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As the turnkeys of the NewGaol were locking up the prifoners, John Wrecknorth, alias Hunter, and Elifabeth Kellon (who were both convicted at laft Kingston affizes, and have fince received his Majefty's clemency for tranfportation) ftabbed two of them in a very dangerous manner; and one Jones, a debtor, taking their parts, was fecured, and the above two heavily ironed, and chained to the floor.

Son is faid to be his approaching that fuch a fate should ever attend marriage with Lady Betty Hamil- his victims. The profufion difton. The entertainments of the day played on the tables and fideboards andevening were exceedingly grand was equal to the other elegance of and agreeable. Its name was truly the entertainment. Near 300 of characteristic, every fanciful ruftic the nobility were prefent. fport and game being introduced. There were groupes of thepherds and fhepherdeffes varioufly attired, who skipped about, kicking at the tambourines, which were pendant from the trees, and many perfons habited as peasants, who attended fwings and other amufements, and occafionally formed parties quarrees to dance quadrilles. The day clofed with dancing, and the night opened with a difplay of a fuite of grand rooms erected on the occafion; an elegant circular veftibule formed the entrance to a noble ftate room 120 feet long, which communicated to à fpacious fupper room. The apartments were decorated in a ftile peculiarly ornamental and rich; they were illuminated with a great number of lamps of different colours, the feats were all covered, and the drapery of the room, as well as curtains, was trimmed with gold fringe. In the center of the room an ancient Druid appeared with a bough of mifletoe, and in a characteristic drefs. A scene was alfo introduced, exhibiting a groupe of fauns and dryads, in picturesque habits of tiger fkins ornamented with oak leaves, over a fine rofecoloured filk: these entertained the company with a serious dance, under the direction of Signor Lepy, the opera house ballet mafter. A pantomime ftory was represented by the dance, in which Cupid and Hymen were introduced as principal characters: the little blind god was robbed of his wings by Hymen, by way of expreffing his wifh,

Mr. John Malcomb; an officer of the customs at Boston, who was tarred and feathered, and led to the gallows with a rope about his neck, and threatened to be hanged, and whofe house and furniture were deftroyed, is arrived in town. He came on board the A&tive man of war. After he got on board, it is faid, he was offered 300l. fterling by the people of Boston, in fatisfaction of his damages.

On Saturday laft came on, 11th. before the court of King's Bench at Westminster, the complaint of Mr. Macklin, one of the comedians belonging to CoventGarden theatre, againft fix perfons, for a riotous confpiracy, founded in private premeditated malice, to deprive the faid Mr. Macklin of his bread, by caufing him to be expelled the faid theatre laft winter.

The court was pleased to grant an information againft all but Mr. Sparkes. The Bench recommended it to the gentlemen to make reftitution to Mr. Macklin, and compromise the


matter without bringing the cause to trial.

At a general meeting of the parishioners of Eccles, near Manchefter, it was unanimously agreed to ftrike off from the poor's-rate all paupers who fhall after the 20th inftant keep dogs. They alfo agreed to pay five fhillings for every mad dog that fhall be killed in their parish.


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The fail-cloth bill.

The bill for regulating the driv ing of cattle.

The bill relative to Scotch elections for members.

The Weftminfter watch-bill.
The builders bill.
The bill relative to weighing
engines on turnpike roads."
The Calder navigation bill.
The dyed ftuffs bill.
The bill to prevent inconvenien-
cies by bills of naturalization.
The Thames navigation bill.

A queftion was argued in
the court of common pleas,on 15th.

which all the officers of the court were examined as to the established mode of practice. It was an action of trover for rent, and the defendant having neglected to put in his plea, he ferved the plaintiff with a Judge's fummons; but the latter, not deeming the fummons obligatory, took

The King of France hav-. ing refolved to be inoculated for the fmall-pox, together with the Prince his brother, and the Count d'Artois, they all fet out this day for Marly, in order to undergo the operation. The Princeffes Adelaide, Sophie, and Victoire, are all pronounced out of danger. Stockholm, May 17. 'An ordinance has been juft fent to all the bailiffs in the provinces of this kingdom, to prevent the eniigration of any natives from this coun-out an execution the fame evening. try; the ancient regulations with respect to mariners have alfo been renewed. By thofe regulations all mafters of fhips are enjoined to bring back with them all failors in their fervice; and if it fhall appear that any have deferted their fhips, the mafters fhall be bound to give the reasons why they did fo, and if the masters are found any way blameable, they are liable to be punithed according to the an

cient laws.

