How to Suppress Women's WritingIf certain people are not suppose to have the ability to produce 'great' literature, and if this supposition is one of the means used to keep such people in their place, the ideal situation (socially speaking) is one in which such people are prevented from producing any literature at all. |
Prologue | 3 |
Bad Faith | 17 |
Pollution of Agency | 25 |
The Double Standard of Content | 39 |
False Categorizing | 49 |
Anomalousness | 76 |
Lack of Models | 87 |
Authors Note | 133 |
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adds Adrienne Rich American Anne anthology Aphra Behn Art and Anger Barrett Browning biographer Black called canon century Charlotte Brontė Christina Cited College English criticism culture Delany denial of agency Double Standard edition Elizabeth Barrett Ellen Moers Ellmann Emily Brontė Emily Dickinson essay example experience false categorizing female feminine feminism feminist Fiery Forms George Eliot Gerven girl Glotolog Goulianos heroine husband italics Jane Eyre Juhasz Khatru Lady Lesbian Literary Women literature lives look Marcus Margaret Mary masculine models mother Naked and Fiery novel novelist nude percent poems poet poetry political pollution of agency re-categorizing Review Room of One's Rossetti Samuel Delany sexist sexual Showalter spinster stereotypes story Sylvia Plath Three Guineas Tillie Olsen tion tradition University Untermeyer Villette Virginia Woolf Vonda McIntyre Woman Writt Women Artists women writers writing written wrong wrote Wuthering Heights York