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Muffler, a part of the female head-, Oxlip, the greater cowslip.


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Muss, a scramble.

Pack, to make a bargain, collusively.

Packings, frauds.

Pale, dominions, boundaries.

Mutine, to mutiny; or a mutinous Pall, to wrap, or invest.


Napless, threadbare.

Palled, vapid, decayed. Palmers, pilgrims who visited places.

Nayword, a watchword, or a bye- Palmy, victorious.


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Neif, fist.

Nether-stocks, stockings.
Newt, the eft.

Nice, silly, trifling.

Nick, reckoning or count.
To nick, to set the mark on.
Night-rule, frolic of the night.
Nill, shall not.

Nine men's morris, figures cut out in the turf for a game so called. Noble touch, true metal unalloyed. Nonce, for the nonce, on purpose. Noon-tide prick, noontide point on the dial.

Nott-pated, round headed, cropt.
Novum, a game at dice.

Nouzle, to thrust the nose into.
Nowl, a head.

Nurture, education.

Nut-head, a catchpole.

Odd-even, the interval between twelve at night and one in the morning.

Od's pitikins, God's my pity.
Oeliads, glances of the eye. Fr.
Oes, circles.

Opal, a precious stone, of almost all colours.

Operant, active.
Opinion, reputation.
Ordinance, rank.
Orgulous, proud. Fr.

Ostent, ostentation or demonstra


Overcrows, overcomes, triumphs


Overscutched, whipt, or carted, applied to low prostitutes. Ouphes, fairies.

Ousel-cock, supposed the cock blackbird.

Out-vied, defeated, a term in the old game of primers. Owe, own.

Paller, to shuffle.
Paragoned, peerless, withont

Parcell-bawd, half-bawd.
To parcell, to reckon.
Parcell-gilt, partly gilt.
Parilors, apparitors, officers
spiritual court.

Parle, dispute by words.
Parlous, perilous, keen, shre
Partizan, a pike.
Pash, head.

To pash, to butt, or strike with lence.

Passed, sometimes for surpass expression.

Passy-measure, a kind of dand
Patch, a fool.
Path, to walk.

Patines, round broad plates. Pavin, a kind of dance. Paucas palabris, few words, rupted from the Sp. pocas bras.

Payed, beaten, drubbed. Hen 1st Part, punished.

Peat, pet, or darling, a spo child.

Peer-out, appear out, or peep Peevish, foolish.

Peize, to weigh, to keep iu pense. Fr. Pelting, paltry.

Perdu, one of the forlorn hope. Perdy, a corruption of the Fr oath, par Dieu.

Perfect, certain, or well assure Periapts, charms worn about neck.

Pew-fellow, a companion.
Pheere, a mate, or companion.
Pheese, to plague or tease.
Pia Mater, the membrane that
tects the substance of the bra
Pick, to pitch.
Pickers, hands.
Pick-thank, an officious parasit
Piece, one, individual.
Pieled, shaved,

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Pleached, folded in each other.
Point, to point exactly, completely.
Point-devise, exactly. Fr.
Poize, weight or moment.
Polack, a pole.

Politic regard, a sly look.
Pulled, bared or cleared.
Pomander, a perfumed ball, worn
in times of infection.
Pomewater, a species of apple.
Poor John, hake, dried and salted.
Popinjay, a parrot.

Port, show or appearance.
Portage, open space, or safe arrival
at a port.
Portance, carriage.

Possess, to make understand.
Potch, to push roughly or violently.
Potents, potentates.
Poulter, poulterer.

Pouncet box, a box cut with open work. Fr.

Prank, to adorn, to deck out.


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Quests, reports.

Question, conversation.

Questrist, one who goes in search
of another,
Quiddits, subtleties.

Quill, in the quill, written.
Quillets, evasion, chicanery.
Quintain, a post or butt set up.
Quips, hasty, passionate reproaches
and scoffs.

Quired, played in concert.
Quit, to requite.

Quittance, return of injuries or favours.

Quiver, nimble, active.

Quote, to observe or regard, to mock.

Precisian, one who pretends to Rabato, an ornament for the neck.

great sanctity.

Preeches, breeched, flogged.
Prenominate, already named.

ricket, a buck of the second year.

Prig, to filch.

Primer, more important.
Primero, a game at cards.
Princox, a coxcomb or pet.
Probat, probable.

Proface, much good may it do you.
Profane, sometimes, free of speech,

Rabbit-sucker, a young rabbit. Race of heaven, something descended from heaven, heavenly. Race, a pond.

Rack, the last fleeting vestige of the highest clouds.

To rack, to harass by exactions.
Ram, for rain.

Rampallion, a ramping, low crea


Rapt, rapturously affected.
Rated sinew, a strength reckoned


Ravin, to devour voraciously.
Raught, reached.

Rawly, without preparation, sud-
denly, hastily.
Rayed, bewrayed.
Raze, a bale.

