The Long Struggle of Eritrea for Independence and Constructive PeaceLionel Cliffe, Basil Davidson |
Foreword | 7 |
The Right of the Eritrean People to Selfdetermination | 33 |
The Eritrean Question in the Context of African | 47 |
The History of the Eritrean Struggle | 67 |
The Eritrean Liberation Struggle in Comparative | 87 |
Popular Participation in Liberation and Revolution | 105 |
Ethiopian Violation of Human Rights in Eritrea | 139 |
Drought Famine and Development | 163 |
EritreaThe Ways Forward | 189 |
EPLF Programme | 205 |
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Addis Ababa administration agricultural Amhara Asmara Assab Barentu Bloc British claim Committee conflict Congress context decolonization democratic Dergue Dergue's distribution drought economic Egyptian elected EPLF EPLF's Eritrean Constitution Eritrean government Eritrean liberation Eritrean Liberation Front Eritrean People's Liberation Eritrean question Eritrean Relief Association Eritrean revolution Eritrean struggle Ethiopian army Ethiopian colonialism Ethiopian government Ethiopian Herald Ethiopian regime famine Federal Act forces foreign Haile Selassie highlands Horn of Africa human rights implementation independence Italian colonies kebele liberated areas Liberation Front liberation movement liberation struggle major Massawa Menelik Mengistu military mobilisation national liberation occupied offensive organisations participation peace peasants political population prison programme Red Sea refugees region resistance Resolution 390-A(V revolutionary rural Sahel self-determination situation social socialist solution Somalia Soviet Union strategic structure Sudan superpowers Tessenei Tigrai towns Treaty troops United Nations unity villages women workers Yohannes Yohannes IV