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Murtherer, in Exton, iv. 76.

Pedantry, in Sir Hugh Evans, i. M. W. of Windfor. In Armado,
Holofernes, and Nathaniel, ii. Love's lab. loft.

Pride, vii. 313. Uly

Princes, young and valiant, P. Henry and Lancaster, iv. 1 & 2 Hen. IV.
Prophetefs, in Joan of Orleans, iv. 342.

Rage, arifing from grief, iv. 164. North.

Arifing in a father from
In a fon for the

the undutifulness of his children, vi. K. Lear. murther of his father, in Richard, v. 109.

Rebel, crafty and timorous, Northumberland, iv. 1 & 2 Hen. IV.
Crafty and refolute, Westmorland b. Brave and indifcreet, Hot-
fpur ib.

Revenge, implacable. ii. 122. Ant. 124. Grat.
Sifter, tenderly affectionate. See Ifabel, $3.

Superftition in Glendower, iv. 1 Hen. IV.

Villain, falfe, crafty, bold, described in Edmund, vi. K. Lear. In the murtherers of Clarence, v. 194.

Virtuous severity of mind, i. 266. Luco.

Wife, complaining of the unkindness of her husband, iii. 162, 3, 5. Adr. The ill effects of her jealoufy 193. Abb. Lamenting her husband, v. 204. Queen. Complaining of being forfaken by her husband, vi. 227. L. Macduff. A good one. See Catharine, § 1. Womankind, their nature, i. 150. Val. 285. Ifab.

53. Fictitious Perfons, with the Characters afcribed to them. A Damiana, a feevith, wife, ill. Comit

Adriana, a peevish, jealous wife, iii. Com. of errors.

Sir Andrew Aguecheek, a foolish, cowardly knight, iii. Twelfth night.
Angelo, a fevere new governor, i. Meaf. for meaf.

Anthonio, a cruel, falfe ufurping brother, i. Tempest.

Anthonio, a friend, ii. Merchant of Venice.

Apemantus, a cynic, vi. Timen.

Arviragus. See Guiderius.

Barnardine, an Atheistical hardened wretch, i. 308, 9.

Bellarius, fortitude in difgrace, vii. Cymbeline.

Benedick, Beatrice, two fatyrical wits, ii. Much ado about nothing.

Caliban, a favage man, i. 13.

Ceres, or the country, i. 46.

Claudius, blood, inceft, and ufurpation, viii. Hamlet.

Cloten, infolence and folly, vii. Cymbeline.

Clown, ii. As you like it. iii. Twelfth night.

Creffida, a mifs, vii. Troilus and Creffida.

Defdemona, beauty and innocence facrificed to jealousy, viii. Othello.

Her character 199. 200. Bra. 203. Bra. 214. Caf. 221. Caf. & lago. 229. Iago. 257. Oth. 258. Oh.

See Othello.

Egeus, a cruel morofe father, i. Midfummer-night's dream.
Edmund, a crafty, falfe, enterprising villain, vi. K. Lear.
Fairies, viii. 17. Mercutio.

Falstaff, Sir John, refolves on an intrigue with Mrs. Ford and Mrs.
Page, i. 190. His billet-doux r95. Settles an affignation with



Mrs. Quickly 203. His difcovery of it to Ford, difguifed like Brook 208. His firft addrefs to Mrs. Ford 218. Surprised, and escapes in a basket 225, 1. His account of his being thrown into the Thames 226. Another affignation with Mrs. Quickly 227. Makes a full relation to Ford of his former disappointment 228. Meets with Mrs. Ford, and is again furprised 232. Efcapes undiscovered in the difguife of an old woman 237. His foliloquy on : this occafion 243. A third meeting fettled with Mrs. Quickly 246. He relates to Ford his late difappointment ib. He meets Mrs. Ford in Windfor park 248. Surprised, and feized by Mr. Ford 251. His courfe of life described by Pr. Henry, iv. 82. He concerts a robbery with the Prince 85. His horfe taken from him in the adventure 98. Infults the Prince, to conceal his own cowardice 107. Perfonates the King, to chide Pr. Henry 114. The tavern-bill found in his pocket 118. His rallery on Bardolph's red nofe 131. Quarrels with the hoftefs 131. His defcription of his new-raifed company 139.1 His defcription of honour 148. His behaviour in the battle at Shrewsbury 152. Wounds Percy after he was dead, and affumes the merit of killing him 157. He rails at his page, the Prince, and the mercer 167. Reprimanded by the Chief Juftice 169. Arrested by Mrs. Quickly 178. Pleads before the Chief Justice 179. Pacifies Mrs. Quickly, and borrows more money 185. His letter to the Prince 184. Treats Doll Tearsheet 188. Revenges her quarrel on Piftol 192. Surprifed with her by the Prince whilst he was railing at him 193. Inlifts foldiers before Justice Shallow 202. His character of the Juftice 208. Takes Coleville prifoner 218. His encomium on the virtues of fack 220. His character, of Justice Shallow and his family 233. Receives news of Henry IV.'s death 241. Prefents himself to Henry V. 243. Reprimanded by the King, and ordered to the Fleet 244, 5. An account of his fickness 262. Hoft. and of his death 269.

