Writing for the Web: Geeks' EditionAdapt content from print to Webtext Avoid common grammar and usage errors Develop content for corporate Websites Edit your material for an international audience Written especially for the web site developer who is not a professional writer, but must fill the spaces between the HTML tags, this revised and enlarged edition of the best-selling Writing for the Web includes an in-depth look at style and creating a standard style for a Website. Many an accomplished Web pro thrilled at the prospect of designing an intricate Website trembles at the prospect of writing text for one. Webtext makes specific demands on the writer, and if you're not a professional wordsmith, creating it can be difficult indeed. Writing for the Web: Geeks' Edition comes to the aid of those who love code more than they do words, but who know that without text, a Website is just a collection of pretty pictures and special effects. This book will help you write prose that's as good as your code. It includes a convenient, easy-to-use Webwriter's style guide to step you through the rules governing abbreviations, biased terms, capitalization, compound words, and clichés. Exercises will help you practice your new Webwriting techniques, and critiques of real Websites will give you practical advice. Whether you are creating a personal Website, developing your company's Website, or publishing an e-zine, Writing for the Web: Geeks' Edition offers sound advice on writing within the framework of three principles: orient readers to your site; inform readers effectively; prompt readers to take action so that you get the results you want |