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ness: there was more honey in this thought than in the carcass. The mercies of God are ill bestowed upon us, if we cannot step aside to view the monuments of his deliverances: dangers may be at once past, and forgotten. As Samson had not found his honey comb, if he had not turned aside to see his lion; so we shall lose the comfort of God's benefits, if we do not renew our perils by mes ditation.

Lest any thing should befal Samson wherein is not some wonder, his lion doth more amaze him dead than alive: for lo, that carcass is made a hive; and the bitterness of death is turned into the sweetness of honey. The bee, a nice and dainty creature, builds her cells in an unsavoury carcass; the carcass, that promised nothing but strength and annoyance, now offers comfort and refreshing; and, in a sort, pays Samson for the wrong offered. Oh the wonderful goodness of our God, that can change our terrors into pleasure, and can make the greatest evils beneficial! Is any man, by his humiliation under the hand of God, grown more faithful and conscionable? there is honey out of the lion.Is any man, by his temptation or fall, become more circumspect? there is also honey out of the lion. There is no Samson, to whom every lion doth not yield honey every Christian is the better for his evils; yea, Satan himself, in his exercise of God's children, advantageth them.

Samson doth not disdain these sweets, because he finds them uncleanly laid His diet was strict, and forbad him any thing that savoured of legal impurity; yet he eats the honeycomb out of the belly of a dead beast: good may not be refused, because the means are accidentally evil: honey is honey still, though in a dead lion. Those are less wise and more scrupulous than Samson, which abhor the graces of God, because they find them in ill vessels: one cares not for the preacher's true doctrine, because his life is evil; another will not take a good receipt from the hand of a physician, because he is given to unlawful studies; a third will not receive a deserved contribution from the hands of a tisurer. It is a weak neglect not to take the honey, because we hate the lion. God's children have right to their father's blessings, wheresoever they find them.

"The match is now made: Samson, though a Nazarite, hath both a wedding and a feast: God never disliked moderate solemnities in the severest life; and yet this bridal feast was long, the space of seven days. If Samson had matelied with the best Israelite, this celebration had been no greater; neither had this, perhaps, been so long, if the custom of the place had not required it. Now I do not hear him plead his Nazaritism, for a colour of singularity ^ it is both lawful and fit, in things not prohibited, to conform ourselves to the manners and rites of those with whom we live.

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That Samson might think it an honour to match with the Philistines, he, whom before the lion found alone, is now accompanied with thirty attendants: they called them companions, but they meant them for spies. The courtesies of the world are hollow and thankless; neither doth it ever purpose so ill, as when it shews

fairest. None are so near to danger, as those whom it entertains with smiles while it frowns, we know what to trust to; but the favours of it are worthy of nothing but fears and suspicion: open defiance is better than false love.

Austerity had not made Samson uncivil: he knows how to enter. tain Philistines with a formal familiarity. And that his intellectual parts might be approved answerable to his arms, he will first try masteries of wit, and set their brains on work with harmless thoughts; his riddle shall oppose them, and a deep wager shall bind the solu tion; thirty shirts, and thirty suits of raiment. Neither their loss nor their gain could be much, besides the victory, being divided unto thirty partners; but Samson's must needs be both ways very large, who must give or receive thirty alone. The seven days of the feast are expiring, and yet they, which had been all this while devouring Samson's meat, cannot tell who that eater should be from whence meat should come. In course of nature, the strong feeder takes in meat and sends out filthiness; but, that meat and sweetness should come from a devouring stomach, was beyond their apprehension.

And as fools and dogs use to begin in jest and end in earnest, so did these Philistines; and therefore they force the bride to entice her husband to betray himself. Covetousness and pride have made them impatient of loss; and now they threat to fire her, and her father's house, for recompence of their entertainment, rather than they will lose a small wager to an Israelite. Somewhat of kin to these savage Philistines, are those choleric gamesters, which, if the dice be not their friend, fall out with God, curse (that which is not) fortune, strike their fellows, and are ready to take vengeance upon themselves: those men are unfit for sport, that lose their patience together with their wager.;

