Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Volume 3Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (1903-1993), commonly known as "the Rav," has stimulated and influenced the intellectual minds and touched the sensitive hearts of thousands of his students both in the United States and across the globe. With his death, a void was left in the modern intellectual Orthodox community. Although efforts have been made to transmit his Torah knowledge into written words, future generations of the vast English-speaking Torah community will be bereft of his enormous wisdom. The second volume of Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik continues to provide the modern reader with a glimpse into the illustrious and meaningful halakhic opinions of this highly revered Jewish scholar. Rabbi Aharon Ziegler, a student of the Rav, has illustrated the unique, and perhaps less known, halakhic views which will intrigue and educate those who seek more of the Rav's distinguished teachings. Whether studied in the synagogue, school, or home, this book is a valuable addition to any Jewish library. |
Procedures in Putting on the Tefillin | 3 |
Using Borrowed Tefillin | 5 |
Procedure for Donning the Tefillin Shel Yad | 7 |
Removing Tefillin before Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh | 9 |
Reciting One Hundred Berachot Daily | 11 |
Amen Is a Required Response | 14 |
Davening Together with the Shliach Tzibbur | 17 |
Women and Mitzvat Tallit | 19 |
The Chatan Is Compared to a King | 93 |
Aliya to the Torah for a Chatan | 95 |
A Chatan on the Seventh Day of Yemei Hamishteh | 98 |
Birkhat Kiddushin under the Chupah | 100 |
A Chupah in a Synagogue | 103 |
Placement of Chanukah Candles | 107 |
The Ideal Time to Light Chanukah Candles | 110 |
Appointing a Woman as President of a Shul | 22 |
The Prayer of Tachanun Supplication | 24 |
Counting a Minor in a Minyan | 26 |
Forgetting Yaaleh Veyavoh on Rosh Chodesh Morning | 29 |
The Meaning of Yishtabach Shimcha | 31 |
Torah Reading on Monday and Thursday Afternoon | 33 |
Standing or Sitting during the Torah Reading? | 36 |
The Torah Reading An Individual or Communal Requirement | 38 |
Calling a Levi in the Absence of a Kohen for the Torah Reading | 41 |
Facing the Torah Reader during Torah Reading | 43 |
Procedure for Birkhat HaTorah | 45 |
The Structure of Kriat HaTorah | 48 |
Reading by Candlelight on Shabbat | 53 |
Opening a Container on Shabbat | 55 |
Opening Cans on Shabbat | 57 |
Plastic Rain Hats on Shabbat | 60 |
Electricity on Shabbat | 62 |
Squeezing Lemons on Shabbat | 64 |
Carrying a Child in a Public Domain on Shabbat | 67 |
Halakhic Themes of Shabbat | 70 |
A Spiritual Enhancement | 73 |
Accepting Early Shabbat | 75 |
Setting Out Food before Kiddush | 77 |
Eating the Lechem Mishneh | 80 |
Differences between Kiddush and Havdalah | 82 |
Beverages for Havdalah | 85 |
Shalom Aleichem in Kiddush Lvanah | 88 |
Torah Reading on Chanukah | 112 |
Only Bake Pareve Bread | 117 |
Beracha after Bread | 120 |
Showing Gratitude | 123 |
Bishul Akum Canned Foods | 125 |
Aveilut When Does It Begin? | 129 |
Shaving during Sefira and the Three Weeks | 131 |
Rendering Halakhic Decisions | 135 |
Functions of the Bet Din Hagadol | 137 |
The Difference between Monetary Rulings and Decrees Why People React Differently | 140 |
Chalav Yisrael | 145 |
Yibbum Levirate Marriage in Our Days | 147 |
Converting Adopted Infants | 150 |
Is It Permissible to Live outside of Eretz Yisrael? | 152 |
Tefillat Haderech in Automobiles | 155 |
Righteousness of Tzedaka | 157 |
Al Tifrosh Min Hatzibbur | 160 |
A Jewish Nation | 163 |
Metzitza for Brit Milah | 166 |
A Jewish King Cannot Be a Levi | 168 |
Semicha in Our Days | 170 |
Do Not Despair | 173 |
Teaching and Transmitting Torah | 175 |
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Common terms and phrases
According to Rav Aliya Aliyot Aruch Orach Chaim Aveilut Avnei Nezer Bet Din Birkhat Hamazon Bishul Akum Biur bread Brit Milah Chalitza Challah Chamar Medina Chanukah Candles Chatan child Chupah Davened Mussaf Devarim eating Eretz Yisrael Gemara Gemara Berachot Gemara Shabbat Hagadol Halakha Hashem Havdalah hundred Berachot Jewish Kedusha Kiddush Kiddushin king Kiyyum knot Kohen Kriat HaTorah Lechem Mishneh Levi listening Mechaber Metzitza Mincha Minhag Minyan Mishna Mishne Berura Mitzvah Mitzvot Mussaf opinion Pesukim prohibited Psak Rabbeinu Rabbi Yehuda Rama Rambam Rambam Hilchot Rashi Rav felt Rav Moshe Rav Sheshet Rav Soloveitchik reciting the Beracha regarding Rishonim Rosh Chodesh rule sages Sefer Torah Semicha Seuda Shabbat Shacharit Shel Rosh Shel Yad Shemoneh Esrai Shevet Shliach Shliach Tzibbur Shmot Shul Shulchan Aruch Shulchan Aruch Orach Squeezing Lemons Tachanun Talmud teach Torah Tefillah Shel Tefillat Haderech Tefillin Torah reading Tosafot Tzedaka wine Yaaleh Veyavoh Yibbum Yom Tov Yoreh Deah