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these characters will apply to every kind of polite amusement or assembly in the king


man, to bring his own designs to pass, and restrains all that is not necessary to that end; blasting the best concerted enterprizes As to family connexions, I cannot think at one time, by means apparently slight, and we are bound to break or slight them. But altogether unexpected, and at other times as believers and their friends often live as it producing the most important events, from were in two elements, there is a mutual instruments and circumstances which are, awkwardness, which makes their interviews at first thought, too feeble and trivial to derather dry and tedious. But, upon that ac-serve notice. I should like to see a writer count, they are less frequent than they of Dr. Robertson's abilities give us a history would otherwise be, which seems an advan- upon this plan; but I think his reflections of tage. Both sides keep up returns of civility this sort are too general, too cold, and too and affection; but as they cannot unite in few. What an empty phantom do the great sentiment and leading inclination, they will men of the world pursue, while they wage not contrive to be very often together, ex- war with the peace of mankind, and butcher, cept there is something considerable given in the course of their lives, perhaps hundreds up by one or the other; and I think chris- of thousands, to maintain the shadow of autians ought to be very cautious what conces-thority over distant nations, whom they can sions they make upon this account. But as reach with no other influence than that of I said at the beginning, no general positive rules can be laid down.

[blocks in formation]

MY LORD,-I owe your Lordship a quire of letters for the favour and pleasure of your late visit; and therefore I must begin and write away.

I have lately read Robertson's History of Charles V., which, like most other histories, I consider as a comment upon those passages of scripture which teach us the depravity of man, the deceitfulness of the heart, the ruinous effects of sin, and the powerful, though secret rule of divine providence, moving, directing, and controlling the designs and actions of men, with an unerring hand, to the accomplishment of his own purposes, both of mercy and judgment. Without the clue and the light which the word of God affords, the history of mankind, of any, of every age, only presents to view a labyrinth and a chaos; a detail of wickedness and misery to make us tremble, and a confused jumble of interfering incidents, as destitute of stability, connexion, or order, as the clouds which fly over our heads. In this view, Delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi, may serve as a motto to all the histories I have seen; but, with the scripture key, all is plain, all is instructive. Then I see verily there is a God, who governs the earth, who pours contempt upon princes, takes the wise in their own craftiness, over-rules the wrath and pride of

oppression and devastation! But when we consider those who are sacrificed to their ambition, as justly suffering for their sins, then heroes and conquerors appear in their proper light, and worthy to be classed with earthquakes and pestilences, as instruments of divine vengeance. So many cares, so much pains, so many mischiefs,-merely to support the idea a worm has formed of his own grandeur, is a proof that man, by nature, is not only depraved, but infatuated. Permit me to present my thoughts to more advantage in the words of M. Nicole:

"Un grand dans son idée n'est pas un seul homme; c'est un homme environ de tous ceux qui sont à lui, et qui s'imagine avoir autant de bras qu'ils en ont tous ensemble, parce qu'il en dispose et qu'il les remue. Un general d'armée se represente toujours à luimême au milieu de tous ses soldats. Ainsi chacun tâche d'occuper le plus de place qu'il peut dans son imagination, et l'on ne se pousse, et ne s'aggrandit dans le monde, que pour augmenter l'idée que chacun se forme de soi-même. Voilà le but de tous les desseins ambitieux des hommes! Alexandre et Cæsar n'ont point eu d'autre vue dans toutes leurs batailles que celle-là. Et si l'on demande pourquoi le Grand Seigneur a fait depuis peu perir cent mille hommes devant Candie, on peut repondre surement, que ce n'est que pour attacher encore à cette image interieure qu'il a de lui-même, le titre de conquerant.'

How awful is the case of those who live and die in such a spirit, and who have multiplied miseries upon their fellow-creatures, in order to support and feed it! Perhaps they may, upon their entrance on another state, be accosted by multitudes, to the purport of that sarcastical language in the prophet's sublime ode of triumph over the king of Babylon, Is. xiv. 5—17.

* Essais de Morale, vol. i.