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I do not wonder, that a Philistine woman loved herself and her father's family, more than an Israelitish bridegroom; and if she bestowed tears upon her husband, for the ransom of them. Sams son himself taught her this difference; I have not told it my father or my mother, and should I tell it thee? If she had not been as she was, she had neither done this to Samson, nor heard this from him. Matrimonial respects are dearer than natural: it was the law of him that ordained marriage, before ever parents were, that pa rents should be forsaken for the husband or wife. But now, Isra elitish parents are worthy of more entireness, than a wife of the Philistines; and yet, whom the lion could not conquer, the tears of a woman have conquered. Samson never bewrayed infirmity but in uxoriousness. What assurance can there be of him, that hath a Philistine in his bosom? Adam the perfectest man, Samson the strongest man, Solomon the wisest man, were betrayed with the flattery of their helpers. As there is no comfort comparable to a faithful yoke-fellow, so woe be to him who is matched with a Philistine.

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It could not but much discontent Samson, to see that his adver saries had ploughed with his heifer, and that upon his own back;

now therefore he pays his wager to their cost. Ascalon, the city of the Philistines, is his wardrobe: he fetches thence thirty suits, lined with the lives of the owners. He might with as much ease have slain these thirty companions, which were the authors of this evil; but his promise forbad him, while he was to clothe their bodies, to unclothe their souls; and that Spirit of God, which stirred him up to revenge, directed him in the choice of the subjects. If we wonder to see thirty throats cut for their suits, we may easily know, that this was but the occasion of that slaughter, whereof the cause was their oppression and tyranny. David slew two hundred Philistines for their fore-skins; but the ground of this act was their hostility. It is just with God, to destine what enemies he pleases to execution. It is not to be expostulated why this man is stricken rather than another, when both are Philistines. Judges xiv.


I CAN no more justify Samson, in the leaving of his wife, than in the choosing her he chose her, because she pleased him; and because she despised him, he left her. Though her fear made her false to him in his riddle, yet she was true to his bed that weak treachery was worthy of a check, not a desertion. All the passions of Samson were strong, like himself; but, as vehement motions are not lasting, this vehement wind is soon allayed; and he is now returning with a kid, to win her that had offended him, and to renew that feast which ended in her unkindness. Slight occasions may not break the knot of matrimonial love; and if any just offence have slackened it, on either part, it must be fastened again by speedy reconciliation.

Now Samson's father-in-law shews himself a Philistine, the true parent of her that betrayed her husband; for no sooner is the bridegroom departed, than he changes his son. What pretence of friendship soever he made, a true Philistine will soon be weary of an Israelite. Samson hath not so many days' liberty to enjoy his wedding, as he spent in celebrating it. Marriage hath been ever a sacred institution, and who but a Philistine would so easily vio late it? One of his thirty companions enjoys his wife, together with his suit; and now laughs to be a partner of that bed, whereon he was an attendant. The good-nature of Samson, having forgotten the first wrong, carried him to a proffer of familiarity, and is, repulsed; but with a gentle violence, I had thought thou hadst hated her. Lawful wedlock may not be dissolved by imaginations, but by proofs.

Who shall stay Samson from his own wife?, He, that slew the lion in the way of his wooing, and before whom thousands of the Philistines could not stand, yet suffers himself to be resisted by him who was once his father-in-law, without any return of private. violence. Great is the force of duty once conceived, even to the most unworthy. This thought, "I was his son," binds the hands

of Samson; else how easily might he, that slew those thirty Phi listines for their suits, have destroyed this family for his wife! How unnatural are those mouths, that can curse the loins from which they are proceeded; and those hands, that dare lift up thêm selves against the means of their life and being!

I never read that Samson slew any, but by the motion and assistance of the Spirit of God; and the divine wisdom hath reserved these offenders to another revenge. Judgment must descend from others to them, since the wrong proceeded from others by them. In the very marriage, God foresaw and intended this parting; and, in the parting, this punishment upon the Philistines. If the Phi listines had not been as much enemies to God as to Samson, enemies to Israel in their oppression no less than to Samson in this particular injury, that purpose and execution of revenge had been no better than wicked; now he, to whom vengeance belongs, sets him on work, and makes the act justice: when he commands, even very cruelty is obedience.