Recheat, a horn, a tune to call the
dogs back.

Reck, to care for.
Recorder, a kind of flute.
Red-lattice phrases, alehouse con-
versation, from the form of the
doors and windows.

Red plague, the erysipelas, S. An-
tony's fire.

Reechy, discoloured by smoke.
Reels, probably for wheels.
Refel, to confute.

Regreet, exchange of salutation.
Reguerdon, recompense, return.
Remotion, removal from place to
place, shifting.

Remues, journeys, stages.
Render, to describe.

Renege, to renounce.

Repeals, recalls.

Reports, reporters.

Reproof, confutation.
Repugn, to resist.

Reserve, to guard, to preserve care-

Resolve, dissolve.

Respect, caution, regard to consequences.

Respective, respectful or respect-

Respectively, respectfully.
Rest, what I am resolved on.
Retort, to refer back.
Reverbs, reverberates.
Revolts, revolters.

Rheumatic, capricious,

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Ropetricks, roguish tricks, or abu-
sive language.
Ropery, roguery.
Roundel, a cirular dance.
Roundure, a circle.

Rouse, a draught of jollity, ca-

Royal, or real, a coin of the value
of ten shillings.
Royally attorneyed, nobly supplied
by substitution of embassies.
Roynish, mangy, scurvy.
Ruddock, the redbreast.
Ruffle, to be noisy, disorderly.
Rufling, bustling or rustling.
Rump-fed, fed with offals.
Rush, for rush-ring.
Ruth, pity, compassion.

Sacarson, the name of a bear.
Sacring-bell, the bell which gives
notice of the Host approaching.
Sad ostent, grave appearance.
Sagg, to sink down.
Sallet, a helmet.
Saltiers, satyrs.

Samingo, San Domingo.
Saw, discourse.
Say, old word for silk.
Scale, to disperse, to spread.
Scaling, weighing.

Scall, a word of reproach, scab.
Scamble, to scramble.
Scanned, examined nicely.
Scandling, measure or proportion.
Scarfed, decorated with flags.
Scath, destruction, harm.

Sconce, the head, or a kind of forti-

Scotch, to bruise or crush.
Scrimers, fencers. Fr.

humour- Scroyles, scabby fellows.

Rive, to discharge or burst.
Romage, a tumultuous hurry.
Ronyon, a scab, a despicable


Rood, the cross.

Rooky, abounding with rooks.


Scrubbed, stunted, shrub-like, or

short and dirty.

Sculls, shoals of fish.

Seam, lard.

Seamel, a sea-mew.

Seamy side without, inside out.

Sear, dry.

Sear, to close up.

Seel, to sew up.

Seeling, blinding.

Seld, seldom.

Semblably, in resemblance, alike.
Seniory, seniority.

Sennet, a flourish on cornets.
Sense, reason and natural affection.
Septentrion, the North.

Sequence, of degree, methodically.
Sere, see Sear.

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Serpigo, a kind of tetter. Sessa, cesa, Sp., cease.

Set of wit, a term from tennis. Sets up his rest, a term from the military exercise.

Setobos, a kind of god or devil. Several,or severell, a field separated from others to bear corn and grass.

Sewer, the person who placed the dishes in order. Shard-borne, borne on shards or wings.

Shark up, to pick up without distinction.

Shaven Hercules, Samson.
Sheen, shining, bright, gay.
Sheer, pellucid, transparent.
Shent, scolded, roughly treated.
Sherris sack, sherry sack.
Shive, a slice.

Shog, to go off.

Shotten, projected.

Shove groat, a kind of game.

game of shovel-board.

Shoughs, a species of dog.

Sneap, rebuke, check.
Sneck up, a cant phrase, probably
for, go hang yourself.
Snipe, an insignificant fellow.
Snuff, anger, annoyance.
Snuffs, dislikes.

Soft, i.e. conditions, gentle qualities of mind.

Soil, turpitude, reproach.
Solidares, some species of coin.
Sooth, truth.

Sorer, a greater or heavier crime.
Sorel, a deer during his third year.
Sort, to choose out.

Sorts, different degrees or kinds.
Sort and suit, figure and rank.
Sot, fool. Fr.

Soud, sweet, or an exclamation denoting weariness.

Sowle, to drag down.

Souter, the name of a hound.

Spanieled, dogged.

Speak parrot, to act childishly and foolishly.

Shovel boards, shillings used at the Speak holiday, i.e. words curiously

Shoulder clapper, a bailiff.
Shrewd, severe, bitter.
Shrift, confession.

Shrive, to call to confession.
Side, partnership at play.
Siege, a stool or seat.
Sieve, a common voider.
Sightless, unsightly.

Sights, i.e, of steel, the perforated

part of the helmet.

Single, weak, little.
Sith and sithence, since.

Sizes, allowances.