Hic est, quem fuga, quem pavor
Præcessit? hic, quem terricolis gravis
Strages secuta est, vastitasque ? hic
Attoniti spoliator orbis?

But though the effects of this principle of self are more extensive and calamitous, in proportion as those who are governed by it are more elevated, the principle itself is deeprooted in every heart, and is the spring of every action, till grace infuses a new principle, and self, like Dagon, falls before the

Lord of Hosts. Great and small are but relative terms; and the passions of discontent, pride, and envy, which, in the breast of a potentate, are severely felt by one half of Europe, exert themselves with equal strength in the heart of a peasant; though, for want of materials and opportunities, their operations are confined within narrow bounds. We are fallen into a state of gross idolatry, and self is the idol we worship.—l am, &c.





June 23, 1775. DEAR SIR,—I have met with interruptions, till now, or you would have heard from me sooner. My thoughts have run much upon the subject of your last, because I perceive it has a near connexion with your peace. Your integrity greatly pleases me; far be it from me to shake the principle of your conduct, yet in the application I think there is a possibility of carrying your exceptions too


method revealed in his word; tnat is, those who are truly partakers of faith and holiness. For as the religion of the New Testament ascribes all power to God, and considers all goodness in us as the effect of his communication, we being by nature destitute of spiritual life or light, so those whom God himself is pleased to teach, will infallibly attain the knowledge of all that they are concerned to know. This teaching you are waiting for, and it shall be given you; yea, the Lord, I trust, has begun to teach you already; but if you consider yourself as a learner, and From the account you give me of your sen- that it is possible, under the Spirit's increastiments, I cannot but wonder you find it so ing illumination, you may hereafter adopt difficult to accede to the Athanasian Creed, some things which at present you cannot apwhen it seems to me you believe and avow prove, I should think it too early as yet to what that Creed chiefly sets forth. The doc- prescribe to yourself rules and determinations trine of the Trinity, some explication of the for the government of your future life terms being subjoined, is the catholic faith, Should the will of God appoint you a new without the belief of which a man cannot be path for service, he may, sooner than you are saved. This damnatory clause seems to me aware, quiet your mind, and enable you to proved by Mark xvi. 16, "He that believeth subscribe with as full a persuasion of mind as shall be saved," &c. The object of faith must you now object to subscription. If it debe truth. The doctrine of the deity of Christ, pended upon me, I could be content that the and of the Holy Spirit, in union with the Fa- | Creed should rest at the bottom of the sea, ther, so that they are not three Gods, but one rather than embarrass a single person of your God, is not merely a proposition expressed in disposition. Nor am I a warm stickler for words, to which our assent is required, but is subscription in itself; but something of this absolutely necessary to be known, since with- kind seems necessary, upon the supposition out it no one truth respecting salvation can of an establishment. be rightly understood, no one promise duly believed, no one duty spiritually performed. I take it for granted, that this doctrine must appear irrational and absurd in the eye of reason, if by reason we mean the reason of Inan in his fallen state, before it is corrected and enlightened by a heavenly teacher. No man can say Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. I believe with you, that a man may be saved who never heard of the Creed, who never read any book but the New Testament or perhaps a single Evangelist; but he must be taught of God the things that accompany salvation, or I do not think he can be saved. The mercies of God in Christ will not save any, as I apprehend, but according to the

When I think of an inclosure, some hedge, wall, bank, ditch, &c. is of course included in my idea; for who can conceive of an inclosure without a boundary? So, in a national church, there must be, I apprehend, something marked out, the approbation or refusal of which will determine who do or do not belong to it; and for this purpose articles of some kind seem not improper. You think it would be better to have these articles in scriptural expressions. But if it be lawful to endeavour to exclude from our pulpits men who hold sentiments the most repugnant to the truth, I wish you to consider, whether this can be in any measure secured by articles in which the scripture-doctrines

