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propagation of Christianity in Virginia. The projects of Raleigh for the discovery and settlement of Virginia had been attended with much expense and many disappointments. To the enterprise of this illustrious but unfortunate nobleman, however, we may be proud to trace our origin. Sir Walter Raleigh was equally distinguished as a soldier, a statesman, and a scholar. During the reign of queen Elizabeth he was among the first courtiers in the kingdom, no less honoured for his talents than beloved for his virtues and admired for his accomplishments. He early excited the enmity of the Spanish Court by his active enterprizes against that nation both in Europe and America. On the accession of James I. he lost his interest at court, and was tried and condemned for a conspiracy against the king. He was however reprieved, and was employed afterwards in the public service of his monarch. The sentence of death was still suspended over his head, and was at last executed to appease the wrath of his enemies. He suffered in the sixty-sixth year of his age. His talents and

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his virtues merited a better fate, and his name, however it may have been traduced by his enemies, deserves a place amongst those whose actions have been the theme of other nations and whose misfortunes have been the disgrace of their own.

John White again sailed for Virginia in the year 1590, with three ships supplied with provisions for the colony. They came to anchor on the 15th of August, and the first object of their search was the men that had been left on the island near Hatteras. They fired a cannon to announce their arrival, and although they discovered smoke at the place where the colony had been left, they found no person. Observing on a post the word Croatan, in large letters, they weighed anchor for that place, but meeting with disastrous fortune, they changed their course and steered for the West Indies, neglecting the welfare of the colony to preserve their own.

A succession of unfortunate voyages began to damp the spirit of discovery, which was not again revived until the year 1606.


Bartholomew Gosnold, an enterprizing navigator, obtained letters patent from James the First, who had succeeded Elizabeth on the throne of England, by which that tract of country from thirty-four to forty-five degrees of north latitude was divided into southern and northern colonies of Virginia, and persons appointed as a council for both divisions. About this time the celebrated adventurer John Smith arrived in London, decked with the laurels of military adventure and heroic achievement. To him Gosnold made known his projects, and engaged him to enter into the spirit of the enterprise. As Smith is to act a conspicuous part in the colonial history of Virginia, it may be amusing to the reader to have a sketch of his life previous to his adventures in America. He was born at Willoughby in England in the year 1579. He early discovered a romantic turn of mind, which at the age of fifteen he endeavoured to gratify by embarking for France in the train of a young nobleman. After visiting Paris, he travelled into the low countries, where he learned the art of war. At the age


seventeen he entered into the train of a Frenchman, who persuaded him to accompany him to France. They arrived at St. Valory during the night, where, with the connivance of the master of the vessel, the trunks of Smith were carried on shore and plundered by the Frenchman, who made his escape before the landing of our adventurer. When Smith came on shore, he found himself deprived of his baggage, and deserted by his companion. He afterwards embarked at Marseilles for Italy, in company with a number of pilgrims. On their passage there arose a violent storm, which the pilgrims imputed to their having a heretic on board. They were at length induced by their superstitious fears to throw Smith into the sea, in order to calm its waves. He swam to land, which fortunately was at no great distance, and was next day taken on board a ship which was going to Egypt. After coasting the Levant he was at length set on shore with a box of one thousand chequins, which enabled him to pursue his travels. His roving disposition carried him into Stiria, where he was introduced to lord Eber

spaught and baron Kizel. The emperor being hen at war with the Turks, Smith entered his army as a volunteer. When Eberspaught was besieged in Olimpack by the Turkish army, and cut off from all means of intelligence, he obtained relief by means of a telegraph constructed by Smith. Information was given of their design to attack the Turks on the east quarter, and advising Eberspaught at what time to make a sally. The Turks were defeated, and the enterprise of Smith was rewarded with the command of a troop of horse.

At the siege of Rigal the Ottomans sent a challenge to the Transylvanian army, announcing the offer of the lord Turbisha to fight any captain of the christian troops. Thirty of the bravest captains being selected, they chose by lot one of that number to fight the Turkish hero. The lot fell upon Smith, who cheerfully accepted the challenge. He met his antagonist on horseback, and soon bore away his head in the presence of both armies. He immediately received and accepted a challenge from another

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