A Treatise on Forming, Improving, and Managing Country Residences: And on the Choice of Situations Appropriate to Every Class of Purchasers ...

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Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806 - Gardening - 723 pages


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Page 184 - Nature and Homer were, he found, the same. Convinced, amazed, he checks the bold design, And rules as strict his labour'd work confine, As if the Stagyrite o'erlook'd each line. Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem ;' To copy Nature is to copy them.
Page 233 - One of the most important, and at the same time the most popular of its publications, is David Thompson's Narrative, edited by Mr. JB Tyrrell. "For Crown and Fur Trade,
Page 2 - God Almighty first planted a garden; and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures; it is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man; without which buildings and palaces are but gross handyworks...
Page 2 - Such is the superiority of rural occupations and pleasures, that commerce, large societies, or crowded cities, may be justly reckoned unnatural.
Page 256 - Take three crops off this surface, and then trench two spit; by which the top becomes the middle, and the middle the top ; and take also three crops off" this surface, and then trench three spit, whereby that which was last the middle, and now top, becomes the bottom, and that which is now the bottom, and was the surface at first, now becomes surface again, after having rested six years. Proceed in this manner alternately, the one time trenching two spit deep, and the other three, by which means...
Page 104 - ... style is capable of every variety of character and beauty. With respect to the internal arrangement, it is equally advantageous. The symmetry and regularity of the Grecian style often occasions much loss of space, confines the size, and renders it difficult to give sufficient light to the apartments. If any error of that kind be produced in this style, the fault is entirely in the architect.
Page 144 - ... its unworthy chief. Hence one of the primary sources of rustic depravity: and it ought to be an indispensable rule with all proprietors, to prevent a too great familiarity among their villagers, and to enable them to conceal as much as possible their little domestic arrangements from the prying eye and flippant remark of their more independent neighbours. It is, perhaps, in part owing to the greater number of isolated houses, and the smaller number of villages in Britain, that the peasantry of...
Page 100 - ... injuring that part of the fabric. Whether we regard the variety in the columns, and the intricacy of the roof from the tracery, the leaves, and other ornaments, or consider the noble perspectives of the middle and side aisles, we must be constrained to say, that the general effect of a cathedral in this style far surpasses that of any Grecian building in producing that exhilarating sublimity which is so analogous to the purpose for which they are erected. This may be felt by comparing the effect...
Page 13 - I. society and agricultural cultivation. What is useful and convenient in one age, may be useless, cumbersome, or inadequate in another. And what is ornament to a rude people in a wild country, may, where...
Page 38 - PRICE'S Essays. SCULPTURESQUE BEAUTY may be applied to such objects, or figures, as are peculiarly calculated for being represented by the art of sculpture. ANTIQUE BEAUTY is applied to such works of art, particularly in sculpture and architecture, as are in design similar to the productions...