are not explained and stated, as well as ex-| perhaps, they have a serious interval, or some pressed. This proposal is strenuously plead- comparative sobriety of character, they ground ed for by many in our day, upon views very their hopes upon their own doings, endeavours, different from yours. The Socinians, for in- or purposes; and treat the inexpressible love stance, would readily subscribe a scriptural of God revealed in Christ, and the gospel declaration of the high priesthood, atonement, method of salvation by faith in his name, with and intercession of Christ (while they are al- neglect, often with contempt. They have lowed to put their own sense upon the terms,) preachers, whom perhaps they hear with some though the sense they maintain be utterly pleasure because they neither alarm their inconsistent with what those who are en- consciences by insisting on the spirituality and lightened by the Holy Spirit learn from the sanction of the divine law, nor offend their same expressions. pride by publishing the humiliating doctrines of that gospel, which is the power of God through faith unto salvation. Therefore what they do speak, they speak in vain; the world grows worse and worse under their instructions; infidelity and profligacy abound more and more; for God will own no other doctrine but what the apostle calls the truth as it is in Jesus; that doctrine which drives the sinner from all his vain pleas, and points out the Lord Jesus Christ as the only ground of hope, the supreme object of desire, as appointed of God to be wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, to all who be lieve in his name. When ministers themselves are convinced of sin, and feel the necessity of an almighty Saviour, they presently account their former gain but loss, and determine, with the apostle, to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. In proportion as they do this, they are sure to be wondered at, laughed at, and railed at, if the providence of God and the constitution of their country, secure them from severer treatment. But they have this invaluable compensation, that they no longer speak without effect. In a greater or less degree a change takes place in their auditories; the blind receive their sight, the deaf hear, the lepers are cleansed ;-sinners are turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God;

I acknowledge, indeed, that the end is not answered by the present method; since there are too many, like the person you mention, who would easily subscribe nine hundred articles, rather than baulk his preferment: yet the profligacy of some seems to be no just reason why the church, why any church, should not be at liberty to define the terms upon which they will accept members or teachers, or why conscientious persons should object to these terms (if they think them agreeable to the truth,) merely because they are not expressed in the precise words of scripture. If allowance may be made for human infirmity in the Liturgy, I see not why the Articles may not be entitled to the same privilege. For it seems requisite that we should be as well satisfied with the expressions we use with our lips, in frequent solemn prayer to God, as in what we subscribe with our hands. I am persuaded that the leaders of the Association at the Feathers Tavern, some of them at least, though they begin with the affair of subscription, would not (if they might have their wish) stop there, but would go on with their projected reform, till they had overturned the Liturgy also, or at least weeded it from every expression that bears testimony to the deity of the Saviour, and the efficacious influence of the Holy Spirit. I bless God that you are far otherwise-sinful practices are forsaken; and a new minded.

I hope, however, though you should not think yourself at liberty to repeat your subscription, the Lord will make you comfortable and useful in your present rank as a curate. Preferment is not necessary, either to our peace or usefulness. We may live and die contentedly, without the honours and emoluments which aspiring men thirst after, if he be pleased to honour us with a dispensation to preach his gospel, and to crown our endeavours with a blessing. He that winneth souls is wise; wise in the choice of the highest end he can propose to himself in this life; wise in the improvement of the only means by which this desirable end can be attained. Wherever we cast our eyes, the bulk of the people are ignorant, immoral, careless. They live without God in the world; they are neither awed by his authority, nor affected by his goodness, nor enabled to trust to his promises, nor disposed to aim at his glory. If,

course of life in the converts, evidences that they have not followed cunningly-devised fables, or taken up with uncertain notions; but that God has indeed quickened them by his Spirit, and given them an understanding to know him that is true. The preachers, likewise, while they attempt to teach others, are taught themselves: a blessing descends upon their studies and labours, upon their perusal of the scriptures, upon their attention to what passes within them and around them. The events of every day contribute to throw light upon the word of God: their views of divine truth grow more enlarged, connected, and comprehensive; many difficulties which perplexed them at their first setting out, trouble them no more; the God whom they serve, and on whom they wait, reveals to them those great things, which, though plainly expressed in the letter of scripture, cannot be understood and realized without divine teaching, I Cor. ii. 9 to 15. Thus

