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THE tale of Sir Tristrem has in no country obtained more popu larity than in Germany. There are no less than three metrical romances upon the subject extant at this day, of which the first and most celebrated is the composition of Gottfried Von Strasburg. This shall be more particularly noticed after mentioning the others, which I have not had an opportunity of inspecting. Among the Heidelberg MSS., preserved in the library of the Vatican, another Tristrem has been discovered, which is said to coincide with the story as contained in the French folio romance, and is the work of an unknown poet, named Segehart von Babenberg, (t. e. Bamberg in Franconia.) The date of the MS. is 1403; but the poem is said to be far more ancient. The third romance, containing 7699 lines, is the work of Eylhard von Hobergen, and is preserved among the numerous MSS. of the Dresden library. It is probably the same with a romance in the Munich library, which is introduced by the following annotation in another hand: "Of this history has first written Thomas of Britannic, and he afterwards lent his book to one named Dilhard von Oberet, who from that rewrote it in rhymes." This Oberet is most probably the identical Eylhart Von Hobergen just mentioned. The romance was very soon turned into prose, not by a prosaic version from the ancient metrical copies, but by direct translation from the French folio. The first edition was printed at Augsburg, in the year 1498, in folio. It was afterwards reprinted, probably with many omissions, in a collection of prose romances printed at Frankfort in the year 1587, and entitled the Book of Love, a reprint of which has lately been commenced at Berlin, (1809, 8vo.*) The metrical romance of Gottfried von Strasburg is preserved in six different manuscripts, one of which, in the Munich library, was transcribed in the thirteenth century. From another, in the Magliabecchian collection at Florence, the poem was printed in the second volume of Myller's extensive collection of German poems of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, (Berlin, 1785, 4to.) The poet appears, from various circumstances, to have lived in the first half of the thirteenth century. In a digres sion respecting the troubadours of his age, he deplores the death of Heinrich von Veldeck, (who composed a very romantic poem on the basis of Virgil's Eneid, in the year 1180, according to his own account.:) and, among his contemporaries, he mentions Hartman von Ouwe, author of Ywaine, and other poems, which he composed towards the end of the twelfth century; and Walther von der Vogelweide, who wrote a great number of amorous lays between the years 1190 and 1230. Gottfried's poem, though very diffuse, has many passages of considerable merit. He did not live to finish his projected work, which was completed by a poet of the name of Vribert; but the continuation is in every respect greatly inferior to the original. Both parts of the work comprise no less than 26.200 lines. Another shorter conclusion was the composition of Ulric von Thurheim, a poet who wrote about the year 1240-1250.

In the introduction of the romance, the following remarkable passage occurs respecting the original author of the tale of Tris

trem :

v. 29. Ich weiz wol ir ist vil gewesen
Di von Tristrande han gelesen,
Und ist ir doch niht vil gewesen
Di von im rebte haben gelesen.
Tan aber ich di glich nu,
Und schepbe mine wort darzu
Daz mir ir igliches sage
Von disem mer messehage,
So wirb ich anders dan ich sol.
Ich entun es niht, si sprachen wol,
Und niht wen uz edelem mute
Mir und der werkde zu gute.
Bi namen si ratin es in gut,
Und swas der man in gute tut
Daz ist ouch gut und wol getan.
Aber, als ich gesprochen han,
Daz si niht rehte haben gelesen,
Daz ist als ich uch sage gewesen,
Sin sprachen in der rihte niht
Als Thomas Von Britanie giht
Der aventure meistr was,
Und an Britunschin buschen las
Aller der lantheren leben,
Und es uns ze chunde hat geben.
Als der Von Tristrande seit

• From the following passage in Halfdnai Einari filii Sengraphia histona literaria Islandica (Harniæ, 1777-8,) it appears that Tristrem was translated into the Icelandic tongue as early as the thirteenth century: Tristrami et Isodda (historia) per Robertum Monachum in Enguam Islandicam translata jussu Haquini Norvegia Regis." (The Islandic Sir Tristrem was written in 1226. The title is "Saga af Tristrand og Isaldis;" and the MS. preserved at Copenhagen has a notice at the commencement, fixing the date exactly. See Conybeare, p. 196.-Ed.]

↑ The 534 chapter of this prose romance contains the adventure narrated in (304)

Di rihte und di warheit,
Begonde ich sere suchen
In beider hande buchen
Welschin und Latinen,
Und begonde mich des pinen,
Das ich in siner rihte
Rihte dise tihte.

Sus treib ich manige suche
Unz ich an einem buche

Alle sine iehe gelas

Wie dirre aventure was.