This day the royal affent 14th. was given by commiffion to 37 public and private bills, among which are the following, viz.

The Exchequer loan bill. The Weft India loan bill. The bill to prevent the exportation of utenfils ufed in the cotton manufacture.

The great raifins bill.

The point in queftion was, Whether the plaintiff was bound by the fummons? Which was determined in the negative.

This day Tahner Fenith, the Morocco Ambaffador, had his audience of leave of his Majefty.

By the new Building Act it is. enacted, That every parith, within the cities of London and Weftminfter, and the liberties thereof, and the other parishes, precincts, and places within the bills of mortality, the parishes of St. Marie-la-bonne, Paddington, St. Pancras, and St. Luke at Chelfea, in Middlefex, fhall at all times, after the 24th of June inftant, have and keep, in fome known and public place within each parith, three or more proper ladders, of one, two, and three ftories high, for aflifting perfons in houses on fire to escape therefrom;


and in every default of having and keeping in good repair fuch ladders, every churchwarden, making default in the premises, and being convicted thereof before two of his majefty's juftices of the peace, where the fame may happen, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of 10l, one moiety thereof to the informer, and the other moiety thereof to the furveyor or furveyors, for the diftri& where fuch default shall be made.

At the Public Office in Bowftreet, Mr. John Matchem, being put to the bar, Frederick William Lincon informed the bench, that on Tuesday the 7th inftant, at half paft ten at night, as he, one Jeffries Fidele, and another fellowfervant to Lord Egremont, were returning from the Queen's-head, at Chelfea, they were attacked in the Five-fields by three men, who knocked them down, and after ftriking them several violent blows with their piftols, robbed them of their money; that they then walked on, and near Lord March's houfe in Piccadilly were overtaken by a man and a woman, the latter of whom accofted them, and faid, the had reafon to believe, the perfon fhe had been in company with had committed fome bad action, as he appeared to be in great confufion; that they then feized Mr. Matchem, who defired them to accompany him to the houfe of Mr. Crotby, which they accordingly did, and there releafed him on receiving Mr. Crosby's promife for his appearance when called upon. After this narration, the oath was administered in a very folemn manner both to Lincon and Fidele, who both maintained the charge, but differed in fome particulars which happened after the fact. Mr. Young, VOL. XVII.

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fon to Sir William Young, gave the prifoner, who had formerly lived with him as a land fteward, a moft admirable character as an honeft man, and declared to his knowledge he had lately lent a perfon 1500l. The Rev. Mr. Collett informed the bench, that he met the prifoner at Bayswater gate in Hyde-park on the night of the robbery, and walked in company with him to Grofvenor gate, where he parted with him at half after ten. Upon thefe circumftances the bench admitted him to bail, taking two fureties of 2001. each, and a recognizance from himself of 4001. but they were under the neceflity of binding over the foreign fervants to profecute. Mr. Matchem was very happy in being able fo fully to prove his innocence; for under a pofitive charge like the prefent, it might happen in ninety-nine inftances out of a hundred, that the party accused, though perfectly guiltlefs, could not establish an alibi.

His Serene Highness Prince 18th. Erneft of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, fecond brother to her majefty, arrived at Kew from Hancver, on a vifit to their majefties.

A motion was this day made in common council to addrefs his majefty to withhold the royal affent from the bill for making provifion for the government of Quebec, which being feconded, was agreed to, drawn up, and approved; and the fheriffs ordered to wait upon the king, to know when he would be pleafed to receive the fame, who appointed Wednefday the 22d at one in the afternoon.

