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§ 36. Mars (Ares), the war-god, son of Jupiter and Juno. The meaning of the name, Ares, is uncertain; the most probable


significations are the Slayer, the Avenger, the Curse. The Roman god of war, Mars, is the bright and burning one. Homer, in the Iliad, represents Ares as the insatiable warrior of the heroic age,

1 See Commentary.

who, impelled by rage and lust of violence, exults in the noise of battle, revels in the horror of carnage. Strife and slaughter are the condition of his existence. Where the fight is thickest, there he rushes in without hesitation, without question as to which side is right. In battle-array, he is resplendent, on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume, on his arm the leathern shield, in his hand the redoubtable spear of bronze. Well-favored, stately, swift, unwearied, puissant, gigantic, he is still the foe of wisdom, the scourge of mortals. Usually he fights on foot, sometimes from a chariot drawn by four horses the offspring of the North Wind and a Fury. In the fray his sons attend him - Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear,- also his sister Eris, or Discord (the mother of Strife), his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of blood-thirsty demons. As typifying the chances of war, Mars is, of course, not always successful. In the battles before Troy, Minerva and Juno bring him more than once to grief; and when he complains to Jupiter, he is snubbed as a renegade most hateful of all the gods.1 His loved one and mistress is the goddess of beauty herself. In her arms the warrior finds repose. Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes. The favorite land of Mars was, according to Homer, the rough, northerly Thrace. His emblems are the spear and the burning torch; his chosen animals are haunters of the battle-field, the vulture and the dog.

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§ 37. Vulcan (Hephæstus), son of Jupiter and Juno, was the god of fire, especially of terrestrial fire, volcanic eruption, incendiary flame, the glow of the forge or the hearth. But as the fires of earth are derived from that of heaven, perhaps the name, Hephaestus (burning, shining, flaming), referred originally to the marvellous brilliance of the lightning. Vulcan was the blacksmith of the gods, the finest artificer in metal among them. His forge in Olympus was furnished not only with anvils and all other implements of the trade, but with automatic handmaidens of silver and gold, fashioned by Vulcan himself. Poets later than Homer assign

1 Iliad, 5: 590. See also 21:395.

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to Vulcan workshops under various volcanic islands. From the crater of Mount Etna poured forth the fumes and flames of his smithy. He built the dwellings of the gods; he made the sceptre of Jove, the shields and spears of the Olympians, the arrows

of Apollo and Diana, the breastplate of Hercules, the shield of Achilles.

He was lame of gait, a figurative suggestion, perhaps, of the flickering, unsteady nature of fire. According to his own story,' he was born halt; and his mother, chagrined by his deformity, cast him from Heaven out of the sight of the gods. Yet, again, he says that, attempting once to save his mother from Jupiter's wrath, he was caught by the foot and hurled by the son of Cronus from the heavenly threshold: "All day I flew; and at the set of sun I fell in Lemnos, and little life was left in me." Had he not been lame before, he had good reason to limp after either of these catastrophes. He took part in the making of the human race, and in the special creation of Pandora. He assisted also at the birth of Minerva, to facilitate which he split Jupiter's head open with an


His wife, according to the Iliad and Hesiod's Theogony, is

* ~laia, the youngest of the Graces; but in the Odyssey it is Venus. is a glorious, good-natured god, loved and honored among

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as the founder of wise customs and the patron of artificers; occasion, as a god of healing and of prophecy. He seems to ve been, when he chose, the cause of "inextinguishable laughter" o the gods, but he was by no means a fool. The famous god of the strong arms could be cunning, even vengeful, when the emergency demanded.

§ 38. Apollo, or Phoebus Apollo, the son of Jupiter and Latona, was preeminently the god of the sun. His name Phœbus signies the radiant nature of the sunlight; his name Apollo, perhaps,

1 Iliad, 18: 395.

2 Iliad, 1:390.

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