Of these lines, the following is a literal translation: "I wefl know that many have recited of Tristrem, though there have not been many who have rightly recited of him. But if I act like them, and fashion my words accordingly, so that every one tells me his displeasure at this tale, I do not obtain the reward I deserve : I will not do thus, for they would speak rightly; I only do it from a noble intention towards the good of myself and the world; for they counsel it well, and what a man does in good part, is done good and well. But, as I said, they have not recited rightly, and that was in consequence of their not speaking the truth, as Thomas of Britanie tells it, who was master of adventures, (romance,) and who read, in British books, the lives of all the lords of the land, and has made them known to us. What he has related of Tristrem, being the right and the truth, I diligently be gan to seek both in French and Latin books; and began to take great pains to order this poem according to his true relation. In this manner I sought for a long time, till I read in a book all his relation how these adventures happened."

Accordingly, the share of the poem composed by Gottfried coincides very exactly with the Romance of Thomas of Ereildoune, though in the proportion of seven verses in the former to one in the latter. At v. 220, we are told that Rivalin has been said to have been King of Lochmoys; but Thomas, who read it in adventure, [romance,] says that he was of Parmenie, and that he had a separate land from a Briton, to whom the Schote [i. e. Scots] were subject, and who was named 'li duc Morgan.” “ A great number of words, sometimes whole lines, occur throughout the poem in French, which are always carefully trauslated into German. This renders it indisputable that the poet had a French original before him. When he had composed 19.315 lines, and had brought the tale to the marriage of Tristrem and Ysonde aux Blanches Mains, death interrupted his labours.

The continuation of Heinrick von Vribert was undertaken at the desire of a noble Bohemian knight, Reymunt von Luchtenbure, (at present denominated Litchenberg.) At the conclusion of his performance, he makes the following protestation v. 6537. "Als Thomas ron Britania sprach Von den zwein suzen jungen, In Lampartischer zungen, Also han ich uch die warheit

In Dutsche von in zwein geseit."

"As Thomas of Britannia has related in the Longobardie tongue of the two sweet young ones. I have told the truth of the two in German." Notwithstanding this declaration. Vribert must have been unacquainted with the original tale, from which his composition widely departs.§ After the marriage of Tristrem, that knight excuses his neglect of the second Ysolt by a fictitious relation. He pretends that after having killed the serpent in Ireland, he bathed in a lake, and sinking up to his helmet in the water, he had made a vow to the Virgin Mary, if she came to his assistance, not to touch his wife, if ever he married, till a year after the ceremony. She accordingly appeared with an angel. and relieved him from his perilous situation. Tristrem then de parts from Brittany, with Kahedin and Kurwenal, and metting with a herald from King Arthur, is fired with ambition to distinguish himself at the jousts proclaimed at Karidol. Upon his road thither he meets with Sir Gawain. A terrible battle ensues, but Tristrem happening to utter his accustomed war cry, "Par menie," his courteous adversary refuses to fight any longer, but conducts his new friend to King Arthur's court, where he is installed one of the Knights of the Round Table. Amongst other adventures, he unhorses Sir Kay and Dalkors, but modestly con ceals his glory for a long time. Gawain had promised to manage an interview between Tristrem and Ysolt, and accordingly he bribes the huntsmen of Arthur to chase a stag into a forest be

the Second Fragment in Mr. Douce's possession, but very considerably shortened. In the Cento Novelle Antiche, the greatest part of which ecllection is Eupposed to have been produced in the age of Dante, a novel occurs, in which the madness of Tristrem is related, which, however, is not assumed, but real The story is evidently extracted from the French romances,

1 In one of the chansons of this poet, Sir Tristrem and Ysolt are mentioned, which is one of the earliest allusions to the romance.

§ The same circumstance probably occasioned his asserting the original to have been in the Longobardic tongue, which was originally Teutonic.

She sends every person to bed excepting Trantrisel, her chamberlain Parananisel, and the two maids Prangano (Brengwain) and Kameline. Then the two friends are admitted, and while Tristrem is employed with the Queen, the two maidens amuse Kahedin. When the former are retiring to their bed, the Britain knight exclaims, Where shall the poor forsaken Kahedin rest?" Ysolt exhorts him to engage one of her two damsels, and Kameline promises to indulge him; but previously places a magic pillow under his head, which causes him to lie soundly asleep till the morning, when, the pillow being withdrawn, he was awakened with the derision of the whole company.

