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every thing existing in the universe; a soul which creates all, inspires all, and preserves all. Filled with these great ideas, the Deaf and Dumb have prostrated themselves on the earth, along with Mr. Sicard himself, and he has told them that this soul of nature, is that God, whom all men are called upon to worship, to whom our temples are. raised, and with whom our religious doctrines and ceremonies connect us from the cradle to the grave.

All was now done; and Mr. Sicard found himself able to open to his pupils, all the sublime ideas of religion, and all the laws of virtue and of morals."

The extracts are about one

third of the Address. When it shall have been duly considered that Mr. Clerc, the writer of these paragraphs, has been deaf and dumb from his birth-that he was first educated in the French language, and afterwards acquired the English, without ever hearing or speaking a word, the Address will be regarded as a wonderful production,and also as affording proof, that the author possesses strong powers of mind, and that the Institution for teaching the deaf and dumb is worthy of encouragement. Fifty years ago such an address from a man who had always been deaf and dumb would probably have appeared miraculous.



In a letter to the Editor of the Vermont Intelligencer, which appeared in that paper Sept. 7th, we have an account of the state of Society in Virginia which is truly affecting. The letter was dated "Nottaway county, Virginia." It was occasioned by a report of a duel between two Doctors with dirks, which had been incorrectly stated in the Intelligencer. After correcting that account and stating another of a similar nature, the letter is closed with the following remarkable paragraph :

"Thus, Sir, I have given you a specimen of the state of morals, manners and society in the "Ancient Dominion." The cases here cited are far from being uncommon. On

the contrary, stabbing, shooting and cudgelling are among the monthly items of news in this part of the country. You will form some idea of the real state of society here when I assure you that nine tenths of the people go armed, when in public, either with pistols, dirks, stillettos or shillalas, and some armed cap-a-pie with all together. This is brought about in a great measure by the divisions and subdivisions of party. We have among us Jeffersonians, Madisonians, Randolphites, Gilesites and Burrites, &c. &c. all of whom are arranged into separate clans or parties, and, every returning election, form so many distinct phalanxes, all violently opposed to all parties and

candidates except their own. In this county and many others, in the wrangle and scramble for offices, regular and systematic parties have been formed who bear to each other the most deadly hatred, and whose corruption, intrigue, personal abuse and flagrant outrage were never equalled by the most active and boisterous demagogues of either party in the Northern States."

We cannot but hope that this account is in some re spects exaggerated. But if it be true that in Virginia, "nine tenths of the people go armed with pistols or dirks," or other instruments of murder, the state of society is barbarous indeed. Such preparations for war are a proof that men have little confidence in God or in each other that they estimate human life at a low rate, and that they have a strong propensity, to acts of violence. Men of pacific principles, who love their neighbours as themselves, will not evince such a disposition to be always ready to fight. These preparations for war are proofs of a fero cious disposition, and they render every man's life more insecure than it would be in the entire absence of all such preparations

Would not every humane and reflecting man be shocked to see the people of Boston, or of any other town in this state, go to their public meetings armed with pistols or dirks, ready to fight and shed each others blood! If any individuals should be known to appear at town meetings thus Vol. VI. No. 10.


armed, would they not be regarded as barbarians as men who have no confidence in their brethren, or as men who have a strong propensity to murder? Those who thus go armed probably imagine that by this measure they evince courage and heroism; but the fact is the reverse-they evince either a cowardly or a revengeful spirit, and perhaps both. Why should they arm but from a fear of being injured, or a desire to injure others?

How wretched must be the condition of slaves in Virginia, when such is the state of society among their masters! and to what cause can we more rationally impute the slow progress of civilization in that state, than to the unfavourable influence of slave-holding on the human character? Let the people of New-England be truly thankful that they are not slave holders; and let them also be thankful that party spirit has not yet converted them into such barbarians that they cannot appear in public without being armed with pistols or dirks.

Since writing the preceding remarks, a gentleman who has travelled much in the western States, has assured us that what the above paragraph affirms of the people of Virginia is true of the people of most of the Western Statesthat it is a general custom to travel armed with both pistols and dirks. He observed however that the custom was less general in Ohio than in the other States; that when he


went into those regions he was shocked at the custom, but, being there a considerable time, it became familiar to him, and he armed according to the fashion of the country.

These facts may account for our wars with the Indians; and they afford strong grounds of suspicion that the murders which have been imputed to the Indians, were either committed by the white savages, or by the Indians in revenge of wrongs done to them. White people who are so sav. age-so fond of fighting, or so revengeful as to go armed

that they may be always ready to fight one another, are not likely to possess more kind sentiments or more humane feelings towards their red brethren. Unless, therefore, something can be done to civilize our own people and abolish this savage custom of going armed, we may expect that murders will be more and more multiplied, and that our nation will be cursed with frequent wars with the Indians, till it becomes accountable for the blood of the surviving tribes.