they go on from strength to strength; hard | Lord first finds us when we are thinking of things become easy, and a divine light shines something else, Isaiah lxv. 1; and then we upon their paths. Opposition from men per- begin to seek him in good earnest, and he haps may increase; they may expect to be has promised to be found of us. People may, represented, as those who turn the world by industry and natural abilities, make themupside down; the cry, Aramis, will selves masters of the external evidences of be raised against them, the gates of the tem- christianity, and have much to say for and ple of preferment will be seldom open to against different schemes and systems of them; but they will have the unspeakable sentiments; but all this while the heart reconsolation of applying to themselves those mains untouched. True religion is not a lively words of the apostle, ως λυπούμενοι, και δι science of the head, so much as an inward χαιροντες, ως στόχοι, πολλους δε πλουτίζοντες, ως μηδεν and heartfelt perception, which casts down itself in the mind, and brings every thought imaginations, and every that exalteth into a sweet and willing subjection to Christ by faith. Here the learned have no real advantage above the ignorant; both see when the eyes of the understanding are enlightened; till then both are equally blind. And the first lesson in the school of Christ is to become a little child, sitting simply at his feet, that we may be made wise unto salvation.

έχοντες, και πάντα κατέχοντας.

It is the strain of evident sincerity which runs through your letters, that gives me a pleasing confidence the Lord is with you. A disinterested desire of knowing the truth, with a willingness to follow it through all disadvantages, is a preparation of the heart which only God can give. He has directed you to the right method, searching the scriptures, with prayer. Go on, and may his blessing attend you. You may see, from what I have written above, what is the desire of my heart for you. But I am not impatient. Follow your heavenly leader, and in his own time and manner he will make your way plain. I have travelled the path before you, I see what you yet want; I cannot impart it to you, but he can, and I trust he will. It will rejoice my soul to be any way assistant to you; but I am afraid I should not afford you much, either profit or satisfaction, by entering upon a dry defence of creeds and articles. The truths of scripture are not like mathe-rupted on either side by the freedom with matical theorems, which present exactly the same ideas to every person who understands the terms. The word of God is compared

letter so soon as I wished, but have been unI was not only prevented beginning my usually interrupted since I began it. Often, I have been called away to attend company as soon as I could well take the pen in hand, and intervening business. Though I persuade myself, after what I have formerly said, you will put a favourable construction pain. I set a great value upon your offer of upon my delay, yet it has given me some friendship, which, I trust, will not be inter

sentiments, when we are constrained to differ. which we mutually express our difference of You please me with entrusting me with the first rough draught of your thoughts; and to a mirror, 2 Cor. iii. 18: but it is a mirror in which the longer we look the more we you may easily perceive by my manner of see; the view will be still growing upon us; your candour. I shall be glad to exchange writing, that I place equal confidence in and still we shall see but in part while on letters as often as it suits us, without conthis side eternity. When our Lord pro-straint, ceremony, or apology; and may he nounced Peter blessed, declaring he had who is always present with our hearts make our correspondence useful. I pray God to be your sun and shield, your light and strength, with his gracious presence in your own to guide you with his eye, to comfort you soul, and to make you a happy instrument of comforting many.— I am, &c.

learnt that which flesh and blood could not have taught him, yet Peter was at that time much in the dark. The sufferings and death of Jesus, though the only and necessary means of his salvation, were an offence to him. But he lived to glory in what he once could not bear to hear of. Peter had received grace to love the Lord Jesus, to follow him, to venture all, and to forsake all for him; these first good dispositions were of God, and they leď to further advances. So it is still. By nature, self rules in the heart: when this idol is brought low, and we are truly willing to be the Lord's, and to apply to him for strength and direction, that we may serve him, the good work is begun; for it is a truth that upholds universally and without exception, a man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven. The † 2 Cor. vi. 10.

• Great is Diana.


July 14, 1775. address, and can assure you that the interMY DEAR FRIEND,-I gladly adopt your change of every letter unites my heart more closely to you. I am glad to find that your views of articles and creeds are not likely to hinder you from going forward in your present situation; and if, without contracting your usefulness, they only prove a bar to

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