tween his dominions and those of King Mark. When Arthur | discovers that he is seven miles from Karidol, and but one from Tintaiol, he resolves to visit his neighbour sovereign, and despatches Gawain to obtain truce for all his followers. Mark entertains his visiters magnificently; but suspecting that Tristrem would go to the bed of his spouse, he placed an engine with twelve scythes near it, by which the lover is severely wounded. Notwithstanding this, he enters the bed of Ysolt, and discolours it with his blood. Having rejoined Gawain, and related the treachery of his uncle, Arthur and his knights, by the advice of Sir Kay, all cut themselves, excepting Kay, whose heart fails him. Gawain, however, pushes him into the engine, so that he Tristrem now fell sick, and though he was cured by the Queen, is wounded more seriously than all the rest. After these cruel he lost all his hair, and was much disfigured. By the advice of operations, they begin a great romp about the house, throwing their Tantrisel, he went in fool's apparel to Tintaiol, and, obtaining pulows, shoes, and clothes, at one another. Mark, awakened at the favour of Mark, was recommended by him to the care of the noise, and seeing the state his guests were in, ceases to sus-Ysolt, during his absence for eight days on a chase. The lovers pect his nephew, with whom he reconciles himself, and suffers again resumed their intercourse; but Pfellerin, an enemy of Sir him to remain after the departure of Arthur. With the assistance Tristrem, announcing suddenly the approach of Mark, discovered of his page Tantrisel, Tristrem continues his intercourse with the the knight by a great leap which he made, and followed him to Queen, which is, however, again suspected by Mark. Pretending his cost, for the pretended maniac slew both him and his horse with a journey to Brittany, he surprises the lovers, who are tried and a club, and escaped to his friend Tynas, from the pursuit of his condemned to death. Tynas, of Lytan, obtains Mark's permission uncle. for Tristrem to say his devotion in a chapel by the seaside, as he Tristrem, with Kahedin, passes over to Brittany, and the latter is led to execution. The knight, taking this opportunity, leaps into acquainting him with his love for Kassie, the fair wife of Numthe sea, from which he is rescued by Tantrisel and Kurwenal, potenis, lord of the strong castle of Gamarke, the hero promises Mark goes in pursuit of his nephew, who, in the meantime, delivers to gratify his passion. They ride to the castle, and are most the Queen from the stake, and flies with her into the cave of the hospitably received; but Tristrem treacherously contrives to congiants for the second time. Tristrem one day was gone to hunt, vey a letter to the fair one, and according to his request, she furand Mark, approaching the cave, was perceived by his spouse.nishes an impression in wax of the key to her chamber. The two Commencing a conversation with Tantrisel, she artfully com- lovers depart in the morning, and return to Karke, where Trisplained of her traducers at court, and of Tristrem for having aban- trem and Ysolt aux Blanches Mains live together as man and doned her in the wilderness. The easy King, delighted with her wife should do." Having procured a key after the wax model, údelity, reconducts her to the court. Kahedin and his friend issue forth to Gamarke, and waiting till Sir Tristrem, informed of this reconciliation by his page Tan-Nempotenis came forth, and was gone to the chase, they enter trisel, resolved to rejoin his abandoned spouse, who had carefully the castle. Kahedin and Kassic retire to her chamber, and Triscounted the days, and found that the year, during which he had trem, in the meantime, amuses the other ladies. When they set vowed chastity, was just expired. The relentless husband, how out on their return, the hat of Kahedin unfortunately fell into the ever, continues faithful to the Queen of Cornwall, and his neglect ditch, and was observed by the husband, who, by threats, forced is discovered to Kahedin, in the same manner as in Thomas's his wife to relate the whole transaction. Accompanied with Romance, (Fytte iii. st. 51, 54.) Tristrem informs his brother of seven attendants, he overtook the unarmed knights, killed Kahethe truth of his attachment to Ysolt la Blonde, and Kahedin din with his lance, but was himself felled down by Tristrem. solves to accompany him to Cornwall, promising his sister that, The latter then killed five of the attendants, another fled, but the upon their return, the marriage should be consuminated. Upon remaining one mortally wounded him. With difficulty he contheir arrival in King Mark's dominions, the faithful Tynas under-veyed his brother's body home. took to procure an interview with the Queen. He received the The arrival of Ysolt, and the death of Tristrem, are related in Ang of Tristrem, and finding Ysolt playing at chess with her hus- the same manner as in the "Conclusion." His body is taken to band, he managed to show the token to her. The Queen recog- the cathedral, accompanied with the lamentations of his wife. med it, and throwing down the board refused to play any longer. When Ysolt of Cornwall understands the death of her lover, she Mark very conveniently proceeded to the chase; and Tynas re- swoons, and is scarcely able to reach the cathedral, where she lated to Ysolt that Tristrem had staked his life that Kahedin expires upon his body. In the meantime, Mark had arrived with would acknowledge her for the most perfect beauty in the world. an intent to execute the two lovers; but when he hears their Ysolt accordingly issued with her whole meiny, and went to the lamentable story, and the unavoidable cause of their love, he desea-shore. Poor Kahedin was struck with one beautiful maid of clares that he would have resigned his spouse had he been inhonour after another, taking her for the Queen; but when he formed of it in time. The bodies are then conveyed to Tintaiol, really beheld her, decked in gorgeous array, he willingly allowed where the King builds the monastery of St. Mary, in which he the loss of his wager. Ysolt, having sent an exculpatory mes spends the remainder of his days. He plants a rose-bush on the sage to Mark, pitched her pavilion under a fine lime tree, and grave of Tristrem, and a vine on that of Ysolt, which grew up appointed the two knights to enter when the horn was blown. and intertwined together. 2 M

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Abade. Abode.
Abide. Abuy it.

