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for a half hour. We have each much sentiment stirring in our bosoms on this joyful occasion. We have a thousand kind things we must wish to say to one another. We have memories of a tender nature, which for once perhaps we would mutually recal; and feelings of joy which we desire to indulge without witnesses.

"The breakfast room that looks upon the mausoleum," suggested Mrs. Lee.

"The very place," assented Mrs. Markham." Gather our friends together while I go and order refreshments to be carried thither for you."

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"Seldom can so large a circle of true friends meet on earth as this which I see here around me," said the aged Pastor, as he sat in an antique arm chair in the centre of his family, in the breakfast room, the patriarch of the scene. His eyes, glistening with tears of joy, glanced from one to another, resting with a more lingering gaze on the handsome pair who sat at his right hand.

"My bonny Lucy," said he, pressing his hand on her fair curls, "thou hast been my chief favourite among all my granddaughter's children! and dost thou know why?"

"Because I am like my aunt Lucy whose name you gave me ?—so you have often said, dear grandfather." "That is the reason. Yes, thou art like her, or I fancy that thou art."

"Talking of resemblances," said the young Marquis, "how is it, that, excepting Mrs. Markham, none of you tell me I am like my father?"

"Thou art exactly like him," said Lady Hester, looking on her son with fond pride mixed with melan

choly. "When I see you I could fancy he stood before me."

" And 1," said Mrs. Markham.

"I think my brother Clinton was hardly so handsome as my nephew Clinton," said Mrs. Lee.

"But your brother was more fascinating perhaps," suggested Lady Letitia.

Lucy thought that could not be, but she did not speak her thought.

"I must differ from both of you," said Lady Hester to her sister.“ In my opinion my husband was quite as handsome as my son, and my son is quite as fascinating as his father."

"This is a weighty matter," said the young Marquis, smiling and ingenuously blushing. “What think you, grandfather?"

"I leave the question of personal beauty to be settled by the ladies," rejoined the Pastor, "but I shall take it upon me to speak of your father's character in the hope that you and my other young listeners will remember what I shall say with profit. He was a delightful companion. I was an old man when first I saw him, yet by his eloquent tongue and his pleasing manners, he won me to love him. My ear and my fancy he alike enchanted. No wonder then that your poor aunt Lucy lost her heart in listening to him. Now as regards this power of winning hearts, the son seems to me to be equally potent with the father-is he not, young maiden ?" tapping the neck of the intended bride.

Lucy blushed celestial rosy red, and so did the young Marquis.

"To go on," continued the Pastor, " Clinton was

possessed of extensive general knowledge, which made him still more seductive as a companion. He composed poetry-knew how to make you in love with the poetical parts of every science-was versed in all manly accomplishments without making them his study-and had a taste so noble, so delicate, and so enlarged, that I never found an equal to it."

"Here's an eulogium!" exclaimed Mrs. Markham. Lady Hester's memory brought before her the idolised image of the departed, and she wept.

"But all the fine sentiments with which his mind was stored," resumed the Pastor, "proved ineffectual in preserving him from the power of temptation. His imagination had at will a host of beautiful visions of goodness, heroism, and purity; but his power to perform that which was good was weak as any man's. To know and to do require different studies my children. To know, you must inform your head-to do, you must purify your heart. Speculation is not practice. Dreaming and talking of virtue is very well in its place, but take heed that you do not fall into vice the while. You have heard Clinton's story-you know what led to his dreadful end-you have heard from Lady Hester the errors he committed before he came to America-you know it was through his faulty conduct I lost my grandchild Lucy. Lay all this to heart, and while you think upon him with affection, beware of his frailties. Be not content with indulging in fine sentiment. Remember Shakspeare's words-' It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine. own teaching.' But I see Lucy thinks me tedious

"No indeed, dear grandfather, I was thinking deeply of what you said.

"An old man, my dear good girl, may be allowed to moralise a little even on the eve of a wedding-may he not? I have nearly completed a century-I see my third generation grown up-these are circumstances that move me to graver thought than you can enter into."


Speak whatever you wish, grandfather," said Mrs. Lee, looking with reverential affection on the thin flakes of white hair which the breeze from the window softly waved. "My children, in which I include our young noblemen, cannot have you with them much longer, your words therefore should be to them as choice silver."

"I love to see them enjoying the innocent mirth suitable to their years, and to an occasion like this," returned the Pastor. "I will not intrude unseasonable gravity upon them. Only as this young bridegroom, that is to be, was speaking of his father, I could not refrain from drawing a lesson for him from the theme. Yon neat marble temple reminds me that there is another of whom I could say a few words. The Pirate-Marquis, my son-in-law, Mrs. Lee's father, to whom she indeed paid a daughter's duty, he was a very different character from that I have recently described, but in some respects they deserve to be compared. The crowning grace of Clinton was sentiment, that of his father dignity. The leading defect of the one was principle enervated by a redundance of fancy, in the other principle overpowered by a passion for rule. Clinton inspired love, the Pirate admiration. Clinton might have bewitched

the world, the Pirate might have commanded it. As it was, both being at sea without rudder or compass were fatally shipwrecked, and both furnish us with the trite moral, that genius and ability will neither benefit mankind or their possessors if they govern principle, instead of being governed by principle."

"And have you any thing to teach me from the history of the aunt whose name I bear?" asked Lucy.

"This is what I would teach you, my dear," sa.a the Pastor, "be devoted and sincere in your affections and attentions to your husband. Depend on it, it is only by being so that you can render yourself, as well as him, happy. Were wedded persons more bent to fulfil their marriage vows there would be more peace and joy in that glorious union than there is. If one party swerve from their duty the other too often makes that a plea for abandoning theirs. But do thou, my Lucy, keep thy promises to him made before God always in thy view, and thou canst not err. Thy husband, I firmly believe, is worthy of thee; but whatever conduct he pursues, be thou sincere, for that will prove a balm to thy conscience, and a passport to the world to come. To your sisters I say let your aunt Lucy s example warn them to be exceedingly careful when first they perceive their affections becoming entangled that the object is worthy of their choice."

"You remember the priest who longed for the days of the inquisition ?" said Mr. Lee to his wife.

"In the prison of Quebec?-he who attended my father?"

"The same.

He died from the effects of an accident as he was travelling near our valley. The Pastor and

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