Research on Physical Education and School Sport in Europe

Front Cover
Roland Naul, Claude Scheuer
Meyer & Meyer, Jul 20, 2020 - Education - 551 pages
This book is divided into three parts: Part A includes general items of development of PESS in Europe. Part B comprises 17 different country reviews all written by national experts. Part C documents comparative analyses of the country reviews about national school systems; development of compulsory PESS; aims and objectives of current PESS curricula; promotion of active learning with physical activity; extra-curricular settings at school and outside schools in collaboration with active communities; purpose, structure, aims, and objectives of PESS teacher training; current research and findings of PESS studies; and finally, recommendations for new EU-based PESS research studies.

About the author (2020)

Roland Naul helds office as a senior professor for European Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport at the Institute of Sport & Exercise Sciences at Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster, Germany, since 2013. His main research areas are physical education and school sport, including Olympic education and youth sport development. He serves as deputy president of the International Willibald-Gebhardt Research Institute (NGO, Germany), a registered Olympic Study Centre, and secretary general of the European Council of Research in Physical Education and School Sport (CEREPS, NGO, Luxembourg). Claude Scheuer works as a research scientist at the University of Luxembourg for the Institute for Teaching and Learning at the Department of Education and Social Work (DESW). Starting in the winter semester 2019/20, he has been the study director of the new certificate of Physical Activity and Physical Education in formal and non-formal educational settings. His research is focused on basic motor competencies of children and adolescents and on active schools. Since 2011, he has served as president of EUPEA (European Physical Education Association), which is the umbrella organization for more than 30 European Physical Education teacher associations. Furthermore, he is an executive board member in ICSSPE (International Council of School Sports and Physical Education) and president of CEREPS (Conseil Européen de Recherche en Éducation Physique et Sportive), which he co-founded with Prof. Dr. Roland Naul in 2015.

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