Acas. A cas, by chance.
Adred, verb. To dread.
Aither. Either.

Adoun. Down.
Al. All.

Alede. Ich alede. Every lede,
or rule. Sco LEDE.
Amorwe. To-morrow, or on
the morrow.
An. To ore.
"That me Gode
an," p. 296. What God oocs
me, i. e. Means to send me.
An. Owen. "Held his hert in
an." Kept his mind to him-

An. If. "An than." As then when.

Anay. One no. "This lond

nis worth anay." This land does not merit even to be refused, if offered in a gift. A night. One night. Anker. Anchor. Anough. Enough, suficiently. Anour. Honour. Query, in p. 259, ought we not rather to read Amour?

Aplight. At once, literally one
ply Reply is in common use,
and duplies and triplics are
still law-terms in Scotland.
Are. Erst, formerly.
Are. Oar.

Arere. Or ere, before.
A res. RES. Sax. Assault.
Aresound, p. 264. Criticised.
Aros. Arose.

Aroume. Around, at a dis


Arst. Erst.

Aruwe. Arrow.
Aside. "Ich Aside," p. 259.
Every one side, every side.
Aski. Ask.

Assaut. Assault.

Assise. The long assise. Ap parently a term of chess, now disused.

Atire. Arrange, p. 262.
Atvinne. Between, or perhaps
at toin, p. 261.
Atwinne. At winne.
Auentours. Adventures.
Aught, v. To pertain to.
Aughtest. Oughtest.
Auter. Altar.

Auwine. Accomplish their pur
pose. The Scottish phrase
exists, to win to a place,"
instead of to get thither.
Awede. Sooon. An acute dis-
order in the bowels is, in Scot
tish, termed a weed.
Awrake. Did wreak, or a

Bade nought.

Awroken, reveng


Bed, bede. Proffered, or pledg- | ed.

Bede. Prohibition, from BEDEN, Sax "Of gate nas ther no bede." There was no prohibition of passage, p. 261.

Beize, beighe, BET, BEAT, Corna, Sax. coronet. "Who gaf broche and beize?" Why distributed princely rewards. Belami. BELAMI, Fr. Fair Friend.

Beld. Build.

Beld. Bold, "Of bot sche was

him beld." She courageously, or generously, gave him aid.

Bem. Beam. Sonne-bem. Sunbeam.

Bende. Bandage. Blodbende. Bandage to restrain the blood.

Bene, ben. Been.
Benisoun. Blessing.
Bere. To bear.
Bes. Becst, be.
Bet, v. p. 296. To abate.
Bethe. Be.
Better speed.
Biden. Did abide.
Bidene. Immediately, off hand.
Biforn. Before.

With greater

Behight. Promised. Hight is more commonly used. Beseketh. Beseecheth. Besieged. Besicged.

With alle the borwoes that lith| thereto,

To him and to his aires ever mo To have, give he wold. Borwes. Pledges. Boun. To make ready to go, to be ready, also to be fitted out for a port, in which sense we still say, whither bound? Bour. Bover, chamber. Brac. Bruke. To break a hert, is the appropriate phrase for carving, quartering, or cutting it up. Brade. Broad. "Of folk the feld was brade," p. 259. The field was covered with people. Brak. Broke. Brast. Burst.

It brast thurch blod and ban, Yif hope no ware to rise.

p. 260. It (Rohand's hert) had burst through blood and bone, if hope had not arisen. Brede. Breadth. Bregge, brigge. Bridge. Brende. Burned.

Brimes. Brims, coast, or seashore.

Brinies. Helmets, from Brynn,
Sax. or coralets, from the
French, Brugne.
Broche. A fibula, clasp.
Brond. Brand, scord.
Busk, or boske. To array.


Can, v. To be able. Michel
can. To be powerful.
Chaci. Chase.

Chast, p. 287. To chastise.
Chavel. Jaw.

Be sight. By sight, apparently.
Bileighe. Bely.
Bist, p. 285. Abyest.
Bistode, bystaid. Withstood.
Bitake, v. To commit.
Bitaught. Committed to. "Bi-Cheker. Chessboard.
taught him God and gode Cheire. Chair.
day." Wished them God's
guidance and good day.
Bithen. Between.
Bithen. Then.
Biyande. Beyond
Bituene, bitvene, bitwene. Be-


Blake, blalc. Black.
Blede. Blood.
Blethely. Blithely.
Bleynte. Drew aside.
Blehand. Blue, from bleah.
Sax. Caruleus. Blehand
brown. A bluish brown.
Blinne. To stop, or cause to
stop. Sax. BLINNAN. Ces


Blo. Dark, properly blue.
Blod. Blood
Boathe. Both

Bode. Order, appointment.
Bok. Book.

Cherl. Churl. Ches. Chess.

Barbazan, vol. ii. In the prose Romance, Tristrem, when he arrives in Ireland, wounded, terms himself "Un Chevalier deshatie et malade." Ded. Caused to do.

