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Phil. iii. 9.

1 Cor. x. 13.

Heb. ii. 14.

1 Cor. xv. 55.

Col. iii. 1.

John xx. 17;

26, 24.

of glory. Let him be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness, but that which is of God by faith. Restrain the tempter, and deliver thy servant from the sinful fears of death, by Christ, who, through death, destroyed the devil that had the power of death: that he may find that death hath lost his Rom. viii. 37. sting, and triumph over it by faith in him, through whom we are made more xiv. 23; xvii. than conquerors: that, by faith and love, his soul may now ascend with Christ, that ascended unto his Father and our Father, and to his God and our God, and is gone to prepare a place for us, and hath promised that where he is, there his servants shall be also; that they may behold the glory which thou hast given him. MagPhil. i. 20. nify thyself in his body, whether by life or death; and safely bring him into thy glorious Psal. xvi, 11. presence, where is fulness of joy, and everlasting pleasures, through Jesus Christ our life and righteousness. Amen.

A Prayer for Women drawing near the time of Child-bearing.

1 Tim. ii. 14. Gen. iii, 16.

Most merciful Father, who hast justly sentenced woman, that was first in the

Psal. xlvi. 1.
Isa. xxxvii. 3.

2 Cor. i. 10, 11.

transgression, to great and multiplied 1 Tim. ii. 15. sorrows, and particularly in sorrow to bring forth children; yet grantest pre- John xvi. 12. servation and relief, for the propagation Deut. xxviii. 4. of mankind: be merciful to this thy 1 Sam. ii; i. 28. servant; be near her with thy present help in the needful time of trouble; and though in travail she hath sorrow, give her strength to bring forth. Being delivered, let her remember no more the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world. Bless her in the fruit of her body; and, being safely delivered, let her return thee hearty thanks, and devote it, and the rest of her life, to thy service, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

A Thanksgiving for those that are restored from Dangerous Sickness.

xxx. 3; ciii.

3, 4.

We thank thee, O most gracious God, Psal. xxx. 2; iii. that thou hast heard us when we cried 4; lxvi. 20; unto thee for thy servant in his weakness and distress; that thou hast not Isa. xxxviii. 10, turned away our prayer nor thy mercy Jer. xxvi. 3, 13. from him. We cried to thee, and thou Psal. ciii. 5. hast delivered and healed him; thou hast brought him from the grave; thou xxxii. 4, 5;



Isa. xxxviii. 11.
Psal. xxvii. 13;

6, 7; lxxiii. 26; lxxiii. 1;

cvi. 23; xxxii. hast kept him alive, that he should not go down into the pit; thou hast forgiven xxxiv. 19; his iniquity, and healed his diseases; Ixxiii. 19, 23. thou hast redeemed his life from destruction, and hast crowned him with loving-kindness and tender mercies; thou hast not deprived him of the residue of his years; thou hast repented thee of the evil: his age is not departed: thou hast renewed his youth, and given him to see man with the inhabitants of the world, and to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Day and night thy hand was heavy upon him; but thou hast turned away thy wrath, and hast forgiven the

Psal. lx. 11;

xlvi. 1.

Psal. cxvi. 1, 12, 18, 13, 14.

1 Cor. vi. 20.

Luke ii. 29. 1 Cor. i. 30.

iniquity of his sin.

that is godly shall

For this every one

pray unto thee in a time of trouble. Thou art a hiding

Isa. xxxviii. 20. place; thou preservest us from trouble. When our flesh and our heart faileth us, thou art the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever. Indeed, Lord, thou art good unto thine Israel; even to such as are clean of heart. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but thou deliverest them out of all. Though all the day long they be afflicted, and chastened every morning, yet are they continually with thee:

thou holdest them by thy right hand; thou art a present help in trouble, when all the help of man is vain. Let thy servant love thee, because thou hast heard his voice and supplication; let him offer unto thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and pay his vows to the Most High, and take the cup of salvation, and call upon thee all his days: let him be wholly devoted to thy praise, and glorify thee in soul and body, as being thine; and seasonably depart in peace unto thy glory: through Jesus Christ, our life and righteousness. Amen.

A Thanksgiving for the Deliverance of Women in Child


3, 4.

Psal. cxiii. 9;

cxxvii. 3; xlii. 4; cx. 4; cxlv.

WE return thee thanks, most gracious Psal. xxxiv. God, that thou hast heard our prayers Rev. i. 18. for this thy handmaid; and hast been 1 Sam. ii. 6. her help in the time of her necessity, and delivered her from her fears and sorrows. Death and life are in thy 9, 20, 14, power thou killest and thou makest alive; thou bringest down to the grave, and thou bringest up: thou makest the barren to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. We thank thee that thou hast given thy servant to


Deut. xxviii. 8.

Psal. cxxxiii. 3.

see the fruit of her womb, and that thou hast brought her again to thy holy assembly, to go with the multitude to thy house, and worship thee with the voice of joy and praise; that she may enter into thy gates with thanksgiving, and into thy court with praise, and we may all be thankful to thee on her behalf, and speak good of thy name. Thou art good, O Lord, to all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Thou preservest them that love thee; thou raisest up them that are bowed down: thou fulfillest the desire of them that fear thee; thou also dost hear their cry, and save them. Command thy blessing yet upon thy servant and her Deut. viii. 11, offspring: let her not forget thee and thy mercies, but let her devote the life Isa. xxxiii. 20. which thou hast given her to thy service, and educate her offspring, as a holy seed, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And as thou hast said that Josh. xxiv. 15. thy curse is in the house of the wicked, but thou blessest the habitation of the

Isa. xliv. 3.


Psal. cxvi.

Mal. ii. 15.

1 Cor. vii. 14.
Eph. vi. 4.

Deut. vi. 6.
Prov. vi. 33.

Zech. xiv. 20,


Psal. xci. 4.
1 John ii. 15.

Phil. iii. 1, 18.

just; let her and her house serve thee,

and let holiness to the Lord be written

1 Cor. vii. 31, upon all wherewith thou blessest her. Let her make thee her refuge and habi


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