Skains's mates, kin's mates.
Shill, reason.

Skills not, is of no importance. Skinker, a tapster; from Skink, to draw.

Skirr, to scour.

Slave, to treat with indignity.
Sleave, coarse unwrought silk.
Sledded, carried on a sledge.
Sleided, untwisted.
Slights, arts.

lip, a counterfeit piece of money; a line for leading a dog. Slivered, sliced.

Slops, loose breeches or trowsers. Slough, the skin which the serpent throws off annually.

Slowed, delayed.
Slubber, to obscure.
Smirched, soiled, obscured.

and affectedly chosen.

Speculation, sight.

Speculative instruments, the eyes.
Speed, fate or event.
Sperr, to bar up.

Spill, to destroy.

Spleen, hurry, or tumultuous speed.
Spotted, wicked.

Sprag, ready, alert.
Sprighted, haunted.

Springhalt, a disease incident to


Square, to quarrel.

Squarer, a quarrelsome fellow.
Squash, an immature peascod.
Squiney, to look asquínt.
Squire, a rule or square.
Stage, to place conspicuously.
Staggers, a disorder peculiar to

Stain, colour or tincture.
Stale, a decoy to catch birds.
Stannyel, the name of a kind of
Stark, stiff.

State, a chair of state.
Statist, statesman.

Staves, the wood of the lances.
Stead, to help or befriend.
Sternage, the hinder part, close

Stickler, one who stood by to part
the combatants, an umpire.
Stigmatical, marked or stigmatized.
Still, quiet, constant, continual.

Stilly, gladly, lowly.
Stinted, stopped.
Stint, to stop.

Stithied, forged; from stithy, an

Stoccata, a thrust or stab. Ital.
Stock, stocking.

Stomach,stubborn resolution, pride,
or haughtiness.

Stone-bow, a cross-bow to shoot


Stover, hay made of coarse rank grass, and used for thatching.

Strait, narrow, avaricious.

Straited, put to difficulties.

Talent, for talon.

Tarre, to stimulate, to set on.
Tasked, taxed.

Tassel-gentle, or tercel-gentle, a
species of hawk.

Tawney coat, the dress of a sum-
moner or apparitor.
Taxation, censure or satire.
Teen, sorrow, grief, or trouble.
Temper, to mould like wax.
Temperance, temperature.
Tend, attend.

Tender, to regard with affection.
Tent, to take up residence.
Tercel, the male hawk.

Strange and strangeness, shy and Tested, attested, genuine.


Strangle, to suppress.

Strawy, straying.

Striker, cant word for a borrower. Stuck, or stock, for stoccata, a term in fencing.

Stuffed sufficiency, abilities more
than enough.

Submerged, whelmed under water.
Subscribe, to yield or surrender.
Subtleties, disguised dishes.

Success, succession.

Testerned, gratified with a tester, or sixpence.

Tetchy, touchy, peevish, fretful.
Tether, a string by which any ani-
mal is fastened.

Tharborough, third borough, a
peace officer.
Theoric, theory.

Thews, muscular strength or ap-
pearance of manhood."
Thick, quick, fast.

Thick-pleached, thickly interwoven.

Successive, i. e. title, title to the Thill, or fill, the shafts of a cart or


Suggest, to tempt, to excite.
Suited, dressed.

Sumpter, either the horse or the
package that conveys necessaries.
Superfluous, overclothed. All's
Well. Living in abundance. Lear.
Surcease, cessation, stop.
Surreined, overridden.
Swart, or swarth, black or dark

Swashing, imposing, bullying.
Swath, the quantity of grass cut
down by a single stroke of the

Sway, weight or momentum.
Sweltered, in a heat.
Swinge-bucklers, rakes, or rioters.
Swound, swoon.

Table, the palm of the hand ex-
tended, a picture.

Tables, books of ivory for memo-

Tabourines, small drums.
Ta'en order, taken measures.
Tag, the vulgar populace.

Take, i. e. a house, to go into a

Take, to strike with disease.
Take in, to subdue.


Thin helm, thin covering of hair.
Thought, melancholy.

Thrasonical, insolently boasting;
from Thraso, a braggadocio in

Thread, to pass through.
Three-pile, rich velvet.
Thrift, a state of prosperity.
Thrumed, made of thrum, the end
of the weaver's warp.
Tib, a nickname for a wanton.
Tickle, ticklish.

Tickle-brain, the name of a strong

Tilley-valley, an interjection of
Time, tune.

Timeless, untimely.
Timely-parted, i.e. ghost, departed
in the course of time and nature.
Tire, to fasten, to fix the talous.
Tire valiant, or volant, a kind of

Tired, adorned.

Tod, a certain quantity of wool.
Toged, gowned.
Tokened, spotted.
Tolling, paying toll.

Tomboy, a masculine forward girl.
Too much, any sum, ever so much.

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