To childbed ded he go
His owhen wife all so tite.
To childbed did he cause
his own wife to go immedi-

Dede. Deed. Dede away. Put
Dede. Deed. "The steward
forsoke his dede," p. 276.
would say, renounced his

Ded. Dead.
Dedely. Deadly.
Delit. Delight.

Delten. Dealed, did deal
Dent. Dint, stroke.
Departed, p. 281. Parted, se-

Deray. Deroute, confusion.
Dere. Dear,
Dere. Deer.
Dern. Dark, secret.

To serve

dern and dear,"'p. 273, seems a proverbial expression, and by no means intimates any scandal. P. 290, "the dern dede," the wicked deed. Dernly. Darkly, mysteriously, Deste. Dashed. Deth. Death. Devel. Devil

Des, A raised space in an ancient hall, on which the more dignified persons sal Desiri. Desire. Dight. Prepared, dressed, or made ready. To dight to death," p. 260, means to put to death, a common expression. Dome. Doom.


Ches, chesen. To choose, or" Don was on the tre." Done select, used, in the oblique sense, to appoint. A tur nament thai ches." They appointed a tournay. Chirch. Church. Cladde. Al cladde, p. 259. Clothed in armour. Claper. Clapper, usually car ried by lepers or beggars. See Note, p. 294. Cledde. Clothed. Clen. Clean. Cleped. Called. Clobbe. Club.

to death upon a tree. Dote, p. 280. Dotard. Dought. To be able to do. "Never no dought him day." He was able to do nothing by day. This construction is singular.

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Bonair. De bon air. Courteous.


Coupe. See COPPE.

Bond. Bound.

of medicine."

Knew most

[blocks in formation]


Craftes. Arts, or accomplish Eighe. Eye. Eigbo-sene. Eye

Cri. Cry, proclaim.
Criestow. Crist thou

Crist. Christ.


Croude. An instrument of music, resembling a rebeck or fiddle.

Cuntek. Contest.
Cuntre. Country.


"Dathet him ay." Ill luck have him. Dehait occurs in the same sense in the Fabliau, entitled Constant Duhamel


Eld. Old.

Eldron. Elders, in the genitive case," His eldren hald." The hold of his ancestors.


Eme, em, cam. Sax. Uncle: properly, uncle by the ther's side, but used indifferently. Endred. Entered. Erand. Errand. Erly. Early. Ers. Erst. Erth. Earth. Erth hous. Subterranean dwelling, or cave. Eten, etenes. Giant, giants. Everich. Every.

[blocks in formation]

Fleighe. To Ay, flew.

Flamed. Banished
Fles. Flies, shuns.

Flete. To float. Flet, did float.
Flore. Floroer.

Fo. For.

Fude. Food.

Fold, in folde. In number, an expletive.

Fol. Foolish.

Folely. Foolishly.

Fold. Y fold. In fold together. Fon, foen. Foes.

Fond. Found, obliquely, procured.

For bede. Previously proffer-
ed, p. 288.
Forbede. Forbid.
Foren. To fare.

Forgaf Forgave.

Forlain. Lain by.

As woman is tviis forlain,

Y may say bi me.

I may say of myself, that I am in the situation of a dishonoured woman, p.


Pre-hole. For heled, concealed. Forlom, used actively. To lose, "My fader mi hath p. 251. forlorn." My father hath lost


Formost. Foremost. Forward.

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Gerred, caused be.

Gile. Guile.
Giltles. Guiltless.
Ginne. Engine, deceit.
Bot yiue it be thurch ginne,
A selly man is he, p. 258.
The meaning seems to be,

He is a fortunate man, unless he has acquired my affections by artifice or witchcraft. See SELLY. Give. Gif. The original of if. Gle. Music.

Glewe. Glee; properly the joy-
ous science of the minstrels.
Glewemen. Minstrels.
Gode. Good.
Goinfainoun. Gonfalone, Ital.
A pennon, or standard.
Graithed. Arrayed.
Grene. Green.

Gret. Greeted, did greet.
Grete. To weep, still used in

Grete, from græade, Sax. Corn. "All white it was the grete," p. 287. The corn was now ripe.

Greteth. Greet ye.
Grewe. Grew. "That al

games of grewe." Of whom
grew (i. e. were invented) all

Greves. Meadows.
Grimli. Grimly.
Grisly. Ghastly.

Guede. "No guede." No whit.

The words are more nearly allied than might be conjectured from their appearance, gu frequently being converted into to, and d into the similar sound of t. It is the nequid of the Latin. Gun.

Gan, began.

H Haggards. Wild hawks, metaphorically, loose women. Hald. Hold. The sense is obscure in p. 268.

By al Markes hald

The truwage was tan.

It seems to mean, that the
tribute was submitted to by
all Mark's hold, or castle,
i. e by all his counsellors,
Tristrem excepted.

Han. Have. He dede him
han on heye." He caused
him instantly to have.
Hals. Neck.