Flavius, a frugal honeft steward, vi. Timon.
Florizel, conftant in love, iii. Winter's Tale..

Fluellen, ftout and choleric, iv. Henry V.

Friar. viii. Romeo and Juliet.

Gadhill, a highwayman, iv. 96.

Gonzalo, an honest counsellor, i. Tempest.

Gower, a good officer, iv. Henry V.

Guiderius and Arviragus, native royalty exerting itself in a low favage life, vii. Cymbeline.

Grave-digger, viii. Hamlet.


Hamlet, an accomplished young prince unfortunate, viii. Hamlet. His foliloquy on his mother's marriage with his uncle 94. and converses with his father's ghost 102. Addreffes himself to Ophelia as a distracted perfon 112. Converfes with Polonius 118. with Rofincrantz and Guildenstern 119. His foliloquy about his own delay to revenge his father's murther 128. His foliloquy whilst he meditated felf-murther, interrupted by Ophelia 130. His character by Ophelia 133. His advice to the players about pronunciation

munciation and action 134. Profeffeth his friendship to Horatio, with a deteftation of flattery 135. Discovers the King's guilt by the play 141, 2. Banters the meffengers the King and Queen fent to him 142. Debates with himself whether he should kill the King at his prayers 147. Upbraids the Queen with her guilt, when the ghoft appears again to him 151. Examined by the King, banters him, and is ordered to go to England 157. Blames his own inactivity 159. Converseth with the grave-maker, and moralizeth on the fculls 174. Fights with Laertes in the grave 178, 9. Relates to Horatio the King's order to have him put to death in England 180, 1. Banters a fop who brought a challenge from Laertes, and accepts it 182. Afks Laertes pardon, before they fight, for his former rafhness 186. Kills Laertes, and the King, and dies himself 188, 9.

Hermia, constant in love, i. Midfummer-night's dream.
Hermione, wronged innocence, iii. Winter's tale.
Hero, innocence fcandalized, ii. Much ado about nothing.
Horatio, a fine character of friendship, viii. Hamlet.
Iago, a confummate villain, viii. Othello.

Jaques, a melancholy fatyrical character, ii. As you like it.
Imogen, diftrefs in a beautiful innocent wife, vil. Cymbeline.
Don John, an envious, melancholy villain, ii. Much ado about no-

Iris, or the Rainbow, i. 45.

Ifabel, a fifter tenderly affectionate, i. Measure for measure. Juliet, beautiful, conftant, and unfortunate in love, viii Romeo and Juliet. Falls in love with Romeo 22. Her courtship with him in the garden 24—29. Her impatience for Romeo's coming 45. Her foliloquy on hearing Romeo had killed Tybalt 48. Her parting with Romeo after his banishment 54. 55. 56. Importuned to marry Paris 57.-60. Advised by the Friar to confent to the match 63. Her foliloquy on taking a potion 65. Thought to be dead 69. The Friar advises, that the be buried 70. She fees Romeo dead by her when the awaked 80. Kills herfelf with a dag ger ib.

Juno, the bleffings of marriage, i. 46.

Katharine, a fhrew, ii. Taming of the fhrew.

Laertes, the duties of a fon and a brother, viii. Hamlet.

Launce, a clown, i. 154.

Lavinia, beautiful, innocent, and greatly unfortunate, vi. Tit. Andron. Leonato, a brave old man, and a tender father, ii. Much ado about nothing.

Leontes, extremely jealous, iii. Winter's tale,

Lucio, a half-witted rake, i. Measure for measure.

Malvolio, a fantastical steward, iii. Twelfth night.

Mercutio, quarrelfome, viii. Romeo and Juliet.

Miranda, beautiful and innocent, i. Tempest,

Morochius, a Moor, his perfon and manners, ii. 85. Mor.
Nurse, viii. Romeo and Juliet.

Ophelia, beauty and innocence, distracted with calamities, viii. Hamlet.


Orlando, a younger brother neglected by the elder, ii. As you like it. Othello, his fervice of importance to the ftate owned by lago, viii. 196. Owns himself of royal descent, and love the fole motive of his marrying Desdemona 198. Seized and infulted by her father 199. 200. Accufed by him before the Duke, he relates the whole progrefs of his amour 203. Described by lago, of a temper eafy and credulous 211. His meeting at Cyprus with Defdemona 217. Iago begins to work him up to jealoufy 235, 6. His foliloquy af ter it 240. His jealoufy confirmed, a beautiful fcene 242, 3, Afks Deflemona for the handkerchief, and tells the virtues of it 2.18. His paffion worked up by Iago till he falls in a trance 254. Litens to Caffio's difcourfe with Iago 255. Wrought up to fury, he refolves to murther Defdemona and Caffio 257. Strikes Defdemona 259. Examines her and Emilia 261. Kills Defdemona 277. His bitter remorfe after 283. He kills himself 285. Pindarus, a he-bawd, vii. Troilus and Creffita.