It was a busy and troublesome project of Samson, to use the foxes for his revenge; for not without great labour and many hands could so many wild creatures be got together, neither could the wit of Samson want other devices of hostility: but he meant to find out such a punishment, as might in some sort answer the of fence, and might imply as much contempt as trespass. By wiles, seconded with violence, had they wronged Samson, in extorting his secret and taking away his wife; and what other emblem could these foxes tied together present unto them, than wiliness combined by force to work mischief?

# 1.

These foxes destroy their corn, before he which sent them destroys their persons. Those judgments which begin in outward things end in the owners. A stranger that had been of neither side would have said, "What pity is it, to see good corn thus spoiled!" If the creature be considered apart from the owners, it is good; and therefore if it be mis-spent, the abuse reflects upon the maker of it; but if it be looked upon with respect to an ill master, the best use of it is to perish. He therefore that slew the Egyptian cattle with murrain, and smote their fruit with hailstones, he that consumed the vines of Israel with the palmer-worm, and caterpillar, and canker-worm, sent also foxes by the hand of Samson, into the fields of the Philistines. Their corn was too good for them to enjoy, not too good for the foxes to burn up. God would rather his creatures should perislr any way, than serve for the lust of the wicked.

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There could not be such secrecy in the catching of three hundred foxes, but it might well be known who had procured them. Rumour will swiftly fly of things not done; but of a thing so notoriously executed, it is no marvel if Fame be a blab. The men tion of the offence draws in the provocation; and now the wrong to Samson is scanned and revenged: because the fields of the Philistines are burned for the wrong done to Samson by the Timnite in his daughter, therefore the Philistines burn the Tunnite and his

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daughter. The tying of the fire-brand between two foxes was not so witty a policy, as the setting of a fire of dissension betwixt the Philistines. What need Samson be his own executioner, when his enemies will undertake that charge? There can be no more pleasing prospect to an Israelite, than to see the Philistines together by the ears.

If the wife of Samson had not feared the fire for herself and her father's house, she had not betrayed her husband, her husband had not thus plagued the Philistines, the Philistines had not consumed her and her father with fire: now she leaps into that flame which she meant to avoid. That evil which the wicked feared meets them in their flight. How many, in a fear of poverty, seek to gain unconscionably, and die beggars! How many, to shun pain and danger, have yielded to evil, and, in the long run, have been met in the teeth with that mischief which they had hoped to have left behind them! How many, in a desire to eschew the shame of men, have fallen into the confusion of God! Both good and evil are sure paymasters at the last.

He, that was so soon pacified towards his wife, could not but have thought this revenge more than enough, if he had not rather wielded God's quarrel than his own. He knew that God had raised him up on purpose to be a scourge to the Philistines, whom as yet he had angered more than punished; as if these therefore had been but flourishes before the fray, he stirs up his courage, and strikes them both hip and thigh with a mighty plague. That God which can do nothing imperfectly, where he begins either mercy or judg ment will not leave till he have happily finished: as it is in his fa vours, so in his punishments; one stroke draws on another.

The Israelites were but slaves, and the Philistines were their masters; so much more indignantly therefore must they needs take it, to be thus affronted by one of their own vassals: yet shall we commend the moderation of these pagans. Samson, being not mortally wronged by one Philistine, falls foul upon the whole nation; the Philistines, heinously offended by Samson, do not fall upon the whole tribe of Judah, but being mustered together, call to them for satisfaction from the person offending: the same hand of God, which wrought Samson to revenge, restrained them from it: it is no thanks to themselves, that sometimes wicked men cannot be cruel.

The men of Judah are by their fear made friends to their tyrants, and traitors to their friend. It was in their cause that Samson had shed blood, and yet they conspire with the Philistines to destroy their own flesh and blood. So shall the Philistines be quit with Israel, that as Samson by Philistines revenged himself of Philistines, so they of an Israelite by the hand of Israelites. That which open enemies dare not attempt, they work by false brethren; and these are so much more perilous, as they are more entire.

It had been no less easy for Samson to have slain those thousands of Judah that came to bind him, than those other of the Philistines that meant to kill him bound: and what if he had said, "Are ye


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