Halt. Halten, to hold. What
halt it? What avails it?
Hard. Heard.
Harde. Hardy.

To harp, or play on
the harp.
Hast. An haste. On haste.
Hat. Hight, commanded.
Hate. Hot, warm.
Hattou, what hattou ? what
hightest thou? What art thou
Hayre, p. 290.
Heighe. High

A paction, or en Heighe. To hye, to go in

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haste. All in heighe. All in haste. "To heighe and holden priis," p. 258. To go to wage single combat.

Founde, or fonde, Sax. fundan. Heigheing. Command, or pro

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

clamation. Heildom. Health. Held. To hold. Held mine honde." Pledge my hand. Helden. To hold. Hele, heildom. Health. Hele. Conceal. "In hird nas nought to hele," p. 259. must not be concealed in heart. A frequent expletive in the metrical romances. Sometimes it is thus modernized, In herte is not to hide,"

Heled. Healed.
Hem, Sax. Them.
Hende. Courteous,


Hende, p. 292, under hend. Un- Lefe. Dear, obliquely pleased,

der hand.

Hennes. Hence.

Her. Hear. Sax. their.

Herd. Heard.

Here. Her.

Hert. Heart.

Hert. Hart.

as "Lefe to lithe," pleased

to hearken.

Lef. Leve, dear. Lefted. Lifted.

Leighen. To lye.

Lepe. To leap.
Lepe. Leaped.

Hert-breke. Heart-breaking, Lele. Fr. leal. Loyal, or faith

useless labour. Hete. Hight, commanded. Hetheliche. Haughtily. Heued. Head.

Hewe. Hue, lustre,


Heye. High, dignified. Hight. Promised. Hight. To be named. Hird. Heart.


Leman. Mistress or love.
Lende. Land,
Leng. Long.

com- Lerled, lered. Taught.
Lere. To learn.

Hirritage. Heritage.
Hobbled. Tossed.
Hole. Whole, sound.
Hole. See FORHOLE.
Holtes. Heights, from hault,
Fr. or woods, from Sax. holt,
"Holtes hare or hore," a
common phrase of romance,
may either meangray woods,
or bleak uplands.
Hom. Home.
Honde. Hand.
Hong. Hanged.
Horedom. Whoredom.
Hot. Hight, ordered.
Hoten, heighten. Named.
Hou. How.
Huscher. Usher.
Hye. She.

[blocks in formation]

Lerst, lerest.

Teachest, ob

liquely for sayest, if indeed there is no error of the pen, for leyst, p. 268.

Les of houndes. Leash of hounds.

Les. Lost.

Les, withouten les. Without less, an expletive for undoubtedly.

Less. Lies. Lesen. To lose. Lesing. Lying. Without lesing. In truth, a frequent expletive.

Lete. Hinderance. "No let ye for no pay." Be not prevented for doubt of reward, p. 278.

Lete crie. Caused to be cried. Leue. Leve, dear.

Leyst. Liest.

Lete. La

Lete. To leave, left Leten.

Did let.

Leved. Left off.

Lever. Dearer, but used for
Leve. Leave.
Leue. Leve.

Lexst, lext. Lyest.
Lide. See LEDE.

Lighte, al light, obliquely for
all ready.

lik. Same; that ilk, that same. Lighe, pp. 282, 295. Lie.
Ioen. Enjoy.
Ivel. Evil.


Kene. Keen, bold, used often metaphorically, as, p. 272, "a plaster kene." A poro erful plaster. Ysonde that was kene." Who was powerfully lovely. Kertel. Kirtle, tunic. Kest. To cast down. Kidde. Kithed, did prove. Kinde Kindred. O lond ther is thi kinde," p. 259. The land where is thy kindred, thy native land. Kinde. Nature. Bi kinde. Naturally.

Lif Life.

Lifliche. Lively.
Lin. Lain, or laid.
Linden, Sax. The linden tree,

but generally any tree. Line. Properly the time tree, but generally for a tree of any kind. "Lovesome under line." Lovely under the greenwood tree. Lite.


Lith. To allay. Sax. Drinks that are lith, drinks of an assuaging quality.

Lith. Lieth.

Lithe. To give attention.
"Lithe to his lore." Obey his
instructions or commands.
Lithe, p. 276. Oblique for sa-
tisfaction. "No asked he
lond, no lithe."

Kingeriche. Kingdom.
Kithe. To prove. To make an
attempt, p. 260, to practise, Lod. Load, cargo, p. 261.
p. 276, to provoke, in which Lof Loaf
sense it is still used in Scot-Loghe. A lodge.


Loke. Look.

Knave child. A man child. Loker. Looker, p. 280. Guar
Knave Bairn is still used in dian, or protector.
Scotland. Knabe. Puer. Londe. Land.


Laik, love laik. Their lovetokens, from lack, Sax. mu


Lain. Lie. Nought to lain. Not to lie, a common expletive.