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The following sacred Melody was written by MRS. RowSON of Boston, and originally sung at the Oratorio performed by the Handel and Haydn Society.

In life's gay spring enchanting hours!

When every path seems deck'd with flowers :

When folly in her giddy round,

Presents the cup with pleasure crowned;

When love, and joy, and young delight,

Give to the moments rapid flight;

Touch not the cup, avoid the snare-
Where'er thou art, think God is there!

When manhood treads with steps secure,
Then mad ambition throws her lure.
Behold! up glory's dangerous steep,
Where widows mourn and orphans weep;
And laurels on the hero's head,

Are stained with blood a crimson red
Then, ere the battle's rage you dare,
Pause, and reflect that God is there!

When age, approaching, warps the heart,
And avarice plays its niggard part ;
When self-love every passion stills,
And every finer impulse chills;

When to a suffering brother's cry
It shuts the heart, the ear, the eye,
Think, ere you leave him to despair,
God will avenge, for God is there.

And thou, who through life's thorny road,
Perplexed by care and sin, hast trod;

Whose heart hath bled, whose eyes have wept,
On pleasure's couch while others slept;
Though now on life's remotest brink,
Poor, humble christian! do not shrink,
Though deep the flood, each doubt forbear,
Strong to support, thy God is there!



From the Christian Herald. Quarterly Extracts, published by the American Bible Society, in Aug. 1818.

ALREADY has the American Bible Society begun to occupy a station among the great Bible Establishments in Christendom, which are an ornament and a blessing to the nations which gave them birth. The increasing resources of this Institution, and the comparative importance of its operations, are already exciting an interest which it is essential to keep alive and to cherish. To communicate to the public more frequent and extensive information of its proceed ings, of the patronage which it continues to receive, the contributions to its funds, and the good opinion entertained of it by those societies or individuals who are disposed to second its views and aid its efforts, appears to be a duty incumbent on those to whom the direction of its concerns has been intrusted. The Managers of this Society are also per suaded, that a more copious diffusion of intelligence relating to the progress of the Bible cause, derived from foreignas well as domestic sources, would tend to awaken and interest the pub lic feeling in its favour, and stimulate to more active exertions in promoting it. American Christians, being more generally informed of the extensive, and successful operations of kindred Institutions in other parts of the world, will feel an additional encouragement to aid their own Na

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The Eighth Anniversary of the New-Jersey Bible Society was held at Burlington on Tuesday last. The venerable President, Dr. Elias Bondinot opened the business of the meeting with an Address. The Annual Report was then read; and interesting and impressive Addresses where delivered by the Rev. Dr. Wharton, of Burlington, and the Rev. Dr. Green and the Rev. Dr. Miller of Princeton. A resolution was unanimously adopted by the Society, recommending the establishment of Bible Associations in every city and town in the State.-N. Y. Spectator.


CHARITABLE SOCIETY, Held its annual meeting at Hopkinton, on the 2d inst. In the forenoon a public discourse was delivered at the meeting-house; after which the Report of the Directors was read to the Society, which exhibited its affairs as in a prosperous condition, and gave evidence of increasing at tention to its interests. There ap

pears a favourable prospect of the extension and general patronage through the county of the important objects of the Institution. In the afternoon, the Society made choice of its officers for the ensuing year, when the old board were re-chosen, viz.

Hon. David L. Morrill, President.
Rev. Thos. Beede, 1st V. President.
Hon. Joshua Darling, 2d V. Pres.
Rev. E. P. Bradford, 3d V. Pres.
Rev. Nathan Lord, Secretary.
Mr. Richard Boylston, Treasurer.
Rev. Stephen Chapin, Auditor.

By the Report of the Treasurer, it appears there were upwards of 300 members, and that there have been received, from members and donors, above 600 dollars for the different objects of the Society. From 17 towns, from which only returns have been made, above 650 dollars have been paid in. There are 21 other townɛ in the county. If these towns had contributed in the same ratio with the others, the amount would have exceeded 1300 dollars.

Amherst Cabinet.



From the Am. D. Advertiser. THERE is nothing more gratifying to the Philanthropist and the Christian, than to contemplate the march of civilization and the spread of pure and undefiled religion. Between the enjoyments and prospects of the savage, and those of man on whom the light of revelation has beamed its mild and benignant lustre, there is indeed an indescribable contrast.-The former is surrounded by a fearful gloom which nature can never penetrate, and enchained by destructive superstitions; while the path of the latter through life and his prospects of futurity are gilded by a ray of divinity. These are common place observations, but relate to things of unutterable importance.

We have on our frontiers and even within our own territories, many of the aborigines of this continent, who are still groping in worse than Egyptian darkness. It becomes the American people individually and nationally, instead of "exterminating

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