Florence, May 17. A quarrel happened here laft week be tween the foldiers and the Sbirri, [] occafioned

occafioned by the feizing and cruelly treating a grenadier in a part of the town where foldiers are not permitted to go; the confequence of which was, that the foldiers forced their way out of the fortrefs, and proceeded to the town-houfe, where the Sbirri refide, the gates of which not being fhut, a fkirmifh enfued in the court-yard, in which a grenadier was killed; this exafperated the foldiers, as well as the rabble who took part with them, and a general infurrection was apprehended. However, by this time, Gen. Capponi, commander in chief of the troops, General Goes the Great Duke's adjutant, the fecretary at war, and the fifcal, were come to the town-houfe; but neither their menaces nor perfuafions could induce the mob to retire, till a few light horfe arrived and difperfed them, when the grenadiers alto returned to the fortrefs, and to the main guard from whence they came. The light horfe patrolled the streets all that day and part of the night; the grenadiers were immediately difarmed, and the Sbirri confined in the town-houfe. The Great Duke held councils of war twice a-day for feveral days, during which forty dragoons were fent from Pifa, and proceffes were ordered against the foldiers and the Sbirri; the refult of which was, that two companies of grenadiers fhould be fent to Porto Ferraio in the island of Elba; and two Sbirri, who had fired piftols from the windows of the townhoufe, and wounded two of the mob, were condemned to the gal lies for life; and yesterday the grenadiers were escorted by the dragoons to a place feven miles diftant from the town, where barks are 'provided to carry them to Leghorn,


from whence they are to be conducted to Porto Ferraio, on board two of the Great Duke's frigates, which have been prepared for that purpose.


The lord-mayor, the aldermen Crosby, Lewis, Plomer, and Sawbridge, the recorder, city officers, and upwards of 150 of the common council, in coaches, went in proceflion from Guildball to St. James's, in order to prefent their addrefs and petition againft figning the bill for the better government of Quebec. They arrived at St. James's at a quarter before one, jutt as his majefty was preparing to go to the houfe; and, previous to their admittance, the Lord Hertford delivered to the lord-mayor the following paper:

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As your petition relates to a bill agreed on by the two houses of parliament, of which his majefty cannot take public notice until it is prefented to him for his royal aflent in parliament, I am commanded by the king to inform you, that you are not, to expect an anfwer."

The lord mayor, immediately on reading it, fent the remembrancer to prefent his duty to the king, and to inform his majefty, that he waited officially to prefent to his majesty an addrefs from the city of London, agreeable to his majefty's appointment fignified to the fheriffs; on which, after fome little hesitation, they were admitted, and the fame was read by the recorder.

His majefty then went in the ufual ftate to the Houfe of Peers, and gave the royal affent to the following bills, viz.

The bill for granting to his majefty a certain fum out of the


finking fund, for the fervice of the prefent year.


The bill for redeeming one million of the three per cent. annuities, and for establishing a lottery.

The bill to establish a fund for defraying the charge of the adminiftration of juftice, and fupport of the civil government of Quebec. The bill for regulating and afcertaining the weights to be made ufe of in weighing the gold and filver coin,

The bill for fupplying the fum granted for the recoinage of the gold coin.

The bill for relief of infolvent debtors, and for the relief of bankrupts in certain cafes. And

The bill for the future government of Quebec.

After which his majefty was pleafed to make a moft gracious fpeech from the throne, and the parliament was prorogued to the 4th of August next.

A caufe came on in Doctor's Commons, inftituted by a gentlewoman against her husband for committing adultery with her own fifter. She proving with child, the hufband procured pills to caufe abortion; but that failing, and being no longer able to conceal the criminality, the judge was pleafed to pronounce the appellant to be divorced from her husband.

Venice, May 15. A thock of an earthquake has lately happened at the ifland of Corfu, in the Mediterranean, a fmall territory belonging to the republic, by which one third of the town was overthrown. Stockholm, June 12, Some capital merchants here have just establifhed a whale fishing company, which met with the greatest encouragement from his majefty: he

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"Farewell, vain world, I've had enough of thee, now am careless what thou fay'it of me. Thy fmiles I court not, nor thy frowns I fear,

My cares are paft, my heart lies eafy here.

What faults they find in me take care to fhun,

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On Friday the recorder made his report to his majefty of the eight following convicts under fentence of death in Newgate, viz. William Jones, for ftealing, in the [/] 2 dwelling

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