Lain. To bely, or conceal.
Lan. Let off, from lin, to leave

Las, lasse. Less.
Lat. Leave.

Lat. Let, obstacle.
Lat, lait. Fashion, or manner.
Latoun. Mixed metal, proba-
bly brass. Isl. Laatun.
Lay. Property a poem, gene-
rally any narrative.
Lay. Laro.
Layne. Did lie.

Layt. Listen.
Lede, in lede. In language,
an expletive; synonymous to
I tell you.
Lede. Rule.

Lede. Lead.

Leeches. Physicians.

Lores Attend to his

Londes. Lands.
Longeth me. I long.
Lores. Instructions.
lythe, p. 260.
Lorn. Lost.
Lothely. Dreadful.
Loued. Loved.
Lough. Laughed.
Lovesome. Lovely.
Lutisom. Lovesome, lovely.
Lye, p. 294. Probably place of
lying, or pitching camp.
Lyoun. Lion.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Oyain, oyaines. Against.




Panes, pans, penis. Pennies.
Obliquely for wealth.
prince proud in pan;"
wealthy as a prince.
Pes. Peace, repose. The King's
Paviliouns. Pavilions.
peace is alluded to, p. 228.
Pece. Piece.

com- Piche. Pitch.

Pelte. To put in.
Pended. Belonged to.

Pine, pin. Pain, constraint.
Pizt, pight.


Plawe, in plawe. Flatly, from

Mest. Most. Mest may. Could Points, p. 273. Points of play.

do most.

Mi. My.

Michel. Much, or great.
Min. Mine.

Minne. Apparently from Mint,
to offer. Markes gan they
minne." They began to offer
marks, or money.

Miri. Merry.

Mirour. Mirror.

Pouer. Poor.
Polk. A pool. In Scotland,
tadpoles are called pow
heads, from their round shape,
and their being found in
Pray. Prey.

Presant. Present.
Prest, PRESTO, quickly.
Preyed. Prayed.

Mirthes, p. 272, used for glees Priis, p. 290. The note blown

or tunes.

Mis. Miss.

Mister. Need.

Mo, ma, moe. More.

Mode. Courage, obliquely anger.


at the death of the stag.
Priis, prize. Price, value, or


Prise, pres. Encounter. "Proud
in pres." Bold in battle.
Prout. Proud.

Mould, appearance. Pride, p. 275. Obliquely used
"Poor man of mold." The
man poor in his outward Privé. Privy.
for splendid appointments.
appearance, p. 267.
Money Privie. Privily.
Coin of one

of a molde.'


Mone. Money.


Must thou.

Scottish, maunst thou. Most. Must.

Quath. Quoth.
In Quik. Quick, alive. As
quik they wald him sle."
They would kill him alive.
We retain this awkward con-
formation in some phrases,
as burning alive, for burn-
Quite. Requite.
ing to death.
Quite, p. 292. Quit.

Mought, Might. "He no wist what he mought."

He knew

not what he might or ought
to do.

Mot. A note upon the bugle.
Moten. Musten, must.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Naught les. Nought less. An Rade. Rode.


Neighe. Nigh.

Nek. Neck.

Were not.

Nende. An end.

Ner, ne were.

Ner. Near.

Nevon. Nephew.

Nexst. Next.

Nighen. Nine.

Nil, ne wil. Will no

Rade, on rade. On rode. Of
rade. Ofrode, from journey.
Radde. Did rede, advised.
Raf, in raf, p. 261, equivalent to
Rathely, Speedily, from RA
THINGA, Sax. subito.
Raft. Bereft, robbed.
Rake. Reach. "This wil the
torn tow rake." Matters
will take this turn, p. 294.

Nisten, ne wisten. Did not Rathe. Ready.


Noither. Neither.

Would not.

Rathe, rathely. Quickly.
Raught, reuzt. Reached, gave.
Raundoun. Impetus.

Nou. Now. Nou are. Noro Raunsoun. Ransom, tribute.

Nold, ne wold.

erst, or first.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Rawe. Row.



Redyli. Readily.

Rede. Advice. Rede means
resolution, in p. 259.
Rede. Read.

Of londe. On land, or, as we Reles. Release.

Ogain. Against.

Olive. Of life. To bring olive.

To take from life, to slay.

Olive, Alive, lively.

Olond. On shore.

On. One.

Onan. Anon.

Onblithe. Unblithe, not glad, or displeased. Onride. See UNRIDE. Ore. A word of uncertain derivation, and various application. Tyrwhitt explains it as meaning grace, favour, pro tection. See a note upon this phrase, RITSON'S Metrical Romances, vol. iii. p. 263. Our, p. 292. Abridged from

Outher, either. Oway. Away. Owhen. Own.

Quer. Over.

Oule. Orol.

Renoun. Renoon.

Reped. Did excite, from RE-
PEAN, Sax. Agitare. "Reped
him many a res.' Excited
many an attack against
Repaire. A hunting phrase.
Res. Assault.

