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erted in our favor, and in favor of our object. We dined with him. Our next visit was with the Rev. Charles Williamson, an Episcopal minister from England, who is sent out as chaplain to preach to the English living here. He has resided here about two years, expresses great joy at our arrival; and he will assist us in procuring a place of residence, and whatever else we may need. It is a great consolation to find one such man. He preaches every Sabbath in a small house or chapel, to the few English residents in Smyrna.

"We called next on Mr. Perkins. There are two merchants here by this name, who are brothers, from Boston; one however has lived here about twenty years, and the other a longer time. Here too we were kindly received. Such was our first visit in Asia. About nine o'clock in the evening we returned to the ship. The men I have mentioned all live near together, in Frank-street, which is inhabited principally by merchants from Europe; English, Scotch, Dutch, Russian, Austrian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

"This is a place of extensive trade. There are perhaps 100 vessels now in harbor. Three are American. We expect to hire a room, and live here for the present to study languages. The prospect is, that we shall find our situation pleasant. Surely the goodness of God calls for our gratitude, and our entire devotedness to his cause."


Smyrna, January 30, 1820. "Rev. and Dear Sir.-It has long been my earnest desire to have a regular correspondence with some experienced Christian, who can assist me in forming my religious and missionary character; a correspondence which shall be peculiarly free and unreserved; in which I can communicate frankly all that I wish, about my temptations and dangers, my struggles,

failures and successes, my doubts, fears and hopes; and in which I may receive the results of longer experience. My present situation makes such a correspondence peculiarly desirable, shut out as I am from Christian society, and deprived of the ordinary means of grace; in danger from irreligious European society, and the influence of a moral atmosphere wholly corrupt. I feel the need of a friend who will look at me from America, faithfully tell me all his heart, and raise the warning voice, when he sees me in danger.

"Your letters would be peculiarly profitable, because written by one who has already had opportunity to know my character and disposition, my weaknesses and dangers.

"Here I think it proper to make one remark concerning my religious state. Though I have been for a long time a professor of religion, and have been much engaged in active duties; yet I have not by any means that assurance which I wish to have, of the genuineness of my religious experience.

"Most of the time I have indeed a comfortable hope, but not without some distressing fears that my religion may be accounted for on natural principles. This has been my state, with very little change, for about twelve years. What am I to think of this? "While I request further favors, I beg you will be assured, that I entertain a very grateful sense of those already received.".

On the first Monday in February, Messrs. Fisk and Parsons united with the Rev. Mr. Williamson in the Monthly concert of prayer. Probably this was the first meeting of the kind ever held in Turkey.

Without recurring to the journal,* which furnishes a minute detail of visits and observations during the first few months of Mr. Fisk's residence in Smyrna,

*Missionary Herald, vol. 17. p. 185 and 201.

it will be sufficient to give a selection of extracts from his correspondence, which will show in general what his situation and engagements at this time were, with his observations thereon.


Smyrna, March 6, 1820.

"The Christian is a citizen of Immanuel's kingdom, and as such ought to cultivate patriotism, to a high degree. What could be more suitable, than the glowing fire and the burning zeal of political enthusiasm consecrated to Christ, and baptized into his spirit? How ought we all to be ashamed of ourselves, that we have so little holy patriotism, that we love our kingdom so little; while they, who belong to earthly kingdoms, are so completely devoted to the perishing interests and carnal objects of their respective kingdoms? Sometimes I love to think of the glory of Christ's kingdom, and of its progress from step to step, till it shall fill the earth. But I stand in great need of having my views rendered more spiritual.

"This is the day of the Monthly concert.-A precious day to the friends of missions. We have thought it proper to devote the day to religious services. We conversed sometime about our need of more acquaintance with the Scriptures, and with the nature of Christ's kingdom, and more purity and spirituality of mind, as qualifications for our great work; and then cried to God, that he would fit us for his own work. We spoke of the multitudes, who are engaged in this Concert; of Christians, who through ignorance, or indifference, neglect it; and of the great importance of having the whole strength of all God's people united in this work, that the whole family of Christ may come on this day with one petition, and with all earnestness of intercession plead for the conversion of the world. We then made it a subject of prayer, that the presence of

Christ may be every where enjoyed to day, and that this Concert may be extended.'

TO THE REV. DR. P., OF SHELBURNE, MASS. Smyrna, March 17, 1820. "Smyrna would be a good missionary station. It is full of souls bound to eternity, but enveloped in the most dreadful moral darkness. You cannot, I apprehend, very well conceive what emotions it excites, to stand and look at such a city. The people are dying daily in the most dreadful ignorance of the Saviour, and of the true God. There are around the city immense burying grounds, some of them containing, I presume, twenty or thirty acres; filled with tombs and overshadowed with Cypress trees.. What a scene will it be when these unnumbered congregations of the dead, shall rise again!


"Though this land is full of superstition, cruelty and ignorance, yet we find our situation by no means uncomfortable. The house in which we live is two stories high; though, like many others in the city, its walls are of mud, and it has no chimney. We are near the north-east corner of the city, and have a good place for morning and evening walks; though the streets are generally very dirty, and very narrow, being from six to perhaps fifteen feet wide. I believe there are only two carriages in Smyrna, and these both belong to Englishmen. All burdens are carried on the backs of camels, mules, asses, or men.

"The costume of the people is truly amusing. One is clothed with long robes coming to his feet; another with large pantaloons coming only to his knees;-one has a turban on his head, another a calpak,-black, white, or green, sometimes globular, sometimes cubical, and often very large. They have no brim, are made very light, set close to the head, the hair being generally all shaved off, unless it be a little on the crown; are worn in the house,

as well as abroad, in company, at church, and every where.

"The catholic priests wear hats with broad brims; the Greeks, a small black hat without any brim. It is common to meet men with beards, that hang down on their breasts.-Jews, Turks, Priests, &c. The Turkish women are seldom seen abroad, and never except with their faces completely covered. The Armenian women have their faces nearly or quite all veiled; but the Greek women seem quite willing to have their faces seen. Their dress is generally very much like that of the English ladies."

TO THE REV. D. H., Of w.

"March, 1820. You will not expect to hear, at present, that we have met with much success. While you labor in a field where you may spend one part of the day in sowing, and the other part in reaping, we have come to a field which needs not a little preparatory labor before the seed can be sown with much prospect of a crop. We do indeed drop now and then a seed, and cherish a faint hope that some fruit may be the result. But the land is so covered with rocks and hedges, with swamps and marshes; so overrun with briers, thorns, and poisonous weeds; so infested with birds and beasts of prey; so blasted by the curse of the Almighty, that our hopes of a speedy or an abundant harvest are exceedingly faint and wavering. Yet we know, and wish always to remember, whose blessing it is, that can give success even here.

"Visionary as our undertaking may seem to worldly spirits, and disheartening as our prospects sometimes appear to ourselves, yet we rejoice, that we are sent hither, and thus far are very happy in our work. Yes, small as our forces are, we will, trusting in Him, who is mighty, confidently besiege this great empire of sin. We may perish in the

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