Parolles, a lying, cowardly captain, iii. All's well that ends well. Pothumus, fond and jealous, vii. Cymbeline.

Profpero, a magician, i. Tempeft.

Protheus, falfe to his friend and mistress, i. Two Gentlemen of Ve


Queen, ambition, cruelty, and falsehood, vii. Cymbeline.
Quickly, a bawd, iv. 1 & 2. Hen. IV.

ried to her 40.


Romeo, paffionately tender and unfortunate in love, viii. Romeo and
Juliet. Invited by a fervant to Capulet's entertainment, viii. 12.
Enters the house in a mafque 19. His defcription of Juliet's hear
ty 20. Begins a conference with her 21. His courtship with her
in the garden 24.-29. Meets her at the Friar's cell 39. Is mar-
Kills Tybalt in a duel 44. Banished to Verona by
the Prince 45. His fpeech on his banishment 49. 50. 51.
vented from ftabbing himself by the Friar 52. His parting with
Juliet, after having fpent a night with her 54. 55. 56. Told of
her death 73.
His defcription of and difcourfe with an apotheca-
ry 73. 74. Buys poifon of him 74. Breaks open the monument
where Juliet was laid 77. Attacked by Paris, and kills him ib.
His laft fpeech over Juliet's corfe 78. Drinks poison, and dies 79.
Rofalind, beautiful and witty, ii. As you like it.

Shylock, a Jew, cruel and covetous, ii. Merchant of Venice,
Sycorax, a witch, i. 11.

Sylvia, beautiful and conftant, i. Two Gentlemen of Verona.
Tamora. See Horror, § 2.

Therfites, envy and calumny, vii. Troilus and Creffida.

Thurio, a rich fimple pretender to love, i. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Titus Andronicus, a brave soldier and unfortunate father, vii. Titus Andronicus.

Sir Toby Beich, a fot, iii. Twelfth night.


[blocks in formation]


Ctions to be carried on with refolution, v. 282. Wolfey.
Adverfity, the advantages of it, ii. 233. Duke Sen.

Aftrology ridiculed, vi. 15.

Authority, the ill privileges of it, i. 279. Ifab.

Banishment, in Mowbray banithed, iv. 15. Mowbray. Comforted 18.

Baftardy defended, vi. 12. Baftard.

Calumny unavoidable, i. 199. Duke.

Ceremony, vi. 105. Apem. 106. Timon.

Changes in friendship and hate, vi. 367. Coriolanus.

Christmas, how the time is reverenced, viii. 90. Mar.

Conduct in war fuperior to action, vii. 281. Ulys

Confcience, v. 195. 2 Villain. 264. K. Richard.

Confpiracy dreadful till executed, vii. 20. Brutus.

Content in a private life, v. 77. Iden.


Courtship, advice to young ladies how it should be admitted, viii. 98. Laer. 100, 1. Pol.

Cowards die often, vii. 28. Cafar.

Crown, the pleasure of wearing one, v. 99. Rich.

Cuckolds make themselves, viii. 269, 70. Æmil.

Day, happy, iii. 319. K. Phil. Unfortunate ib. Conftance.

Death, the terrors of it, i. 291. Claud. The defire of loved objects heightened by it, ii. 50. Friar. Invoked, iii. 330. Conftance. A neceflary end, and should not be feared, vii. 28. Cafar. Delights, violent, not lasting, viii. 39. Friar.

Dependents not to be too much trusted by great men, v. 295. Buck. Doubt and delay, v. 301. K. Richard.

Drunkenness, an unmanly vice, viii. 228.

Duty expreffed with fimplicity, acceptable, i. 110. Thefeus.

Dying words, their force, iv. 21. Gaunt.

Eclipfes, their influence, vi. 15. Glofter.

Faction, how to be carried on, iv. 137. Worcester. 147. K. Henry. Favourites of princes, wretched, v. 327. Wolfey.

Fly, reflections on the killing one, vi. 201. Titus.

Fortune, ii. 127. Ant.

Friendship, none obferved in love, ii. 16. Claudio. Grounded on intereft, changed with fortune, vi. 138. Servant.

Fruition more languid than expectation, ii. 95. Sal. Gra.

Gold, its power over mankind. vi. 149. Timon. 149. Timon. 155.
Timon. vii. 195. Cloten. viii. 74: Romeo.

Good to be drawn out of evil, iv. 295. K. Henry.
Great men, their favours uncertain, v. 22 3. Haft.
Greatness fubject to cenfure, i. 304. Duke.
when it declines, vii. 313. Achilles.

Meets with contempt

Grief, immoderate, difcommended, viii. 93. King.

Holy war, iv. 80. K. Henry.

Honour ought to be conferred on merit only, ii. 101. Ar. Due to


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