How Gamelin and Adam had
ydon a sori res,
Boundin and woundin many


Against the Kingis pece.

Resoun. Reason.
Rewe. Rowed, or did row.
Rewed. Was sorry, repented.
Rewthe. Pity. "Rewthe mow
ye here." A pitiful case ye
may hear.
Reve. To rob.
Reved. Robbed.
Richelich. Richly
Riis. Rise.
Rike. Rich.

Tale of Gamelyn, line 1080.

[blocks in formation]

Roune. Properly to whisper, Seyt, man seyt. People say.
but signifies, in an enlarged Sibbe. Relation.
sense, speech in general. Sickerly. Surely.
"Rade in roune." Tell in Sigge, segge. Say.
Siketh. Sigheth.
Siker. Sure,
Sindred. Sundered.
Sith. Time. Fele sith. Often.
Site. Sighed.
Sive, p. 280. A sieve; not
what is now so called, but
an implement of the same
shape, used in winnowing
corn. The bottom is covered
with skin. In Scotland it is
called a weight, and some-
times a sieve, the proper
sieve being termed a riddle.
Such a light and broad sub-
stance might prevent the feet
Sket, skete.
from sinking in snow.
In haste. Sax.
SCYTAN, irruere.

Sadel. Saddle.
Sa. So.
Sain. To say, an expletive.
Sain. Sun.
Sake. Guilt. Of sake he
make me free," p. 282. That
he declare me free of guilt,
or, rather, accusation, from
Sax. lis vel objurgium, a Sla. Slay.
very ancient word in the Slaw. Sleto, or slain.
northern languages. Sack Sle, Slay..

less, or sakeless, is Scottish Sleighe, sleiye. Prudent wise;
for innocent.
San Schewe.
hence the modern sty
An expletive, Slo. Slay.

signifying not apparently, in Slough. Stew.

Smare. Smartly.
A licentious Snewe. Snow.
spelling for the rhyme's sake. Socour. Succour.
Sat, from SETINGA, inside.
Sare. Sore.
"Ysain we nought no sat."
We have not discovered an

Som, fiftend som. Fifteen in
Solwy. SOUILLEE, Fr. sullied.
Somers. Summers.
sum, or number.
Somoun. Summons.
To send.

[blocks in formation]

Say. To essay, or try, The
cutting up a stag to see how Soster. Sister.
fat he is, is called making Soth. Sooth.
the say.
Schadowe. Shadow.
Sayn, p. 289. Seen.
Schemliche. Shamefully.
Schamly. Shamefully.
Schare. Cut.

As Morgan
his brede schare." As he
was at dinner,
Scheld, schelde. Shield.
Schene. Bright.
Schent. Disgraced, or spoiled.
Schende. Schent, disgraced.
Scheres. Doth cut, carve.
Schewe. Show.

Schille. Shrill.
Schip fare. Voyage.
Scholders. Shoulders.
Schone. Shoes.

Schope. Shaped, disguised.
Schorn. Shorn, cut out
Schorteliche. Shortly.
Schul. Shall
Schour, schowr. Shower.
Sclander. Slander.

Spede. Speed. "Better speed.”
In great haste.
Spelle. Speech.


To consume, or be consumed. Teut. SPILLEN. It is now applied only to licorn, or whatever is

Jed by dispersion.

Spilden. Destroyed.


A shaving of wood. "Linden spon." Shavings of the linden tree. Spoc. Spoke.

Spourge. To purge, cleanse by ordeal.

Sprong, Sprung.

Stalked. To go cautiously,
as to surprise some kinds of

Stalworth. Strong and brave.
Sax. STAL-FERHTH. Fortis.
Stan. Stone.

Stat. State.

Scrite, in scrite, IN SCRIPTO, in Stede. A port, or generally, a



Scighe. Saw.
Scistow. Sayest thou.
Selly, Sellike, Teut.
Seilli. Silly.
Semblaunt, p. 281. Their sem
Fortunate, divine.
blance, or mode of beha-

Semed to. Beseemed.
Semly. Seemly.


Stede. A steed.

Stef. Stiff, firm.

Stut. Staggered; hence stut-
ter, though now limited to
the voice. Steiter, in Scot-
Steke. Y-steke. Stabbed.
tish, still significs to stagger.
Stere. Steer, manage.
Sterveth. Dieth.
Steven. Hour or time.

Sen. Sec. "Sen on him." Stird. Bestirred.

Look on him.

Sene, y-sene.

Stirt. Started.
Well-seen, con- Stithe. Stiff, stout, applied,
p. 260, to diligent attention.

Sett. Ruled, as in p. 267. Stive. To stave or push with

Tvo yere he sett that land."


It is perhaps derived from Stodieth. Studieth.

SAUGHTEN, to put to accord, Ston. Stone.

or from SEHT, Swed. Mo- Stond. Stand.

dus. The constitution of a Stouer. Store, provisions.

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