sent. a. 510 Containing
pap, pulpy.

PAPILIO, pa-pil'vò. s. 113. A butterfly, a moth

of various colours. PAPILIONACEOUS, på-pfl-yò-na'shus. a. 357 Resembling a butterfly. Applied chiefly to the flowers of some plants. PAPILLARY, påp'pîl-â-rè. a. Having emulgent vessels, or resemblances of paps.

There is a set of words of similar derivation and termination, which must be necessarily accented in the same way: these are Axillary, Maxillary, Capillary, Papillary, Pupillary, Armillary, Mammillary, and Medullary. All these, except the last, which was not inserted, I had accented on the first syllable in a Rhyming and Pronouncing Dictionary published thirty years


This accentuation I still think the most agreea

17 559.—Fåte, får, fåll, fât ;— mè, mët ;—pine, pin ;——

ble to analogy; and that the inspector may
judge of the usage, I have subjoined the several
different modes of accentuation of the different


[blocks in formation]

Johnson, Kenrick.
Sheridan, Ash, Bailey.
Johnson, Sheridan, Barclay.
Ash, Kenrick, W. Johnston,
Bailey, Entick.

Johnson, Kenrick, Nares, Fen-

Sheridan, Ash, W. Johnston,
Perry, Buchanan, Bailey, En-
Johnson, Nares, Barclay, Fen-

Sheridan, Kenrick, Ash, Scott,
Perry, Buchanan, Bailey.
Johnson, Sheridan, Kenrick,
Ash, Scott, Perry, Entick,
Barclay, Fenning.

No examples.

Nares, Bailey.

forated to let out matter, as tapping in a tym


PARACENTRICAL, pår-â-sên'trè-kål
PARACENTRICK, pår-å-sen'trik.
Deviating from circularity.

[blocks in formation]

PARADE, pâr-råde'. s. Show, ostentation;
military order; place where troops draw up
to do duty and mount guard; guard, posture of

PARADIGM, pår'å-dim. s. 389. Example.
PARADISIACAL, pår-å-dè-zł'â-kål. a. 506
Suiting paradise, making paradise.
PARADISE, pâr'ra-dise. s. The blissful regions
in which Adam and Eve were placed any
place of felicity.
PARADOX, pâr'rå-dôks. s. A tenet contrary to
received opinion; an assertion contrary to ap-


PARADOXICAL, pârâ-dôk'sè-kâl. a.

[ocr errors]

Having the nature of a paradox; inclined to new tenets or notions contrary to received opinions. PARADOXICALLY, pår-â-dôk ́sé-kål-é. ad. In a paradoxical manner.

Johnson, Kenrick, Ash, Sheri-|PARADOXICALNESS, pâr-â-dök'sè-kâl-nês. s.
dan, Scott, Perry, Entick. State of being paradoxical.
Sheridan, Scott, Nares, Smith,||PARADOXOLOGY, pår-å-dôk-sôl'lò-jé. s. The
⚫use of paradoxes.

Ash, Perry, Entick, Bailey, Bar-PARAGOGE, pâr-â-go'jè. s. A figure whereby
a letter or syllable is added at the end of a
No examples.
word, as, my deary for my dear.

Johnson, Sheridan, Ash, Ken-
rick, W. Johnston, Buchanan,
Bailey, Barclay, Fenning, En-To


PARAGON, pâr'rä-gôn. s. 166. A model, a pat-
tern, something supremely excellent.
PARAGON, pärʼrå-gðn. v. a.
To compare;
to equal.

This extract sufficiently shows how uncertain||FARAGRAPH, pår'râ-grâf. s. A distinct part of usage is, and the necessity of recurring to prin- a discourse.

By paragraphs.
PARALLACTICAL, pâr-ál-lâk'tè-kâl.

ciples: and that these are on the side I have PARAGRAPHICALLY, pâr-râ-grâf'fè-kâl-lè. ad. adopted, may be gathered from No. 512.-See MAMMILLARY and MAXILLARY. PAPILLOUS, på-pîl'lus. a. The same with|| PAPILLARY.

} a.

PARALLACTICK, pâr-râl-lâk'tîk. Za

509. Pertaining to the parallax. PARALLAX, par'râl-låks. s. The distance be tween the true and apparent place of any star viewed from the earth. Extended in the

There is some diversity in the accentuation||
of this word, as well as the former: Dr. John-
son and Barclay place the accent on the first
syllable; and Mr. Sheridan, Dr. Kenrick, Dr.||PARALLEL, pâr'râl-lël. a
Ash, and Mr. Perry, on the second, as I have

PAPIST, på'pist. s. An appellation given by
Protestants to one that adheres to the commu-
mon of the Pope and Church of Rome.
PATISTICAL, pâ-pis'tè-kål. a Relating to the
religion of those called Papists.
PAPISTRY, på'pis-trẻ. s. A name given by
Protestants to the doctrine of the Roman Cath-

PAPPOUS, pâç'pas. a. 314. Having soft light

down growing out of the seeds of soine plants, such as thistles; downy.

PAPPY, pâp'pé. a. Soft, succulent, easily divided.

PAR, pår. s. 77. State of equality, equivalence, equal value.

PARABLE, pâr'râ-bl. s. 81, 405. A similitude,|| a relation under which something else is fig. ured.

PARABOLA, pâ-ráb′bò-lå. s. One of the conick

PARABOLICAL, pâr-râ-ból ́lé-ká!.
PARABOLICK, pår-râ-bôľ'îk. 509.

a. Ex

pressed by parable or similitude; having the nature or form of a parabola. PARABOLICALLY, pár-râ-ból'lè-kâl-è. ad By -way of parable or similitude; in the form of a|| parabola.

PARABOLISM, på-râb'bó-lizm. s. In Algebra, the division of the terms of an equation, by a koown quantity that is involved or multiplied In the first term.

PARABOLOID, på-råb'bò-13îd. 9. A paraboliförin curve in geometry.

PARACENTESIS, pâr-a-sen te ́sis. s. That operation whereby any of the venters are per

same direction, and preserving always the same
distance; having the same tendency; continu-
ing the resemblance through many particulars,

PARALLEL, pâr'râl-lêl s. Lines continuing
their course, and still remaining at the same
distance from each other; lines on the globe
marking the latitude; direction conformable to
that of another line; resemblance, conformity
continued through many particulars, compar
ison made any thing resembling another.
To PARALLEL, pâr'rål-lél. v. a. To place so as
always to keep the same direction with another
line; to keep in the same direction with anoth-
er line; to keep in the same direction; to level;
to correspond to; to be equal to, to resemble
through many particulars; to compare.
PARALLELISM, pâr'rål-lêl-izm. s. Ŝtate of be-
ing parallel.

[ocr errors]

PARALLELOGRAM, pâr-â-iêl'lò-grâm. s.
geometry, a right lined quadrilateral figure,
whose opposite sides are parallel and equal,
PARALLELOGRAMICAL, pár-à-lêl-o-gram'mè-
kâl. a. 509. Having the properties of a paral-

To PARALOGIZE, pâ-râl'ò-jlze. v. n. To rea-
son sophistically.
PARALOGISM, pâr-rål'lò-jîzın. s. A false ar-

PARALOGY, pár-râl'lò-jè. s. 518. False reason-
PARALYSIS, på-râl'è-sis. s. A palsy.
To PARALYZE, pâr'à-lize. v. a. To weaken,
to deprive of strength as if struck with a palsy.

The very general use of this word, especially since the French revolution, seems to entitle it to a place in the Dictionaries of our language

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